3 wvw kills
Gandalf Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Arborstone?
3 wvw kills
So uh Punk uhh… you always roam alone… right? All those others are our imagination right?
Edit: Just so you know, I cant find the post now, maybe deleted or moderated? But this post is out to your member who said how annoying blobbing is and boring it is
Otherwise had a few nice fights. Arborstone was funny with their attempted flank manouvers. Nice try
Personally, we try our best to run alone as im sure you do, we have a guild event every day at various times and we do get odd pugs following not through choice as im sure u can understand. We don’t have massive numbers we usually start with around 20ppl and they start dwindling off bit by bit as the night goes on. Although i think u may be referring to 1 of the 2 occasions this week where we had so many pugs following and no commander on map we abandoned our event and 1 of us put our tag up to help them out, we are a nice friendly bunch and relatively new like FSV. What u have to understand is that a great portion of our guild is made up of very well known (on our server) pug commanders who have decided to move from commanding pugs and move as a guild and since their names are known, pugs do tend to follow, which cant be helped really. However, ty vm for the fights btw, i’ve really enjoyed all the fights this week
. Anyway as ive said not so much our fault apart from them 2 occasions that i can recall or maybe if we flank with other guild then split and do our own thing, and maybe start to tell our guildies to start changing their names lol.
P.S as soon as our numbers start to dwindle quite low and our event is over whats left of us still like to have a fight, some will scout, some may strike camps and dolyaks etc and some may join up and follow nearest commander on map for a little more action so they may be other times when we dont move as a guild but whilst our event is on we do try our best to move alone (untagged).
PunK. Thanks for the two fights tonight. You are a tough bunch to take down. Had hoped you wanted to come back for revenge all night, but guess you didnt want it
thank you very much for the fights, you Gandarans are a tough bunch, I give you that
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
You definitely weren’t running around with [GoT] all night then? And the night before?
Not calling you blobbers btw, with the number of Gandarans who’ve decided to play this week you’re justified in trying to match numbers. But I might be calling you a liar. Yup, I am.
Hello has all,
In view of staff, I think that arborstone I go out of it tres well this week in spite of the permanent inferiorité.
Of tres beautiful fight of every quoted(esteemed), beautiful grip(taking) of fort there ninja rapids :p
Felicitation gandara for the victory and has cimefroide for attacks weakness ^^
Good game has all and reset voucher.
Hello has all,
In view of staff, I think that arborstone I go out of it tres well this week in spite of the permanent inferiorité.
Of tres beautiful fight of every quoted(esteemed), beautiful grip(taking) of fort there ninja rapids :p
Felicitation gandara for the victory and has cimefroide for attacks weakness ^^
Good game has all and reset voucher.
reset voucher for you too.
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
You definitely weren’t running around with [GoT] all night then? And the night before?
Not calling you blobbers btw, with the number of Gandarans who’ve decided to play this week you’re justified in trying to match numbers. But I might be calling you a liar. Yup, I am.
I was one of the GoT players who was with PunK yesterday together with 5 or so more GoT. Total number was 22 (PunK + GoT) at the highest and we lost around 2-4 players every hour or so.
The fact PunK and GoT are running together more often (this week) was due to lower numbers on our server as a whole and thus our guild groups aswell and, to be honest, we could run with 2 groups of 15 but if we’d do that we’d loose to your group of 30 everytime we face you with just 1 of our 15 group….
Best moment I had yesterday at EB was when we ninja’d a tower you, Dius, was trying to cap (when you build an AC at the stairs to lord). Looked like you had a bit more players there, although we still won :-)
I got no complaints about you running together, Dius sometimes runs with TDA or YaK if we’re struggling with numbers. Just don’t come on forums and claim that you didn’t.
EDIT: and that was our tower, we weren’t trying to cap it. We were just leaving lots of holes in the wall to keep the stream of french lootbags coming in >:P
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
Been an odd week, most of Gandalf types I have seen in WvW this week no idea who they are, Arbor have been great after initial zerged out of existence and even tho FS had a rough time with negative against expectations tick have been a strong and fun opponent. I am actually liking the new system because its focusing people on just having good and fun fights rather than giving a puppy (see what I did there?) about the overall points. Not just saying this cos we had a semi easy time, reckon I would have had even more fun if we were in FS position.
I got no complaints about you running together, Dius sometimes runs with TDA or YaK if we’re struggling with numbers. Just don’t come on forums and claim that you didn’t.
EDIT: and that was our tower, we weren’t trying to cap it. We were just leaving lots of holes in the wall to keep the stream of french lootbags coming in >:P
I did say “we try our best to run alone” i didnt claim we always run alone. I had just came online when we took that tower (so i wouldnt have known who was running with us before then) but a few mins after that our "guild event ended early and one of the guys chucked his tag up to take over pug commander so we ran with the pug zerg from then on. I did notice the tower was urs, u had some serious holes there, and tbh that was a great fight and towards the end of it the pug zerg came along as we were in the ring capping it (still fighting u guys off) so i dont know if we would have held out against u or not, you guys hit very hard i used my stability a little too soon at one point (noob mistake) and got hit out of the tower as i was heading back into the tower to get back to the lord room with the guys i noticed the pug zerg coming in the distance and thought to myself “thank kitten for that” lol but regardless i thought we done good up until then. Good fight u guys are tough as nails and we dont claim to be anything we not, we are a new fresh guild made up of very experienced wvw players but players who are still learning to move and play and gear up as a unit and when we come across any organised guilds like yourselves its a massive test for us. We try our best to give it a shot win or lose, and each time we learn more, and try to give u guys a good fight (which i hope we do) I wouldn’t like to think we are an easy farm lol. I been enjoying the fights all week not on as often as usual as the kids have been off school but yeh good fights so thnx.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
only few good evening with a lot of fight
5-6-2013 Fsv -Got – You – Dw -Tnn+pug, we was running with 13/17 member on
6-6-2013 Tz – Rct – Kale- Pug (still uploading) our first evening run with 20 active member on
Fsv we like you,grown up with number,,never give up even when the enemy zerg you,try improve always,play like that and im sure u get new member who want play like that,hope we can met again in the future.
I hope the next matchup is not again against germans localized server because can be a long boring week.
ps: thanks to all the guild who fought against us.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Best moment I had yesterday at EB was when we ninja’d a tower you, Dius, was trying to cap (when you build an AC at the stairs to lord). Looked like you had a bit more players there, although we still won :-)
I think our top amount was 14 the whole night… so uhh more players whut? Also we still had loads of steam left until your PUG group rear ended us
Edit: I just saw “Group of 30+”.. Now Dius does have freak variations of numbers but we rarely ever hit 25 let alone 30 ._.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Looks like Gandara wants their Border back :X
Was a pretty oke match-up. Had nice fights, had some bad fights ^^
XxX, we will miss you, but I’m sure we will meet again
Well, this week gave us a lot of time to think and improve our teamplay vs. large numbers, so we need to thanks gandara’s guilds.
Yesterday night we’ve had good fights on our borders, keep playing! See you soon on another matchup.
Best moment I had yesterday at EB was when we ninja’d a tower you, Dius, was trying to cap (when you build an AC at the stairs to lord). Looked like you had a bit more players there, although we still won :-)
Uhm. We had 14 all night. And we traded places with you in the tower and it was just a mexican stand off until the Orange Swords of WXP brought more FSP in our backs And we didnt try to cap cause we already had capped it for 30 minutes just letting gate and walls be open to get some fights
Who knows, we might be in the same matchup again next week :s
Best trap ever No gandarans was truly hurt in the making of this video
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
Looks like Gandara wants their Border back :X
Just for you FSV, thought you like to see what it looked from our side.
Looks like Gandara wants their Border back :X
Just for you FSV, thought you like to see what it looked from our side.
Ofc my computer crashes when we do stuff like that T.T
Best trap ever
No gandarans was truly hurt in the making of this video
Best trap ever
No gandarans was truly hurt in the making of this video
Haha hurt them more!
kitten Gandara didnt fall for our trap for a second time =(
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
lol gg anets new match making
All that talk of FSP blobs, Gandara blobs … Anet decided to put us with AM to remind us what a blob is …
I miss this matchup already!!!! give us the french back!
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
All that talk of FSP blobs, Gandara blobs … Anet decided to put us with AM to remind us what a blob is …
lol yeh
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
Outmanned on our own border and facerolled by a 50+ AM blob. Loving this matchup already. Time for PvE untill Anet decides to give us a more balanced matchup.
(edited by Mnl.8146)