WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
Well let’s have some fun before Leagues start.
Hey Jayne.9251, it seems that we are going to fight each other this week (o:
Except that I will not be able to play a lot, due to the beginning of engineer school year x_x
Gl & Hf Elona Reach and Piken !
You’ll have to catch me first … wheee!
Actually send me a whisper, always up for a nice duel.
When I said “fight each other”, I thought of our server :s
Duels are not my cup of tea, I prefer teamplay and huge battles x:
And I prefer small fights in interesting terrain. Good thing now with the bloodlust ruins we can have both
Had a great time this morning at JS BL. In the end there were only 2 of us Pikens in the area (me with my warrior and he with his guardian). Very nice 2v2/3/4 fights all the time. I think we managed to win most of the encounters where it wasn’t 1v3+. Respect to the JS people who stuck around and fought (and died) even when it started to go downhill for you.
What happened to Elona and Jade Sea?
I remember two match ups ago Elona was blobbing constantly and blobbing Piken constantly while Piken was trying to fight Vizuna blobs.
ER and JS are still blobbing but their blobs can’t match the size of Piken blob. Also blobs.
Thats because DVG from desolation moved into piken…..
Looked like a good matchup in the first 24 hours, but now it’s just crushing… Too bad
Well I’ll probably keep looking for worthy fights in the bloodlust area. Meet you there!
because boring match (like a lot in last weeks – maby its wvw itself^^)
win do the number s like everyone know so no point in this and soloroaming is wasting of time because when i find a jade or piken and attack him comes always 2-3 more to jump on me
its wvw – wasting of time^^
brb spvp
edit: and the cool kids in forum still fap on the worth blob – you guyz are sooooooo coool – really^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
and now we are here to support Piken. gl everyone
everyone could see at reset piken will win this matchup
jade and elona could not even bring this masses at reset and never will in the week
so ye gz for whatever^^
Nice to see Pikenlation winning this match up by so much, lets hope they get a few more prime guilds even to face the mighty SFR.
Nice to see Pikenlation winning this match up by so much, lets hope they get a few more prime guilds even to face the mighty SFR.
Repuran trust me we have no issues of prime time facing SFR, Vizunah or Riverside. We have even beaten a riverside 80 man blob with 50 people many times. In prime time our score is more than any of the 3 we are facing it is just coverage at off peak hours that the other 3 have that makes us taste dirt usually. Now with DVG covering our off peak hours we might have a chance.
Nice to see Pikenlation winning this match up by so much, lets hope they get a few more prime guilds even to face the mighty SFR.
Borders still got a cap, ya kno
Now that DVG have joined Piken we are probably the strongest WvW server so it’s a doubly unfair matchup.
It will take us a while to catch up the accumulated score difference, but the way things are going, that’s inevitable. We already gave SFR a run for the money last time we met. I really don’t give much for their chances next time.
All new Guilds on Piken plays Prime-Time, see them there everyday.Saying they are off peak hours is just plain BS. But as some said know owns Piken, ques however are atm really bad again. Did we need more Prime-Time Guilds ? no not even the slightest
Most old Piken Guilds cared for the fights but those are sadly mostly gone now, left in the Wake is Guilds that care mostly for Points. Tho aNet cares only for the Guilds/Zergs who fight for Points not for those who still prefer good fights/GvG’s, the new WvW-Bloodlust buff is just Another proof of that…
Now that DVG have joined Piken we are probably the strongest WvW server so it’s a doubly unfair matchup.
It will take us a while to catch up the accumulated score difference, but the way things are going, that’s inevitable. We already gave SFR a run for the money last time we met. I really don’t give much for their chances next time.
Seafarer’s Rest 279 596
Elona Reach 175 987
Piken Square 171 600
we didnt had so much trouble last time..
Last time we fought SFR we had their little lapdogs Elona constantly pestering us with blobs so we had to fight two fronts constantly.
And then at offpeak we didn’t have much people whilst they still had blobs.
Most old Piken Guilds cared for the fights but those are sadly mostly gone now, left in the Wake is Guilds that care mostly for Points. Tho aNet cares only for the Guilds/Zergs who fight for Points not for those who still prefer good fights/GvG’s, the new WvW-Bloodlust buff is just Another proof of that…
That’s how it should be. Guilds that only ‘care for fights’ are playing a game of their own invention, while the rest of us are trying to play the game as it was devised. (By Anet)
We’re playing Risk but you want to play Monopoly on the board instead. It’s not surprising that Anet keep taking steps to force you to play the game ‘properly’.
I was in such a guild for quite a while but came to see how unhelpful, selfish and elitist it was to play like that.
Most old Piken Guilds cared for the fights but those are sadly mostly gone now, left in the Wake is Guilds that care mostly for Points. Tho aNet cares only for the Guilds/Zergs who fight for Points not for those who still prefer good fights/GvG’s, the new WvW-Bloodlust buff is just Another proof of that…
That’s how it should be. Guilds that only ‘care for fights’ are playing a game of their own invention, while the rest of us are trying to play the game as it was devised. (By Anet)
We’re playing Risk but you want to play Monopoly on the board instead. It’s not surprising that Anet keep taking steps to force you to play the game ‘properly’.
I was in such a guild for quite a while but came to see how unhelpful, selfish and elitist it was to play like that.
Yea sry but I agree with absolutely nothing u say. First the game is about FUN (its a game) and playing for Points in a meaningless system is no fun at all. What is fun and challenging is to fight head on vs other Good Guilds that actually can hold there own without holding on to a 50-man Zerg.
25v25 between two equally strong Guilds is the best Entertainment there is in Gw2, nothing fighting for a win “this week” that no1 remembergs a week later. Nah fun is great,challenging fights. Wonder why the GvG between ScnD & VII a few weeks ago had more twitch Viewers then anything else in gw2 includeing Anet hyped sPvP (what a fail)
We’re playing Risk but you want to play Monopoly on the board instead. It’s not surprising that Anet keep taking steps to force you to play the game ‘properly’.
I was in such a guild for quite a while but came to see how unhelpful, selfish and elitist it was to play like that.
There are many ways to play wvw , the important part is to have fun. Your attitude is far more selfish and elitist by stating there’s only one set way to play wvw.
its impossible to decide for other ppl what “fun” means in this game, people like different things basically. And that is totally fine
Thanks for the warm welcoming from the majority of piken!
We’re playing Risk but you want to play Monopoly on the board instead. It’s not surprising that Anet keep taking steps to force you to play the game ‘properly’.
I was in such a guild for quite a while but came to see how unhelpful, selfish and elitist it was to play like that.
There are many ways to play wvw , the important part is to have fun. Your attitude is far more selfish and elitist by stating there’s only one set way to play wvw.
I knew that would stir up resentment among the GvG party.
You keep trying to invent your own rules for the game and get upset when Anet don’t go along with it.
You can go into a tennis court and kick the ball around in a game of your own invention, but you can’t call it tennis and demand that the net be removed because it gets in your way.
Of course there’s only one way to play the game. Anet’s way.
I knew that would stir up resentment among the GvG party.
You keep trying to invent your own rules for the game and get upset when Anet don’t go along with it.
You can go into a tennis court and kick the ball around in a game of your own invention, but you can’t call it tennis and demand that the net be removed because it gets in your way.
Of course there’s only one way to play the game. Anet’s way.
I don’t gvg Nevertheless i don’t feel the need to tell people it’s the wrong way play even if it’s not my thing.
(edited by Boomstin.3460)
This was expected to happen!! As the leagues are kicking in there was expected to be a lot of shuffling in the servers. The question here: was the que time okay before the new guilds joined Piken? and a simple answer to that is no they were not. It was already around the same time even before. It started getting worst when Anet announced leagues. Stop blaming it on the new guilds, at least we can control what guilds join us but we cannot control the band wagoners. Just because when a guild announces there move to a specific server many people get a name for bash beating which imo is rediculous.
Another question here is, have we done better in off peak hours like the new guilds promised they will cover? and the obvious answer is yes. So, when people say they are all prime time guilds!! well they may be but they are also covering our oceanic and american prime time hours.
Only a little patience is required until the end of the leagues when the band wagoners will leave servers to where ever they may feel comfortable then we will again have a stable que time with the guilds that have dedicated themselves to the prosperity of the server. I hope none of the old piken guilds that are still with us get disappointed with que times and stay with us as this will eventually become better. Every server faces a time like this and things smooth out once the band wagoners loose interest in the server.
Well how can you not play for points anymore? You are forced to zerg.
I used to enjoy little tower defence fights with a small group attacking with one or two people inside the tower holding the line.
The gear difference is too much now.
The gear difference is too much now.
Lulwat? How has the gear difference changed? Sure there is some more ascended stuff (I have seen one guy with a greatsword. That is all) but its still build vs build. Tanky builds beat condition builds, condition builds beat dps builds, dps builds beat whatever they catch unprepared, balanced builds have a 50/50 chance. Same thing since release. And of course, higher numbers beat lower numbers. Well, most of the time.
As much as I love the praise, DVG is far from the reason that Piken is doing so well at the moment, yes we have members online for 24 hours of the day, but it’s the Piken community that is doing so well. Even at the most off peak of hours DVG is still in the minority of players online.
Anyway, thanks for the kind welcome on Piken, it’s really awesome working together for the greater good.
Although stay the optimism a bit, nobody is stronger than SFR at the moment, they have queues on borderlands almost all of the day, then they have a massive night force also.
We were never this better against Jade Sea and Elona Reach. :-)
May be we just got better fighting Vizunah and SFR for the last few weeks.
Piken did well long before DVG here got here.
Stop looking for excuses for your menial performance.
Gosh, play nice kids.
We and some other guilds were on homelands aswell but we had to face 70+ elonas with golems and a very big zerg from Jade(mostly 2 guild groups and some randoms) on the BL.
And nearly everything was paper anyway…gates just melted in seconds.
Be happy that GoW decided to tag up otherwise there would have been no commander on the map!
Nice story bro, with pictures and everything!
was fun leading for piken in EB tonight for a bit again…tho i did poorly after ages of not commanding and a long travel day >.<
I knew that would stir up resentment among the GvG party.
Wow, just wow. Congratulations to the most kittened statements in this thread. This has nothing to do with gvg. Do you realize that you are in an open PvP environment ? Do yourself and everyone else a favor and get your lazy pve kitten to orr or some other pve map, this fits you way better.
I was there yesterday when turned piken map blue and we was max 30 Elonas (all we had on ALL maps) with some golems and there was no scouts in all the towers and keeps so we just tried and it worked
a nice day
edit: and to say its this one guilds fault is a bit silly^^ on EB was running big monster blob from piken making PVD
(edited by Romek.4201)
GJ Elona. You totally humiliated whoever tagged up at that time. ^^
props to ADV for the awesome fight in green borders last night
the first minutes of the fight your DPS is so high it scared the hell out of us. really good fights hope to meet you guys in even numbers more often – Varangian Guard [VG]
Sometimes I wonder if Elona purposely try to confuse their opponents with erratic behaviour. Piken was defending cragtop/dawns/whateveritscalled on Elona border against a force 3x in size and held at the breached sidewall (well Elona did get through to the ramp but was pushed out again). After that it was just a standoff. If all those Elona had pushed through the opening in one fell swoop we would have been crushed like bugs. But no. It was like someone was just tossing random lootbags through the opening. Dont go through, everybody stack behind the wall and send in the scouts! What they died? Send in some more! Wait, fall back, we only outnumber them two to one now! Build an arrowcart!!! Oh nobody got supply? Its not building itself people. Eeep, Piken rushing out of the door, quick scatter, scatter!!!
Sigh… Sorry, just feeling mean because I then crashed in garrison during the epic battle
Sometimes I wonder if Elona purposely try to confuse their opponents with erratic behaviour. Piken was defending cragtop/dawns/whateveritscalled on Elona border against a force 3x in size and held at the breached sidewall (well Elona did get through to the ramp but was pushed out again). After that it was just a standoff. If all those Elona had pushed through the opening in one fell swoop we would have been crushed like bugs. But no. It was like someone was just tossing random lootbags through the opening. Dont go through, everybody stack behind the wall and send in the scouts! What they died? Send in some more! Wait, fall back, we only outnumber them two to one now! Build an arrowcart!!! Oh nobody got supply? Its not building itself people. Eeep, Piken rushing out of the door, quick scatter, scatter!!!
Sigh… Sorry, just feeling mean because I then crashed in garrison during the epic battle
I saw that on twitch.tv
It was really funny to watch how they tried to get that tower back.
For how long was that wall broken? at least an hour i think
well done, guys
Sometimes I wonder if Elona purposely try to confuse their opponents with erratic behaviour. Piken was defending cragtop/dawns/whateveritscalled on Elona border against a force 3x in size and held at the breached sidewall (well Elona did get through to the ramp but was pushed out again). After that it was just a standoff. If all those Elona had pushed through the opening in one fell swoop we would have been crushed like bugs. But no. It was like someone was just tossing random lootbags through the opening. Dont go through, everybody stack behind the wall and send in the scouts! What they died? Send in some more! Wait, fall back, we only outnumber them two to one now! Build an arrowcart!!! Oh nobody got supply? Its not building itself people. Eeep, Piken rushing out of the door, quick scatter, scatter!!!
Sigh… Sorry, just feeling mean because I then crashed in garrison during the epic battle
Unfortunately that is all that is left on Elona. We are not even in sight to being as strong as the last 12 months. A lot of the core wvw-players have changed servers, stopped playing or went fulltime pve. What you see now are the last pieces trying to play. A lot of casual players just getting crushed, often without a commander on the map.
With our current strenght and coverage we don’t even belong in the first 10 servers.
Just to show you a few examples how bad the current situation is:
- 1 hour after reset you can get on 2 BL without queue, rest 5-10min (while we were in T1 you had up to 5hr queues…)
- usually even EB has no queues at all
- instead of splitting the zerg at 10am, we now often have 1 small group jumping maps up to the prime time
-(this one hit me really hard) commanders that led for the last 12 months being straight up honest with sentences like “guys I have really no idea what to do against such forces, we will probably loose everything in the next hour”
It will take a very long time to rebuild the wvw-population on ER again caused by two very bad factors:
1. ER is the biggest german PVE-server so we are on “very high” while successful wvw-servers like SFR are only “high” (transfer to high is a lot cheaper)
2. We will probably stay in league 1 and get stomped most of the matches, further reducing and demotivating wvw-population
Congrats to Piken, you guys really became a server worth of fighting in the top tiers. Good luck on your journey.
Was some really great fight in Elona Bl yesterday, looking forward to a new reset but wanna say tnx for the fights to WvW,Zerg,DS. Cya next time.
Yes thx for the matchup
we had not really a chance. But its ok, Piken is good enemy – much stronger than we are but gentlemans on map and forum
gg – and sfr can learn from you guyz
(edited by Romek.4201)
Sometimes I wonder if Elona purposely try to confuse their opponents with erratic behaviour. Piken was defending cragtop/dawns/whateveritscalled on Elona border against a force 3x in size and held at the breached sidewall (well Elona did get through to the ramp but was pushed out again). After that it was just a standoff. If all those Elona had pushed through the opening in one fell swoop we would have been crushed like bugs. But no. It was like someone was just tossing random lootbags through the opening. Dont go through, everybody stack behind the wall and send in the scouts! What they died? Send in some more! Wait, fall back, we only outnumber them two to one now! Build an arrowcart!!! Oh nobody got supply? Its not building itself people. Eeep, Piken rushing out of the door, quick scatter, scatter!!!
Sigh… Sorry, just feeling mean because I then crashed in garrison during the epic battle
Unfortunately that is all that is left on Elona. We are not even in sight to being as strong as the last 12 months. A lot of the core wvw-players have changed servers, stopped playing or went fulltime pve. What you see now are the last pieces trying to play. A lot of casual players just getting crushed, often without a commander on the map.
With our current strenght and coverage we don’t even belong in the first 10 servers.
Just to show you a few examples how bad the current situation is:
- 1 hour after reset you can get on 2 BL without queue, rest 5-10min (while we were in T1 you had up to 5hr queues…)
- usually even EB has no queues at all
- instead of splitting the zerg at 10am, we now often have 1 small group jumping maps up to the prime time
-(this one hit me really hard) commanders that led for the last 12 months being straight up honest with sentences like “guys I have really no idea what to do against such forces, we will probably loose everything in the next hour”It will take a very long time to rebuild the wvw-population on ER again caused by two very bad factors:
1. ER is the biggest german PVE-server so we are on “very high” while successful wvw-servers like SFR are only “high” (transfer to high is a lot cheaper)
2. We will probably stay in league 1 and get stomped most of the matches, further reducing and demotivating wvw-populationCongrats to Piken, you guys really became a server worth of fighting in the top tiers. Good luck on your journey
Sad to hear this happened to another Server.
Desolation has the same fate right now. Pve wealthy, but not even worth as a silverleague server.
Your position is even worse since you probably wont be able to drop a league in time.
Personally i blame ArenaNet for this.
They know where to leech the last few gems/€ from players. Fells like getting roflstomped by anet over and over again.
Wish you good luck for the next Matchup, keep your heads up :-)
Thanks for this week elona and jade sea.
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