in Match-ups

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I’m trying to take trolling lessons from you.
That last one was extremely helpful, ty
(no really)

Since this is the first time (since I have no idea when) that our servers have met, I look forward to meeting you again in the future
HoD is on the rise.

Oh wait… is that bad too? Server Pride?
School meh

Depends on what kind of server pride we are talking about.

Since you take pride in wiping unorganized pugs with a guild group I’m afraid you might be talking about the wrong kind.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe


in Match-ups

Posted by: Zuer.2814


Havnt played in a while but I can’t wait to do some wvw when I get off of work! We’re not facing ehmry and AR?! GREAT!!! Sucks thakittens apparently so uneven though. These sorts of matchups are usually pretty dead by midweek or so.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Naz.2607


I’m trying to take trolling lessons from you.
That last one was extremely helpful, ty
(no really)

Since this is the first time (since I have no idea when) that our servers have met, I look forward to meeting you again in the future
HoD is on the rise.

Oh wait… is that bad too? Server Pride?
School meh

Depends on what kind of server pride we are talking about.

Since you take pride in wiping unorganized pugs with a guild group I’m afraid you might be talking about the wrong kind.

W8 a minute. I take pride in wiping guild groups also. I’m not partial.

Because of the large numbers, it is impossible for us to be everywhere our enemies are at the same time. So, sustainment will continue to be an issue with this matchup.
We are a tactics guild, just on a smaller scale then our current matchup enemies (obviously).
In all seriousness, we are paying attention. We strive to learn and improve every week.

Did you xfer to NA servers recently or are you still on Far Shiverpeaks?

Naz ©

(edited by Naz.2607)


in Match-ups

Posted by: nothing.7941


You HoD and DR guys are tough. You like your siege, yes? We’ve had great fights with you, overall you are just succumbing to numbers. BP has been there, done that, literally for months. Keep your morale up, good luck for the rest of this match.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…


in Match-ups

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I’m trying to take trolling lessons from you.
That last one was extremely helpful, ty
(no really)

Since this is the first time (since I have no idea when) that our servers have met, I look forward to meeting you again in the future
HoD is on the rise.

Oh wait… is that bad too? Server Pride?
School meh

Depends on what kind of server pride we are talking about.

Since you take pride in wiping unorganized pugs with a guild group I’m afraid you might be talking about the wrong kind.

W8 a minute. I take pride in wiping guild groups also. I’m not partial.

Because of the large numbers, it is impossible for us to be everywhere our enemies are at the same time. So, sustainment will continue to be an issue with this matchup.
We are a tactics guild, just on a smaller scale then our current matchup enemies (obviously).
In all seriousness, we are paying attention. We strive to learn and improve every week.

Did you xfer to NA servers recently or something or are you still on Far Shiverpeaks?

I’m almost everywhere across my accounts, but no, I’m not currently on FSP.

The [DW] in my signature is actually not referring to Dynasty Warriors.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe


in Match-ups

Posted by: Naz.2607


“I’m almost everywhere across my accounts, but no, I’m not currently on FSP.

The [DW] in my signature is actually not referring to Dynasty Warriors."

Why so many guilds and servers?
Multi-game organization?

Naz ©


in Match-ups

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Well a few people from BP have been on here saying we should learn like they did, maybe they can help out a guy from a T8 server and share some tricks?

I would like to learn where to place AC’s outside the north inner gate of Hills to be able to hit like this. I have other pics taken before this where the AC’s followed me back all the way from the supply near the gate.

The circles tracked me back all the way from they supply which is a pretty huge field of fire.

I don’t condone hacking, it ruins the game. And yes if you build an AC at the door, you can use the gap to legitimately hit a lot(the screenshot doesn’t include the actual AC user so I don’t know where they are) and having AC mastery just compounds the problem, then there’s the screen size trick and that’s a real grey area. Building and keeping an AC on that position should be hard against any decent defense, also, another AC could have taken it out without too much hassle.

You guys are in a tough spot, in a zerg friendly game of coverage wars your server drew the short straw. Yes BP stepped up our tactics but that hardly matters when we outnumber you guys as much as we do constantly and that’s the reality of the game design. After weeks of seeing ‘the’ Ebay players who are brazen and tunnel visioned enough to congratulate themselves for this gloat on the forums, I know it can get old real fast.

Whispers with meat.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Well a few people from BP have been on here saying we should learn like they did, maybe they can help out a guy from a T8 server and share some tricks?

I would like to learn where to place AC’s outside the north inner gate of Hills to be able to hit like this. I have other pics taken before this where the AC’s followed me back all the way from the supply near the gate.

The circles tracked me back all the way from they supply which is a pretty huge field of fire.

Place an AC next to the gate and you can use it to AoE everything inside.

specifically, place it to the left of the gate. the person operating the arrow cart needs to be able to see inside through the gap above the gate. anything that can be seen through that gap can be hit (as long as it’s within range).

in general, the rule for AC placement is: (1) find a place to stand where you can see what you want to shoot (finding the ‘best’ place to stand, where you can see the most potential targets, is somewhat of an art). (2) place an AC in a safe spot nearby, close enough that you can still use it from where you’re standing.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay


in Match-ups

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


NSP more skilled in open field fights…roflmao. The only good guilds they had for open field were XOXO and SPCA, which HoD counters with PAXA and KoM alone.

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist


in Match-ups

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Wait, wasn’t PAXA on NSP at one point?

Whispers with meat.


in Match-ups

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


Yes, they switched to HoD when NSP moved to T7, I believe.

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Hmmm… I see no one wants to talk about the kitten-whooping [Mend] & HoD gave BP & DR @ Stonemist last night.

Not only did we get in while it was under enemy control, we got past you & the Lord’s room to the 2nd floor and proceeded to farm you mercilessly for hours.
I believe you have been formally introduced to [Mend] now.

Was tasty. Ty for the badges & the WvW level

Commander Flappy had a dream, and we Menders like to make sure his dreams come true!

Hmm, I don’t know about BP being there for hours as we only made one real push on it in the 3 hours I was there, but perhaps DR was. Before BP hit SM we thought HOD and DR were trading the keep for points because it was switching hands so often.

When we did get there, it was quite the fight with AC’s up on the dome by the vista. If we hadn’t gotten the respawns together to come back in while we were fighting and dying up top we would have never taken the place. It was a great fight trying to deal with ACs above, below and to the side of us. I am sure the AC operators were surrounded by bags. You folks did a great job.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Oozo.7856


NSP more skilled in open field fights…roflmao. The only good guilds they had for open field were XOXO and SPCA, which HoD counters with PAXA and KoM alone.

I’m not saying that any of those are better than the others. But Splt and tM and a few others also have some very good players. I’m just saying they have more strong small groups across the board than the other servers we have faced. I’m not saying that they are better. And, I wasn’t comparing them to HoD since this is the first time we’ve fought HoD.

And even though Os runs with 20+ quite often, they are actually a pretty tough fight when compared to similar guilds across the servers we’ve faced. NSP, in general, run some pretty sturdy builds. Their PUGs don’t melt as easily as many other server’s PUGs do.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Sobe.1547


Hmmm… I see no one wants to talk about the kitten-whooping [Mend] & HoD gave BP & DR @ Stonemist last night.

Not only did we get in while it was under enemy control, we got past you & the Lord’s room to the 2nd floor and proceeded to farm you mercilessly for hours.
I believe you have been formally introduced to [Mend] now.

Was tasty. Ty for the badges & the WvW level

Commander Flappy had a dream, and we Menders like to make sure his dreams come true!

Actually Dr did not want sm, they held it for the point tick then left it defenseless.

see people in dr are smart and they knew they did not have the numbers to defend sm, so they all left and left it to whoever wanted it.

no you guys did not do some remarkable sm cap, it was a ghost town.

“farming you for hours” uhm excuse me but Bp actually took the castle from you in about 5 minutes after you capped it. LOL.

i would love to see Hod vs Dr.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Naz.2607


Hmmm… I see no one wants to talk about the kitten-whooping [Mend] & HoD gave BP & DR @ Stonemist last night.

Not only did we get in while it was under enemy control, we got past you & the Lord’s room to the 2nd floor and proceeded to farm you mercilessly for hours.
I believe you have been formally introduced to [Mend] now.

Was tasty. Ty for the badges & the WvW level

Commander Flappy had a dream, and we Menders like to make sure his dreams come true!

Actually Dr did not want sm, they held it for the point tick then left it defenseless.

see people in dr are smart and they knew they did not have the numbers to defend sm, so they all left and left it to whoever wanted it.

no you guys did not do some remarkable sm cap, it was a ghost town.

“farming you for hours” uhm excuse me but Bp actually took the castle from you in about 5 minutes after you capped it. LOL.

i would love to see Hod vs Dr.

Relax dude.
We weren’t actually trying to “take” SM or we would have and the fun would have been over…
If you noticed, I said we ran right past the Lord’s room.
We put bait out once we got inside, and the bait was used for hours to farm. The castle actually flipped TWICE while we were inside it farming. One BP cap and one DR cap.
It was just an idea that worked and was fun and lucrative for those on our server who participated in it. And yes, it went on for hours.
And a “ghost town” doesn’t produce the amount of badges I got last night.

Considering the amount of PPT whoopin we’re receiving this week from a T5 Server, I was just trolling a little for fun. Get over it.

Naz ©


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

That is why it rubs some people the wrong way when some BP talk about skill since they are working from a different definition of the word.


Also to my fellow BP players, if something you’re going to post sounds familiar to something Ebay said to us, reflect on what your reaction was back then before you click that button!

Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass


in Match-ups

Posted by: LunaticFate.1429


I know the game you’re talking about Naz. We’ve run it a few times before in SM. Ring the top level of SM with ACs and light up the poor souls that march up the stairs into the room over the Lord’s. Think we called it ‘monsters in the attic’. Fairly lucrative and amusing until people get sick of getting farmed and pile in more bodies than the ACs and shield wall can handle.

Rae Vroengart – lolwut Guardian
Gryn Flameheart – Glass Boomstick
Loyal warrior of DR


in Match-ups

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


welp with what we just saw I certainly will never support teaming up with either of these servers to attack a third.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.


in Match-ups

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Loving all the QQ. Reading this forum makes it all worth while. Want a score update?

BP has won.

That is all. =)


in Match-ups

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Loving all the QQ. Reading this forum makes it all worth while. Want a score update?

BP has won.

That is all. =)

What have you won junior, can you explain it to me?

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.


in Match-ups

Posted by: obastable.5231


he won a BIG, GIGANTIC, ENORMOUS, SPARKLY, DAZZLING pile of nothing but OHMIGAWD is he ever proud of it!!

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”


in Match-ups

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

All i can say is, get a public teamspeak that everyone on the server uses.

DR does indeed have a public, server-wide Teamspeak that nearly all guilds use.

The Art of Roaming [gank]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Loving all the QQ. Reading this forum makes it all worth while. Want a score update?

BP has won.

That is all. =)

Is this guy even BP? No idea who he is, if he is from our server. Pretty poor taste.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Mickey.8345


I’m trying to take trolling lessons from you.
That last one was extremely helpful, ty
(no really)

Since this is the first time (since I have no idea when) that our servers have met, I look forward to meeting you again in the future
HoD is on the rise.

Oh wait… is that bad too? Server Pride?
School meh

Depends on what kind of server pride we are talking about.

Since you take pride in wiping unorganized pugs with a guild group I’m afraid you might be talking about the wrong kind.

I was at that fight and I saw allot of the same guild tags from BP. You say we had our whole server up there?…Um no…small group actually. Most of our forces were either in our bl or defending other points in eb.
And this message is for everyone…QUIT HATING ON THE PUGS…everyone has to start somewhere and just because you’re not in a big guild doesn’t mean you necessarily suck. So servers…be nice to your pugs…there are some real gems out there and we need all the help we can get.

“We are the Sisters Mary. You are now safe”
Sister Mary Madness- Mesmer [VLK]
Tianu Light Feather- Ranger/HoD since beta


in Match-ups

Posted by: Warmaster Gibbon.4765

Warmaster Gibbon.4765

Well a few people from BP have been on here saying we should learn like they did, maybe they can help out a guy from a T8 server and share some tricks?

I would like to learn where to place AC’s outside the north inner gate of Hills to be able to hit like this. I have other pics taken before this where the AC’s followed me back all the way from the supply near the gate.

The circles tracked me back all the way from they supply which is a pretty huge field of fire.

Yeah the rule of thumb with arrow carts (and arrow cart mastery helps here immensely) is if you can see them you can shoot them. If you place an arrow cart right next to the door you can look through the top part of the door and shoot into where the defenders will try to build siege. As long as we kept you guys from getting siege up we could keep our pretty little arrow cart pew pewing at you guys all night.

(We were the guild attacking hills) If you guys have any other questions or comments, or wish to challenge our guild to a (small) gvg PM me here or in game Warmaster Gibbon.4765 and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP.

Commander, Guild Leader of [Jynx]
Warrior – Borlis Pass

(edited by Warmaster Gibbon.4765)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

Score update after the several hour downtime for WvW.

Should be fun.


Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)


in Match-ups

Posted by: The Coma Kid.5184

The Coma Kid.5184


GG idk we were fighting ET and Kain!?

Gwen Andraste – Human Elementalist
Nameless Accord [NA]
Your Cute [Babe] – Maguuma


in Match-ups

Posted by: lunyboy.8672



GG idk we were fighting ET and Kain!?

Man, ET came back with a vengeance.


Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD


in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Cheers to [AD], good go.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


Some good fights with [AD] tonight. Been a while since we last saw you guys.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR


in Match-ups

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


I mean, people should really stop complaining about numbers. BP will obviously win, and since HoD and DR seem quite balanced BP will decide who takes second too (not intentionally).

Yeah haha, I think it surprised all of us how well that worked. xD
There was some speculation by the opposing guild that we had more than 20 people, I’d just like to point out that on the third fight we used 1 portal for that feint, and got everyone through it. You can only portal 20 people per portal so we had to have even numbers. Just thought id point that out.

Technically I count for 5 people though, so I can see where the misunderstandings would arise from.

The amount of guilds your in,
is too. kitten . High.


Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


Previews for next week’s match?


HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist


in Match-ups

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


Asuran HOA mes, I enjoyed our duels in DRBL

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I’m trying to take trolling lessons from you.
That last one was extremely helpful, ty
(no really)

Since this is the first time (since I have no idea when) that our servers have met, I look forward to meeting you again in the future
HoD is on the rise.

Oh wait… is that bad too? Server Pride?
School meh

Depends on what kind of server pride we are talking about.

Since you take pride in wiping unorganized pugs with a guild group I’m afraid you might be talking about the wrong kind.

I was at that fight and I saw allot of the same guild tags from BP. You say we had our whole server up there?…Um no…small group actually. Most of our forces were either in our bl or defending other points in eb.
And this message is for everyone…QUIT HATING ON THE PUGS…everyone has to start somewhere and just because you’re not in a big guild doesn’t mean you necessarily suck. So servers…be nice to your pugs…there are some real gems out there and we need all the help we can get.

I am the nicest person ever. However, that won’t change the fact that PUGs are just that. A pick up group. A group of unorganized people without communication and coordination. Easily wiped by even a n00b guild group.

Hence why this discussion spawned in the first place.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe


in Match-ups

Posted by: Abyssisis.3971


imo, PUG stands for pathetically useless gamers.. but thats coming from playing mostly during the oceanic time.. -.-’

Commander Obscura
The Bloody Rain [Rain]
Devona’s Rest


in Match-ups

Posted by: Snow Ghost.6817

Snow Ghost.6817

[VP] had an enjoyable evening in HoD BL yesterday. We didn’t have many on, 7-8 of us and we were just out to see if we could pick some fights that didn’t involve a 30 man BP group for a change. SoCo were out causing trouble for HoD too and are always a welcome sight for us.

While on route to the NW camp we decided to check out Bay and were surprised to see it was paper. Sup ram went up and we had the gate almost down before we were spotted. Gate down.. we pushed in and wiped the few that were there.

SW inner next, sup ram up and got it to 20% before being pushed back into the water. Defended Briar next, then it was going to be a tour of the northern camps.

Passing by Bay again we notice that HoD had not repaired very well, so in we go and 2 mins later, its a nice shade of green.

Defended it against a reasonable amount (10-12 maybe ?) of HoD at south gate for a while. Managed to flank and take out their siege on top of the roof of the camp, but there was no supply in Bay so we were not planning on keeping it.

What we didn’t see was that group of BP capping it while we were entertaining HoD at the south wall

Hope HoD got it back soon after WvW restarted cause any red on either HoD or DR BLs should be dealt with swiftly if possible.

Thanks for the fights.


GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.


in Match-ups

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


Previews for next week’s match?

This would pit a T3 against 2 T7s…

And by the way, the mos millennium ranking is predicting that we will be T7 by the end of this match, if everything continues as it has been.

If we were to face a T3, though, even if we held a camp, our score would go up. Maybe we would all have to roll thieves and mesmers, and ninja cap everything.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD


in Match-ups

Posted by: ekleenex.1654


Don’t get me wrong, I really, really, enjoy Fighting FA / Mag but I miss ADQQBsty and some of BP.

Come on honey, lets get you back in bed you need your rest… Don’t want you saying something you’ll regret later. Here take your medication – no, stop fighting – STOP! Good, good… sleeeeeeeeeep…

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”


in Match-ups

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


I’m feeling like maybe you missed the point I was making with the score. DR and HoD are WINNING against BP this match. While the score may lead people to believe otherwise, and the commanders on here may feel good stomping a lower population server after a prolonged battle against a much larger WvW server in eBay, the truth is we aren’t doing as good as we should.

Notice in the red box the server evolution points. This shows if we are moving up or down in points. As you can clearly see, BP is losing.

I don’t know, if Brazil’s soccer team have to fight Indonesia’s and Timor Leste’s (and steamroll them) for days on end, their performance won’t be rated as good as when they face Spain’s, for instance

It also showcases how poor the system is. Quite frankly, while we indeed asked for “more varied” matches, we didn’t mean “pit us against an outrageously superior enemy whose mooks we can’t even defeat”.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


[VP] had an enjoyable evening in HoD BL yesterday. We didn’t have many on, 7-8 of us and we were just out to see if we could pick some fights that didn’t involve a 30 man BP group for a change. SoCo were out causing trouble for HoD too and are always a welcome sight for us.

Defended it against a reasonable amount (10-12 maybe ?) of HoD at south gate for a while. Managed to flank and take out their siege on top of the roof of the camp, but there was no supply in Bay so we were not planning on keeping it.

There were 8 of us and a non-guildy that was following us. That was your chance at an even numbers fight and not a 30-man zerg. Maybe next time you’ll actually come fight us… or were you just looking for roamers to gank or something?

“I smell like pomegranate.”


in Match-ups

Posted by: Gothahm.6274


Asuran HOA mes, I enjoyed our duels in DRBL

Thank you! I enjoyed the fights as well.

Just an FYI…when I switched to GS it was my little cousin playing. In case you were wondering why I kept throwing myself at you to die horribly. I tried to tell him that I spec’d out of GS but he didn’t listen so I had a good chuckle as he kept trying.

I look forward to meeting you on the battlefield again. I don’t do organized duels so we’ll just have to chance encounters. Cheers!

Cinfu-Asuran Mesmer
Gothahm-Human Guardian
[HoA] House of Ahm/Borlis Pass


in Match-ups

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


I went with my noob guardian (lvl 25) to WvW today.
We searched for enemies in our Borderlands (DR), took us a while, but all we found was guildless, uplvled “Invaders” and “Assaulters” along with a couple of zerg-a-licious zergs.

Then I got on my warrior with my dear friend and fought 4-6 people ( 2-3 were uplvled) and at least 2 were near death, but as we were by the HoD spawn… a zerg slithered out and chased but… luckily we’re both supports so with our superior healing power, not even the odds could stand against us!

Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel


in Match-ups

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


One thing I miss from DAOC… elite groups giving a solo player a shot 1 on 1… yea yea I know blah blah security by moving fast… makes sense if its an equal numbered fight not a meta zerg server versus small servers odds are you delay your movement 30 seconds and have no added risk and the solo player might have a little enjoyment before being killed.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.


in Match-ups

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


To the ranger from Seventh Sect… next time why not fight..

To Bllade… actually I didnt know that thanks.

Edited because it was a kittenish post.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

(edited by irishhaf.1692)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


To the ranger from Seventh Sect… why are you afraid… seriously you hide form a solo ranger amongst the guards till 4 friends show up… could have had a nice little fight to bad you were afraid.

Hey instaead of putting things like this on the forums, where chances are that person isn’t going to read it anyway. You can invite enemy players to a group by clicking on them, then by pressing “p” then “invite.”

Incase you didn’t know.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


To the ranger from Seventh Sect… why are you afraid… seriously you hide form a solo ranger amongst the guards till 4 friends show up… could have had a nice little fight to bad you were afraid.

Hey instaead of putting things like this on the forums, where chances are that person isn’t going to read it anyway. You can invite enemy players to a group by clicking on them, then by pressing “p” then “invite.”

Incase you didn’t know.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.


in Match-ups

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

We were in your position 13 weeks in a row. What we did is improve.

I wasn’t at DR garrison in this instance so I can’t really say anything (although I highly doubt BP could cap anything without 5:1 numbers), but I find this statement hilarious. If by improve you mean “get more numbers” this statement would be correct.

Whether you like it or not, BP is a zerg server. With your numbers you should easily be in tier 4, if not tier 3, but you are left in tier 5 due to your lack of skill and tactics. Just another IoJ here everybody, nothing more to see.

we have a lot more numbers then you yes, but i dont think you realize what tier 3-4 is like, try 2 qued maps 90% of the day, tier 1-2 is 4 qued maps 100% of the day. During the week we struggle to que a map (we que 1 map during 5-10 server time on average)

Ehmry had easily 30-40% more numbers around the clock then we did, we held on pretty good to keep them in our tier, some of the servers in tier 4 we were probably on par with, but ehmry was the ones stuck in our tier for 13 weeks, not us. Ehmry is a tier 3-4 server, were tier 4-5.

you cant say we dont have skill when all u see is a zerg of numbers, and first off yes it takes skill and coordination to hit NW garri, a tower, and then hit water gate once ur distracted – try to get pugs to do that, you wont do so well.

All i can say is, get a public teamspeak that everyone on the server uses.

On a side note: IMO, NSP is the most “skilled” server we’ve played when it comes to their overall general population being tough to fight in the open field with relatively even numbers. Sorry, EB and Maguuma (you are tied for second though).

This has got to be the funniest thing I’ve ever read.

It kind of is true though.

In the context of running solo to 15 people, it is. NSP has more strong players that run in that range than any server we have fought. Keep in mind that the more people you run the less individual skill is required from each player.

The requirement for individual skill goes down, the requirement for smart leadership goes up.

Now, what old-schoolers consider skill are things like using your abilities and cooldowns efficiently and recognizing what skill your opponent is using and countering it with your own in a timely fashion. When you get in the 20v20 range it’s more about coordination and positioning which requires a good leader and good listeners. It’s a different type of skillset that can be appreciated in its own right, but its not what “old-school elitists” ( ;P ) consider to be individual skill.

That is why it rubs some people the wrong way when some BP talk about skill since they are working from a different definition of the word.

Thanks for the nice response. I was expecting something like “omg bp sucks you guys dont know any skill…”.

When we were vsing NSP like 3 months ago, I don’t particularly remember that much skill. Maybe it was shadowed by the presence of [Sekz]…

I would have scoffed at my statement too based on NSP from 3 months ago. It really is a different server now with respect to smaller scale groups. Lots of tough fights there now.

We like to think so. Appreciate the compliments! We have had quite a few people and guilds transfer to BP, but our roamers and small mans are still running around. Se you guys soon.

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.



in Match-ups

Posted by: Snow Ghost.6817

Snow Ghost.6817

[VP] had an enjoyable evening in HoD BL yesterday. We didn’t have many on, 7-8 of us and we were just out to see if we could pick some fights that didn’t involve a 30 man BP group for a change. SoCo were out causing trouble for HoD too and are always a welcome sight for us.

Defended it against a reasonable amount (10-12 maybe ?) of HoD at south gate for a while. Managed to flank and take out their siege on top of the roof of the camp, but there was no supply in Bay so we were not planning on keeping it.

There were 8 of us and a non-guildy that was following us. That was your chance at an even numbers fight and not a 30-man zerg. Maybe next time you’ll actually come fight us… or were you just looking for roamers to gank or something?

I’m sorry, but I do not know who KOM are and I do not remember seeing you at all. I may be wrong but I have asked the guys.. and they don’t rmember you either.. Unless that was you guys failing at south bay gate? Where you there or are you wanting us to come find you or something?

With regard to your “just looking for roamers to gank” remark, you obviously have no idea who we are either.

I will be sure to look out for your guild tag from now on and say hi when we see you.


GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Snow Ghost.6817

Snow Ghost.6817

It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.

We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.

We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.

I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.


GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.