PS vs AR vs JS 7/6/2013
Hello again Piken, back to work without spanish night activity this week. HF
so we will have french night activity this week? i cant imagine that JS has less ppl at night then BB
…i feel like this will a week 1 against 2 servers already looks like that in PS BL. AR is just camping titan with a zerg of 25-30 ppl. instead of capping something from JS even when they are busy with us all the day.
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
3rd and already crying, yes they are back !
In fact you are wrong, french really prefer to figth each other and after post drama stuff on forum
haha :P i see xD i talked with one of these Echo guys ^^ actually he was more like “our commander is actually no commander and has no idea what to do so he sits here.” xD
so we will have french night activity this week? i cant imagine that JS has less ppl at night then BB
…i feel like this will a week 1 against 2 servers
already looks like that in PS BL. AR is just camping titan with a zerg of 25-30 ppl. instead of capping something from JS even when they are busy with us all the day.
Lol when we started it we were 10 but some people joined us ^^. But 30 peolpe is just
overrated. A commander just came few times :P
It’s not the best screen to show how many we were but count +~5 guys on the roof ^^
(edited by Archenemy.9784)
thats 20 on the screen and if there were 5 on the roof you have the 25-30 i said :P i normally try to count right
I admit it but a some people on this screenshot follow the lead and were late. And i said “when we started it we were 10” so NEK and some echo(who was in queue) wasn’t here. We camped it about 2h-2h30, so our number raised a bit ^^.
Anyway it was fun :P, see you later for serious fight !
so we will have french night activity this week? i cant imagine that JS has less ppl at night then BB
…i feel like this will a week 1 against 2 servers
already looks like that in PS BL. AR is just camping titan with a zerg of 25-30 ppl. instead of capping something from JS even when they are busy with us all the day.
don’t be scared by any kind of 2vs1, we’re here to fight, and we really enjoy to fight FR as well
red is red, red is dead
HF, this week could be a good one for all of us
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea
Best roaming I’ve had in EB in a long time. I’m looking forward to this matchup
Aargh, I never find this thread without having posted in it, can people making threads in the future please write a bit longer server names?
Hello Frenchies. Glad to pick you out from t3 keeps with arrow carts
Many thanks to AR and JS for the good fights on Piken BL last night, a very welcome change after being stuck with Riverside all week.
Many thanks to AR and JS for the good fights on Piken BL last night, a very welcome change after being stuck with Riverside all week.
Absolutely this, the fights last night were a lot of fun; I really felt that I had to keep on my toes and that every time I was defeated it was down to skill (or my lack of it) rather than (mis)using game mechanics. Looking forward to the rest of the week.
Piken Square
Nice start so far, i am having fun. I will share a deep confession of mine. I had a major facepalm when i noticed i still had a rare hammer equipped instead of my exotic one due to testing different skins last night…
Am i the only this has happened to?!
Was a nice match up until FG-Piken start to use dezoom.
You can pm me for the screens.
Was a nice match up until DEX-Jade Sea start to use exploit to get a Thief into brair.
You can pm me for the screens.
…I´m normally not going to post something like that here because i know how useless it is. Report a person you think that he uses a exploit/hack or whatever, but i dont know what it should help to post it on the forum. It only creates drama and i think everyone here agrees that it is ONE person then and not a guild or a server.
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
i would be curious to see those.
Your whole guild was with him, using ac to cover cata, you know it and abuse it. Don’t play dumb.
(edited by Jomg.9061)
I´m just a member of FG and cant talk for the guild. Surely our guildleader will answer to this aspersion soon. I never saw any FG member or PS member hacking or exploiting. The only thing i saw on piken so far were kittening bots farming in the BLs seas.
Maybe you are just not aware that you can hit with ACs on spots i never thought you can hit. But RS showed us that.
Guys please stop using cheats, it is not good
Please understand that the ‘cheat’ is nothing more than adjusting your field-of-view to widescreen format. ( options|graphics|windowed mode).
Personally, I don’t do it because I can’t be kittened to use arrowcarts myself. But it’s just a l2p issue.
I play in windowed mode an i can’t aim on the center of a wall or behind it. Like everyone else who don’t cheat. You guys just did that.
i have no plan if what i quoted works or how RS is doing it but i know that they did it like always and i cant believe that there is a server full of cheaters. So I´m atm trying to find out if there is a possibility to do that. I´m way to lazy to use siege in other ways then it is known. Also i think most people are way to scared to use cheats or hacks or whatever because they are scared. Like me. I would also never buy gold because of the risk to get banned.
anyways, if you believe it or not. If it happened then it was one member useing it without knowledge or order of the guild.
Let me see the screenshots and i will try to find out what happened. I believe in the artlessness of people until i saw it with my own eyes or got convinced by good evidence.
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
Hello Jomg, I am the leader of FG. I think we can all agree that neither of us support or endorse the use of cheating. We are not a guild that uses exploits or cheats and you are in-fact the first person to put that to claim with our guild. Feel free to distribute your evidence here publicly on these forums for us to access and judge. You have my word and full confidence that if this is the case those parties involved will be removed from our guild and reported but until then we will await your evidence.
I play in windowed mode an i can’t aim on the center of a wall or behind it. Like everyone else who don’t cheat. You guys just did that.
Switching to windowed mode will not by itself change your FOV. Resizing your window manually will. Just drag the window corner to resize it to for example 1920×400 and note significant change in horizontal FOV.
Not clever to say how to do it :/
maybe enough people do it then and Anet finds a way to fix it or atleast if everyone knows and uses it there will be no more “you cheater” QQ stuff
I’m just gonna leave this here for Jade Sea.
Piken Square
Not clever to say how to do it :/
I’m of the opinion that in competitive activities secrets are bad in a long run for all parties involved. I also don’t like any kinds of alterations on videos and screenshots (with one possible exception of blanking out chat window. But ‘m not fan of it either). Maybe that’s just me, but that’s how I see an interesting, honest and healthy competition.
Another side of it is that it will be fixed sooner if it will become widely known and used. We have this thing with resized window probably from the start of the game. Did you hear anything from devs on this and any ETA or explanation that this is intended? I didn’t And it will remain that way if it will continue to float under dev’s radar as something rarely used and of minor importance.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
agree with you Yaro
I didn’t expect that AR will be so desperate protect objects of JS. BLAK and other AR pugs who played on AR bl this night. What a hell with u? =)
it’s really nice to see people that don’t refuse a duel
Special thanks to Doiid Exploit [RG]; the 4 guys from [White Souls] and Cheng [VotF]
Keep going
Last fair fight before Orbageddon was against Itkoviana
it’s really nice to see people that don’t refuse a duel
Special thanks to Doiid Exploit [RG]; the 4 guys from [White Souls] and Cheng [VotF]
Keep going
Here’s a little tip for JS and AR, Try venturing into each others territory now and then instead of double teaming us
I was doing world completion on my warrior yesterday, and I had to say I was giggling at the people trying to chase me. Very stubborn people!
Well, at least they saw parts of the zone they don’t usually see?
Are you seriously telling me this the evidence of exploiting/cheating?
You can see the center of the aoe circle right on the middle of the wall, you can’t do that with a classic pov.
It prevented us to build any AC when it shouldn’t have. Ii tried to put one to my left, which is normally out of range, but it did get insta focus by the AC, sadly i didn’t screen that one.
(edited by Jomg.9061)
Dezoom spotted :p
it’s sad, everybody is using this thing now :-/
It’s cute how the frenchies are quickly claiming cheats and hacks and what not, to try to move attention away from the fact both servers allied against PS
wow nothing special.
eyefinity boys.
It’s cute how the frenchies are quickly claiming cheats and hacks and what not, to try to move attention away from the fact both servers allied against PS
Good joke
wow nothing special.
eyefinity boys.
I’m total noob in multi-monitor setups (I only have two and play on one of them leaving second to other stuff like ts/browser/whatever) but I always thought that in a competitive PvP game no amount of monitors should change the geometry of your view point and field of viewable objects.
You could get a 180 degree surround effect (so I thought), but that should be it, you still see what the other guy with single monitor could see even if they would need to turn their camera left or right. I guess devs have other idea.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
It’s cute how the frenchies are quickly claiming cheats and hacks and what not, to try to move attention away from the fact both servers allied against PS
We tried to take Greenbriar back from AR and everytime we broke the walls down JS would come and defend the land for them.
AR have perma inferiority buff on Piken bl , way to go for a 2v1 on piken . At least open your map before speaking non sense.
Happening right now : piken & ar share JS bl, Ar don’t have his tiers on Piken-Bl and Piken don’t have his tiers on Ar-bl. Does this mean Ar and Piken 2v1 Js ?
(edited by Jomg.9061)
GoW wanna say tnx for really Epic fights both vs JS and AR on Jade Sae BL this Evening, was alot of really nice fights specially up north of the Map. And alot of fights in the open away from AC’s. Like this match-up alot.
Cheers Rave
Servant of Dhuum
…funny…ofc you guys dont double team us nono JS goes for our towers and AR over and over for our keep in EB
anyways keep comeing i need more lootbags so that i can buy my legendary soon
:( just wrote this and now you run away we had a nice AC for every player now …
I’d like to echo Ravezaar, had a marvellous evening fighting on JS BL, many thanks to both AR and JS for being such challenging opponents, who seem to enjoy open large-scale battles as much as us. Also spent quite a bit of time running around in a 5-person team and finding a fair number of good small-scale fights too. Even managed some one-on-ones (with varying success). All in all a great evening and I look forward to more of the same.
Piken Square
WAR had good fights against INC on AR bl, too bad we get interrupted in most of our fights ( by both serv, FG for piken and PUG train from AR ) .
red wave 60+ everywhere.
WAR had good fights against INC on AR bl, too bad we get interrupted in most of our fights ( by both serv, FG for piken and PUG train from AR ) .
Thanx War We changed our setups and all what we need now is fight against nice groups.
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Spread love not war!^^ Thanks for some nice duels AR players! My mesmer will be around there looking for some small fights everyday, don’t be shy to invite
I can’t see kitten n the screenshot, but did you make your mesmer same big scary norn as guardian? That’d be fun
P.S. I hope your illusionist exercises do not impair the INC raid operation in any way Devitz should always guard us!