Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parthis.2091


half+half= 1 +half =1.5 hmmmm…,nite.

It’s AG blob math.

You know, 30 guildies and 42 PuGs is still only 28 guildies. Or something. I don’t know. It’s late. Get out of my house.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bero.2193


How I see the fights in this match up

thanks all, hope to see you next week <3

Commander Tálok

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Smok.2385


Many thanks to both TUP and Mya for the GvGs. It’s always good to have the opportunity to fight such guilds as it shows us theres always work to be done and improve.
Hope we cross swords again in a near future and good luck for both on the next matchup.
Hugs and kisses

Smokkz – Warrior of the Yakslappers [YaK] Warband
Gandara (EU)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maltra.7890


The third side of the coin.

Maltra XxX

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


Thanks to a lot of evil enemies for a fun night, I don’t know where the hell we were but we had a blast there. Thanks to [ping] for hanging out with us, hope you enjoyed our company :P

We sure did.
Thx for having us
Had some good fights.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: nirx.7346


Thanks to all for this great matchup.
Lots of intense battles, lots of fun and lots of great guilds.
Good luck for your next matchups. I hope to see you again soon.

Nirsary Eiswolf
[Wotans Kinder] auf Millersund (DE)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


Thx to all for the week with great fights. Hope to see you guys again

Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: hallonknopp.6532


half+half= 1 +half =1.5 hmmmm…,nite.

It’s AG blob math.

You know, 30 guildies and 42 PuGs is still only 28 guildies. Or something. I don’t know. It’s late. Get out of my house.

How can it be AG blob math, when posted of a Gandara? Sounds more like your way of counting on the perfect Gandara need some improvment.

Random PUG (scum)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: wombatpanda.8165


Thx to everyone( mostly on AG BL :p) for the fun week we had. I would say best matchup so far for roaming guilds.
I wouldnt mind get the same matchup again but i also would switch one of you guys out for piken oder baruch bay because of the guilds there. But just for a week or so then i would want this matchup again greetz to XxX aswell we are looking forward to do a GvG against you guys next time we meet just tell us when you are open for some GvG action

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Riselight.3695


MS, why do you love cragtop so much, and why do you want it so badly? xD

Riselight [WvW] – Elementalist
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parthis.2091


half+half= 1 +half =1.5 hmmmm…,nite.

It’s AG blob math.

You know, 30 guildies and 42 PuGs is still only 28 guildies. Or something. I don’t know. It’s late. Get out of my house.

How can it be AG blob math, when posted of a Gandara? Sounds more like your way of counting on the perfect Gandara need some improvment.

Morning Mr Grumpy Pants.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: hallonknopp.6532


Good morning

Random PUG (scum)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: jaimy.4108


greetz to XxX aswell we are looking forward to do a GvG against you guys next time we meet just tell us when you are open for some GvG action

Hi back!

Thank you for showing interest in a GvG with us,

But we have never done and GvG and currently have no future intensions on starting GvG’s either.
We enjoy the hunt en suprises the open battlefield can bring us =)

But next time you have one Ill be there to cheer you on like yesterday!


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: dave.2846


Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS] GG Gandara!

maybe you meant [OS] i never see [ONS] tag in Gandara server

yesterday we were so many [OS] …. 14 people is a record for us most of the time we can not fill 2 party

few but good we prefer quality over quantity

Crhono The Guardian / Crhono The Warrior
WvW officer from [OS] Oscura Simmetria Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS] GG Gandara!

maybe you meant [OS] i never see [ONS] tag in Gandara server

yesterday we were so many [OS] …. 14 people is a record for us most of the time we can not fill 2 party

few but good we prefer quality over quantity

[ONS] is a Gandaran Guild called One Night Stand

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: dave.2846


my bad i dont remember this guild sorry [ONS] :p

Crhono The Guardian / Crhono The Warrior
WvW officer from [OS] Oscura Simmetria Gandara

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Twinny.9304


and just to think if we were still on old system we’d have a nice match up tonight, Gandalf-Aurora-FSP all in tier 5 together Problem is with this system its like pick a name out of the hat anyway fingers crossed this is what is the match up I hope for ^^

Twinny Todd – Guardian – FSP [PunK]
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Missy.7356


and just to think if we were still on old system we’d have a nice match up tonight, Gandalf-Aurora-FSP all in tier 5 together Problem is with this system its like pick a name out of the hat anyway fingers crossed this is what is the match up I hope for ^^

Maybe if we all sacrifice rams on the altars, the Pink Gods will show their pleasure and give us good match ups this reset lottery, last time we upset the Pink Gods we got both RS and AM.. just saying :P

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Twinny.9304


and just to think if we were still on old system we’d have a nice match up tonight, Gandalf-Aurora-FSP all in tier 5 together Problem is with this system its like pick a name out of the hat anyway fingers crossed this is what is the match up I hope for ^^

Maybe if we all sacrifice rams on the altars, the Pink Gods will show their pleasure and give us good match ups this reset lottery, last time we upset the Pink Gods we got both RS and AM.. just saying :P

I wouldn’t class that match up as upsetting the Pink Gods, I’d call that verbally abusing the kitten out of the Pink Gods to end up with that match up Good luck to all on the EU WvW Lottery and hope u get the match up u all want

Twinny Todd – Guardian – FSP [PunK]
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gredunza.5031


Little tip, if you’d like us to “come out and play,” you should consider letting us get in first….


~Rayne Lee [ODDY], Aurora Glade EU

(edited by Gredunza.5031)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Butsu.9482


had LOTS of fun vs you guys, thank you ! I think I speak in the name of all [YaK]

[YaK] – Gandara
chippy di dippidy

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Little tip, if you’d like us to “come out and play,” you should consider letting us get in first.

  • You lost a tower your guild claimed, and that is T3, outside your spawn and reinforced from Garrison. To take it ANY server would need more than 10 people, so that happens.
  • You spent the majority of the week camped on an arrow cart on the rock at that tower (we know this because JDGE deliberately went there several times just to mesmer-yank you off that rock and kill you). It became a running joke, The Oddy Necro, master of the arrowcart.
  • You have people in that tower, fighting, we can see them on the mini-map. You have no commander on. You have the map-shout out, and you have plenty of options to save that tower.
  • But it’s easier to take a screenshot, stand on a cliff and proclaim it pointless.

You’ve spent time in this thread moaning about being killed as a solo player (which you ninja edited as a thankyou to one guild for not killing you).

  • Red is dead.
  • You’re red.
  • You were also dead.
  • We’re simple folks, we stay true to the mantra.
  • A reiteration: Red. Is. Dead.
  • If you’re on your own you’re either; a scout, on the way to join the pack, moving to your guild or running supps for repairs/building. Non of those are reasons to not nuke you on sight.
  • If you want to dual, there’s a place for that. If you want to roam, roam, just accept that you’ll die. We do the same stuff, it’s fine.
  • Bullet points.

You’re sullying the good name of Bill Oddy, famed Warlord and Gladian.

Also, nice additional ninja-edit on the smiley, wouldn’t want people to think you were moaning.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

(edited by Parthis.2091)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Karahol.9840


Also, nice additional ninja-edit on the smiley, wouldn’t want people to think you were moaning.

Take it easy… match-up is over either way.

Thing i liked about this match-up was the fact that things flipped a lot, which means that we had almost the same coverage and the same numbers. AG managed to even get SM to T3 for one day!!! (big improvement)

Good luck to all for next match-up and hope to see you soon, Miller’s Sound and Gandara.

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gredunza.5031


  • You lost a tower your guild claimed, and that is T3, outside your spawn and reinforced from Garrison. To take it ANY server would need more than 10 people, so that happens.
  • You spent the majority of the week camped on an arrow cart on the rock at that tower (we know this because JDGE deliberately went there several times just to mesmer-yank you off that rock and kill you). It became a running joke, The Oddy Necro, master of the arrowcart.
  • You have people in that tower, fighting, we can see them on the mini-map. You have no commander on. You have the map-shout out, and you have plenty of options to save that tower.
  • But it’s easier to take a screenshot, stand on a cliff and proclaim it pointless.

You’ve spent time in this thread moaning about being killed as a solo player (which you ninja edited as a thankyou to one guild for not killing you).

  • Red is dead.
  • You’re red.
  • You were also dead.
  • We’re simple folks, we stay true to the mantra.
  • A reiteration: Red. Is. Dead.
  • If you’re on your own you’re either; a scout, on the way to join the pack, moving to your guild or running supps for repairs/building. Non of those are reasons to not nuke you on sight.
  • If you want to dual, there’s a place for that. If you want to roam, roam, just accept that you’ll die. We do the same stuff, it’s fine.
  • Bullet points.

You’re sullying the good name of Bill Oddy, famed Warlord and Gladian.

Also, nice additional ninja-edit on the smiley, wouldn’t want people to think you were moaning.

  • I don’t think I’ve ever moaned.
  • Some things are said in the heat of the moment, and I don’t think trying to stay positive (something I invite you to do, as well) and backtracking out of them should be something to be admonished over.
  • I’ve defended my guild and my world with ferocity since I’ve started playing and I don’t think you’re in a position to say otherwise.
  • I don’t like hypocrisy.
  • I do like bullet points.

Thank you for the matchup and good luck up in the next one.

~Rayne Lee [ODDY], Aurora Glade EU

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Silent Shino.7239

Silent Shino.7239

Ty RiverGlade for the nice small scale you offered this afternoon.
2 ac’s on openfield close to keep for fight some [ping] + pugs outmanned

RiverGlade? people like you shouldn’t play GW2, I hate RS and everything they do, they are the most annoying server I have ever fought, believe it or not, I like GD and MS, they are honourable servers and they are great fun to fight, AG isn’t perfect but we will never be drawn to the same level as those evil arrow cart spammers, in fact, look at this picture I made:


Shino: Guardian of the Glade
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parthis.2091


  • I’ve defended my guild and my world with ferocity since I’ve started playing and I don’t think you’re in a position to say otherwise.


Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: egalon.1702


Thanks for the nice matchup! I hope we will not face our german friends from AM and RS…
We will see

[void] No Content
Gunnars Hold

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyialo.6532


Matchup is done but our movie is up now. Take a look to the best WvW week we had.

Get your Bags Part 5

Tyialo – Mesmer/Warrior
Guildlead of Menelya[Mya] – Piken Square