contact :
Ann I tried to watch mya vid and I saw yak in the coma nets I can’t read German so I have to make up what you said .. Haha you don’t want to know what we made up ?!!
Where the party at tonight need to put some yak into shape, hopeful ques won’t stop us MSG me for Gvg we need more practice
<3 from YaKs
The video from MYA wasn´t a flame!
You start do drop their performance down with words like: “You make better vids while you fight against real WvW Guilds to show your skill, not such a garbage”
I think thats the reason the flame starts again.
However have fun! It is ok, if you like small scale, it is ok if you like Blobbing.
BTW small scale grps will be called on elona as mad groups…
Their only job is to die!!!
I wonder how Gandara or Miller would react, if they had the match-up Abaddon had 2 weeks ago ( Riverside- Elona- Aba)… maybe they would cry even more, but i dont think this is even possible.
@Icey I just said that we have respect for guys like you, TUP and xxx. And thats always Nice to fight against you.
I think I was asked sometime last week for it, This is for you MYA I hope you guys enjoy and can’t wait to see yours from this week’s
Highly Recommend Part I or III <3
I think Gandara might also enjoy it…
Maybe Abbadons might too I don’t know
we’re looking forward to fighting the pvp servers in this match up again sometime soon
I should have them listed together If the link works
Good luck getting fun out of Abbadons
Respect to the warrior from Tchu (and his IC guardian friend) this morning on Abbadon BL, real good fighting and you can handle your warrior very well.
And to the thief from judge who annoyed us the whole day “man you’re really an annoying harassment!”
Sorry that we’re ignoring you most of the time, but we have better to do, than trying to kill an perma stealth thief.
btw. the gandara-reset this morning (whole BL except of hills) was done with about 6-8 guys.
And we ran this noon mostly with 5-12 people, so don’t say we’re only blobbing.
fyi this evening ADAC will run guild internal (20-35 people). Sadly I can’t join before 9 pm because of WT training.
Yeah thanks to ADAC for running out of the blob usually
Respect to the warrior from Tchu (and his IC guardian friend) this morning on Abbadon BL, real good fighting and you can handle your warrior very well.
And to the thief from judge who annoyed us the whole day “man you’re really an annoying harassment!”
Sorry that we’re ignoring you most of the time, but we have better to do, than trying to kill an perma stealth thief.btw. the gandara-reset this morning (whole BL except of hills) was done with about 6-8 guys.
And we ran this noon mostly with 5-12 people, so don’t say we’re only this evening ADAC will run guild internal (20-35 people). Sadly I can’t join before 9 pm because of WT training.
I solemnly swear that he is up to no good.
Respect to the warrior from Tchu (and his IC guardian friend) this morning on Abbadon BL, real good fighting and you can handle your warrior very well.
And to the thief from judge who annoyed us the whole day “man you’re really an annoying harassment!”
Sorry that we’re ignoring you most of the time, but we have better to do, than trying to kill an perma stealth thief.btw. the gandara-reset this morning (whole BL except of hills) was done with about 6-8 guys.
And we ran this noon mostly with 5-12 people, so don’t say we’re only this evening ADAC will run guild internal (20-35 people). Sadly I can’t join before 9 pm because of WT training.
I solemnly swear that he is up to no good.
It’s simply because Abbaddon’s started making trouble in his neighbourhood.
Yeah he’s like a chihuahua running after someone barking and trying to bite into the calves. And when you turn around and start to fight back he goes poof and waits till you turn around again. Nice watch dog you have there. xD
But ok he managed to kill some of us (including me s two times) and didn’t die, so good kd ratio.
@InsideMan.7920 – we had Riverside & you guys earlier, see thread…. or were you not on AM at that time?
Also you don’t need to tell us that you had that matchup xD we all saw and rejoiced… until ANet let you out of it :/
Thanks 4 the nice fights on MS BL …. Respect to YAK and QQ …. hope u had some fun .
@ Immolator.5640 Riverside was not the problem… its about Elona if you compare us to Elona you would be like: “ohh nice they are only running small scale atm (60+) instead of normal zergs (90+)”
Yeah he’s like a chihuahua running after someone barking and trying to bite into the calves. And when you turn around and start to fight back he goes poof and waits till you turn around again. Nice watch dog you have there. xD
But ok he managed to kill some of us (including me s two times) and didn’t die, so good kd ratio.
idk about the chihuahua part really.. If you don’t mind me asking what’s the color of the sky in your world again because I think he is more like a rabid bear that shoots lazurs from his eyes while burping pure napalm at the same time as he strolls around on top of a watermelon colored ram.
We would complain about Elona probs yes, but we don’t know them so it isn’t our problem, ANet seem to think it’s funny putting us with you guys every other week I liked you back when you were nice, quiet, decent and non-colonially-expanding Abbadon’s, who played UW a few times and were not known for anything in particular except being one of those ‘normal’ servers…
I think I was asked sometime last week for it, This is for you MYA I hope you guys enjoy and can’t wait to see yours from this week’s
Highly Recommend Part I or III <3
I think Gandara might also enjoy it…
Maybe Abbadons might too I don’t know
we’re looking forward to fighting the pvp servers in this match up again sometime soon
Holy kitten! One of your guys called the bear “Mya”
Yeah he’s like a chihuahua running after someone barking and trying to bite into the calves. And when you turn around and start to fight back he goes poof and waits till you turn around again. Nice watch dog you have there. xD
But ok he managed to kill some of us (including me s two times) and didn’t die, so good kd ratio.
I would like to start by saying, I am the thief that has been hunting you today. I would also like to say that the hunting will continue throughout the week to punish you for being the blobbers that you are. And I would like to close by saying that ofc I disappeared when 30 dudes turned around and came steam-rolling towards me, when you turned and fought as individuals we had fair fights and you died (as expected, blobbing means none of you or your guildies have any experience in small scale fights).
p.s. I bought more rams just for you XD
The video from MYA wasn´t a flame!
You start do drop their performance down with words like: “You make better vids while you fight against real WvW Guilds to show your skill, not such a garbage”I think thats the reason the flame starts again.
In the comments to the first video they stated that “the only purpose of this video is to spite the blobs of Abba”. Also, they created new tags with a derogative meaning (at least in their own minds) just for mocking us even more. There should be no doubt what their intention was, even for someone who cant understand the comments under the video.
It’s a rude, disrespectful and immature way to behave.
The video from MYA wasn´t a flame!
You start do drop their performance down with words like: “You make better vids while you fight against real WvW Guilds to show your skill, not such a garbage”I think thats the reason the flame starts again.
In the comments to the first video they stated that “the only purpose of this video is to spite the blobs of Abba”. Also, they created new tags with a derogative meaning (at least in their own minds) just for mocking us even more. There should be no doubt what their intention was, even for someone who cant understand the comments under the video.
It’s a rude, disrespectful and immature way to behave.
And where the hell is the problem, if we want to spite the blobs of Abba? .__. You dont want to spite the other server if u fight against them? They arent our friends in these game :P… I think your only problem is, that we had the fun with abba guys..
BB on the borderlands
(edited by Tyialo.6532)
It’s a shame to read all this crying about abaddons way to play. I enjoy this week much more than the one before. This time we have two serious opponents to fight (no offence to RoS – they only did not have the numbers). From my point of view, we don’t have to qq.
And to be honest, Abaddon will never change their playstyle by discussion. But we can teach them the hard way – on the battlefield. Let’s teach them, that their way of fighting is not the most successfull one. Then, they will change or perish.
This matchup is totally open yet – but i would put one gold on Gandara. Anyway, Abaddon has to fight harder or the will lose 40 points or more. Two more weeks like this one and Gandara and Miller could pass Abaddon. I cross my fingers to get the same matchup the next week again and the week after!
See you on the battlefield!
(edited by nirx.7346)
Ty for the fights on miller sound BL yesterday nice defending hills Am and the miler on bay pff .. Hope You had a decent night from us cheers
Looking good in the tally Gandara, vs the blobbadons! Looking forward seeing you guys again
Looking good in the tally Gandara, vs the blobbadons! Looking forward seeing you guys again
Same, I suppose there’s no way to fix match-ups anymore so it doesn’t really matter if we win or lose. Might as well win then I guess.
I have to say that after reset night the blobs aren’t always as bad as they used to be, I haven’t crashed yet this match-up. Most groups running around are still too big for my taste, but I manage to stay at more than one frame per second most of the time.
Nice Fight yesterday on Miller BL and a big thx goes out to yak, adac, ce and xxx!
It’s just a pitty that we couldn’t finish xxx off in the ruins before yak rolled us kittening hard
Oh and nice def in the Hill from abba!
Well, this time AM-blobs really arent that bad as previous matchups. They are still there, but you also see smaller groups running now which is “refreshing”..
General request to all three servers: if you see a 1vs1 going on, please don’t interfere with it
(sorry for that [QQ] elementalist last night, was a nice 1v1 until we got interrupted.. but ok it would have been a neverending fight i guess)
Nice Fight yesterday on Miller BL and a big thx goes out to yak, adac, ce and xxx!
It’s just a pitty that we couldn’t finish xxx off in the ruins before yak rolled us kittening hard
Oh and nice def in the Hill from abba!
Oioioi finish us off? =p
I think you finished off the stalking rallypoint lootbags that chased/stalked us that night, but most of us were alive when the slapping yaks came steamrolling in.
Anyway cheers and see ya tonight!
Rule number 1 of fighting Gandara; If Orange swords appear during your fight, you have approx 2mins to end that fight win or lose before YaK arrive to tag for loot ;P
Rule number 1 of fighting Gandara; If Orange swords appear during your fight, you have approx 2mins to end that fight win or lose before YaK arrive to tag for loot ;P
No idea what you mean..
(whistles innocently while pulling out staff on my guardian and spamming 1)
General request to all three servers: if you see a 1vs1 going on, please don’t interfere with it
And to extend that; if you see two guilds going at it, and you’re a guild group, let them be (or watch or ask if they need help). Unless they’re two enemy guilds, of course, at which point; badges badges badges badges badges mushroom mushroom.
Good fights are hard to find at the moment.
Ty for the fights on miller sound BL yesterday nice defending hills Am and the miler on bay pff .. Hope You had a decent night from us cheers
I can’t speak for MS, but we had fun. Every time we tried to capture more of MS assets you attacked us and forced us to defend hills with our back to the walls. Instead of preying on MS you brought the battle to us and prevented us from getting more points on their border. This way the matchup remains more interesting, which is a nice little bonus to the fights.
Keep up the good work
General request to all three servers: if you see a 1vs1 going on, please don’t interfere with it
And to extend that; if you see two guilds going at it, and you’re a guild group, let them be (or watch or ask if they need help). Unless they’re two enemy guilds, of course, at which point; badges badges badges badges badges mushroom mushroom.
Good fights are hard to find at the moment.
If only they’d listen to you ….
Well, this time AM-blobs really arent that bad as previous matchups. They are still there, but you also see smaller groups running now which is “refreshing”..
General request to all three servers: if you see a 1vs1 going on, please don’t interfere with it
(sorry for that [QQ] elementalist last night, was a nice 1v1 until we got interrupted.. but ok it would have been a neverending fight i guess)
Hey thar!
It was a pretty interesting fight, never really had a 1vs1 situation going on before last night. You caught me off guard as I was about to port XD But it was fun while it lasted!
Wow knife in the back from DIus)) are tactics will never be shared with you ever again … But yh pretty much if there crosses inside a keep or tower we try to steal caps or add least get a gd fight out of it … AM is a very (let’s say tight) sever that will punish you if you don’t move regroup endlessly .. They can push throw most chokes and even if you think u ok your probaly not ..:) a lot of wipe but one win makes it all worth it
Speaking of 1vs1 situations:
I would like to apologize to the Lady Kasmeer of Gandara whose “Thief-Mini-Pet” I hammered to the ground. You also nearly caught me off guard the moment your Pet approaches and went into stealth while I was … distracted by you wearing only a G-String.
Seriously Dude, next time you are going sneaky you should use a Marriner’s Horn as well.
Wow knife in the back from DIus
Haha funny guy. ya’know i’m just trolling
AM I must congratulate you on your achievement on taking cragtop with your huge lag fest blob but I’m suppose that’s the only way you can achieve things with skilless lagfest blobs if this offends you tough .
I think the rightful expression to why the blobbing is something like this translated to german (pardon my french); “schnabelangst in die laderhosen”, or being afraid to walk alone
Ty QQ for the GvG’s!
Glad that we still have it in us.
“schnabelangst in die laderhosen”
This expression does not make any sense at all in german^^ and its Lederhosen btw.
“schnabelangst”, is when your willie shrinks…if that makes the sky break up Anyway its freely translated to what I wouyld like it to look like
Good fun leading the EB infantry tonight; we systematically had 3 T3 towers flipped slowly, but we had a lot of fun and never wiped plus it’s hard to get everyone to port, and hard to fight you both at the same time xD especially enjoyed the fights near Umberglade when we set up some trebs
saved by the bell AM garrison lol
All that work Semper YaK put into Am garrison, we were SO CLOSE!
Not even funny
However, early fights with NO in the sup camp was AWESOME.
Really fun GvG [QQ] Sorry to the abba blob that tried to interrupt ;D
Semper YaK had fun in AM Bl’s afterwards flipped everything but garrison… but we were close. That WOULD have been ours AM >.>
Well you did a nice job getting into outer and the stealthattack with golems was a nice idea. But tbh you weren’t close to get into inner by far. We still have lots of siege and we have our big raidevent-zerg for emergencies .;D
Well you did a nice job getting into outer and the stealthattack with golems was a nice idea. But tbh you weren’t close to get into inner by far. We still have lots of siege and we have our big raidevent-zerg for emergencies .;D
Aye your were well prepped. I can only give kudos for that. We had cleared the entire North Inner and YaK had gone to work on the Inner north. However you did make us work for it. We were prepared for more siege and your raidevent. We had plans once we were inside ;P
There are ways to defend gates without siege on the walls;) So yeah tbh i still doubt you would have succeeded;) But we’ll never know:D
There are ways to defend gates without siege on the walls;) So yeah tbh i still doubt you would have succeeded;) But we’ll never know:D
There are ways into keeps without face-rubbing gates. Just sayin’
We definitely would have breached through to the Lords room within half an hour. Whether or not we could take and hold it, what with your waypoint there, is anyone’s guess. With arrow-carts on the upper levels and constant reinforcements/respawns, you may well have won.
And your raid-event…. lol. You’re welcome to try.
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
Thank You.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Nice Anet very nice … All was ready and planing what to do when we get inside we though yh we got 1 hour then ahhhhhh kicked out … Was Prepeard to lose the rest of the map for that garrison lol looking forward to the next days
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