Guild Leader
Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers
Guild Leader
Retal is overtune in wvw, the most important retal givil is not shout but Virtues, with 15 point in that line, you get perma retal with enough guardian.
Its more light fields really
i prefer blasting in water field, we try to keep light field at the minium, our retal come from virtues it self every guardian can pop retal 3 times without blasting that’s usually enough to get perma.
Guild Leader
Well I don’t comment too often in these threads as they often turn into a troll fest. But wow the match this week is like a breath of fresh air. Still a little blobby, but compared to the last several weeks it’s fun in bundles. Someone on my server today pointed out that we had “lost X camp”, to which I replied “who cares, this is the most fun in weeks, points this week are irrelevant it’s all about the fun”….
Gandara have been having some awesome open field battles with us, pushing back and forth.
MS is still a little blobby but at least not afraid to fight unlike several servers recently.
Lets keep the fun up all week. =)
I tend to disagree that retaliation is broken. Yes it’s a strong boon, but it is also a counter to anyone that expects to roll out as a glasscannon and spam AOE damage without repercussions. It forces warbands to rethink their builds and strategies, using certain skills at certain times, and more intricate play such as boon stripping starts to play a role. It’s very easy to say that a certain buff or condition is overpowered, and call for nerfs, but to me that just simplifies the game further. Look at the confusion nerf, instead of warbands having to adapt to bring condition removal into their play and stop spamming skills, people called for it to be downgraded and now glamour mesmers are a far rarer sight and confusion tickles.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but I’ve got to disagree with this. Since retaliation hits through armour, being a glasscannon has nothing to do with it really, apart from a lower health pool. Also, if you build right as a guardian, you can get 100% uptime on it, and 100% uptime on the raid. Couple this with a Guardians ability to condition cleanse, and its very easy to counter both necro’s and mesmers, since you’ll get retaliation instantly back once its been stripped, and you can convert those conditions from the necro back into boons. Its led to guilds running a huge Guardian train purely to get this 1 boon, for example GD running with over half of their entire 35+ man raid being retaliation stacking guardians.
It also cannot really be compared to confusion. Confusion was gotten pre patch from the glamour fields mostly, now, this upon activation would give something like 2 stacks to someone, on something like a 36s cooldown at the least. It also had a capped duration at 10 seconds(fair enough it stacked intensity). Compare this to retaliation, where you can get it from 3 virtues, 2 shouts, a combo field + blast finisher(which guardians can practically spam) and a signet, + renewed focus giving you 3 more virtues on a 90s cooldown.
If it wasn’t so easily acquired, I’d agree with you on your points, but its just the fact that atm its such a spammable boon in certain builds that are now being abused that make it such a broken mechanic. It needs nerfing in the BL like it has been in EB, otherwise soon all we’ll see are warbands composed of 15+ guardians, 5 warriors, 2 ele’s, and a Mesmer.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
soon all we’ll see are warbands composed of 15+ guardians, 5 warriors, 2 ele’s, and a Mesmer.
For me, the beauty of GW2 at the moment is figuring out counters to strategies and counters to those counters. I think our warband would have little problems with a group setup that way, retaliation included. We’ve only recently started taking part in GvG more seriously, and part of the challenge comes from examining how the enemy are doing what they’re doing then responding to it. That’s why this week holds a lot of promise, with a whole variety of similarly sized guild groups roaming looking for action, something true PvPers desire.
soon all we’ll see are warbands composed of 15+ guardians, 5 warriors, 2 ele’s, and a Mesmer.
For me, the beauty of GW2 at the moment is figuring out counters to strategies and counters to those counters. I think our warband would have little problems with a group setup that way, retaliation included. We’ve only recently started taking part in GvG more seriously, and part of the challenge comes from examining how the enemy are doing what they’re doing then responding to it. That’s why this week holds a lot of promise, with a whole variety of similarly sized guild groups roaming looking for action, something true PvPers desire.
Meh, gvg’s are different. Its even numbers for a start, part of the silliness of retal is at a certain point you cant beat a larger group if they have retal up – you’ll just kill yourself before you kill them.
Also there is an obvious counter – harass the little backline they have and kill their staff ele (they rely on them more than a more balanced group).
Problem is the classes who are particularly good at that are worthless against pug zergs because they have a 30 man backline that’ll zerg a 1/2 man backline harrasing group down in about half a second. No one wants to play the classes who are good at it because they’re going to be worthless and / or dead for the majority of fights that take place every evening.
Anyway pulling off the counter is just so much more difficult than pulling off the strat. If you just blink to the far side of your melee train then their pressure dissapears as they cant follow you through and have to take a long trip around. Its pretty much a race as to who runs out of blinks or whatever first, your 5+ man backline being chased by 20 melee or their 1 / 2 man backline being chased by a dd ele or thief or whatever.
(edited by Caid.4932)
People exploit – report them and move on. Asking about it on the forum doesn’t achieve anything.
Had a lot of fun yesterday with the Banana’s (TDA)! Normally we dont run on saterdays cause people prefer to go out and get drunk, but we decided lets have some fun together.
Warning, noob ele pov, small video of my pov
Thanks to TDA and cheers to everyone on the maps yesterday
and for who have reported my reply about the exploit dont worry i have a video too for that and im sending to anet:p
Had a lot of fun yesterday with the Banana’s (TDA)! Normally we dont run on saterdays cause people prefer to go out and get drunk, but we decided lets have some fun together.
Warning, noob ele pov, small video of my pov
Thanks to TDA and cheers to everyone on the maps yesterday
I missed ze fun!!!! Loved both the intro and the music dude
Norn Guardian
I missed ze fun!!!!
Loved both the intro and the music dude
Q______Q I am a girl…
Ask Sake, he made the same mistake xD
But thanks! Choosing is hardest part btw, suggestions are welcome =p
Hahaha , oh my still cant stop laughing bout it robin
Cherrs to XxX for all the fun , dont think anyone else enjoyed us teaming up :p
I missed ze fun!!!!
Loved both the intro and the music dude
Q______Q I am a girl…
Ask Sake, he made the same mistake xDBut thanks! Choosing is hardest part btw, suggestions are welcome =p
Girls cant be dudes, it’s the law :P
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
XxX+Tda roaming with 14 at the start 25 on the end too bad no guild are romaning too,for a evening where we both have number.
On AG BL were roaming Army and Mya this afternoon and DYE from Gandara and maybe someone else too. Not ones for ours though, but still MS guilds have backbone a lot.
We were so impressed with the Dawn/BB/rddt pro-skills that dius, XxX, TDA and ONS decided we just had to emulate you. Highest form of flattery, and all that.
Hope you liked the result :>
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
Oh my, I also cant wait to meet AG again, hopefully RS will be able to play against you soon again
Thanks for the totally awesome fights on AG BL this night. At one point our commander was like "Hmmm did we even cap anything besides some supply camps? Ahh what the hell, who cares… [Yak] and [TUP] are still here and up for a fight, lets kick some * "
So, greetings to those two guilds and [XxX] as well as [QQ] who joined the fun later.
This is the coolest matchup we’ve had in a long time, although our night shift decides it in our favor – but i would say the same if we were 3rd place.
I do not speak in the name of my guild
(edited by Amenaza.8346)
AG BL was sad for us :< We always went around looking for action and ended up on the WRONG side of the map. Just plain bad luck :P
Just arrived on Gandara today and this matchup is just what we’ve hoped for in terms of roaming guilds, smallscale and such.
We even got a welcome-blob, so we wont miss our old server too much, thx!
AGBL was good fun this evening, cheers TUP and GWSA and various other guild groups.
Just arrived on Gandara today and this matchup is just what we’ve hoped for in terms of roaming guilds, smallscale and such.
We even got a welcome-blob, so we wont miss our old server too much, thx!
Hahaha sorry for that XD
It was me, i’m sorry, i started commanding on miller sound border and mumble just exploded and we got 35-40 on mumble, i’m sorry gandara you were running with groups of 10-15, We enjoy the coordinated fight when you pushed with Dius, Tda and Xxx together, i hope we didn’t blob too much, i usually limit my event to 35, but people were following me even without commander up.
Guild Leader
MSBL was brilliant for a while. Every group in there was between 10 and 20 with loads of brilliant fights. Having an entire map with nothing but these kind of groups was a real breath of fresh air and a real rarity that doesn’t happen often enough. Which made it all the more frustrating when a 40+ man group joined the map with 2 guilds each running between 10 and 20 and a dozen pugs to top it off.
All the gandaran groups on the map just formed one big stupid blob at that point in the hopes of making a point and going back to what was the start of a really nice evening. It didn’t work so we all joined AG bl to join in a map with guilds running 25-30 and what was basically an unsuitable map for us.
Wasn’t bad and in a normal week would have been as good a night as you can normally hope for (if we didn’t end up on the wrong side of the map every bloody time a fight broke out xD). But after the fights of the first hour just left a sour taste in the mouth and was difficult to enjoy.
I’d name check the guilds knocking about MS bl early in the day to say thanks for the great fights but i have a terrible memory for these things and I’d just mess your tag up or forget it entirely. You know who you are anyway, was fun
@ amelia
These things happen. Was a pity you didn’t end up on AG bl as it would have been a more suitable venue for the event just by pure dumb luck of which guilds went where.
Anyway … would be cool if we could arrange to get certain size guilds in certain borders for the rest of the week. Any interest?
(edited by Caid.4932)
Thank you so much to QQ, MYA, DYE, YAK and TDA for the amazing action tonight. Constant epic fights all between guilds running about the same number, 25-30. That showdown at south island was intense. Again thanks and i look forward to more of the same this week. Also again thanks to MYA for the spanking they were giving us at the start of the evening, made us tighten up after weeks of fighting blobs that run off
War Dad TUP
Caid, Dawn we run 10-15 aside sunday where i do my event like tonight were i limit people to 35 but people keept coming.
If you want to arrange anything just wisper me or Kuper and we’re usually up to
Guild Leader
Had an absolutely fantastic tonight in AG borderlands. Especially the 3-way server battle down in ruins that had us… Yak, Mya, QQ? And some others, Im sure. Such a thrilling fight with beautiful tactics from all sides! Thanks for that massive fight, everyone. It was incredible seeing everyone moving around in their guilds hitting one group, moving off, being hit by another. Absolutely epic action. Thanks so much for the action!
The rest of the night was particularly awesome, as well. Had some awesome battles with Yak, QQ, Dye, Dius throughout the night, kept the action coming and never a dull moment. You all played fantastically, and really kept the adrenaline flowing!
<3 to Dius for the rain of death at NE tower tonight XD
A special shout out to Mya for reminding us what it means to be on the receiving end of a freight train! Amazing standard of fighting from you guys tonight. Definitely rate you amongst the top guilds we’ve played. Keep it up! We want more!
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
(edited by Raeyne.5086)
Thanks for the totally awesome fights on AG BL this night. At one point our commander was like "Hmmm did we even cap anything besides some supply camps? Ahh what the hell, who cares… [Yak] and [TUP] are still here and up for a fight, lets kick some * "
So, greetings to those two guilds and [XxX] as well as [QQ] who joined the fun later.This is the coolest matchup we’ve had in a long time, although our night shift decides it in our favor – but i would say the same if we were 3rd place.
I totally share your feelings, that battle in south ruins was so intense and fun even with that fps drop it was definitely one of my most epic moments in www.. All our guild waves were definitely a beautiful sight! We’re actually 3rd and i think everyone is really satisfied of these nights of struggle and hard opposition! <3
Kudos to all!
CHeers to everyone for the fights tonite.
i leaded XxX and Tda too tonight to have more number,thanks to mya for the few fight we got against you,and to QQ and other guild near the lodge for the 3way battle.
Caid, Dawn we run 10-15 aside sunday where i do my event like tonight were i limit people to 35 but people keept coming.
If you want to arrange anything just wisper me or Kuper and we’re usually up to
Well i thought if maybe we just do it on forums?
Like i know yak, mya and tup are all running similarish numbers these days and apparently it led to a good evening for them.
But tbh theres about 7 or 8 gandara guilds running 10-20 (dius, jdge, tda, xxx … others who’s name i should really remember xD). Be kind of hard to arrange between ALL of us via whispers.
Just thought if we said them guys can hang around ag bl for the week, we hang around ms bl for the week? Leave gbl for the massive pug trains or something like that?
(edited by Caid.4932)
<3 to Dius for the rain of death at NE tower tonight XD
AC’s need a buff :<
Just arrived on Gandara today and this matchup is just what we’ve hoped for in terms of roaming guilds, smallscale and such.
We even got a welcome-blob, so we wont miss our old server too much, thx!
Haha, nice one
Hope you guys are enjoying your stay here, we’ve always loved playing against you guys as you were the breath of fresh air in matchups against your old server!
We’ll try to make the blob an uncommon occasion
Had some epic fights tonight, teamed up with XxX as the enemy groups seemed a bit too big for just our own usual numbers and had some good times against enemies we usually can’t play with due to our smaller size.
<3 to Dius for the rain of death at NE tower tonight XD
Hehe, you didn’t give us a chance to get set up!!!
We were about to push out before you showed up and half the ac’s were unused ye meanies.
Was kind of annoying the groups poking us before that were pretty tiny and the ac’s and siege were totally unnecessary and wasted then you and gws1 (im horrible with tags sorry for the inevitable screw up with that one) showed up and rolled us over.
Had a lot of fun tonight on Eternal with some amazing fights. Gandara and Millers outnumbered us unfortunately so we lost all the towers and got pushed back to our keep. Reinforcements arrived and we routed them.
Although we won reset night, we seem to have lost a lot of players since?
Ag is strong on prime time and a bit later, reset usually is when we do the best because enemy has low supply and we like to attack, nothing is reinforced and everything flips, don’t worry xiderpunk, the fight are awesome everybody is having fun that’s the most important thing.
Guild Leader
thanks to all the guilds on AG bl @ ruins for some nice 3-way fights!
[oO]Delfurion Stormrage [Thief]
-= [oO] Deadly Fusion =-
@caid – so as I don’t repeat myself too much here – but your idea is great (in theory). I would love to see the cross server communities get involved with player driven ideals to get more fun for all concerned. Sure a few give a toot about points – but the majority of us all here, its about having fun with our hobby, our free time – the action. Teamwork and banter.
So ye I would love to see us delegate a colour BL to – groups running 20+ to one zone, 10-20 and small scale to another, and zergs/commander/community blobs to the other.
It works out for all – the small guilds and individuals find lots of like minded people to fight. The people happy in pug blobs get to smash into other pug blobs for their form of epic big scale fights. The groups of 20+ get to challenge themselves with similar sized foes also.
I don’t speak for AG – but I for one would be happy to promote this to the community and see how they felt. Would love to see what our opponents thought of such an idea. Yes big groups could go hunt the zergs, but when there is organised foes to fight who would want too as for hunting smaller groups – just not cricket.
Kind regards TUP
Aurora Glade EU
loving this match up apart from losing people due to constant crashes mid fight …
guess we have to raise the bar … as all those guild are a little more painful finally cant make mistakes … much love the YaKs …
contact :
Big shoutout to Dius, TDA, YaK, XxX and the rest of the people for the fights this evening on Miller’s server. This have been our best and most fun WvW night for ages!
Big thumbs up!
Awesome fights last night on AGBL!
Both worlds gave our defensive units a hell of a time – keeps and towers changing hands more times than I could count, awesome fights in supply camps (!) and all and all, a great night.
Props to Mya, QQ, YaK, JDGE, Dius and AG’s own TUP for ruling the field with force
I love this matchup!!
We’ll try to make the blob an uncommon occasion
We’ve also been trying to shake the blob mentality we’ve gotten into :P
(edited by Gredunza.5031)
Big shoutout to Dius, TDA, YaK, XxX and the rest of the people for the fights this evening on Miller’s server. This have been our best and most fun WvW night for ages!
Big thumbs up!
Though I am normally no fan of the open-mic events of Aurora Glade, yesterday it brought a lot of tense battles. The beginning of the evening we had the hilarious spontanious iniative to have our own “open-mic” event in response to yours. Afterwhich we split our ways.
We came across you and your event at Cragtop or however it is called on that map, with the mindset it was a lost battle. Turned out very intense and a hell of a fight!
Well guys i think we raised the bar for this matchup yesterday! Insane action on AG BL and as it seems on our homelands aswell!
I am not sure if we can top yesterday but i think everyone will try
And for YaK TUP and others that run our numbers…i think we could find a way to always meet a the same BLs if queues allows us too
Hope to see you guys on the BL today evening !
Ps: also looking forward to fighting that uncatchable JDGE asura mesmer again
Its osicat i think @ dantos .
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
Best Matchup ever. Never seen so much great guilds on one point and fight with the other groups. Hope we can hold that nice matchup for some weeks – anet do it!
why no pinbal bumber sounds?!?!11
engie roaming vids:
Ps: also looking forward to fighting that uncatchable JDGE asura mesmer again
That’s likely Osi. Here’s a tip on catching/beating him;
In the middle of the fight whisper him with “OMG YOU’RE OSI! YOU’RE SO GREAT!!!1!!11!”. He loves a good ego massage, and as a result, tries screenshot all whispers of that nature. Now the clever part; in order to take a screenshot he needs to use a key that isn’t part of the three keys he uses to play his class and kill people. So he’ll stop, stand still and look at his keyboard for a while. At first he’ll literally look for a key labelled “Got Screnshoot”, which obviously doesn’t exist. After about 10 seconds of scanning the keys for phrases like “phooto gud osi1!” and “getz +10r egos” he’ll resume fighting.
If you’ve not killed him in that time, then they’re done for.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –