KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


25 stacks from breaking YB spawn camping us on their borderlands That second fight with two ballistas was pretty fun!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


If Kain’s losses stop with no more, this tier will be balanced nicely.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: povV.5681


we cut 14,000 points off kain’s lead today. gonna be a fun week. they sure seem demoralized

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


It’s always interesting when Yak’s Bend is winning PPT late into the night…it’s like none of us really have overnight presence :P Some interesting small fights though, made me stay up much longer than I should have.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: zastari.1730


saiyr go to bed. If your staff ele is sleepy for the next DARP raid I’m gonna bee angry at the whiffed static fields.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boose.6201


[BV] started off in EB later in the night and then sacked KGBL late into the morning. We took just about everything but your garrison and Arah, which was later taken by [FoW].

There was some really nice battles last night, no big zergs to ruin it!

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


saiyr go to bed. If your staff ele is sleepy for the next DARP raid I’m gonna bee angry at the whiffed static fields.

wah wah i host raids when people normally work >:| ps i never whiff my static fields!!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Agrivar.1560


Holy smokes! For a second I thought our thread was relegated to page 2. Did PvF also get a nerf?

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


we cut 14,000 points off kain’s lead today. … they sure seem demoralized

They’re bleeding out guilds left and right so I’d imagine their playerbase is not having a good time right now.

Hang in their, Kaineng. DFND understands your pain.

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Remember, we lost at least 500 players in about a week’s time. It’ll take a little bit to adjust to that coverage-wise and tactics-wise. We are working on it as best we can, but I’d say a lot of us actually are having a good time.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: rice.5376


Score update, kthnx.

Bacon, Bacon, BACON!
Bubônix: Engy
Server: Maguuma Guild: [PYRO]

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sol.8341


There is no honor/glory gloating over an injured player. Know that Kaineng has severely lost many of its WvW playerbase and many newer players are trying WvW. Kaineng has a good reputation of not using hacks / cheats. The remaining commanders are working hard to keep WvWvW interesting for the few remaining players that trying WvW.

Even this post starter , Mayoken of CO has abandoned Kaineng.

(edited by Sol.8341)

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: John Madden.3569

John Madden.3569

This week has been a refreshing change from what T2 had become the past month. Kaineng is definitely going through a rough patch, but the atmosphere seems a lot more relaxed and fun. No complaints, and looking forward to more good times with the Mags and Yaks!

Prosecco – Ele; Sweet Genius – Mesmer
Sissy Boys [sB]

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Yeah ,… just gonna put it out there. There is no pressure, I pve’d … wtf how do I spell that? anyways… it’s relaxed, enjoyable fun and we pop in and out at whim. The players are being extremely great, for those who are in their nightly I see your calls … big props to the efforts your working on.

I see people trying ‘new’ things random things, and it’s … well really fun.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Therane.3846


As a Magummybear I wish Kain good luck on their journey for the next few weeks. I hope you guys stay on your feet and keep giving us great fights in this tier.


KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sista.1925


As one of the transfer players to Kain from IOJ...this brings back bad memories...and it’s just as painful now as it was then....I just wish my new HOME could work together better....that would be our saving grace. Be more committed to wvw...not just on a whim(sorry). This has nothing to do with those that left for various reasons but the ones still here....Some of our oceanic’s are pulling way to much in hours....I feel for them.

So, Kain, a rallying cry is not enough...we need to use the strategy’s that we know how to....work together.....as a well oiled "machine".

Baby Sista
Listening to Prince.
IOJ>KAIN>FA….few stops in between and after.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


As one of the transfer players to Kain from IOJ…this brings back bad memories…and it’s just as painful now as it was then….I just wish my new HOME could work together better….that would be our saving grace. Be more committed to wvw…not just on a whim(sorry). This has nothing to do with those that left for various reasons but the ones still here….Some of our oceanic’s are pulling way to much in hours….I feel for them.

So, Kain, a rallying cry is not enough…we need to use the strategy’s that we know how to….work together…..as a well oiled “machine”.

We use a website, community TS, plan strats ahead of time and reach out to other commanders regularly for help or to assist. It’s not a baseless rally cry, we are really trying to rebuild how we all play. We are working better together than before. Please PM me if you feel you are missing out on any of that, I would not want TVB to feel like they are not in the loop.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


So, Kain, a rallying cry is not enough…we need to use the strategy’s that we know how to….work together…..as a well oiled “machine”.

Don’t use that word. The machine is what left you alone to rot. You’re better than a machine. You’re a big Asian ghetto!

… actually that doesn’t sound good either. How about an Empire?

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pinko.2076


Kind of a PvDoor day. I get kaineng losing a lot of bodies, but Yaks usually has a good EST pop. Maybe PvE hit you guys hard!


KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: iAmTheDuke.6201


Welcome to Arrowcartguuma!

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: povV.5681


Welcome to Arrowcartguuma!

Hills rumble,
Foes crumble,
Delve and dive,
With leaping stride,
Born without any fear,
Fueled by ancient pride,
Now, we march, we climb,
To Valhalla, brothers, with time,
Axe and sword on battlefield rise,
Victory, we claim our rightful prize,
Rip the flesh and cleave the bone,
This night we raid our enemy’s home,
Take what you can, take what you will,
Honor Odin and Thor with those we kill,
Valkyries fly into the field of combat with haste,
Hack, punch, gouge, kick, lay our enemies to waste,
Half of those slain, to Valhalla will travel,
They may glimpse upon Mjölnir, Thor’s powerful gavel,
To drink mead, and fight every day,
A true warriors’ fate, where warriors stay,
By ship, sail to foreign land,
Lay our feet upon their sand,
Draw our swords in contemplation,
For battle brings much elation,
Cut a man wide,
When he draws near,
Shout and roar,
Bathe in gore,
Resolve undiminished,
Battle finished,

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Yeah, new pve content means yaks is gonna take a hit for a week or so.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cupcakes.2534


Basically couldnt find anyone doung anything.but pve today and we were outmannned with no commanders when i logged in….

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Martrim.1078


Hey YB, we are waiting for u in your EK!

Bring your best fighters this time!

Takara Chan ~ (Thief)
Tamoko Chan ~ (Necro)
[PYRO] #MagSwag

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nyx Xox.3540

Nyx Xox.3540

Kaineng is a role play server now, we no longer WvW you will often see us sitting in towers roasting marshmellows with a fire pit (: Come join us.

Kidding for anyone w/ no understanding of jokes (:

Its Nyx Yo
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: shagworth.5017


I hope Kaineng is just busy doing to PvE stuff and hasn’t given up because the going has got tough :/

Buck up, lads.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


Welcome to Arrowcartguuma!

Hills rumble,
Foes crumble,
Delve and dive,
With leaping stride,
Born without any fear,
Fueled by ancient pride,
Now, we march, we climb,
To Valhalla, brothers, with time,
Axe and sword on battlefield rise,
Victory, we claim our rightful prize,
Rip the flesh and cleave the bone,
This night we raid our enemy’s home,
Take what you can, take what you will,
Honor Odin and Thor with those we kill,
Valkyries fly into the field of combat with haste,
Hack, punch, gouge, kick, lay our enemies to waste,
Half of those slain, to Valhalla will travel,
They may glimpse upon Mjölnir, Thor’s powerful gavel,
To drink mead, and fight every day,
A true warriors’ fate, where warriors stay,
By ship, sail to foreign land,
Lay our feet upon their sand,
Draw our swords in contemplation,
For battle brings much elation,
Cut a man wide,
When he draws near,
Shout and roar,
Bathe in gore,
Resolve undiminished,
Battle finished,

Awesome! Loved that!


KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


I hope Kaineng is just busy doing to PvE stuff and hasn’t given up because the going has got tough :/

Buck up, lads.

PVE stuff? No, most of us work hard everyday…at a job. GW2 isn’t our second one. My days are 12 hours during the week. By the time I get home, have dinner, take care of other necessities, there’s not much time for WvW during the work week.


KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: gidorah.4960


I hope Kaineng is just busy doing to PvE stuff and hasn’t given up because the going has got tough :/

Buck up, lads.

PVE stuff? No, most of us work hard everyday…at a job. GW2 isn’t our second one. My days are 12 hours during the week. By the time I get home, have dinner, take care of other necessities, there’s not much time for WvW during the work week.

are you gonna take that yak’s kain says you guys have no jobs and no life

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gatharin.2674


And there it goes. Keep fighting members of all servers, fun times so far!


Maguuma WvW

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: shagworth.5017


I hope Kaineng is just busy doing to PvE stuff and hasn’t given up because the going has got tough :/

Buck up, lads.

PVE stuff? No, most of us work hard everyday…at a job. GW2 isn’t our second one. My days are 12 hours during the week. By the time I get home, have dinner, take care of other necessities, there’s not much time for WvW during the work week.

Fair enough. I was just wondering because the Kaineng population I’m seeing now is totally different that the population I saw on their ascension up the rankings.

I was worried that maybe some people had bandwagoned onto your server when you guys were rocketing up the tiers and maybe they weren’t inclined to stick around when the train started to lose steam. Thank you for quelling my fears! I now know that you guys are just hard working citizens trying to fit in a little time for the rest of us whenever you get the chance.

I want you guys to stick around, because honestly the 3 of us are about as evenly matched as any of us can ask for, at the moment.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nyx Xox.3540

Nyx Xox.3540

I hope Kaineng is just busy doing to PvE stuff and hasn’t given up because the going has got tough :/

Buck up, lads.

We don’t give up. If we did you would not have seen us at all after all of our major WvW guilds left our server. People don’t understand the people you see are whats left. We are working hard in WvW everyday. We don’t have the proper coverage or numbers. So yeah some days we slack because the WvW guilds are putting in so many hours on top of our jobs and life. We need to work twice as hard just to pull out our score because we don’t have the coverage we use to. Regardless this server will never give up, we never have (:

Its Nyx Yo
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Shoutout to the FoW commander (Dragun Knight) and his group last night. We had some epic fights at the south east camp (kain bl). We would kill a few then they would run back (from their spawn) and rez the supervisor; which happened a few times. I managed to get a few screenshots near the end just before they got some reinforcements which ended up wiping our 4 man group.

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

(edited by soupreme.6540)

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Giving Yak’s Bend a fair chance…

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: neomccoy.2657


I have to say Maguuma and Yaks are awesome opponents. I wish we can field more on other borderlands to give you guys a better fight during NA prime. Right now it’s just us RE the only big guild left and maybe KO.

If you want to fight us, RE will pretty much stay in EB the rest of the week around 4PM-7PM server time.

Here’s a video for this week so far:

Everything Purple [EP] – Tarnished Coast
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro

(edited by neomccoy.2657)

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


:( but it’s EBG…

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


:( but it’s EBG…

I’m rarely in EBG, you can kill me instead. It’s pretty easy.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: PBruce.4507


I have to say Maguuma and Yaks are awesome opponents. I wish we can field more on other borderlands to give you guys a better fight during NA prime. Right now it’s just us RE the only big guild left and maybe KO.

If you want to fight us, RE will pretty much stay in EB the rest of the week around 4PM-7PM server time.

Here’s a video for this week so far:

yeah …. a lot of fun battles this week.

This for example was last night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6ASFKK-FQs

MvM Guild – Sorrow´s Furnace

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


:( but it’s EBG…

I’m rarely in EBG, you can kill me instead. It’s pretty easy.

I just changed my ele build so I doubt it!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nyx Xox.3540

Nyx Xox.3540

I hope Kaineng is just busy doing to PvE stuff and hasn’t given up because the going has got tough :/

Buck up, lads.

PVE stuff? No, most of us work hard everyday…at a job. GW2 isn’t our second one. My days are 12 hours during the week. By the time I get home, have dinner, take care of other necessities, there’s not much time for WvW during the work week.

Fair enough. I was just wondering because the Kaineng population I’m seeing now is totally different that the population I saw on their ascension up the rankings.

I was worried that maybe some people had bandwagoned onto your server when you guys were rocketing up the tiers and maybe they weren’t inclined to stick around when the train started to lose steam. Thank you for quelling my fears! I now know that you guys are just hard working citizens trying to fit in a little time for the rest of us whenever you get the chance.

I want you guys to stick around, because honestly the 3 of us are about as evenly matched as any of us can ask for, at the moment.

Actually that’s exactly what happened. Those large WvW guilds you witnessed the last time matched up with us have left out server just last week. We lost 4 major WvW guilds. We are now trying to hold our own without coverage, hardly a commander on our own borderland and people who are getting burnt out on top of real life xD So yes actually the numbers you see now are maybe half of what we use to have. Majority of what you are seeing is the people who have always been on Kaineng since T8 and a few newer people who didn’t wanna abandon the server. So we are working twice as hard as we should have to, just to keep up.

Its Nyx Yo
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Maybe it’s a defeatist attitude, but if you’re really mostly back to T8 numbers then you should probably play as usual instead of working twice as hard, or you may burn out really fast when your X hour shifts don’t produce much fruit. We’d all like you to stay in T3 because the match started fairly balanced, but you shouldn’t try to stay in T3 if you don’t think you can sustain it with normal play time. IMO working on morale is more important than working overtime.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: TheBigfootNZ.4605


Actually that’s exactly what happened. Those large WvW guilds you witnessed the last time matched up with us have left out server just last week. We lost 4 major WvW guilds. We are now trying to hold our own without coverage, hardly a commander on our own borderland and people who are getting burnt out on top of real life xD So yes actually the numbers you see now are maybe half of what we use to have. Majority of what you are seeing is the people who have always been on Kaineng since T8 and a few newer people who didn’t wanna abandon the server. So we are working twice as hard as we should have to, just to keep up.

Id say this is a good thing, and welcome to the club (from a Yaks bend perspective we’ve got some pretty big holes with coverage, not sure about Mags but they seem to be in the same boat to a degree).

This time last week db had nearly twice the points or so of mags and us… so yeah, you guys loosing all those bandwagon jumper guilds who think its somehow effects them if they are on a server that drops a tier was a good thing, this weeks been nicely balanced and ive not yet clenched fist at a green zerg yet (which I did with db… all the time).

Long may this match up continue.

Vardkona – 80 Guard, Mew Nickleheart – 80 Eng
Howling Jimmy – 80 Necro, The Six Demon Bag – 54 Ele
Hedge of Steel – 41 War, Yikky Soupskin – 11 Thief

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Even last couple days the income evolution of Kain is very similar to YB, Mag a bit ahead. So as long as you all aren’t over working yourselves to keep this up, I think KN can hang around here in the tier.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: luwe.1496


Kaineng is working hard to keep in Tier 3. The fights are much better here because you can actually use more skills than 1.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: povV.5681


score update pls

Too Pow – Do You Even HP [Bru]
pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Kaineng is working hard to keep in Tier 3. The fights are much better here because you can actually use more skills than 1.

Likely true of all tiers below 2.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xabu.3754


Score update, with a bonus asura chugging potion



Sent with love from the lush Maguuma jungle.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


To the SAQ thief: That was a good fight. Took 6 of us ten min to down you and you still got away. I was literally on the edge of my seat. LOL

Also, it seems CL has their game on tonight. Took me by surprise there at Wildcreek.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


SAQ or FAQ? If the latter, I bet it was Ho Nutha Levul~

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Caephire.5238


To those who’ve doubted the organization and community of Kaineng. I hereby prove you wrong. We are ONE, we are UNITED, and we remain STRONG. We are loyal not only to our server, but also to our COMMANDER’S. We trust them to lead us to victory, their experience is valuable, their knowledge even more so. And that’s why when they jump off the wrong cliff WE ALL jump down the wrong cliff.

We are ONE. We are UNITED. We are KAINENG!!!!


Commander Foxblaze
Guild Leader: Zepheris Chronology [CHR]
Kaineng from Beginning to End