

in Match-ups

Posted by: Devon.9061


I would personally love the move from a blob to smaller groups. VLK had to increase our numbers due to the blob mentality to be more than a camp and occasional tower capper. There was a big debate in VLK when we did this.

I see small guilds take more than the occasional tower very often. Maybe y’all are just bad?

Please fight CD / YB / IoJ (before the xfer outs) and take one of their keeps with a small group. Than we will talk. Unless you are from kain I doubt many old WvWs from FC would be calling VLK bad.

@Kaamu (hope i spelt you name right) We do have that base still, I will personally speak of getting stuck in my support build and not roaming one it completely kitten. Have you ever tried to fight someone using Staff / Mace n Sheild? I think I almost cried. Depending on who you caught and when, it could have been a new member who we were testing out or just come guys who really didnt care. I personally have died multiple times to Ferg because I got bored and transform into a rabbit / tree or the fight itself is boring to me and I have better things to do.

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

(edited by Devon.9061)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


Please fight CD / YB / IoJ (before the xfer outs) and take one of their keeps with a small group. Than we will talk. Unless you are from kain I doubt many old WvWs from FC would be calling VLK bad.

How about looking back at the match-up history and see us fighting the likes of TC/Mag/YB and still able to cap towers with 2-3 people? He’s just saying that it can be done and the fact that VLK was not attempting this before now is strange considering the VLK we’ve seen so far has some serious skill.

Not everything is an attack. It can be an observation

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

(edited by Noobie.1073)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Roneth.5728


Who cares… if ANET didn’t want that to happen then they would fix it. Maybe they still will. But in the meantime it’s going to continue to be used. Don’t kill Mesmers on the watergate and it’s not a problem. Pull them off before killing them. If you can’t pull them off then don’t kill them until someone does pull them off.

Getting rezzed through the gate isn’t much different than getting rezzed from a Thief anyway. If a Thief is specced for it they are nearly impossible to kill if they choose not to fight and could cause a lot more players to be forced into guarding than just a Mesmer at the watergate. 4 of us once tried to kill a Thief that was in Bay for over an hour before finally giving up and just set guard to make sure he couldn’t actually do any damage. But he still occupied 4 of us just for him alone vs 1-2 to guard a Mesmer on the watergate.

When I play my Mesmer I’ll be dying at the watergate if there is profit in it. I really don’t care what anyone thinks about it. I don’t see it as an exploit until I see a post from ANET saying otherwise.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


i kind of agree it takes 1 person to guard against 1 person so it’s not really an advantage as each side has 1 person taken out of the fight – and doesn’t it kick you for inactive if you lie dead for too long?

but even if someone thinks it’s wrong no point in complaining because people on their server do it too.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


A lot of whining going on in here.
How about dem cowboys?

I will find you Vitamin, and I will put you in combat before you WP out.


[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Tossed Fish.7380

Tossed Fish.7380

Woo! 5 page thread! Keep it coming!


Tossed Fish//Necromancer
Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]


in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i kind of agree it takes 1 person to guard against 1 person so it’s not really an advantage as each side has 1 person taken out of the fight – and doesn’t it kick you for inactive if you lie dead for too long?

but even if someone thinks it’s wrong no point in complaining because people on their server do it too.

you can get around the inactivity timer while dead…

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions


in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


yup. change yo’ gear.

the secret is out.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng


in Match-ups

Posted by: Fishbones.6914


A lot of whining going on in here.
How about dem cowboys?

I will find you Vitamin, and I will put you in combat before you WP out.


dear sweet blades….. Please tell me that was you I spammed surprise on, on my uplevel char engineer last night.

FC [yarr] ele-Vitamin Deeez


in Match-ups

Posted by: Silas Drake.8946

Silas Drake.8946

Woo! 5 page thread! Keep it coming!

Man that’s a sweet az GIF of me about to drop on ProPort on some fools. \m,/

Phorfiet - HoD O|O


in Match-ups

Posted by: Blackjack.2083


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.


in Match-ups

Posted by: AndrewRain.3169


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.

Welcome to the Bronze League where every server has their reason for being down here and not up there!

[RAW] Raw Material
Commander Valcorain
What is Broken Can be Reforged.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Nauyaro.4892


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.

……..and how long have you been on our server?

Jovek – 80 Sylvari Guardian
[VLK] Valkyria Immortalis
Henge of Denravi


in Match-ups

Posted by: Tossed Fish.7380

Tossed Fish.7380

We have PvErs who WvW for the achievement which causes the large blob in EB. We also have bandwagoners who also transfered to HoD because we are probably the top contender for 1st in bronze league.

All the WvW guilds can’t even get into EB because of ques. As Devon said, VLK has commanded in EB and drove that large 60+ blob off a cliff and more then half of them died. Yeah it’s numbers but it’s not all the difficult to kill them. They are mindless PUGs who probably complain in map chat all day.

These numbers didn’t exist 1 week ago. Switch us with NSP or any top contender for bronze league and I’m sure it’ll be a similar situation.

Tossed Fish//Necromancer
Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]


in Match-ups

Posted by: Blackjack.2083


It was meant to be constructive feedback. I did not word it in a way to sound condescending or ill-spirited. Myself and the others that came over with me all came to the exact same conclusions and had the same observations. The facts remain that you cannot hope to succeed in matches where you don’t have a massive numerical superiority to rely on if you don’t work on the basics. You have to upgrade towers, you have to siege them up, you have to improve response times, and you have to be able to respond to threats at multiple locations with appropriate numbers…..


in Match-ups

Posted by: Ynot.8397


The drama in this thread is lovely. I need to hear more about how numbers do or don’t matter. It isn’t like we see this same discussion in every other thread. I’m serious, keep going.

Also vlk worst guild NA. Come at me bros. <3 the Yarr necro who can’t ever find you.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay


in Match-ups

Posted by: Nauyaro.4892


It was meant to be constructive feedback. I did not word it in a way to sound condescending or ill-spirited. Myself and the others that came over with me all came to the exact same conclusions and had the same observations. The facts remain that you cannot hope to succeed in matches where you don’t have a massive numerical superiority to rely on if you don’t work on the basics. You have to upgrade towers, you have to siege them up, you have to improve response times, and you have to be able to respond to threats at multiple locations with appropriate numbers…..

I’m not offended… Well maybe a little bit.
Still want to how long you and your guys have been on our server. One week? One Month?

Just wondering how much time you have spent with us to form your fact…er opinion.

Have you worked with our Main WvW guilds in the TS?

Jovek – 80 Sylvari Guardian
[VLK] Valkyria Immortalis
Henge of Denravi


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dermal.8647


Please HoD i must know how do i get skill?? We have equal numbers and stuff but idk how we can hold you at times, your skill makes my computer lag half the time, it sucks to be a commander and play on a potato! Btw here is my zerg and your zerg fighting, and this is the mighty numbers we field.

here is my zerg after we all wped back.

Wow. EB, you must be pro. QQ about pug groups.
GvG us if you think you’re better or fightclub for 1v1’s Thursday 8pm. Until then, kitten. We’re fighting the real players of FC in your BL.

Lol yeah GvG gl Im mostly on from my guild, 1v1 sure I don’t mind, but that doesnt make your server so skilled , cut the crap, your server is full of fairweathers and PvE pugs, and its not even that, you can run your guild around and feel so pro. Why didn’t you use those tactics in Silver leagues, I for one think NSP has more guts then the lot of you. As for Kain, you guys are doing alright, I see your group holding out on HoD. Gj guys , HoD will most likely win 1st this season, but if you don’t want to fall to the tiers of AR and DR to push you down to last place, I’d fight for 3rd place if I were you. Fergy is going for 2nd or 1st if somehow we pull magical numbers this week.

Get your thong out a knot.

i saw me in the screen pic! IM FAMOUS! good fights so far

Were you the one throwing siege at us?! Someone threw rams at us and I counterseiged you with trebs!

if you mean throwing rams up onto your walls then yes! lol

Jade Quarry – [IG] Instagram United – Officer


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.

Yea but, what about FC lol


in Match-ups

Posted by: Fishbones.6914


Yea but, what about FC lol

lol Believe me, you don’t want him critiquing FC.

FC [yarr] ele-Vitamin Deeez


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


Yea but, what about FC lol

lol Believe me, you don’t want him critiquing FC.

cmon it will be fun(ny)!


in Match-ups

Posted by: Devon.9061


Please fight CD / YB / IoJ (before the xfer outs) and take one of their keeps with a small group. Than we will talk. Unless you are from kain I doubt many old WvWs from FC would be calling VLK bad.

How about looking back at the match-up history and see us fighting the likes of TC/Mag/YB and still able to cap towers with 2-3 people? He’s just saying that it can be done and the fact that VLK was not attempting this before now is strange considering the VLK we’ve seen so far has some serious skill.

Not everything is an attack. It can be an observation

KEEP not a tower…. Kitten

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Sean.8274


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.

I hope you are not basing the entire server on the unorganization of EB. EB is pug central, and most of the well organized guilds in HoD tend to stick to the borderlands.

Lucy Ursa~80 Guardian | Worf Rozhenko~80 Warrior | Vera Valentine~80 Mesmer | Cupcake~80 Engi
King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch


in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.

We know this, in fact it isn’t really to say HoD is bad or anything, but like I said, this brings us back to the SF days, when they would just have insane numbers and sometimes even tactics wouldn’t help at all, siege wouldn’t even budge a zerg that big, you’d kill their front row of 20 but that would be enough buffer to let the other 30-40 through.

If what VLK says is true and only the pugs come to EB. It kinda makes sense, had to avert an attack this morning against DX simultaneously. Bay and Hills were both down and a good sized number of 8-10 were on each side of the map, in my side it was atleast 8-10. took 4-6 of us to take em out, but they did some damage in the outer, they atleast seemed organized.

As for EB we had a mob of 60 or so go outside Veloka and build 2 trebs and 2 catas, had to fend them off by counter trebbing while repairs were constant, we drained supply so much but in reality with those numbers I couldn’t even understand why they didn’t split into 2 and hit us from the gate and from the wall, in fact we were saved somehow by the fact that I took out one of their trebs and then had to rally my pugs to kamikaze their other siege, mostly it was me and a few running in there to die in attempts to kill the siege, since the others preferred to keep an on going fight.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon


in Match-ups

Posted by: Plains of Ashes.5941

Plains of Ashes.5941

Wow what a horrid thread this is. page after page if whining, whinging, puling, mitching and complaining. I log in on the commuter van to read about the fights and the fun only to encounter mitch mitch mitch mitch mitch mitch. endless crying from kain and FC. FC is the worst offender who spend so much time mitching and moaning about every little thing you would think that this were the final match for #1 for all of NA and $100k prize money. what a pathetic spectacle. There is a reason why adults never want to compete with children and this thread embodies why. Leagues should have been a time to enjoy the game, but you guys (especially looking at all you fergs) would rather have it be a relentless mitchfest.

Then we have the unhappy NSPer. here Im shocked cuz i was thinking that bronze league servers were without fault and perfect in every way. HoD has come along way since those dark times in T8 and we have a long way to go to compete with the likes of BP and Ebay. We know that. I guess a friendly, kind, fun, drama-free environment to play WvW isnt enough for you. While you are back to NSP, dont worry, we will try hard to get you the best bronze league prize we can.

The biggest laugh is the ENDLESS mitching that HoD is somehow the solid silver league server that tricked its way down into bronze, only to have an unhappy NSPer come and say that HoD is bronze after all. well… which is it?

what a disgusting lot.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Mooncow.6847


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.

…….How long have you been on HoD?? We totally don’t have huge numbers, those are just pvers and transfers in, they don’t really count as people! They only came here cause at best we’re PROBABLY the top contender for bronze league. And we’re way better than you say man, we use real tactics!! You can tell how pro we are cause when our “best” guild VLK goes and commands in EB, instead of organizing people and trying to do things, we take them off cliffs where we’ll survive but they won’t! That’ll teach them not to complain in map chat all day! And dude these numbers totally didn’t exist a week ago when we told all our guilds to stop playing wvw cause we were really afraid about making it into the silver league where we belong.
I’m not offended by your post…. Well maybe I am, but you have no idea what you’re talking about cause you couldn’t possibly tell in the amount of time you’ve been here.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Omne.4603


O hai guise, a hao chu dew?

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink


in Match-ups

Posted by: Heibi.4251


I’m slightly ashamed to admit this but I will be honest and admit that I recently transferred from NSP to HoD. I will be the first to also admit that this was a mistake and plan on going back to NSP at this end of this first week. However, I do have, in my opinion, some unbiased observations about HoD and for that matter FC after facing them on NSP and now on HoD.

First I will say that HoD has a lot of people. Way better numbers than what I ever saw on NSP and could rival most Silver League servers, at least in NA primetime. However, what they do with those numbers and how they utilize them is not that impressive. In EB it essentially equates to one massive zerg that runs around from one tower to the next. They don’t really upgrade towers, remotely even come close to laying siege effectively, slow response times, and a real lack of reacting to threats at two locations at once….even when they have the numbers to do so. They are currently relying on a massive numerical advantage but against any server in Silver League they would get destroyed.

I’m sure they won’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. They do have the potential to move up but they need to improve in those other areas in order to succeed. Even if they don’t need to do those things right now to win it would, at the very least, be good practice. The community seems good, people are nice enough, they have great numbers….but that stuff won’t be enough against Silver ranked servers. You have a much larger population than NSP and probably IoJ but I’d put money on either one of those servers beating you….and anyone above that wouldn’t even be close.

You gotta love the secret confessions of transfer. And after less than one week into the league season it’s time for you to transfer? You should just stick around and watch the situation evolve and participate in more than one aspect of WvW.

You do realize that your season reward will be based on how well HoD does, don’t you?

Leader of Central Anime(CA)
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

(edited by Heibi.4251)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


Wow what a horrid thread this is. page after page if whining, whinging, puling, mitching and complaining. I log in on the commuter van to read about the fights and the fun only to encounter mitch mitch mitch mitch mitch mitch. endless crying from kain and FC. FC is the worst offender who spend so much time mitching and moaning about every little thing you would think that this were the final match for #1 for all of NA and $100k prize money. what a pathetic spectacle. There is a reason why adults never want to compete with children and this thread embodies why. Leagues should have been a time to enjoy the game, but you guys (especially looking at all you fergs) would rather have it be a relentless mitchfest.

Then we have the unhappy NSPer. here Im shocked cuz i was thinking that bronze league servers were without fault and perfect in every way. HoD has come along way since those dark times in T8 and we have a long way to go to compete with the likes of BP and Ebay. We know that. I guess a friendly, kind, fun, drama-free environment to play WvW isnt enough for you. While you are back to NSP, dont worry, we will try hard to get you the best bronze league prize we can.

The biggest laugh is the ENDLESS mitching that HoD is somehow the solid silver league server that tricked its way down into bronze, only to have an unhappy NSPer come and say that HoD is bronze after all. well… which is it?

what a disgusting lot.

umadbro? remember you are talking about no more than a handful of any particular server so just shut your kitten mouth. your generalizations are not welcome here. or anywhere actually.

for some the banter is entertaining while bored at work etc. you want us all to cuddle up and hold hands? sorry bro this is (virtual) war, go play hello kitty’s island adventure or backgammon or something.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Devon.9061


Isn’t that why he transferred?

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


Dear Kaineng,

For the last time, you ARE allowed to attack HoD, and not just if they have SMC. A few of you do fight HoD but you’ve taken about 20x more FC towers than HoD’s. We have a hard enough time pushing HoD’s #s without you as a constant thorn in our side.




in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


The drama in this thread is lovely. I need to hear more about how numbers do or don’t matter. It isn’t like we see this same discussion in every other thread. I’m serious, keep going.

Also vlk worst guild NA. Come at me bros. <3 the Yarr necro who can’t ever find you.

Yeah those guys in that guild smell like a retirement home. Buncha old nubs.

Where you at brah?! Bring Vitamin with you. And Pinky, I miss his thiefyness.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.


in Match-ups

Posted by: orphanMosquito.5837


Dear Kaineng,

For the last time, you ARE allowed to attack HoD, and not just if they have SMC. A few of you do fight HoD but you’ve taken about 20x more FC towers than HoD’s. We have a hard enough time pushing HoD’s #s without you as a constant thorn in our side.



Its easy to see they are scared of HoD. They rarely attack them.

Commander – Gentle Spider
FC [WZ] – Guardian|Warrior|Mesmer


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


kitten HoD ~60 zerg at SMC another group at ogres with another zerg in our BL and still defending your border while KN insists on pushing us instead of you.

the fact you aren’t blowing us away is a fail by you.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Ynot.8397


The drama in this thread is lovely. I need to hear more about how numbers do or don’t matter. It isn’t like we see this same discussion in every other thread. I’m serious, keep going.

Also vlk worst guild NA. Come at me bros. <3 the Yarr necro who can’t ever find you.

Yeah those guys in that guild smell like a retirement home. Buncha old nubs.

Where you at brah?! Bring Vitamin with you. And Pinky, I miss his thiefyness.

I’ve searched everywhere! We established Fort Yarr but no one fun came to our beacon of shining piratude. It was a shame.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay


in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


you guys gotta remember that kn is nearly all uncoordinated pugs. especially in ebg. you are pleading to deaf ears.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng


in Match-ups

Posted by: JahRo.6432


Morn [BFF][VLK]
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)


in Match-ups

Posted by: AndrewRain.3169


Dear Kaineng,

For the last time, you ARE allowed to attack HoD, and not just if they have SMC. A few of you do fight HoD but you’ve taken about 20x more FC towers than HoD’s. We have a hard enough time pushing HoD’s #s without you as a constant thorn in our side.



Dear Fc,

Gentlemen, its is the right of men to hit who and when we want. Stop crying over it.
PS, HoD and Kain has been fighting for over 3 weeks, since before reset. HoD/Kain/Devona, HoD/Kain/EB and now HoD/Kain/Fc. I think is fair we share this Joy with FC now

Sincerely Kaineng.

[RAW] Raw Material
Commander Valcorain
What is Broken Can be Reforged.

(edited by AndrewRain.3169)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


Dear Kaineng,

For the last time, you ARE allowed to attack HoD, and not just if they have SMC. A few of you do fight HoD but you’ve taken about 20x more FC towers than HoD’s. We have a hard enough time pushing HoD’s #s without you as a constant thorn in our side.



Dear Fc,

Gentlemen, its is the right of men to hit who and when we want. Stop crying over it.
PS, HoD and Kain has been fighting for over 3 weeks, since before reset. HoD/Kain/Devona, HoD/Kain/EB and now HoD/Kain/Fc. I think is fair we share this Joy with FC now

Sincerely Kaineng.

so you’re saying you suck at strategy and you are glad to see us? fair answer.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkhaus.4301


Hi wvw ppls. We’ve had lots of fun on HoD BL converting catapult baits into kills. We didn’t really expect to take down an HoD tower, just to get them out of their little forts and handover their loot bags We gathered lots of data from our little venture and apparently the conversion rate of catapults to HoD bag is about 1 cata for 30 HoD lootbags, although most of the lootbags had nasty spikes and other useless junk in them

buncha cheapskates…

Lacedæmon, Ädrasteia -Warriors


in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkhaus.4301


FC, I try to target the HoDs before you guys, if that makes you feel better. Easier targets means faster & more loots. Also they usually outnumber both our servers, so no real choice here. Alsoooo, a Yarr randomly helped me turn around a 1v4 against some HoD thugs, so I owe them some gratitude

HoD, thank you. I wouldn’t be progressing in these seasonal thingies so quickly without you wiping out the whole map :P and for being such good sports this week.

Lacedæmon, Ädrasteia -Warriors


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


yea HoD numbers dont belong in bronze and their skill doesn’t belong in silver.

enjoy your bronze dolyaks hope it makes up for the next 7 weeks of boring fights you have.

this is sincere and does not mean offense don’t get me wrong. you have plenty of skilled players but your population doesn’t belong in any league. maybe season 2 will even things out.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Brigg.3961


yea HoD numbers dont belong in bronze and their skill doesn’t belong in silver.

enjoy your bronze dolyaks hope it makes up for the next 7 weeks of boring fights you have.

this is sincere and does not mean offense don’t get me wrong. you have plenty of skilled players but your population doesn’t belong in any league. maybe season 2 will even things out.

Something tells me that Solstice was in one of them leet omega golems they had in their hills or bay… and they say Kain’s tactics suck

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


yea HoD numbers dont belong in bronze and their skill doesn’t belong in silver.

enjoy your bronze dolyaks hope it makes up for the next 7 weeks of boring fights you have.

this is sincere and does not mean offense don’t get me wrong. you have plenty of skilled players but your population doesn’t belong in any league. maybe season 2 will even things out.

Something tells me that Solstice was in one of them leet omega golems they had in their hills or bay… and they say Kain’s tactics suck

except i was in EB against your 60 man zerg with another 10-20 group running around.

wiping them like its nothing but the #s NEVER END.

VLK seems good but its pretty kittenin easy to push when you have a queued EB keeping most people from defending against your group.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Brigg.3961


That’s because those neverending, easy-wiping #‘s are pugs and fairweathers. I, for one, am actually happy to hear that folks are coming to defend that don’t normally wvw. I would like to see how well we could do in silver if these people stick around

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


you seem to think splitting your zergs is “tactics”

vlk is good but not any better than our coordinated guilds

the score is purely based on numbers plus a bit of kaineng being a total kitten. i dont blame those left on kaineng though i blame those who LEFT it.

I can yolo against an entire HoD zerg and survive 2x longer than I can against 10 NSP

and i can yolo twice as long against KN as HoD.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Solstice.1097


you realize you’ve had a ~60 man karma train in EB for the last 4 hours right? while your guilds hit elsewhere.

the only way we can get a ~60 man karma train is if our guilds start it, leaving BL’s empty.

we aren’t complaining about it we just want you to admit it’s numbers instead of pretending and gloating like its some sort of amazing skills that’s winning for you.

PS you owe KN a round of drinks


in Match-ups

Posted by: Brigg.3961


Then what, if anything, do you consider “tactics?” You keep mentioning that what we are doing is wrong, yet it seems to be working out okay for us. I yoloed against an fc zerg for about two hours earlier today in your own borderlands and was able to run out of it to survive more times than I can count… does that mean fc sucks? And before you start complaining about your mediocre numbers, trust me, there were a ton of fc at your hills.

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main


in Match-ups

Posted by: Brigg.3961


you realize you’ve had a ~60 man karma train in EB for the last 4 hours right? while your guilds hit elsewhere.

the only way we can get a ~60 man karma train is if our guilds start it, leaving BL’s empty.

we aren’t complaining about it we just want you to admit it’s numbers instead of pretending and gloating like its some sort of amazing skills that’s winning for you.

PS you owe KN a round of drinks

Ohhhh, I see what you want. There isn’t a soul alive that plays wvw seriously that doesn’t know that numbers and coverage win the PPT. The part that you have an issue with is that we claim our tactics are winning the league for us when it’s just numbers. Right?

I can assure you that karma farming in EB is one of the things that is not helping you win the league. It doesn’t matter how easy you find the fights there at all. If you aren’t able to defend your own T3 keeps and towers in your own borderland against smaller numbers, I’d say you definitely need to review your definition of “tactics”

Perhaps you should take a break from the game for a while?

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main


in Match-ups

Posted by: Narsil.6579


yea HoD numbers dont belong in bronze and their skill doesn’t belong in silver.

enjoy your bronze dolyaks hope it makes up for the next 7 weeks of boring fights you have.

this is sincere and does not mean offense don’t get me wrong. you have plenty of skilled players but your population doesn’t belong in any league. maybe season 2 will even things out.

Something tells me that Solstice was in one of them leet omega golems they had in their hills or bay… and they say Kain’s tactics suck

except i was in EB against your 60 man zerg with another 10-20 group running around.

wiping them like its nothing but the #s NEVER END.

VLK seems good but its pretty kittenin easy to push when you have a queued EB keeping most people from defending against your group.

Don’t try to reason with them, those extra 60 pugs are meaningless, of course 60 pugs in EB don’t do anything by VLK’s standard, VLK is the force driving this whole HoD win forward, because you know VLK is doing all the coordinating, those 60 man zerg pugs in EB are uncoordinated and don’t do anything else. On top of that those Rawr and etc pugs in our borderland and extra numbers are just uncoordinated pugs as well, VLK is doing all the work for their server and thus they have a right to feel that the other server is so bad and uncoordinated.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon