Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers
Well done Gandara on defending SM from our 1 hour long assault! that was an awesome fight!
Yeah, it was pretty intense (and a ton of fun). I tagged up as you started pushing as our previous commander had logged for the night, “i’ll just defend this one push” I said. Then you were back 2 minutes later. And again. And again. 2:30 in the morning I finally got some sleep!
Thought you had it on that second claiming room push, you wiped the siege quickly and moved well.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
(edited by Parthis.2091)
I agree Shadow , its the same with us
Somtiems we’re just blind , or ignorant or mad , who knows either way we just charge into the fray =)
Its about the fun and gigswho cares if i die =)
This is why we settled on Gandara tbh. It’s our style too; we’ll hit pretty much anything. Often stupidly. Sometimes the stupid stuff is the most impressive stuff though.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
TDA … hehe, I know your tag very well!
Cause you brought an awesome fit of laughter over me and 4 gildiesThat´s just, cause we didnt check 2 times, that your team was rolling towards us until we were in downstate, as we were roaming arround. Was two times a example for mass-blindness or idioty or something like that.
But was good, we had a bunch of fun (we droped some tears of laughter) and we had good fights – that´s the way it should be
Haha, sucks when that happens It’s why I’ll never be a ‘raid’ leader. At the moment it’s like:
-Member calls out: ‘x enemies [y] guild at z position’
-Leader: ‘I know, I’ve seen them, move a and stack b’
When I lead it’s like:
-Member calls out: ‘x enemies [y] guild at z position’
-Me: ‘Huh where, what? Ehm, right, well, looks around for 10 seconds, ah there they are! Crap, they’re right on us, charge?’
I’m just glad some people in the guild are a bit more aware of their surroundings Glad you got a good laugh out of it though! That’s the way I personally prefer to take things, with a grin and a chuckle if something went particularly bad.
Thanks for the one nice fight [TDA]! I think you had us down, but then AN joinend the fight and we could revive our members… sry for that^^ Im really enjoying this week, very nice small scale fights and a lot of very good guild groups. Im trying to forget this huge Zerg from Aurora yesterday on their BL^^
[Pony] Egalon
[void] No Content
Gunnars Hold
Thanks for the one nice fight [TDA]! I think you had us down, but then AN joinend the fight and we could revive our members… sry for that^^ Im really enjoying this week, very nice small scale fights and a lot of very good guild groups. Im trying to forget this huge Zerg from Aurora yesterday on their BL^^
[Pony] Egalon
Haha yeah, there was some internal raging at them adding in there It’s WvW though, these things happen and we considered it a moral victory anyway. You guys were just the right size for us by yourselves, wish somebody recorded last night as there were so many close and fair fights where we won and lost.
Think we’ll definitely be returning to AG borderland looking for more of that action Shame about that one big blob at some point indeed, think most of us managed to run away from it most of the time though, but other than that incident it was pretty much a great night.
Couldn’t find the match-up thread in the German forums for this match-up. I like to read those sometimes to brush up on my German a bit, could somebody point me in its direction or has it not been created with only one German server in it?
(edited by multivira.7925)
It has not been created, because most of our people read or write in here. But you can look into the Riverside-Abaddaon-Elona Thread if you want to read german^^ There is pretty much written I guess
[void] No Content
Gunnars Hold
true, because bashing autohit, when autorunnin blobbystyle gives you much time to write … muahahaaaa
Probably most of the posts ocur when they clash and start laging =)
“just wait till the lagg drops we will show you why we are better” :p
That thread is just hilarious =)
My curiosity pops into this thread! Egalon what happened with you being in Army? :O Remember u were in Army before when I was on AG and were in UNTY :P
Are they breaking up aswell? :/
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Where’s the party at tonight … Yak should be on looking for training grps soi the newist yakbabys get into shape
contact :
Millers Sound BL’s tonight was EPIC! So many similar numbered groups and the pug blobs weren’t stupid size. It has been AMAZING so far.
Holy Lootbags! Night isn’t half done yet, and already best night for months. TY to Mya, TUP, Dawn, Riot and XxX for THE most ridiculously fun 3-ways. TUP outnumber us slightly, and we outnumber Dawn and Riot, but everyone getting into the spirit of things.
EDIT: kitten it Lloa, ninja’d
2nd Edit: Oh look. Another AG-hand-holding group ruining another fun map ^^
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
I want to thank [HI] and [YMCA] for the fights on AG borderland tonight.
(edited by multivira.7925)
If AG keeps it up as it is now i will not look forward to a matchup with them again , MS is a lot better than AG and a lot more fun to fight.
Chasing our 5-8 grp with 40-60 ppl entire nite……. go get AM and RS and play with them.
Laughing at these accusations towards AG, to make some examples about both Gandara and Millers Sound (never get to go of AG border anymore because of neverending pressure there, so the situations are on AG border): [DYE] and [YaK] held hands for an entire evening. Not to get started about the MS guilds, they never seem to split off from eachother, combined forces of [NO] [NXM] [QQ] [Mya] and more every evening. Don’t accuse us of random crap, we’re having a hard enough times getting stomped into third place (yes some actually care about points). Considering this game is all about numbers and the fact that we’re in third place, I think we can conclude that both other servers do more blobbing, handholding and zerging than we do. I still hold Gandara on really high respect, but don’t say something like ‘go get AM and RS to play with them’ because I might just find a reason to call every single person I know and blob up to 80 people and rampage on Gandara border. To me saying something like that hurts more than wishing me any disease or whatever, wishing us that is wishing we have no fun whatsoever in this game and that we all ragequit and stop playing, wishing us that is like ‘I hope you all die and stop playing forever’. Thanks Gandara, love you too. We never will blob like RS and AM, even if we wanted to we couldn’t, we don’t have the playerbase. We’re still in third place and please, if you have some logic left in those empty shells they call skulls, realise that coverage is all what matters to points, please realise that your server must be doing even worse in terms of blobbing. Rage
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS] GG Gandara!
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Now, now, Argwulf, the man has a point; but I’ll get to that later on. And you cay say it, multivira, there were blobs. For most of the night (up till now, anyway), we were split into 3 groups, 2 miniblobs of about 30, and one group that kept watch of our towers and keeps, as well as scout.
Why? Pugs. We had barely (if any!) guild groups on AGBL tonight. You were faced with about 70-80 people who really had no other recourse than to follow the few commanders.
WvW doesn’t just belong to guilds (and I thoroughly support the segmenting of it, as discussed earlier) and you’re bound to have nights where the “riff-raff” will band together. I don’t feel like we owe an explanation because nobody actually did anything wrong. I’m part of that crowd, and while I usually stick to defense and solo roaming, I stand by them.
Now, comparing us to AM or RS is unfair, but I understand why you’d be mad. For the record, those two band together guild groups; you were facing simple pugs tonight.
In other words, you, JDGE, MM, ONS and the others, were in the wrong map tonight.
And you were fighting a different war.
From my short and limited experience, the AG you knew is gone. And personally, having read the posts in this forum and knowing your expectations, I was very sad that we couldn’t give you the fights you came looking for. And some of us did try.
Having said that: The fact I was 10-20v1’d by several of your groups tonight, for no real reason other than to get the kill, helps ease my sorrow somewhat.
Life, as they say, is not always fair. You were simply at the wrong place, at the wrong time tonight :P
I hope the remainder of the week improves for all of us.
Oh, I did have some lovely 1v1s tonight near the MS border. That was awesome.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
Yeah the 5 TDAs must have really scared you. All we did was run into your arrow cart and punt the person off with a hammer for giggles. We are such evil blobbers… Oh and a suicide rush to end the night to show our support to JDGE as it looked like osi was trying to get them killed again with his portal magics :P
This was the only place to get any fights with AG, the reason you are compared to riverside is because you played like riverside and even they weren’t as eager on the cannons as you lot were tonight. Couldn’t even have a fun fight with the only enemies on the map actually willing to come out as a small guild (thank you MS, we appreciated it) without a couple of cannons interrupting us wherever we went.
I tried not to post anything nonconstructive tonight, but it has really been the most aggravating night in WvW since I first started. Mostly due to false expectations I suppose indeed. I really try and stay positive, but well, bah.
@Rayne Lee: I suppose you’re right, I was really looking forward to WvW today after the great night on AG BL yesterday. Sadly it turned into a horrible night and I feel bad for a guildie we were taking out for the first time today and sadly not having found him a single enjoyable fight. It might also have been part of the reason that single AG people were ripped in half by guild groups as it was a very inviting sight to see one not on a cannon.
(edited by multivira.7925)
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
Yeah the 5 TDAs must have really scared you. All we did was run into your arrow cart and punt the person off with a hammer for giggles. We are such evil blobbers… Oh and a suicide rush to end the night to show our support to JDGE as it looked like osi was trying to get them killed again with his portal magics :P
This was the only place to get any fights with AG, the reason you are compared to riverside is because you played like riverside and even they weren’t as eager on the cannons as you lot were tonight. Couldn’t even have a fun fight with the only enemies on the map actually willing to come out as a small guild (thank you MS, we appreciated it) without a couple of cannons interrupting us wherever we went.
We’re not playing like RS or AM, we come out and play, always. We don’t build 5 ac’s everywhere. We had siege in the open field, but so did you, Gandara, to be exact, we had one AC and you had one superior AC and two ballistas. Next to that, your screenshot doesn’t show it fairly, there were at least 50 Gandarans around the corner there. Next to that, we are pugs, you are guilds.
By the way, if you told me that Gandarans wouldn’t shoot me if I moved into the range of a cannon they manned, I would tell you you had lost your mind.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
lol! There was nothing but a big ag blob so what do you expect exactly?
Seriously TDA. Charge that group with your guild and stop blob up please <3
MS border was amazing fun today for Dius. TUP, we stand hardly any chance against you at the moment, but we learn so much from every encounter and we do actually take some pride in surviving and downing the ones of you we do catch.
MYA. We truly enjoyed fighting you today and god kitten you have some necros that hit the kitten out of me. Fights versus you was probably the best all night due to you being a good guild and we had close to even numbers. Continue to run alone like you did tonight cause we love fighting you.
Rest of MS border was very fun for about 2 or 3 hours until most guild groups called it and the pug blobbing started. To the AG group of 40 people on the bridge over to Heroes Lodge. Did you really need 2 arrow carts and a ballista to fight 18 Dius? Did you really fear us that much that you couldnt charge us? And did you really have to call in DAWN to help you out when we wasnt stupid enough to charge your bridge? Pathetic. Sorry.
DAWN on the other hand. Nice fights You have become very strong since I last ran into you
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
lol! There was nothing but a big ag blob so what do you expect exactly?
Well basically, if one of your guilds would have hit anything else on the map we would have had to split. It’s all about tactics in the end, isn’t it? Also, doesn’t seem like a fair fight, does it? Four WvW guilds versus a pugzerg, I think that you did it a bit overkill, mister
In the end we were almost even in numbers, so 50 WvW guildies versus 60 pugs, very nice, very nice!
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
(never get to go of AG border anymore because of neverending pressure there, so the situations are on AG border): [DYE] and [YaK] held hands for an entire evening.
Sorry but YaKs stayed on GBL for todays evening untill about 9pm GMT+1 we even assisted a GvG between MS and AG guilds then gone to EB assist some lagfest and ended up in MS cause our border was dead already
Gandara (EU)
(never get to go of AG border anymore because of neverending pressure there, so the situations are on AG border): [DYE] and [YaK] held hands for an entire evening.
Sorry but YaKs stayed on GBL for todays evening untill about 9pm GMT+1 we even assisted a GvG between MS and AG guilds then gone to EB assist some lagfest and ended up in MS cause our border was dead already
I was giving an example of the week Not of today, today we had enough guilds already without you <3
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
lol! There was nothing but a big ag blob so what do you expect exactly?
Well basically, if one of your guilds would have hit anything else on the map we would have had to split.
It’s all about tactics in the end, isn’t it? Also, doesn’t seem like a fair fight, does it? Four WvW guilds versus a pugzerg, I think that you did it a bit overkill, mister
In the end we were almost even in numbers, so 50 WvW guildies versus 60 pugs, very nice, very nice!
Well. They chose the tactic of grouping up and wearing your zerg down until you would eventually leave or something. Thats just as valid tactic as zerging is. Come to our border with your 100 people. We would just need 8 guilds then
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
Yeah. Our 10 man group is a blob indeed. Can you post up a schedule when and where you are going to have these silly open mic nights where there is only 1 commander leading all your pugs around so we can pick up some other map and stay far away from your oh-this-is-not-a-blob-and-we-are-totally-not-ACing-you-to-death-groups!
Thanks [HI] for the only nice fight we found tonight… too bad it was just one.
@everyone else: zerg less plz.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
lol! There was nothing but a big ag blob so what do you expect exactly?
Well basically, if one of your guilds would have hit anything else on the map we would have had to split.
It’s all about tactics in the end, isn’t it? Also, doesn’t seem like a fair fight, does it? Four WvW guilds versus a pugzerg, I think that you did it a bit overkill, mister
In the end we were almost even in numbers, so 50 WvW guildies versus 60 pugs, very nice, very nice!
Well. They chose the tactic of grouping up and wearing your zerg down until you would eventually leave or something. Thats just as valid tactic as zerging is. Come to our border with your 100 people. We would just need 8 guilds then
We wouldn’t leave, we had amazing laughs with our commander, just keep you busy, in the end we kept four WvW guilds busy without them doing any harm to our structures
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
(edited by Dark Lord Killer.9473)
Well … they’ve lost some guilds i guess and it’ll take a while to readjust. Simple fact is that the easiest way to throw some vague organisation and means of competing together is to throw one badge up and zerg.
Pity its as effective as it is and i hope you guys dont stop there with readjusting. Personally if i cared for points i’d be looking to finish last xD. We can have a competition to see how far away we can get from MS and AM lol.
@ Argwulf
Mya did a good job of keeping us busy and away from their towers by giving us fun fights
Pretty early in the night we decided we weren’t going to siege anything and were just going to wander around and kill stuff.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
Yeah. Our 10 man group is a blob indeed. Can you post up a schedule when and where you are going to have these silly open mic nights where there is only 1 commander leading all your pugs around so we can pick up some other map and stay far away from your oh-this-is-not-a-blob-and-we-are-totally-not-ACing-you-to-death-groups!
It’s not your 10 man group that’s a blob, it’s your handholding bond that creates the blob <3
Also we had two commanders today, what you were facing wasn’t everyone we had, we had more to come for you if you became an actual threat <3
I’m going to whisper you every evening now, that’s at least one less handholding Gandara guild to take care of
And I never said that we weren’t blobbing, I just say that we don’t do it as bad as RS and that you are doing it too, only you do it with guilds
As for the ac’s, we had one, oh hell that’s bad
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Laughing at these accusations towards AG, to make some examples about both Gandara and Millers Sound (never get to go of AG border anymore because of neverending pressure there, so the situations are on AG border): [DYE] and [YaK] held hands for an entire evening.
No hand holding from our behalf. Sorry if something looked like it.
We are usually only guild running on our primetime, so we surely aren’t holding anyone’s hand “for an entire evening”. There might be few guilds on same borderlands right before we end our raids, but we definitely ain’t tagging with ‘em on purpose. If they come to the same fights that we are at, thats their business and I don’t blame them, after all it’s called World vs World.
More challenge for us if u ppl want to hold each others hand so pls do if needed.
More love, less qq. Cu in the field everyone.
Peace out!
W Oo M Era Fo Sho // Guardian
Laughing at these accusations towards AG, to make some examples about both Gandara and Millers Sound (never get to go of AG border anymore because of neverending pressure there, so the situations are on AG border): [DYE] and [YaK] held hands for an entire evening.
No hand holding from our behalf. Sorry if something looked like it.
We are usually only guild running on our primetime, so we surely aren’t holding anyone’s hand “for an entire evening”. There might be few guilds on same borderlands right before we end our raids, but we definitely ain’t tagging with ‘em on purpose. If they come to the same fights that we are at, thats their business and I don’t blame them, after all it’s called World vs World.
More challenge for us if u ppl want to hold each others hand so pls do if needed.
More love, less qq. Cu in the field everyone.
Peace out!
Think it was on Saturday or Sunday, not quite sure anymore, just know that you hugged [YaK] for two hours in and around our hills.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
From now on Gandara will just let all guild groups run seperatly atleast half a map away from eachother so those AG pug zergs can get some easy fights since 10 seems to be enough for them <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
From now on Gandara will just let all guild groups run seperatly atleast half a map away from eachother so those AG pug zergs can get some easy fights since 10 seems to be enough for them <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Sounds like a fair deal, that will help us win the week for sure! <3 Now only MS has to do the same.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
yeah run separatly so they can zerg you with 50ppl all the time
Btw. I saw a sentry guard and 2 deers handhold on MS borderlands today
Btw. I saw a sentry guard and 2 deers handhold on MS borderlands today
Pff tell me where they are, I’ll come banish them apart! Or kill them if they group up again <3
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
yeah run separatly so they can zerg you with 50ppl all the time
You’re not good at trolls and jokes, are you?
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
On a serious note Dark Lord Killer <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Gandara is a simple server. We love our guild groups and our guild groups love to fight. We do not really like hitting a door. So when we have a enemy group on the map no matter the size our groups will take the necessary steps needed to fight them. Cause we want to fight. If that means 3 guilds grouping up to do so, we will do so, to get the fight we want. In a perfect world things will look close to what they did in MS lands today. Where guild groups of around the same size just clashed at eachother for hours. I saw 2 siege engines dropped in 2 hours, and in the same time I saw around 146 war banners.
It was full out war <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Now if we meet a zerg consisting of good players. We try first to see how good they are. If it fails we call for some help. If TDA comes that means 6 or 7 people Still not enough right? So lets say we call one more. XxX comes. Lets say we push that. Fight starts. BIG ORANGE SWORDS. What happens? The last guild group on the map sees it. Comes over. Its ONS. You have a fight.
kitten like that happens. If you bring the numbers. Gandara will bring something to give you a fight Do not expect us to be freaking clever and try to split up your zerg, cause as you already said. You had one more group on the map
So everyone should just chill and understand that people will do whats necessary to take down a group of red names.
I was not part of the mentioned fight btw. I just give you some Gandaran mentality here..
Now I been serious enough for this forums for atleast 5 more months mr moderators. I will be back to my old ways now.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
Yeah the 5 TDAs must have really scared you. All we did was run into your arrow cart and punt the person off with a hammer for giggles. We are such evil blobbers… Oh and a suicide rush to end the night to show our support to JDGE as it looked like osi was trying to get them killed again with his portal magics :P
This was the only place to get any fights with AG, the reason you are compared to riverside is because you played like riverside and even they weren’t as eager on the cannons as you lot were tonight. Couldn’t even have a fun fight with the only enemies on the map actually willing to come out as a small guild (thank you MS, we appreciated it) without a couple of cannons interrupting us wherever we went.
We’re not playing like RS or AM, we come out and play, always. We don’t build 5 ac’s everywhere. We had siege in the open field, but so did you, Gandara, to be exact, we had one AC and you had one superior AC and two ballistas. Next to that, your screenshot doesn’t show it fairly, there were at least 50 Gandarans around the corner there. Next to that, we are pugs, you are guilds.
By the way, if you told me that Gandarans wouldn’t shoot me if I moved into the range of a cannon they manned, I would tell you you had lost your mind.
Where did I complain about you building arrow carts? It gave us something fun to do to end the night with, as it was pretty much a complete bust. My screenshot shows it perfectly fairly, just look at the minimap, you see plenty of Gandarans on there. Not sure what you’re getting at, the screenshot was just of what we charged into with the 5 of us to end the night with, which sadly was the best fight we had with AG all evening.
I don’t know what caused it, but I’ve never been hit by cannons this much ever. There was no way to ninja anything as every gate was being defended by a couple of AG guys, we’ve been running around all night trying to find something to do (yes, just us, not holding hands) so please don’t suggest to split off from the other guilds to distract you elsewhere as that’s what we’d been doing all night. This is exactly the same experience we’ve had when fighting riverside: scouts in every structure eager to shoot at anything that moves all night long.
So to wrap it up: No structures to take and no groups outside to fight with, except for the occasional blob. The funny thing is that we were on the same borderland at the same time yesterday and had one of our best nights ever and now one of the worst nights with us behaving the exact same way, so yeah I’m disappointed in what happened.
And yeah your strategy is very effective, nobody ever dares say Riverside is not effective that way. It is however not fun to play against, just as people complain about Riverside not being fun to play against in that way. Feel free to play the way you want, but you’re going to get the exact same complaints day in day out about that way if it’s like Riverside.
(edited by multivira.7925)
Hmm good night to get drunk i guess.
Who was that mystic TDA member who decided to return tonight Sizzling?
Honda, Pony dadda kitten.. you guys are great. Good fight last night.
our Pirate Adventures from June 14 to 17
on Piken Square and Gandara.
On a serious note Dark Lord Killer <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Gandara is a simple server. We love our guild groups and our guild groups love to fight. We do not really like hitting a door. So when we have a enemy group on the map no matter the size our groups will take the necessary steps needed to fight them. Cause we want to fight. If that means 3 guilds grouping up to do so, we will do so, to get the fight we want. In a perfect world things will look close to what they did in MS lands today. Where guild groups of around the same size just clashed at eachother for hours. I saw 2 siege engines dropped in 2 hours, and in the same time I saw around 146 war banners.
It was full out war <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Now if we meet a zerg consisting of good players. We try first to see how good they are. If it fails we call for some help. If TDA comes that means 6 or 7 people
Still not enough right? So lets say we call one more. XxX comes. Lets say we push that. Fight starts. BIG ORANGE SWORDS. What happens? The last guild group on the map sees it. Comes over. Its ONS. You have a fight.
kitten like that happens. If you bring the numbers. Gandara will bring something to give you a fight
Do not expect us to be freaking clever and try to split up your zerg, cause as you already said. You had one more group on the map
So everyone should just chill and understand that people will do whats necessary to take down a group of red names.
I was not part of the mentioned fight btw. I just give you some Gandaran mentality here..
Now I been serious enough for this forums for atleast 5 more months mr moderators. I will be back to my old ways now.
I understand you and even though my previous posts might suggest that I feel that Gandara does this all the time, I would like to nuance that I respect the playstyle of Gandara very much and most of the time it’s seperate guilds running. It’s just that I had to point out these particular events, because we were getting compared to RS and AM while we are doing the best we can to run seperate groups. We just don’t have as many WvW guilds as the other servers anymore.
Next to that the fight was actually quite enjoyable, especially with the good laughs we had on the voicecomms. I think in my anger I just wanted to point out the hypocricy of the people mentioning we are like RS and AM.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Let’s say you were only like RS and AM tonight ok?
Where did I complain about you building arrow carts? It gave us something fun to do to end the night with, as it was pretty much a complete bust. My screenshot shows it perfectly fairly, just look at the minimap, you see plenty of Gandarans on there. Not sure what you’re getting at, the screenshot was just of what we charged into with the 5 of us to end the night with, which sadly was the best fight we had with AG all evening.
I don’t know what caused it, but I’ve never been hit by cannons this much ever. There was no way to ninja anything as every gate was being defended by a couple of AG guys, we’ve been running around all night trying to find something to do (yes, just us, not holding hands) so please don’t suggest to split off from the other guilds to distract you elsewhere as that’s what we’d been doing all night. This is exactly the same experience we’ve had when fighting riverside: scouts in every structure eager to shoot at anything that moves all night long.
So to wrap it up: No structures to take and no groups outside to fight with, except for the occasional blob. The funny thing is that we were on the same borderland at the same time yesterday and had one of our best nights ever and now one of the worst nights with us behaving the exact same way, so yeah I’m disappointed in what happened.
And yeah your strategy is very effective, nobody ever dares say Riverside is not effective that way. It is however not fun to play against, just as people complain about Riverside not being fun to play against in that way. Feel free to play the way you want, but you’re going to get the exact same complaints day in day out about that way if it’s like Riverside.
You called us Riverside, for us Riverside means two things: Blobs and arrowcarts, considering you didn’t mean it in a positive way, you were complaining about arrowcarts.
I think you could say we adapted to the constant ninjas from both Gandaran and MS guilds during this week, I wasn’t there to see it for the largest part of the evening but if it’s true what you are saying, I’m actually proud at my fellow Gladians.
Also you had one of the best evenings on AG border the night before, meaning that you actually had fun on our border. Now correct me if I’m wrong, it’s hard to impossible to ever have fun on RS or AM border, therefore making your comparison to those two servers out of the lines and over the top. Every server has it good and bad days, it isn’t always fun to run on Gandara border either!
We don’t choose to play blobby, we choose to fight on the open field and on the open field, fights require more people than when you’re hiding on the walls. I think I can speak for many fellow gladians that we will put in as much effort untill we can protect our ground (or can’t put any more effort in). Personally I would prefer fighting a rather large group on the open field than a slightly smaller group that’s on a wall
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Let’s say you were only like RS and AM tonight ok?
Still disagree, we didn’t have 10 arrow carts per square inch and we didn’t have blobs of 90 people If we have those things, fine, call us RS and AM, but we didn’t
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Best fight of the night for me had to be the Millers Briar fight early on…
Started with Dius Vs Mya near Vale, MS Riot pitched in so we backed out… DAWN then tried to hit our flank, but Mya went to hit DAWN, meanwhile we double backed on ourselves to counter charge, TUP then pitched in for a total of a three way fight including;
Mya, DAWN, TUP, Riot and Dius all trying to flank/rear end/out maneuver each other. Was just as immense fight, lag wasn’t there (for once) which made the fight all the more better.
If anyone is trying to be Riverside tonight it clearly Gandara… 1am and running a 60+ man blob most the time it seems. Fun trying to fight them with 25-30 people oO
Still. Got 3 levels of you in a short while so wont complain to much.. just my god it looks like senseless zerging from you.
Until today it been really fun matchup without really seeing any massive blobs… guess you figured we must be missing the normal german playstyle (MS seem exempt from this playstyle agreement germans seem to have ;p )