Gandara vs UW vs RoF
Same old golemrush against all keeps at nighttime.. Golemworld
[SLAY] dosent want to play against other people? since you only run this late on EU..
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.
(edited by Lutto.8745)
Same old golemrush against all keeps at nighttime.. Golemworld
[SLAY] dosent want to play against other people? since you only run this late on EU..
Have you been charting our playtime?
We where on EB around 9-10 o’clock with 15-20 of slay and we wiped the gandara zerg (25-30) guys.
We switch to all borders aswell.
If you guys don’t have the men power on your borderland, then thats your problem.
So we aren’t affraid of any1 and aren’t walking away from any fights aswell.
We have many players in slay who play’s long and make late hours.
You just jealous that you guys don’t have such a guild on late.
Not Like Others – Elemantalist
[SLAY] The Soul Slayers (FSP)
Same old golemrush against all keeps at nighttime.. Golemworld
[SLAY] dosent want to play against other people? since you only run this late on EU..
Coverage, is what some people call it. Nightcrap is what others call it. And no, it is not an american guild.
Ymilia – Elementalist
Shade of Underworld – Thief
We where on EB around 9-10 o’clock with 15-20 of slay and we wiped the gandara zerg (25-30) guys.
We switch to all borders aswell.
If you guys don’t have the men power on your borderland, then thats your problem.
So we aren’t affraid of any1 and aren’t walking away from any fights aswell.
We have many players in slay who play’s long and make late hours.
You just jealous that you guys don’t have such a guild on late.
Still couldn’t take Durios until i left for Klovan. Couldn’t fight you cause 70% of zerg is undisciplined and hard to control over chat alone not to mention rallying. Don’t brag about wiping scaled and reckless people.
But i’m hoping i’ll meet you again with Yaks like night before. You didn’t walked away from fight but then again…you didn’t see us coming couple of times.
(edited by NvN.4321)
We where on EB around 9-10 o’clock with 15-20 of slay and we wiped the gandara zerg (25-30) guys.
We switch to all borders aswell.
If you guys don’t have the men power on your borderland, then thats your problem.
So we aren’t affraid of any1 and aren’t walking away from any fights aswell.
We have many players in slay who play’s long and make late hours.
You just jealous that you guys don’t have such a guild on late.Still couldn’t take Durios until i left for Klovan. Couldn’t fight you cause 70% of zerg is undisciplined and hard to control over chat alone not to mention rallying. Don’t brag about wiping scaled and reckless people.
But i’m hoping i’ll meet you again with Yaks like night before. You didn’t walked away from fight but then again…you didn’t see us coming couple of times.
He wasn’t bragging. He was replying to someone who was intimating our guild only fought when there was no-one around to fight, so gave an example in reply of some fighting that happened tonight.
I don’t think you would like your guild mentioned in such a way and we didn’t either…
Anyone up for anything between 5v5 – 10v10 tonight?
Come on, we are fun to fight, promise!
Nice try with the catapult up on the tower above Quentin earlier Ezekiel, but you can’t run from my grenade spam huh
Technically it was the mortar that got me xD I was too busy spamming 2 to deal with you, then booom and I’m lying with my bones broken on the ground you guyz so mean </3 we just wanted to see waht was inside!
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Anyone up for anything between 5v5 – 10v10 tonight?
Come on, we are fun to fight, promise!
Ask Gum , they always up for some 5v5 action .
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
Kudos to SLAY who have proved the old maxim that an organised melee ball of 15-20 can defeat a disorganised non-ts using bunch of back pedalling pugs whose idea of ‘stacking’ is 3 might and maybe aegis, being led by a commander with a death wish, and would rather run to wherever you are attacking rather than force you to get back via your keep to defend your own towers.
There is hope for Gandara though- last night one warrior brought a banner!
We need some basic ‘rudiments of group play’ videos to be compulsory viewing for Gandara.
Seem to have lost roaming thiefs too to keep your supplies low – dollies give pretty decent experience now, so no idea why there isn’t more useful roamers on Gandara.
For me the funniest part of the night was when the 30 man SLAY blob (you had gained some pugs) was attacking Mendons with sup catapults and our comm decides to place a treb in the middle of the bridge- and then to cap it off a finalist for ’world’s worst trebber’ jumps on it and proceeds to fail to hit until you guys come underneath and destroy it. No idea why our comm thought it would be useful, or useful to stay and defend whilst heavily outnumbered (I think he likes you and wants to give you more loot and Wexp), instead of porting out and going off to attack one of your towers.
In the end our numbers dwindled as it got later and people tired of following a comm to certain death. We just don’t seem to have guardians, warriors, stability, eles with water fields necros with wells mesmers with confusion and glamours or any stackers…
Sadly I’m on my noob account (only a level 80 mes, the rest are 30-45)(yes, the mesmer that kept dropping null field on u every time you stopped to stack south of garrison the other day) so don’t have my favourite anti- melee ball necro to hand.
Still, it’s a fun change from my usual server and I am enjoying some of it;-)
I just watched the vid from chuchu and watched my mesmer die continually at the hands of that necro. kitten could not remove those conditions fast enough Y.Y
You guys make up a really nice roaming guild.
thanks :p
engie roaming vids:
Favourite moment of last night, following 4 hours of internet blackout (screw you Virgin media);
Losing SM at 2am this morning, after organising it’s recapture. Our 15 pugs decided that capping Ogrewatch was more important because (and I quote from a whisper) “The lord at Ogre drops a new bag”. Two commanders, of which I was one, tagged up in the middle of SM tell people to come, trying to hold it with just three other people.
The worst part? It wasn’t taken by a blob, just a guild group of about 12 people; we could have saved that easily.
@Victory; Gandara’s problems are everyone’s problems right now – no one defends intensively because, for puggies, the rewards aren’t there, and even if you pull off a great defense you know you’re getting a golem rush 20 minutes later. Defend is expensively, in every sense; attacking is mindlessly cheap.
Game, it be broken.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
You are all right.Gandara WvW is dying.We are getting owned, but only when we are outnumbered.And today this is a main problem.Pve is developing and getting many new contents so our players are all doing new stuff.
We regulars (not a guild groups) are always here.We wil always be and always willing to defend any keep or tower and doesnt matter if alone or in group.I never retreat.Who cares if i wil pay for the repairs or my opponent wil get a rare on my death.
My point is.
Never saw so much disrespect to our players (solo players) from the UW server. Dancing ,jumping on the corpses and laughing on one single person when downed by the guild group.
Hats off to Ring of Fire guys and girls who are really deacent opponents and never retreat.They are an example to all including Gandarans.
Mishinas Guardian with a Wolf head
Let’s not blame a whole server for the actions of a single individual shall we?
I have seen people from Gandara behaving badly as well, but that does not mean I blame the whole server.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Maybe the jumping and dancing is a cunning plan to provoke you into grouping up so they can have group fights!!
Also, what Krall said. We all have ‘em. Some more, some less and there ain’t much to do about it. Especially not blaming the whole server on the match up thread where the jumpers and dancers will most likely never visit.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Speaking of some events from a first day on the reset.Never hapened before.
But it is ok,it is just a game and of course one which is the most skillfull wil always win.That is the point of a game,isnt it?
So have fun with dancing and laughing and jumping as im going to farm some gold.For my armor repair.
Mishinas Gold farmer
well i’d like to say that us slay play very well and if we do the odd /laugh lets just remember it is a game, and these things are put there for us to use, if people are doing to you, go out there and kill them (Or try)- tovarg
I just watched the vid from chuchu and watched my mesmer die continually at the hands of that necro. kitten could not remove those conditions fast enough Y.Y
You guys make up a really nice roaming guild.
How many are you guys? Cheers for keeping on trying, we do respect that! I don’t understand why you guys won’t group up better though? :]
We where on EB around 9-10 o’clock with 15-20 of slay and we wiped the gandara zerg (25-30) guys.
We switch to all borders aswell.
If you guys don’t have the men power on your borderland, then thats your problem.
So we aren’t affraid of any1 and aren’t walking away from any fights aswell.
We have many players in slay who play’s long and make late hours.
You just jealous that you guys don’t have such a guild on late.Still couldn’t take Durios until i left for Klovan. Couldn’t fight you cause 70% of zerg is undisciplined and hard to control over chat alone not to mention rallying. Don’t brag about wiping scaled and reckless people.
But i’m hoping i’ll meet you again with Yaks like night before. You didn’t walked away from fight but then again…you didn’t see us coming couple of times.
Nice to see a guildie hide behind another guild, and you are forgetting one thing about the day before, we didnt only face yak guild, which had around our numbers, we faced yak + pugs. And it’s not our problem that you aren´t online later on… You can’t be online later on, we can’t be online earlier on. So don’t make it an excuse.
About the PvE excuse… it’s getting old, no1 has more problems with PvE than we at UW, dropped from very high to high recently and we don’t have that many WvW’ers.
Nice fights all around, good matchup and enjoy the rest of the week
And extra Kudos for DEX and whoever more was there for being able to scout/defend Hills on Gandara specially during the night
I just watched the vid from chuchu and watched my mesmer die continually at the hands of that necro. kitten could not remove those conditions fast enough Y.Y
You guys make up a really nice roaming guild.How many are you guys? Cheers for keeping on trying, we do respect that! I don’t understand why you guys won’t group up better though? :]
To be honest we are all normally solo roamers, we group up on occasion to take out a hard enemy or if we are defending hills but normally we stick to parties of about two – three. We are only now branching out into a guild group of about 15. That time we fought at the base of hills we were all still running solo builds with very small supportive skills.
We are now trying to run as an organised group however it is still something we are working on.
Nice to see no constant hacking accusations for once.
Some good battles. Looks like the finish is going to be a very close one, 4k in it atm.
To the Gandara warrior from TDI or TDA or similar tag, I just wanted to see how long you would continue to chase me as I ran around that building.
How to QQ after being beat. Asatria Legend -Daddelgreis - Sixtymac
And for the people who are talking trash about SLAY guild or getting anoyed by them.
SLAY guild exist now for just 2 weeks.
So we getting better and better each week and getting more and more members.
Prepare To Die!! Never Stop Fighting!!
So we getting better and better each week and getting more and more members.
Hope to face UW to check that out !
Gunnar’s Hold atm
Sorry for killing the Dev that was at briar UW BL :P
We had a personal manhunt against him and wanted to kill him xD
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
Urrrrg what a timing for patch >.< Open house in Bay. Thank you TDA, BT and whoever else I missed for awesome fights in RoF BL, I had a lot of fun so far.
We were distracted for a bit tho ^^ this kill gave us so much joy
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Tyvm to [rain] for the GvG and many duels. You guys are awesome, and I hope to run into you again before the servers reset tomorrow
Piken Square
So we aren’t affraid of any1 and aren’t walking away from any fights aswell.
pretty sure that wp was spammed pretty hard earlier tonight
gg ty for the fights this week all <3
Urrrrg what a timing for patch >.< Open house in Bay. Thank you TDA, BT and whoever else I missed for awesome fights in RoF BL, I had a lot of fun so far.
We were distracted for a bit tho ^^ this kill gave us so much joy
Bit quiet night for us, but we did manage to find a few good fights.
Urrrrg what a timing for patch >.< Open house in Bay. Thank you TDA, BT and whoever else I missed for awesome fights in RoF BL, I had a lot of fun so far.
We were distracted for a bit tho ^^ this kill gave us so much joy
Thank you too for the fights, we didn’t have the numbers for a face off ^^. Cya next time
Xunleashed [BT]
Was quite the interesting night, started ofkittenda boring, but managed some great fights later on in RoF borderland. Thanks for the great fun! Was DEX the only group from UW there? kinda squeezed in between the larger forces of Gandara and RoF? You seemed to be doing very well for such a small group
Was an epic struggle in the area close to NW camp where the minotaurs spawn. That fight lasted forever
Urrrrg what a timing for patch >.< Open house in Bay. Thank you TDA, BT and whoever else I missed for awesome fights in RoF BL, I had a lot of fun so far.
We were distracted for a bit tho ^^ this kill gave us so much joy
Whuuuuuuuuut, I there most of the night, up untill that ‘build upcoming’ came :o
I regret missing this :o
Fun fights though tonight in RoF!
Emperor Sisaroth, Guardian
Leader of [SoD], Gandara
DEX wasnt the only group in RoF, but we were the group that went to every single fight that was availiable. We had an awesome fight in Bluevale, we were outnumbered in the beginning and RoF nearly whiped us, then Gandara came and whiped RoF and we got reinforcements and whiped Gandara.
The fight south of Faithleap was also awesome, we started with 7 people i think but fast lost 3 to the superior numbers. We tried to allways focus the stronger one but i think we pushed a bit too kitten RoF when they tried to regroup. It ended with Gandara pushing on us and killing us.
Had great fun in those two fights, sadly we had to go to our own borderland to help out there.
Was quite the interesting night, started ofkittenda boring, but managed some great fights later on in RoF borderland. Thanks for the great fun! Was DEX the only group from UW there? kinda squeezed in between the larger forces of Gandara and RoF? You seemed to be doing very well for such a small group
Was an epic struggle in the area close to NW camp where the minotaurs spawn. That fight lasted forever
I think there was also AA from UW at one point. And the fight in front of Vale was so much fun that we lost hills because of this :P
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Yeah that was part of the reason why we decided to keep you as long busy as possible, the reinforcements i meantioned were the people who capped Hills. For a while there were also a few Slay i think, but every group had not more than 10 people.
Jump, dance and drop balistas on me as much as you want but you ain’t getting SM, garrison or keep this night.
Oh and all of the EB are a belong to us.
(edited by NvN.4321)
Sorry for killing the Dev that was at briar UW BL :P
We had a personal manhunt against him and wanted to kill him xD
kitten it!!
Why did no one tell me a dev was in Uw borders, or even in EU at all?
Would of enjoyed hunting it down :$
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
HAI Gandara, seems like you have the same problems we have too I prayed to the matchup gods to get matched with you tonight^^ We’ll see, have fun at the last day
Greetz Ega
[void] No Content
Gunnars Hold
HAI Gandara, seems like you have the same problems we have too
I prayed to the matchup gods to get matched with you tonight^^ We’ll see, have fun at the last day
Greetz Ega
We’d love to be fighting some ponies again!
Have to say the match up has been a lot of fun
Has been awesome small fights, big fights and anything between. I have been very pleased to see we as a server have been able to keep up with Gandara. Also, Im very pleased to see my guild improving in the Guild Grouping stuff and we actually hold our own now pretty well in that field as well. You will be seeing a lot more GuM “blobs” from now on!
Happy hunting everyone, and I would be more than happy to face both of you again Gandara and Ring of Fire!
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
I want MS, Gand, UW, PS, AR or GH!!!!! Pleaaaase give me some servers which have guilds dont run away, WP or change maps after 1-2 wipes!!! PLZZZZ
Get over here YaK’s, Kinky and Climb!!!
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Jump, dance and drop balistas on me as much as you want but you ain’t getting SM, garrison or keep this night.
Oh and all of the EB are a belong to us.
I dont know what happened in the night, but i never faced a server where more people danced on bodies and laughed when they killed you with superior number. Its a game gandara, these things are annoying but they happen.
Here comes Judge stealth teams battle video.
Ty alot [GuM] for fantasic fights this morning aswell
Don’t matter who we get next, if Gandara doesn’t get it’s finger out we’ll be 17th come September. Long, sad decline from T3 when we actually worked as a team.
Lots of credit to Underworld for giving it a good go, and Ring of Fire were feisty as always.
ANet’s drip feed PvE timing didn’t help but, truth is, we suck poodle beans as a W3 server these days. Soon we’ll be facing Blacktide and Arborstone. GL finding anyone to fight then.
I think you are overreacting a little bit now, hehe. And the PvE content hitted us all. UW is mostly PvE server after all and these new Living Farm… story patches hitted us hard as well. And don’t worry man, matches are good and fun around the rank 17 ;P
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
I had fun this match-up thanks to UW and RoF for the fun times.
I hope that the Dev is at UW for the stream and you guys troll him hard :p
I still remember the stream where Isaiah got trolled by a thief(?) that was funny.
Yesterday while our zerg was fighting in UW’s hills we (my guild and I) were on a mission to destroy the west wall.
It would have been really funny if the wall collapsed with our zerg on it backing away from the UW defending force.
Sadly that never happened
on Piken Square and Gandara.
it ended up being an ok week, some fun fights against gum and naz.
engie roaming vids:
Don’t matter who we get next, if Gandara doesn’t get it’s finger out we’ll be 17th come September. Long, sad decline from T3 when we actually worked as a team.
I’m suprised that there is still people who think the rating next to the servers name is indication of something else than coverage and numbers.
I doubt too many misses the matches agains’t the point obsessed servers who hid in their keeps during primetime only to emerge outside and zerg all the maps once the opposition went to sleep/work.
Coverage and numbers aren’t everything. We lose stuff even when we have numbers due to disorganisation and general disinterest. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t care to be T3 again but our ineptness is getting embarassing. Just be nice to have some of that collective will again that helped us punch above our weight.
Sorry for killing the Dev that was at briar UW BL :P
We had a personal manhunt against him and wanted to kill him xD
GJ. But hey guys, we’ll be put against Vabbi and Whiteside Ridge tonight. Thanks a lot!