It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty Alliance
Sorry but we never seen any AD or noqq with less then 8 tonight.
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty Alliance
Stylii, you guys were running close to 10 all night, and even had more at times, don’t even kid yourself otherwise. And you had no problem jumping in with whoever was around to zerg us down. We didn’t even mention you guys, so I’m not even sure where this even came from. Luckily, bashing us out of the blue is popular on these forums, so welcome to the club.
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty Alliance
Whatever you say buddy. We run 5, and fought nothing less from your “tri-guild-fecta” than 8 tonight. I realize there are probably a couple of your groups running around, never less than us. Never equal to 5 to that point either. And in my original post, the guild I was referring to as the ONE under 10 was AD. Don’t know why youre on here kitten in an moanin.
[VP] had an enjoyable evening in HoD BL yesterday. We didn’t have many on, 7-8 of us and we were just out to see if we could pick some fights that didn’t involve a 30 man BP group for a change. SoCo were out causing trouble for HoD too and are always a welcome sight for us.
Defended it against a reasonable amount (10-12 maybe ?) of HoD at south gate for a while. Managed to flank and take out their siege on top of the roof of the camp, but there was no supply in Bay so we were not planning on keeping it.
There were 8 of us and a non-guildy that was following us. That was your chance at an even numbers fight and not a 30-man zerg. Maybe next time you’ll actually come fight us… or were you just looking for roamers to gank or something?
I’m sorry, but I do not know who KOM are and I do not remember seeing you at all. I may be wrong but I have asked the guys.. and they don’t rmember you either.. Unless that was you guys failing at south bay gate? Where you there or are you wanting us to come find you or something?
With regard to your “just looking for roamers to gank” remark, you obviously have no idea who we are either.
I will be sure to look out for your guild tag from now on and say hi when we see you.
I have a very good idea of who you are. Yesterday we pushed onto you at the sentry point with 8 guys and your 7-8 guys bolted to bay and then sat there. We were hoping for a good fight so we tried to coax you out by building a catapult. You came out alright, but only to hit the siege then run right back into bay.
You wanted to play keep-defender instead of getting an even-number fight and still lost bay 5 minutes later. We had a good laugh about that.
So don’t go around saying you wanted to fight something that wasn’t a 30-man BP zerg, because you had the opportunity but decided to turtle instead. So if you don’t want to fight a zerg and you don’t want to fight even numbers, you only have ganking roamers left.
You must truly be an elite guild then, zerging those sentry points and the occasional underlevelled ranger.
“I smell like pomegranate.”
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty Alliance
Yeah, our 9 got tired of having to run in circles after you guys, so we weren’t just going to sit on the side while you’re standing in front of us.
“Ring around the Rosie” gets quite boring.
“I smell like pomegranate.”
I’m sorry, but I do not know who KOM are and I do not remember seeing you at all. I may be wrong but I have asked the guys.. and they don’t rmember you either.. Unless that was you guys failing at south bay gate? Where you there or are you wanting us to come find you or something?
With regard to your “just looking for roamers to gank” remark, you obviously have no idea who we are either.
I will be sure to look out for your guild tag from now on and say hi when we see you.
We got you and your buddies that were chillaxing in Bay to actually come out and fight, and wiped you. Of course your intention was to take out our siege and scurry back to bay cuz you couldn’t comprehend we just wanted to fight, we didn’t give a kitten about taking bay. But after that engagement you ran back into bay and sat up on the wall shooting fireworks while your keep was taken in front of your faces. Which was my favorite part btw.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty Alliance
Well I keep hearing about guild mates being solo and getting zerged by your group (btw lolz at the mass invis tactic to kill one person with your whole group), so there is no reason for us to honor or respect any fight you are engaged with. Which is why we will hit you any time you are spotted, even if you are engaged already. Respect works both ways. And like Aza said, it was very boring chasing you in circles around Vale. We figured pulling the npcs was the best chance at actually fighting you guys since you seem to run away any other time we come at you by ourselves.
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”
For what it’s worth GT did run into 5 NoQQ in Borlis Pass bordelands tonight. I believe we fought 5 AD too but I didn’t make special note of the guild name or tag at the time. I can’t comment on how rare such a sight is but they do run 5 man groups. However I can confirm laughable use of mass invisibility from NoQQ.
However I can confirm laughable use of mass invisibility from NoQQ.
Shots fired!
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceWhatever you say buddy. We run 5, and fought nothing less from your “tri-guild-fecta” than 8 tonight. I realize there are probably a couple of your groups running around, never less than us. Never equal to 5 to that point either. And in my original post, the guild I was referring to as the ONE under 10 was AD. Don’t know why youre on here kitten in an moanin.
No one is moaning. I give a rats butt if you add or not, I do it too until some honor code is put into place and people adhere to it. The post was to Lorek on my side and not to you guys. I’m letting Lorek know there really isn’t any code that EITHER side adheres to and don’t be sorry for adding in on the fight that PAXA/ADNoQQBsty was having. Did you read my post or saw only what you wanted to see?
Between BSTY and NoQQ, since I’m both of those guilds, we have 6 active online member in both Bsty and NoQQ guilds with one of them a pve’r. Pretty much only Oozo and one other AD ran with us since now AD pretty much runs on their own. So how you get to 8 and beyond (BstyNoQQ+ the 2AD) on our numbers is beyond me. I know on a few occasions we had tag alongs we can’t get rid of and so did you all (AR notable mention) and numerous adds on both sides. Or maybe it was my big Mesmer pets. Anyway I will try to get Oozo to post the vids of our numbers since you just don’t believe. Until then I will take it as a compliment since we must hit like 8 to 10+.
PS. if I had 10 or 15 or 20 people at my disposal (which i don’t) and fought your 5 man I wouldn’t really care if i zerg’d you. I’m out to kill ya no matter the odds.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
I find the idea of GvG as it is described to me as absurd. Line up, count the bodies, and then go at each other? Might as well just count which guild has more hammer warriors and call it a day. GvG in WvW is an african election. Its not about skill, its about who has the most ammunition.
I subscribe to the school of dirty tricks, or as I prefer to call it, winning WvW. If you are holed up in a tower, I will hit the one next door and you can decide what is more important. Hoping I come at you so you can farm my people for badges (I won’t) or leave the tower and try and stop me before I flip one you are not defending. That was me earlier when HoD tried to farm us at Ogrewatch. I went right past you to Durios and my force killed all of yours when you tried to stop me. I hear so much kitten about PvDoor. Well, I like PvDoor, because it works. And sun tzu agrees. An enemy strong point abandoned should never be ignored. It should be taken. Or as McArthur put it more succinctly, “Hit em where they ain’t”.
or we could do my personal favorite, jumping down from a high point while invisible and rushing your zerg with fiery greatswords, killing your stragglers first then enveloping the front portion and wiping them out. I don’t give you warning when I do that either and I certainly don’t let you count my numbers first. People don’t follow commanders because they are OP organized guilds who can win if the arena is set for them in the interest of fairness. People follow commanders who deliver them the loot bags and make sure they do not die in the process.
If you want organized PvP, well, that is what PvP is for. WvW is not PvP. Its chess writ large, and the winners are not the guilds who have the most hammer warriors and mesmers. The winners are the ones who utilize all the tools at their disposal. Its far more then just teamspeak, and which guild has the most of a certain OP class. Its about strategy, deception, ambush, and exploiting any weakness the opposition presents.
I’ll see you on the battlefield.
(edited by Aeros.2046)
I’m sorry, but I do not know who KOM are and I do not remember seeing you at all. I may be wrong but I have asked the guys.. and they don’t rmember you either.. Unless that was you guys failing at south bay gate? Where you there or are you wanting us to come find you or something?
With regard to your “just looking for roamers to gank” remark, you obviously have no idea who we are either.
I will be sure to look out for your guild tag from now on and say hi when we see you.
We got you and your buddies that were chillaxing in Bay to actually come out and fight, and wiped you. Of course your intention was to take out our siege and scurry back to bay cuz you couldn’t comprehend we just wanted to fight, we didn’t give a kitten about taking bay. But after that engagement you ran back into bay and sat up on the wall shooting fireworks while your keep was taken in front of your faces. Which was my favorite part btw.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceWell I keep hearing about guild mates being solo and getting zerged by your group (btw lolz at the mass invis tactic to kill one person with your whole group), so there is no reason for us to honor or respect any fight you are engaged with. Which is why we will hit you any time you are spotted, even if you are engaged already. Respect works both ways. And like Aza said, it was very boring chasing you in circles around Vale. We figured pulling the npcs was the best chance at actually fighting you guys since you seem to run away any other time we come at you by ourselves.
No quarter is asked for nor will it be asked for nor will it be given. Will continue to use any and all methods at our disposal to continue to take your little kids milk money and run faster than your ZERG trying to get it back.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
PS. if I had 10 or 15 or 20 people at my disposal (which i don’t) and fought your 5 man I wouldn’t really care if i zerg’d you. I’m out to kill ya no matter the odds.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
Oh we know. When the going gets tough, find more people with a pulse.
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceWhatever you say buddy. We run 5, and fought nothing less from your “tri-guild-fecta” than 8 tonight. I realize there are probably a couple of your groups running around, never less than us. Never equal to 5 to that point either. And in my original post, the guild I was referring to as the ONE under 10 was AD. Don’t know why youre on here kitten in an moanin.
No one is moaning. I give a rats butt if you add or not, I do it too until some honor code is put into place and people adhere to it. The post was to Lorek on my side and not to you guys. I’m letting Lorek know there really isn’t any code that EITHER side adheres to and don’t be sorry for adding in on the fight that PAXA/ADNoQQBsty was having. Did you read my post or saw only what you wanted to see?
Between BSTY and NoQQ, since I’m both of those guilds, we have 6 active online member in both Bsty and NoQQ guilds with one of them a pve’r. Pretty much only Oozo and one other AD ran with us since now AD pretty much runs on their own. So how you get to 8 and beyond (BstyNoQQ+ the 2AD) on our numbers is beyond me. I know on a few occasions we had tag alongs we can’t get rid of and so did you all (AR notable mention) and numerous adds on both sides. Or maybe it was my big Mesmer pets. Anyway I will try to get Oozo to post the vids of our numbers since you just don’t believe. Until then I will take it as a compliment since we must hit like 8 to 10+.
PS. if I had 10 or 15 or 20 people at my disposal (which i don’t) and fought your 5 man I wouldn’t really care if i zerg’d you. I’m out to kill ya no matter the odds.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
You are just like NSP’ers…It is pointless talking to you personally stylii about perspectives. We know the trifecta or whatever you’re all called run in 10+. All good. Thats what you’re on the scoreboard/roster as. No problem.
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceSorry but we never seen any AD or noqq with less then 8 tonight.
You can’t be serious. :/
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceSorry but we never seen any AD or noqq with less then 8 tonight.
You can’t be serious. :/
We ran into groups of 5-6 early in the night, but those numbers grew to 8+ for the rest of the night. Again, if that’s what you guys want to run, have at it. I could care less, I know the small-man thing is not what you guys really do anymore, and that’s cool. You guys will run a small group if that’s what you have on, but as Stylii so eloquently pointed out, you’re just as happy to hit us with 15 or with 5. That could be just what Stylii wants to do, but given the well-known alliance, I doubt that he is alone in that regard, and just seeing the numbers has validated that point.
We realize we’re going to be outnumbered, and we know as the night goes on and more of your guys log on, the fights become more out of hand for us as we’re still just running with 5. We know that we’re a rare breed in wanting to just run with one group and try fight against other groups, and we’re not expecting anyone else to do the same. It would be nice, but it’s become abundantly clear the mindset of what people want in WvW. We’re in the minority, and that suits us just fine. It’s nice when we do come across however many you have on, but we have no reason to lie about the numbers. We’re winning a lot of those fights regardless.
I’ve enjoyed the fights so far, and would have never said anything had Stylii not run his mouth about adding in on fights and talking about this ridiculous honor code we supposedly had in place. It would be one thing to not jump in on a fight involving another small-man group, but after seeing 8 or 9 of you guys sit outside our spawn and try to attack 3 of us, why should I adhere to any sort of rule?
When you guys were matched up with NSP, the forums turned into an absolute nightmare for you guys, and it was involving the same thing. I’m hoping this doesn’t devolve into someone letting us know how proficient they are with weapons, or posting a real-life picture of themselves holding a firearm, but we’ll see. Oozo, I have no beef with you and never have. I agree with a lot of what you say on a lot of different topics, but I’ve got no reason to lie when it comes to this.
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
(edited by Skarloc.2569)
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceSorry but we never seen any AD or noqq with less then 8 tonight.
You can’t be serious. :/
We ran into groups of 5-6 early in the night, but those numbers grew to 8+ for the rest of the night.
I typically don’t count tag-a-longs as part of an organized group’s numbers since they have no control over that and since they aren’t on voice they can actually be more of a hindrance than a help (as you already know).
While I was running with the mixed group we never had more than 6. When I switched to run with AD we had 5. I did take about a 30 min break in between that switch, though.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceSorry but we never seen any AD or noqq with less then 8 tonight.
You can’t be serious. :/
We ran into groups of 5-6 early in the night, but those numbers grew to 8+ for the rest of the night.
I typically don’t count tag-a-longs as part of an organized group’s numbers since they have no control over that and since they aren’t on voice they can actually be more of a hindrance than a help (as you already know).
While I was running with the mixed group we never had more than 6. When I switched to run with AD we had 5. I did take about a 30 min break in between that switch, though.
After a certain point you do have to count them though. If it’s just one or two random people who are terrible, then absolutely. If it’s 3-4 people who have somewhat of a clue, it becomes a clear edge, and it’s not even close. Having extra people throwing out random attacks, rezzing people, tossing out AoE’s, etc. is a lot to handle when it’s only 4-5 people against an already larger organized group.
I’m not saying it’s been 5v15, but it’s become a numbers game in several fights. Again, I know you don’t control what the adds can do, and it’s frustrating for us when adds jump in as well. However, it’s one thing to have one of our guys jump in mid fight compared to knowing full well that you’re gonna have adds who are going to jump in from the start. We have been avoiding the latter.
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
Oozo, I have no beef with you and never have. I agree with a lot of what you say on a lot of different topics, but I’ve got no reason to lie when it comes to this.
I don’t think anyone is lying. When I go back and look at footage, sometimes I’m amazed about how much my perception of the fight as it was happening does not match up with the reality of what really happened.
I’ll post some footage. Not to call anyone out or something like that but just so you can see our numbers from our side.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Oozo, I have no beef with you and never have. I agree with a lot of what you say on a lot of different topics, but I’ve got no reason to lie when it comes to this.
I don’t think anyone is lying. When I go back and look at footage, sometimes I’m amazed about how much my perception of the fight as it was happening does not match up with the reality of what really happened.
I’ll post some footage. Not to call anyone out or something like that but just so you can see our numbers from our side.
How many of the fights did you get recorded?
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
After a certain point you do have to count them though. If it’s just one or two random people who are terrible, then absolutely. If it’s 3-4 people who have somewhat of a clue, it becomes a clear edge, and it’s not even close. Having extra people throwing out random attacks, rezzing people, tossing out AoE’s, etc. is a lot to handle when it’s only 4-5 people against an already larger organized group.
I’m not saying it’s been 5v15, but it’s become a numbers game in several fights. Again, I know you don’t control what the adds can do, and it’s frustrating for us when adds jump in as well. However, it’s one thing to have one of our guys jump in mid fight compared to knowing full well that you’re gonna have adds who are going to jump in from the start. We have been avoiding the latter.
Oh, I agree. Obviously, in many cases, the extra people are a benefit. But, sometimes they are just a rally magnet for the other team. Another thing I’ve noticed is that the friendly tag color of teal can be really hard to notice when in a fight. Red is always easier to notice.
On this topic, how should the last fight we had at ruins tonight be interpreted?
For DR: 5 AD, 2 RegA, 1 DDLG
For HoD: 3 PAXA, 1 KoM, 1 CATZ, 2 FSB
We were not running with RegA or DDLG (they just happened to be there), but Subcrazy (who was there) is saying that we (AD) had 8. Can I say that you had 7 then?
There seems to be a double-standard being applied to us. ;(
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
(edited by Oozo.7856)
What’s all this nonsense about running five?? Everyone knows the hardcore guys run three. I mean two, yeah the uber leet groups run two. In that case; get on my level. I keep getting zerged down by groups of 5 all day. I only saw maybe two pro groups of two. What’s next? kitten please, it’s all about running solo. ?
Guild Leader
What’s all this nonsense about running five?? Everyone knows the hardcore guys run three. I mean two, yeah the uber leet groups run two. In that case; get on my level. I keep getting zerged down by groups of 5 all day. I only saw maybe two pro groups of two. What’s next? kitten please, it’s all about running solo. ?
I agree. I was running with just one buddy last night, rocking our NAME tags, and we would constantly get zerged down by PAXA / KoM zerglings running in groups of five. It’s honestly a bit sad that they have to substitute skill with numbers but at the same time if they wanna zerg around like that who am I to try and stop them?
But yeah respect works both ways kids. Tonight I will get a group of six (6) elite DAoC PvP’erz together and smite all of you puny weaklings from the battlefield with skill the likes which has never been seen before. It will definitely be embarrassing on your part, and it will definitely be recorded.
Prepare to die.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
[VP] had an enjoyable evening in HoD BL yesterday. We didn’t have many on, 7-8 of us and we were just out to see if we could pick some fights that didn’t involve a 30 man BP group for a change. SoCo were out causing trouble for HoD too and are always a welcome sight for us.
Defended it against a reasonable amount (10-12 maybe ?) of HoD at south gate for a while. Managed to flank and take out their siege on top of the roof of the camp, but there was no supply in Bay so we were not planning on keeping it.
There were 8 of us and a non-guildy that was following us. That was your chance at an even numbers fight and not a 30-man zerg. Maybe next time you’ll actually come fight us… or were you just looking for roamers to gank or something?
I’m sorry, but I do not know who KOM are and I do not remember seeing you at all. I may be wrong but I have asked the guys.. and they don’t rmember you either.. Unless that was you guys failing at south bay gate? Where you there or are you wanting us to come find you or something?
With regard to your “just looking for roamers to gank” remark, you obviously have no idea who we are either.
I will be sure to look out for your guild tag from now on and say hi when we see you.
I have a very good idea of who you are. Yesterday we pushed onto you at the sentry point with 8 guys and your 7-8 guys bolted to bay and then sat there. We were hoping for a good fight so we tried to coax you out by building a catapult. You came out alright, but only to hit the siege then run right back into bay.
You wanted to play keep-defender instead of getting an even-number fight and still lost bay 5 minutes later. We had a good laugh about that.
So don’t go around saying you wanted to fight something that wasn’t a 30-man BP zerg, because you had the opportunity but decided to turtle instead. So if you don’t want to fight a zerg and you don’t want to fight even numbers, you only have ganking roamers left.
You must truly be an elite guild then, zerging those sentry points and the occasional underlevelled ranger.
Ok. You are obviously sore about something, so let me try and figure out why.
Firstly, we are not a roaming group and we do care about our PPT, so the fact that we took your Bay was helping us out a lot and was the first priority for us.. Our original intention was to come to your map to look for some good fights but that changed when it was so easy to take your Bay.
You mentioned that we came out. Yes we did come out, flanked round the back of you, took out your siege and every one of you trying to defend it. Might this be the source of your soreness perhaps? Your long walk back from spawn?
We did retreat back to Bay after that and the fireworks did come out, but thats us just having some fun and not meant as a slight in your direction, which you have obviously taken it as.
I did say in my post that we lost bay to BP so saying it again achieves what? Makes you feel better about the whole thing I guess.
Anyway, VP will defend what we have on a map before going for the fights. That is how we play the game.
Your comment about “elite guild”, we have never proclaimed ourselves to be some kind of elite guild and would never presume to give ourselves any kind of title or tag. It is up to others to make judgements on this kind of thing, but as long as we strive to have a reasonable reputation within the DR community, then thats good enough for us.
The facts of that encounter are these.
You put up siege.
We wipe you and your siege.
We retreat to defend our keep.
You have sore cheeks and decide to have a go at us on the forums.
We got you and your buddies that were chillaxing in Bay to actually come out and fight, and wiped you. Of course your intention was to take out our siege and scurry back to bay cuz you couldn’t comprehend we just wanted to fight, we didn’t give a kitten about taking bay. But after that engagement you ran back into bay and sat up on the wall shooting fireworks while your keep was taken in front of your faces. Which was my favorite part btw.
Wipe us? Come on now. Behave please
How can we “scurry back to bay” if we have been wiped?
Please refrain from posting further as I fear you may hurt yourself in the process and that would make me sad.
GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.
(edited by Snow Ghost.6817)
Hello! I would like to remind everyone that the weekly Fight Club will be held tomorrow (Thursday) at 8 PM EST! More information will be broadcasted on that day, including rules and location. Also, stay tuned for the large GvG occurring at 9 PM EST! Hope to see you guys there!
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceSorry but we never seen any AD or noqq with less then 8 tonight.
You can’t be serious. :/
I’ve enjoyed the fights so far, and would have never said anything had Stylii not run his mouth about adding in on fights and talking about this ridiculous honor code we supposedly had in place. It would be one thing to not jump in on a fight involving another small-man group, but after seeing 8 or 9 of you guys sit outside our spawn and try to attack 3 of us, why should I adhere to any sort of rule?
Again, you read into it the way you wanted to see it on the honor code. NEVER did I say there WAS an honor code in place. Just the opposite, I said there ISNTone in place and told my fellow (VP) people, who were trying to adhere to an honor code, to go ahead and attack since there wasnt a “CURRENT” standing agreement. Come on and get your rosé color glasses off and see it for what it is. I really don’t care if there is an honor code or not, kill or be killed is how I feel NO matter the numbers matchup when fighting on the field.
Since you vehemently exclaim there are no other small mans, besides the one you fought the other day, I don’t see the need for any such agreement. Continue business as usual.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
[VP] had an enjoyable evening in HoD BL yesterday. We didn’t have many on, 7-8 of us and we were just out to see if we could pick some fights that didn’t involve a 30 man BP group for a change. SoCo were out causing trouble for HoD too and are always a welcome sight for us.
Tend to find less zergy stuff in the morning/early afternoon est time in HOD/BP that we love to play in, especially since we are usually not running more than a couple of us that early in the day You guys know how I feel bout you VP guys! <3 Always love ya on the same map :p
Yak’s Bend
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
We did attempt to engage you tonight but we pulled a lot of others with us.
We aslo did try to stay out of your fights with the AD and NOQQ guys but some of the people following jumped in.
I am sorry for this but sadly, this is the way of things. If they aren’t in the guild and on on TS, it’s hard to stop them.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty AllianceSorry but we never seen any AD or noqq with less then 8 tonight.
You can’t be serious. :/
I’ve enjoyed the fights so far, and would have never said anything had Stylii not run his mouth about adding in on fights and talking about this ridiculous honor code we supposedly had in place. It would be one thing to not jump in on a fight involving another small-man group, but after seeing 8 or 9 of you guys sit outside our spawn and try to attack 3 of us, why should I adhere to any sort of rule?
Again, you read into it the way you wanted to see it on the honor code. NEVER did I say there WAS an honor code in place. Just the opposite, I said there ISNTone in place and told my fellow (VP) people, who were trying to adhere to an honor code, to go ahead and attack since there wasnt a “CURRENT” standing agreement. Come on and get your rosé color glasses off and see it for what it is. I really don’t care if there is an honor code or not, kill or be killed is how I feel NO matter the numbers matchup when fighting on the field.
Since you vehemently exclaim there are no other small mans, besides the one you fought the other day, I don’t see the need for any such agreement. Continue business as usual.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
Message received…. All invaders must die.
GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.
[VP] had an enjoyable evening in HoD BL yesterday. We didn’t have many on, 7-8 of us and we were just out to see if we could pick some fights that didn’t involve a 30 man BP group for a change. SoCo were out causing trouble for HoD too and are always a welcome sight for us.
Tend to find less zergy stuff in the morning/early afternoon est time in HOD/BP that we love to play in, especially since we are usually not running more than a couple of us that early in the day
You guys know how I feel bout you VP guys! <3 Always love ya on the same map :p
If only I could give up my job and play whenever I wanted, would love it. A few of our guys like to roam in the enemy borderlands around that time and they do tell me it is much more fun, but most of us get on around the start of NA Prime so it’s a lot more zergy by then.
Missed you guys at our Tower Defence event on BP BL last night. Think Crixus recorded it though so we should have a video up shortly.
Seeya soon <3
GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.
Rule of thumb that stuck with me from DAoC
Don’t add other ppls fights.
Other than that ppl who run 5 mans that complain about getting ran over by 10 need to reevaluate because they won’t hesitate yo run over a solo. BP and DR I’ve watch do this.
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
Welcome to WvW Tier 5, where a 15 man group is a small group – and in reality, the minimum numbers you need to be effective. Enjoy your stay!
Necessity has driven BP to adopt these group tactics and compositions. Understandably, our current opponents may not like group combat this size, and I guess that’s why you’ve chosen to stay on T7 servers. So I apologize that you’ve been forced outside your comfort zone – don’t get mad at BP, however, this is on ANet.
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]
Rule of thumb that stuck with me from DAoC
Don’t add other ppls fights.
Other than that ppl who run 5 mans that complain about getting ran over by 10 need to reevaluate because they won’t hesitate yo run over a solo. BP and DR I’ve watch do this.
Time and time again. Mostly when the people (solo/duo) that I am fighting run to their zerg/group for help. But when I get hit with a bigger group, I don’t run, I stand and fight (mostly because I CAN’T run) and hope that I am underestimated.
If you guys wanna kitten on about the small-man group stuff, take it to PMs or start a new thread, and provide proof of group size through video evidence.
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
After a certain point you do have to count them though. If it’s just one or two random people who are terrible, then absolutely. If it’s 3-4 people who have somewhat of a clue, it becomes a clear edge, and it’s not even close. Having extra people throwing out random attacks, rezzing people, tossing out AoE’s, etc. is a lot to handle when it’s only 4-5 people against an already larger organized group.
I’m not saying it’s been 5v15, but it’s become a numbers game in several fights. Again, I know you don’t control what the adds can do, and it’s frustrating for us when adds jump in as well. However, it’s one thing to have one of our guys jump in mid fight compared to knowing full well that you’re gonna have adds who are going to jump in from the start. We have been avoiding the latter.
Oh, I agree. Obviously, in many cases, the extra people are a benefit. But, sometimes they are just a rally magnet for the other team. Another thing I’ve noticed is that the friendly tag color of teal can be really hard to notice when in a fight. Red is always easier to notice.
On this topic, how should the last fight we had at ruins tonight be interpreted?
For DR: 5 AD, 2 RegA, 1 DDLG
For HoD: 3 PAXA, 1 KoM, 1 CATZ, 2 FSBWe were not running with RegA or DDLG (they just happened to be there), but Subcrazy (who was there) is saying that we (AD) had 8. Can I say that you had 7 then?
There seems to be a double-standard being applied to us. ;(
We were running 3 PAXA/ 1 KoM for only about half an hour, I don’t remember a fight at the ruins. Are you referring to the fight at the camp near Bay?
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
Welcome to WvW Tier 5, where a 15 man group is a small group – and in reality, the minimum numbers you need to be effective. Enjoy your stay!
Necessity has driven BP to adopt these group tactics and compositions. Understandably, our current opponents may not like group combat this size, and I guess that’s why you’ve chosen to stay on T7 servers. So I apologize that you’ve been forced outside your comfort zone – don’t get mad at BP, however, this is on ANet.
I can tell you’re not being malicious and I won’t be either. I don’t believe anyone has been forced to do anything as PAXA has fought all the same servers y’all have with all the same 40-50 mans and still get our 2-300 kills a night. Zerg school has no graduation plan in this game…. They want you’re tuition forever and for always, so why not stay in college?
Less than 5% of the total pvp population has graduated Zerg mentality. That’s pathetic. Even running with 15 you still end up using far fewer abilities than we are ever challenged with. And no one cares to put themselves in that much of an “uncomfortable situation” so Zerging continues.
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Again, you read into it the way you wanted to see it on the honor code. NEVER did I say there WAS an honor code in place. Just the opposite, I said there ISNTone in place and told my fellow (VP) people, who were trying to adhere to an honor code, to go ahead and attack since there wasnt a “CURRENT” standing agreement. Come on and get your rosé color glasses off and see it for what it is. I really don’t care if there is an honor code or not, kill or be killed is how I feel NO matter the numbers matchup when fighting on the field.
Since you vehemently exclaim there are no other small mans, besides the one you fought the other day, I don’t see the need for any such agreement. Continue business as usual.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) Leader
There’s nothing rose-colored about this, it’s simply called reading comprehension. You make the assumption that because we run in a small-man group there is an unwritten code that we should follow with other people doing the same. If you didn’t think so, you wouldn’t talk about us “advocating” that style of play, yet not adhering to some type of honorable fighting. And then you throw in another baseless claim that we add in all the time no matter the consequences. As if you would even know.
Your limited experience with us is based on a small selection of fights in which you’ve had numbers on your side each time, and if it was up to you, the numbers advantage would be even greater. How have those fights been going for you anyways? You don’t seem to be doing so well against us. There’s a difference between us; we play because we want good fights, and to challenge ourselves. You play because rolling someone is the goal no matter how imbalanced the fight is. 20v5? As long as you get the kill, who cares if the process is more simple than a game of Mario Kart.
And we don’t consider you a small-man for good reason, you’re just not, and you never have been. NoQQ has been zerging it up since your days on Kaineng. I know you don’t like to think so, but just because you have 15-20 organized people on mumble doesn’t make you any less of a zerg. If you’re running 6, the only reason that’s happening is because you can’t get enough of your guys on, not because that’s the style of play you like, and you even said so yourself. You welcome more numbers to solve your fights, and that’s obviously your choice, and it’s clearly why we think the way we do about you.
I could care less how many you run with. My expectations for what anyone does in this game is not very high. I expecting zerging, and lots of it. I don’t understand it, but it’s clearly the way the mass majority of this game wants to play, which includes you, Stylii. When in doubt, grab more numbers.
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
(edited by Skarloc.2569)
We got you and your buddies that were chillaxing in Bay to actually come out and fight, and wiped you. Of course your intention was to take out our siege and scurry back to bay cuz you couldn’t comprehend we just wanted to fight, we didn’t give a kitten about taking bay. But after that engagement you ran back into bay and sat up on the wall shooting fireworks while your keep was taken in front of your faces. Which was my favorite part btw.Wipe us? Come on now. Behave please
How can we “scurry back to bay” if we have been wiped?
Please refrain from posting further as I fear you may hurt yourself in the process and that would make me sad.
You guys did hit us hard, I’ll give you that. Maybe if you tried to kill us first, not the siege, you would have succeeded. For clarification, scurrying back to bay refers to 3-4 that got away and ran inside bay and the rest of you regrouping there after you died. Anyway lets not sit in the past, we can move on from this. In preparation we will have fraps running so future encounters of VP can be recorded and used when you come to the forums being a pretentious kitten again.
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Again, you read into it the way you wanted to see it on the honor code. NEVER did I say there WAS an honor code in place. Just the opposite, I said there ISNTone in place and told my fellow (VP) people, who were trying to adhere to an honor code, to go ahead and attack since there wasnt a “CURRENT” standing agreement. Come on and get your rosé color glasses off and see it for what it is. I really don’t care if there is an honor code or not, kill or be killed is how I feel NO matter the numbers matchup when fighting on the field.
Since you vehemently exclaim there are no other small mans, besides the one you fought the other day, I don’t see the need for any such agreement. Continue business as usual.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) LeaderThere’s nothing rose-colored about this, it’s simply called reading comprehension. You make the assumption that because we run in a small-man group there is an unwritten code that we should follow with other people doing the same. If you didn’t think so, you wouldn’t talk about us “advocating” that style of play, yet not adhering to some type of honorable fighting. And then you throw in another baseless claim that we add in all the time no matter the consequences. As if you would even know.
Are you really this hard to get through to on comprehension or do you have to practice to be that way? You are really having a hard time on this one for sure since the original post was TO the (VP) guild on our side saying there WAS NO code. No code for anything anywhere for any amount of people, none was expected. I know I will spell it out yet again, “There is NO code” none, zero, zilch. That is why I said to VP to go ahead and attack on any and all fights. Come on how hard can this be? Really…. sheesh.
Your track record of adding in so far that I have seen has been 100% on two different days during our current matchup. Pretty good record if I say so since the videos wont lie on that or our numbers that we were running yesterday. (You are correct on one point though, we run what we have, good job on that one ;-)
The rest of your paragraphs are just mundane points that have already been said numerous times and common knowledge. Nice of you to continue to beat the proverbial dead horse. But do continue we do like watching efforts in futility.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
Nimue (Order of Shadow) 2001-2004
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Again, you read into it the way you wanted to see it on the honor code. NEVER did I say there WAS an honor code in place. Just the opposite, I said there ISNTone in place and told my fellow (VP) people, who were trying to adhere to an honor code, to go ahead and attack since there wasnt a “CURRENT” standing agreement. Come on and get your rosé color glasses off and see it for what it is. I really don’t care if there is an honor code or not, kill or be killed is how I feel NO matter the numbers matchup when fighting on the field.
Since you vehemently exclaim there are no other small mans, besides the one you fought the other day, I don’t see the need for any such agreement. Continue business as usual.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) LeaderThere’s nothing rose-colored about this, it’s simply called reading comprehension. You make the assumption that because we run in a small-man group there is an unwritten code that we should follow with other people doing the same. If you didn’t think so, you wouldn’t talk about us “advocating” that style of play, yet not adhering to some type of honorable fighting. And then you throw in another baseless claim that we add in all the time no matter the consequences. As if you would even know.
Are you really this hard to get through to on comprehension or do you have to practice to be that way? You are really having a hard time on this one for sure since the original post was TO the (VP) guild on our side saying there WAS NO code. No code for anything anywhere for any amount of people, none was expected. I know I will spell it out yet again, “There is NO code” none, zero, zilch. That is why I said to VP to go ahead and attack on any and all fights. Come on how hard can this be? Really…. sheesh.
Your track record of adding in so far that I have seen has been 100% on two different days during our current matchup. Pretty good record if I say so since the videos wont lie on that or our numbers that we were running yesterday. (You are correct on one point though, we run what we have, good job on that one ;-)
The rest of your paragraphs are just mundane points that have already been said numerous times and common knowledge. Nice of you to continue to beat the proverbial dead horse. But do continue we do like watching efforts in futility.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ)Nimue (Order of Shadow) 2001-2004
All good. Well continue to win fights by AJing your 5-6 “little group”. See you out there
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
Welcome to WvW Tier 5, where a 15 man group is a small group – and in reality, the minimum numbers you need to be effective. Enjoy your stay!
Necessity has driven BP to adopt these group tactics and compositions. Understandably, our current opponents may not like group combat this size, and I guess that’s why you’ve chosen to stay on T7 servers. So I apologize that you’ve been forced outside your comfort zone – don’t get mad at BP, however, this is on ANet.
I can tell you’re not being malicious and I won’t be either. I don’t believe anyone has been forced to do anything as PAXA has fought all the same servers y’all have with all the same 40-50 mans and still get our 2-300 kills a night. Zerg school has no graduation plan in this game…. They want you’re tuition forever and for always, so why not stay in college?
Less than 5% of the total pvp population has graduated Zerg mentality. That’s pathetic. Even running with 15 you still end up using far fewer abilities than we are ever challenged with. And no one cares to put themselves in that much of an “uncomfortable situation” so Zerging continues.
Well, no offense, but my past experiences with PAXA have been that you like to get kills, but not necessarily play the WvW objectives games. Which – I think – may play into your notions of what has been forced upon you. That is to say, you never need more than 1 person to get some kills in WvW. However, if you wish to successfully defend a WvW objective against zergs of 30+, a small, coordinated group of 15 is highly effective and necessary to secure those objectives.
As I previously alluded, T7 is a great place to have small group combat since the zergs aren’t quite as big and/or prevalent. T5 is not – I frankly have not roamed solo for months, because I simply couldn’t accomplish much of anything without being chased down by 15 players that kept streaming out of their waypoint’d keep at us no matter how many times I killed them. (That and Warriors were nerf’d really hard for a time). Therefore, many of us felt in necessary to organize into larger, more effective fighting units.
We are continuing these tactics this week in order to get some more practice, and in anticipation of fighting bigger servers in the future. Thus, these smaller servers are at the mercy of our larger groups. And that’s something that I don’t think is fun for anyone – and that’s a problem that Anet has created with this odd randomization of match ups. The ironic thing is that when we fight a bigger server, our groups of 15 will be crying out to those servers to fight us with less than 30+ zergs It’s a vicious circle!
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]
(edited by Walabone.6713)
I wouldn’t be sorry nor apologize for it Lorek, nor stop them. Pretty much all night my little group only had 4 (1 BSTY/2 NoQQ/1 AD) and at one point got up to 6. Numerous times we would be fighting small unit stuff or against a zerg only to be added in on by KOM and/or PAXA when fighting enemies. They didn’t hesitate to add in so you shouldn’t either. They continue the advocation for small man but no honor of honoring those that are fighting small man on their part so why should anyone honor leaving their small man fights alone on our side when they add in themselves all the time no matter the circumstances.
Again, you read into it the way you wanted to see it on the honor code. NEVER did I say there WAS an honor code in place. Just the opposite, I said there ISNTone in place and told my fellow (VP) people, who were trying to adhere to an honor code, to go ahead and attack since there wasnt a “CURRENT” standing agreement. Come on and get your rosé color glasses off and see it for what it is. I really don’t care if there is an honor code or not, kill or be killed is how I feel NO matter the numbers matchup when fighting on the field.
Since you vehemently exclaim there are no other small mans, besides the one you fought the other day, I don’t see the need for any such agreement. Continue business as usual.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ) LeaderThere’s nothing rose-colored about this, it’s simply called reading comprehension. You make the assumption that because we run in a small-man group there is an unwritten code that we should follow with other people doing the same. If you didn’t think so, you wouldn’t talk about us “advocating” that style of play, yet not adhering to some type of honorable fighting. And then you throw in another baseless claim that we add in all the time no matter the consequences. As if you would even know.
Are you really this hard to get through to on comprehension or do you have to practice to be that way? You are really having a hard time on this one for sure since the original post was TO the (VP) guild on our side saying there WAS NO code. No code for anything anywhere for any amount of people, none was expected. I know I will spell it out yet again, “There is NO code” none, zero, zilch. That is why I said to VP to go ahead and attack on any and all fights. Come on how hard can this be? Really…. sheesh.
Your track record of adding in so far that I have seen has been 100% on two different days during our current matchup. Pretty good record if I say so since the videos wont lie on that or our numbers that we were running yesterday. (You are correct on one point though, we run what we have, good job on that one ;-)
The rest of your paragraphs are just mundane points that have already been said numerous times and common knowledge. Nice of you to continue to beat the proverbial dead horse. But do continue we do like watching efforts in futility.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
(NoQQ)Nimue (Order of Shadow) 2001-2004
All good. Well continue to win fights by AJing your 5-6 “little group”. See you out there
Sounds good, either way win or lose in the end it is all about the fun.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
We got you and your buddies that were chillaxing in Bay to actually come out and fight, and wiped you. Of course your intention was to take out our siege and scurry back to bay cuz you couldn’t comprehend we just wanted to fight, we didn’t give a kitten about taking bay. But after that engagement you ran back into bay and sat up on the wall shooting fireworks while your keep was taken in front of your faces. Which was my favorite part btw.Wipe us? Come on now. Behave please
How can we “scurry back to bay” if we have been wiped?
Please refrain from posting further as I fear you may hurt yourself in the process and that would make me sad.
You guys did hit us hard, I’ll give you that. Maybe if you tried to kill us first, not the siege, you would have succeeded. For clarification, scurrying back to bay refers to 3-4 that got away and ran inside bay and the rest of you regrouping there after you died. Anyway lets not sit in the past, we can move on from this. In preparation we will have fraps running so future encounters of VP can be recorded and used when you come to the forums being a pretentious kitten again.
It was the siege we were interested in, as we were attempting to hold Bay for another points tick, so it was highly successful for us thanks. Taking you guys out at the same time was just a bonus. I will give you that not all of us made it back into Bay, 5 of us did.
I really don’t think my original post was pretentious in the slightest. I do endeavour to be respectful, at least until myself or someone in my guild are disrespected.
Maybe you misinterpret this as being pretentious and I guess I can understand why you would.
Video evidence, always good but I am sure we will only see the highly edited win win win parts from your recordings as thats how you strike me as being on the forums at least.
Good luck out there.
GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.
(edited by Snow Ghost.6817)
Ok. You are obviously sore about something, so let me try and figure out why.
Firstly, we are not a roaming group and we do care about our PPT, so the fact that we took your Bay was helping us out a lot and was the first priority for us.. Our original intention was to come to your map to look for some good fights but that changed when it was so easy to take your Bay.
You mentioned that we came out. Yes we did come out, flanked round the back of you, took out your siege and every one of you trying to defend it. Might this be the source of your soreness perhaps? Your long walk back from spawn?
We did retreat back to Bay after that and the fireworks did come out, but thats us just having some fun and not meant as a slight in your direction, which you have obviously taken it as.
I did say in my post that we lost bay to BP so saying it again achieves what? Makes you feel better about the whole thing I guess.
Anyway, VP will defend what we have on a map before going for the fights. That is how we play the game.
Your comment about “elite guild”, we have never proclaimed ourselves to be some kind of elite guild and would never presume to give ourselves any kind of title or tag. It is up to others to make judgements on this kind of thing, but as long as we strive to have a reasonable reputation within the DR community, then thats good enough for us.
The facts of that encounter are these.
You put up siege.
We wipe you and your siege.
We retreat to defend our keep.
You have sore cheeks and decide to have a go at us on the forums.GG
You know, siege doesn’t count as people, so killing the siege doesn’t count as “wiping” us. You guys downed 1 person who we revived before we got the finish. Maybe if you had bothered focusing your attacks on us, you may have done better considering there were only 4 of us up there at the time you attacked the siege. Instead, you hit the siege and then ran back in having lost a few in the process.
Since you admit to caring more about the ppt, (seriously? DR and HoD are both getting smacked in that department) then what you did was foolish in regards to pve as well. Since we had control of the supply camp and bay had no supply, we could keep hitting. You would have been better off killing us and taking control of the camp, then repairing the wall and setting up defenses.
Since you seem to have trouble with the pvp aspect of wvw as well as the pve aspect of wvw, may I suggest Southsun cove?
“I smell like pomegranate.”
Bunch of forum warriors having a kitten ing contest in the match-up forums. Ah, great entertainment!
Fight on mighty forum warriors! Fight on!
It is beyond mildly embarrassing that we have fought ONE guild under 10 players this week. Graduate from zerg school already, challenge yourselves past relying on 15+ people to stay alive.
Welcome to WvW Tier 5, where a 15 man group is a small group – and in reality, the minimum numbers you need to be effective. Enjoy your stay!
Necessity has driven BP to adopt these group tactics and compositions. Understandably, our current opponents may not like group combat this size, and I guess that’s why you’ve chosen to stay on T7 servers. So I apologize that you’ve been forced outside your comfort zone – don’t get mad at BP, however, this is on ANet.
I can tell you’re not being malicious and I won’t be either. I don’t believe anyone has been forced to do anything as PAXA has fought all the same servers y’all have with all the same 40-50 mans and still get our 2-300 kills a night. Zerg school has no graduation plan in this game…. They want you’re tuition forever and for always, so why not stay in college?
Less than 5% of the total pvp population has graduated Zerg mentality. That’s pathetic. Even running with 15 you still end up using far fewer abilities than we are ever challenged with. And no one cares to put themselves in that much of an “uncomfortable situation” so Zerging continues.
Well, no offense, but my past experiences with PAXA have been that you like to get kills, but not necessarily play the WvW objectives games. Which – I think – may play into your notions of what has been forced upon you. That is to say, you never need more than 1 person to get some kills in WvW. However, if you wish to successfully defend a WvW objective against zergs of 30+, a small, coordinated group of 15 is highly effective and necessary to secure those objectives.
As I previously alluded, T7 is a great place to have small group combat since the zergs aren’t quite as big and/or prevalent. T5 is not – I frankly have not roamed solo for months, because I simply couldn’t accomplish much of anything without being chased down by 15 players that kept streaming out of their waypoint’d keep at us no matter how many times I killed them. (That and Warriors were nerf’d really hard for a time). Therefore, many of us felt in necessary to organize into larger, more effective fighting units.
We are continuing these tactics this week in order to get some more practice, and in anticipation of fighting bigger servers in the future. Thus, these smaller servers are at the mercy of our larger groups. And that’s something that I don’t think is fun for anyone – and that’s a problem that Anet has created with this odd randomization of match ups. The ironic thing is that when we fight a bigger server, our groups of 15 will be crying out to those servers to fight us with less than 30+ zergs
It’s a vicious circle!
I understand your personal wishes. My point is on a grand scale. This game is not breeding competition between players. It’s breeding coasting through a relatively simple environment. Less abilities, less classes, less Aoe cap, less reason for anyone to want to get better and out on their own as opposed to relying on the servers wvw population in order to fight red. My point is that every server has the 90% and higher majority ONLY Zerging as their form of fun. And there is a SUPER slow ( if any ) graduation rate from that form of mentality. Zerging is for new people and some who actually enjoy it as their casual way to play. In most mmos or at least successful pvp mmos, people eventually move on from Zerging to running in smaller but more coordinated groups. Not the case in GW2.
PS. if I had 10 or 15 or 20 people at my disposal (which i don’t) and fought your 5 man I wouldn’t really care if i zerg’d you. I’m out to kill ya no matter the odds.
Zizanzi (Stylii)
Hit us whenever you see us and we’ll hit you whenever we see you. We won’t hold it against you, but we just might come and hit you back in return.
Nice and simple.
ps: You can put your name and guild in your signature
“I smell like pomegranate.”
Ok. You are obviously sore about something, so let me try and figure out why.
Firstly, we are not a roaming group and we do care about our PPT, so the fact that we took your Bay was helping us out a lot and was the first priority for us.. Our original intention was to come to your map to look for some good fights but that changed when it was so easy to take your Bay.
You mentioned that we came out. Yes we did come out, flanked round the back of you, took out your siege and every one of you trying to defend it. Might this be the source of your soreness perhaps? Your long walk back from spawn?
We did retreat back to Bay after that and the fireworks did come out, but thats us just having some fun and not meant as a slight in your direction, which you have obviously taken it as.
I did say in my post that we lost bay to BP so saying it again achieves what? Makes you feel better about the whole thing I guess.
Anyway, VP will defend what we have on a map before going for the fights. That is how we play the game.
Your comment about “elite guild”, we have never proclaimed ourselves to be some kind of elite guild and would never presume to give ourselves any kind of title or tag. It is up to others to make judgements on this kind of thing, but as long as we strive to have a reasonable reputation within the DR community, then thats good enough for us.
The facts of that encounter are these.
You put up siege.
We wipe you and your siege.
We retreat to defend our keep.
You have sore cheeks and decide to have a go at us on the forums.GG
You know, siege doesn’t count as people, so killing the siege doesn’t count as “wiping” us. You guys downed 1 person who we revived before we got the finish. Maybe if you had bothered focusing your attacks on us, you may have done better considering there were only 4 of us up there at the time you attacked the siege. Instead, you hit the siege and then ran back in having lost a few in the process.
Since you admit to caring more about the ppt, (seriously? DR and HoD are both getting smacked in that department) then what you did was foolish in regards to pve as well. Since we had control of the supply camp and bay had no supply, we could keep hitting. You would have been better off killing us and taking control of the camp, then repairing the wall and setting up defenses.
Since you seem to have trouble with the pvp aspect of wvw as well as the pve aspect of wvw, may I suggest Southsun cove?
Thanks for all the advice.
I will make sure I create some notes from your teachings and create a Powerpoint presentation for our next guild meeting. It is sure to go down very well with the guys.
May I suggest you concentrate on your own strategy, and I will get on with VP’s. Why would we need supply if we only wanted to hold it for1 more points tick? Ummm, we didn’t need supply.
I can see that we will simply not agree on anything at all, and I don’t particularly want to waste my time replying to you any more soooo.
Good luck to you too.
GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.
(edited by Moderator)
For what it’s worth GT did run into 5 NoQQ in Borlis Pass bordelands tonight. I believe we fought 5 AD too but I didn’t make special note of the guild name or tag at the time. I can’t comment on how rare such a sight is but they do run 5 man groups. However I can confirm laughable use of mass invisibility from NoQQ.
I was not with that group but I am prone to random acts of invisibility which mostly just annoy my teammates and serve no purpose.
Whatever you say buddy. We run 5, and fought nothing less from your “tri-guild-fecta” than 8 tonight. I realize there are probably a couple of your groups running around, never less than us. Never equal to 5 to that point either. And in my original post, the guild I was referring to as the ONE under 10 was AD. Don’t know why youre on here kitten in an moanin.
As to all the “we only run with 5 and seek fights with equal numbers” bit. Ridiculous, I regularly get chased across the entire south map of the borderlands by these “we only run with 5” groups and they have no problem engaging and attempting to stomp solo players. Is 5v1 more honorable than 5v7 or 5v8? Seems like you just want to engage anything you have a good shot at killing and isn’t that what basically every random WvW player kind of does?
I enjoy the 1v1 2v2 5v5 etc engagements and even enjoy prearranged “fightclub” style match ups but don’t really expect much of that in open world WvW.
BTW, when you attack a solo roamer 5v1 then you are the zerg so just embrace your inner zerg and “Lighten up Francis”.
Well, no offense, but my past experiences with PAXA have been that you like to get kills, but not necessarily play the WvW objectives games. Which – I think – may play into your notions of what has been forced upon you. That is to say, you never need more than 1 person to get some kills in WvW. However, if you wish to successfully defend a WvW objective against zergs of 30+, a small, coordinated group of 15 is highly effective and necessary to secure those objectives.
As I previously alluded, T7 is a great place to have small group combat since the zergs aren’t quite as big and/or prevalent. T5 is not – I frankly have not roamed solo for months, because I simply couldn’t accomplish much of anything without being chased down by 15 players that kept streaming out of their waypoint’d keep at us no matter how many times I killed them. (That and Warriors were nerf’d really hard for a time). Therefore, many of us felt in necessary to organize into larger, more effective fighting units.
We are continuing these tactics this week in order to get some more practice, and in anticipation of fighting bigger servers in the future. Thus, these smaller servers are at the mercy of our larger groups. And that’s something that I don’t think is fun for anyone – and that’s a problem that Anet has created with this odd randomization of match ups. The ironic thing is that when we fight a bigger server, our groups of 15 will be crying out to those servers to fight us with less than 30+ zergs
It’s a vicious circle!
I understand your personal wishes. My point is on a grand scale. This game is not breeding competition between players. It’s breeding coasting through a relatively simple environment. Less abilities, less classes, less Aoe cap, less reason for anyone to want to get better and out on their own as opposed to relying on the servers wvw population in order to fight red. My point is that every server has the 90% and higher majority ONLY Zerging as their form of fun. And there is a SUPER slow ( if any ) graduation rate from that form of mentality. Zerging is for new people and some who actually enjoy it as their casual way to play. In most mmos or at least successful pvp mmos, people eventually move on from Zerging to running in smaller but more coordinated groups. Not the case in GW2.
If I can add in my 2 cents, I think what Wala is trying to convey is that what PAXA does on scales of 5 man is exactly what we are trying to get going on scales of 15-20. Both of our groups seek to leverage force multipliers to take on odds that would otherwise be insurmountable, and thus give our side a manpower advantage. Since we are coming from a T5 context, our primary targets are 25-30 man groups, and so that is why the size of our organized groups are larger.
To say that we are just a mindless 1-spamming zerg, though, is a bit underselling. While we are new and still require a lot of practice to improve our execution, we go over each class (if not each person’s) skill bar beforehand to experiment and optimize it for our purposes. Every utility, every weapon set, heck even sigils, runes, and nourishments, are being picked for maximum group functionality, and are all being used in the struggles we are designed for: that is, larger groups.
So yes, maybe against a lot of the smaller groups your servers fields in the current matchup we appear to be a bunch of 1 spamming zombies, but it’s only because the situation dictates nothing more. Besides, it looks like groups fighting favorable odds and using non-1 skills (e.g. the Mass Invis mentioned earlier in this thread) are getting flamed just the same: darned if you do, darned if you don’t hehe
Considering KoM and PAXA have videos of 5 mans Rick rolling groups of 10-20 I don’t think we are looking for guaranteed wins. PAXA went 6v20 last night twice and won. Ask [PHZE] and [FKB] we did it right in front of them. I believe Hatasgonnahate said it before, “you act like you are PAXA’s only kill for the night 5v1”.
(edited by Jscull.2514)