(edited by Jay.7546)
Lopsided population creates lopsided battles.
Have you played an MMO where this doesn’t happen? I have not. WvW/ RvR/ Pseudo-Open-World PvP always has serious population imbalance issues. That’s the downside of this model.
That said, it’s still my favorite model for PvP in MMO’s. Many of us don’t like arenas/e-sport formats. We live with this, including its biggest inevitable flaw. Zergs!
I do sympathize with you. I’m in this same matchup, for Yak’s Bend. SBI seems to travel in groups of 25+ exclusively. They’re also well organized and fast, at least in NA primetime. That is a tough combination to beat!
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
I have watched IOJ lose people and guilds because of the size of the servers matched against them. Currently SBI just farms because of the size of their population. They have large numbers on all maps. They map watch. They take towers/keeps then allow them to be retaken and they are back immediately. They don’t fight per se but they line up an endless amount siege and stand behind it then swarm. Its a numbers based battle with little skill. Even or close to even numbers and I’ve noticed they run or get wiped. Having numbers makes people lazy but it also drives out anyone wanting to play. And I’ve noticed the dancing on bodies which is poor behavior. IOJ will be a ghost town real soon if this continues.
I’ve not noticed emote spam by any IoJ recently. When does this happen that you see it? Over all I would like to keep our community respectful as best as possible. Guilds left because they felt they were carrying IoJ, and didnt want to work to play, not because of population imbalance. We would have been completely fine in this league if they had stayed, We would have wiped the floor with BP and YB easy I think once we got our kitten together. However people decided to xfer to win, to have fun, to not be stressed. So to each their own, Making posts like this is only spreading rumors at this point in my opinion. I have yet to see anyone in EU, or NA prime do anything disrespectful outside of voicing their discontent about leagues.
I’ve not noticed emote spam by any IoJ recently.
I think the OP meant against us. But to be fair to the opponents, I personally haven’t noticed anything other than the usual amount of emoting, and that’s gonna happen on any server.
In regards to the rest of the original post, with the current lopsided nature of the wvw populations, the majority of matches are over before they start from the perspective of PPT. That’s just the reality; being heavily outnumbered is not unique, throughout the ladder. And with the league format, it was inevitable that at least 1 – 2 servers were looking at being in this position in Silver.
People who’ve been around long enough to have seen their server fall and rise again seem to come to the general consensus that PPT is not something to take too seriously. That’s something people will quickly need to come to the realization of, or just choose to get demoralized. Regardless of population disparity, there’s always an opportunity to find some people you can team up with, refine your combat, and go look for some fun.
Some people might look at the situation as a futile activity. Some other people might choose to look at it as an opportunity….to practice, recruit and build, free of any expectations. People who choose the latter will come out of season 1 better for it, and the server will be better for having you.
Organize, refine builds, communicate. Try to treat opponents with respect, and refrain from blaming people for greater/lesser numbers. That’s my advice.
You make some good points about fighting for the fights and such, practice, community, etc. The first few matches I was on the same page, but I’ve had enough of it. Especially with SBI it seems like as soon as you have what could be a decent even fight over any little hill a few minutes later the magic SBI ball of 20+ randoms that seems to be everywhere at once will show up and just roll over you.
The only thing I can thank Leagues for is freeing up the next 4 weeks to play GTA 5.
Gate of Madness
Population imbalance?? What are you talking about? SBI has had outmanned buff all week.
There’s population imbalance? Nuwai!!!
Don’t worry, the season is halfway over now and T2-T1 servers are waiting to welcome SBI back with a hug….that crushes bones.
IoJ lost its guilds for a completely different reason. Nothing to do with fighting bigger servers.