[FNCY], [TG], [DRV], [FURY]
[FNCY], [TG], [DRV], [FURY]
Its Christmas week! Fitting matchup for the week, 3 respectable servers that have been through hard times together. NSP showed that they can beat CD, so its definitely game on.
Here’s to a merry week ahead for all~
Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§
TDS and EA were very tough on CD BL. They then followed us to NSP BL You guys got some good coordination going but them numbers are crazy yo!!
(edited by Banzie.5248)
Hey, this looks familiar. Already gonna say kitten it to the PPT and looking forward to the roaming/duels with NA/XOXO/tM/Holy and the like.
Welp, so much for actually winning another match this year. No offense, but I’m tired of fighting CD. And ya, we beat CD last week because their server went AFK half the match, don’t expect a repeat performance. :P
NSP – [Zos]
Welp, so much for actually winning another match this year. No offense, but I’m tired of fighting CD. And ya, we beat CD last week because their server went AFK half the match, don’t expect a repeat performance. :P
Still not GoM. I am very displeased, but also happy to be able to be matched up with Rob’s server. I’ve missed you son. <3
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
TSD and EA were very tough on CD BL. They then followed us to NSP BL
You guys got some good coordination going but them numbers are crazy yo!!
TDS * yo , some good fights in CD BL and NSP BL indeed, and AUX in Ioj BL (bay) ,been swimming around BLs
TSD and EA were very tough on CD BL. They then followed us to NSP BL
You guys got some good coordination going but them numbers are crazy yo!!
TDS * yo , some good fights in CD BL and NSP BL indeed, and AUX in Ioj BL (bay) ,been swimming around BLs
hello i want 5v5 pls
Good to see the 3 guilds that give the whole NSP server their roaming reputation out there zerg busting as a group (tM, SPCA and Holy), not much we can do when our fair weathers from last week won’t listen about getting off that zerk gear :/
….. And Elementalist.
Looking for 3v3-5v5 GvG’s whisper/mail me for info ty.
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425
Still not GoM. I am very displeased, but also happy to be able to be matched up with Rob’s server. I’ve missed you son. <3
What!? I thought I was your son.
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief
Still not GoM. I am very displeased, but also happy to be able to be matched up with Rob’s server. I’ve missed you son. <3
What!? I thought I was your son.
Rob is your new brother. Seems I am just that awesome of a mum.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
I like cookies.
I like jaffles
EBG was weird. Those 4 guild catapults by GANK that kept popping up everywhere was nasty =P. How many do you guys have!
And then late night it was map hopping zerg vs map hopping zerg, cat n mouse with HARD/AUX.
And beware NSP…. because Honro is coming to you =).
[KA]rmagaming of Jade Quarry.
Some actual decent fights tonight. Hopefully this week will be just as good as reset night and I’ll actually frequent the matchup more.
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]
…I know you guys
now here’s this week’s big question: how many of us will be in town with the holidays coming up?
I’ll be joining you from a sunny beach.
Or maybe the rainforest?
Its a Greenscreen holiday, all the fun of the outdoors without going outside! Yeah!
Still not GoM. I am very displeased, but also happy to be able to be matched up with Rob’s server. I’ve missed you son. <3
I missed you too mummy cakes ;_; Gates of Badness can wait, we have Crystal Dessert to eat.
ZoS Guild
Northern Shiverpeaks Nightcrew
(edited by BirdSong.2541)
Keep it classy, NSP.
Had some good fights last night, night started off sour due to -65% to conditions people were running, its a good auto win against necros. Once we stopped fighting those people who also have tons of stuns, auto win against necros also, it was a really fun night. Had a great fight between Bay and Garrison against a CD group, you guys just kept coming!
Should mention that it is indeed an auto win against necros, severely nerfs not only our damage but our survivability options too.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Had some good fights last night, night started off sour due to -65% to conditions people were running, its a good auto win against necros. Once we stopped fighting those people who also have tons of stuns, auto win against necros also, it was a really fun night. Had a great fight between Bay and Garrison against a CD group, you guys just kept coming!
Should mention that it is indeed an auto win against necros, severely nerfs not only our damage but our survivability options too.
Don’t forget how the raw damage on our conditions is MUCH lower now due to the Dec. 10th patch!
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
CD have some real good roamers, engage, reset, engage, reset, come back with 3, /laugh and jump on me…
NSP on the other hand, you guys are bad, you guys actually fight till the death and don’t reset and has gotten me killed a few times expecting the run and reset to happen…
….. And Elementalist.
Hey this is cd here, from the ea guild. Nice fights so far, the weekends usually the best tho, its been a lot of gvg’s for the most part like always. Hopefully CD can keep the moment goin for the rest of the week. Was curious if any guilds would like to gvg, so far EA has encounted mesi, mend, zos, and os. Os was probably the toughest one we fought so far. We’ve never gvg’ed but would be really interested in it. We don’t have a ton of players though, so it would probably be a 15v15 if anyone would be up for that.
And beware NSP…. because Honro is coming to you =).
Sorry Crystal Desert but the Karma zerg got lost after guild missions today.
Man that NSP crew was mean. They walked us off a plank… T_T
But we did it all FOR HONRO~!!
Crystal Desert
Speacial shoutout to my new favourite thief Ullen Shadows from [ONE]
be mad, stay bad <3
I really hate posting about this garbage trash talk, but you blocked me after joining my party to get my name and you say this.
I came after you because you jumped on me after 5v2 my friend and I, apparently you got angry after several deaths since you whispered me with this bad manner.
After you blocked me I asked my friend to whisper you for a 1v1, and you’ve denied. I beat you 1v2 with that mesmer and you keep talking, I don’t understand.
(edited by Crucify.1649)
I really hate posting about this garbage trash talk, but you blocked me after joining my party to get my name and you say this.
I came after you because you jumped on me after 5v2 my friend and I, apparently you got angry after several deaths since you whispered me with this bad manner.
After you blocked me I asked my friend to whisper you for a 1v1, and you’ve denied. I beat you 1v2 with that mesmer and you keep talking, I don’t understand.
HAHAHAH! That guy is a joke. His group would fight my guidies in an even group fight and would they would lose every time. He finally got upset and spammed joined our party until he found out my name. He started trash talking me while extremely upset about losing the fights and saying that “I’m garbage without my teammates.”
I duel him in a warrior on warrior 1v1 and destroy him. Such an easy fight. He then becomes more upset so I had to block him. He would not stop PMing me. I’ve killed him countless times over the past few weeks while he tries his very hardest to target me. I almost feel bad for him.
I honestly think the guy has issues.
Haha he just messaged me as well. Me and a guildie ganked him 3 times in a row on our thieves, that we just play for fun.
(edited by SlowFiveOhh.2359)
Had some fun fights earlier today while roaming on my engineer (red and white). Notably the EA d/d ele that fought to stalemate at west camp and the RI warrior and guardian at se camp. Too bad you guys had some more add on me. I wanted to stay and fight. See ya around.
I really hate posting about this garbage trash talk, but you blocked me after joining my party to get my name and you say this.
I came after you because you jumped on me after 5v2 my friend and I, apparently you got angry after several deaths since you whispered me with this bad manner.
After you blocked me I asked my friend to whisper you for a 1v1, and you’ve denied. I beat you 1v2 with that mesmer and you keep talking, I don’t understand.
mess with my pal initialise and u get da yam
Crystal Desert just ate a huge steak dinner. But IoJ is having fun with our dolyak parade =D
There have been some good fights all weekend, I hope to see them continue.
Tuck and Roll: Warrior – What Everyone Loves: Guardian -Hardkore Junglist: Ranger -
Kitty Gearwrench: Engineer – Dwomm: Elementalist – Which Kitten Is It: Mesmer
I really hate posting about this garbage trash talk, but you blocked me after joining my party to get my name and you say this.
I came after you because you jumped on me after 5v2 my friend and I, apparently you got angry after several deaths since you whispered me with this bad manner.
After you blocked me I asked my friend to whisper you for a 1v1, and you’ve denied. I beat you 1v2 with that mesmer and you keep talking, I don’t understand.
lel, look how upset he is, gj Init
FNCY is looking for a possible 5v5 or 10v10 gvg sometime this week. it’ll be our first, so plz be gentle
shoot me an in game mail and lets see what we can get
[FNCY], [TG], [DRV], [FURY]
Fun fights in nsp bl this morning to the Os roaming group I ran into on my engineer. Those staff ele fields. Yeesh.
Had some fun fights earlier today while roaming on my engineer (red and white). Notably the EA d/d ele that fought to stalemate at west camp and the RI warrior and guardian at se camp. Too bad you guys had some more add on me. I wanted to stay and fight. See ya around.
I’m the EA ele, had to go on the middle of they fight though it looked like it would never end lol. See you around on the field!
[RUN] solo/duo roamer
Had some fun fights earlier today while roaming on my engineer (red and white). Notably the EA d/d ele that fought to stalemate at west camp and the RI warrior and guardian at se camp. Too bad you guys had some more add on me. I wanted to stay and fight. See ya around.
I’m the EA ele, had to go on the middle of they fight though it looked like it would never end lol. See you around on the field!
I thought you just figured we would be there forever and decided to go. It was a fun fight though. See ya around!
AUX thanks for dueling my engi this morning those where fun fights. Btw your thief scared the kitten out of me.
That was some fight (1 hour+) that CD just gave IOJ at our Bravost-Langor line. It was hard to gauge numbers, but your CD crew easily outnumbered ours, perhaps 2-to-1. And you guys came up with every conceivable strategy to punch through our siege and defenses on Bravost. Really kept us on our toes playing defensively!
Just a shoutout to my beloved XOXO friends in NSP.. the “heartseeker” thief you were referring to was my guildie and yes, RI. Just to let you know that he’s less than 1.5k achievement point, basically a newcomer to GUILDWARS. ^^
PS. I just heard it from someone in my guild that you guys love to make fun of people so I’m responding to let you know WHO you killed.
To the 20-25 man NSP zerg that spawn camped our mainly [RI] 10-man squad at NSP BL, thanks for the great fights! Oh, and… #SaluteForever =p
Commander Jeremoo Boonsnuggle
To the NSP zerg at NSP BL good fights and /salute
Just a shoutout to my beloved XOXO friends in NSP.. the “heartseeker” thief you were referring to was my guildie and yes, RI. Just to let you know that he’s less than 1.5k achievement point, basically a newcomer to GUILDWARS. ^^
PS. I just heard it from someone in my guild that you guys love to make fun of people so I’m responding to let you know WHO you killed.SALUTE
Its ok.. The big bad meanies of XOXO are all gone. The guild is disbanded , the players are scattered everywhere.. Most of the good players xfer off nsp. For more active PvP.
Thank you
I feel bad for those servers they decided to go to.
Just a shoutout to my beloved XOXO friends in NSP.. the “heartseeker” thief you were referring to was my guildie and yes, RI. Just to let you know that he’s less than 1.5k achievement point, basically a newcomer to GUILDWARS. ^^
PS. I just heard it from someone in my guild that you guys love to make fun of people so I’m responding to let you know WHO you killed.SALUTE
Its ok.. The big bad meanies of XOXO are all gone. The guild is disbanded , the players are scattered everywhere.. Most of the good players xfer off nsp. For more active PvP.
Thank you
Aww, what? It was fun to hate on you guys, but now that you guys are gone, I’m actually a bit sad! Now who’s gonna jump on my dead body and throw siege blueprints on me?
RIP in peace
Its ok.. The big bad meanies of XOXO are all gone. The guild is disbanded , the players are scattered everywhere.. Most of the good players xfer off nsp. For more active PvP.
Thank you
A messsage from the Missus
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Just a shoutout to my beloved XOXO friends in NSP.. the “heartseeker” thief you were referring to was my guildie and yes, RI. Just to let you know that he’s less than 1.5k achievement point, basically a newcomer to GUILDWARS. ^^
PS. I just heard it from someone in my guild that you guys love to make fun of people so I’m responding to let you know WHO you killed.SALUTE
Its ok.. The big bad meanies of XOXO are all gone. The guild is disbanded , the players are scattered everywhere.. Most of the good players xfer off nsp. For more active PvP.
Thank you
this for real or troll? where’d they go?
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Aw, I know everyone is secretly missing XOXO.
Best of luck to everyone.
Viohlent – Thief
Welp KoME hates me… 4 KoME split from the CD zerg to chase me from veloka to brav, good chase guys :P
Wish I wasn’t on guardian for that chase I woulda lived hehe
….. And Elementalist.