Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Just one honest question to SFR, no trolling there i just want to know, didnt you guys lose on purpose VS vizunah because you dont want to stay at the top before the new season stuff ? Why are you SFR guys suddenly trying to win now :o ?
a bit of confusion on the server site atm, we don’t know whether we want to play to win or play for fights :P
Seafarer’s Rest have equipped their dolyaks with displacement field.
@Silent Shino, no offense but it sounds like a snoozefest match-up.
and I pointed out that sfr guilds cant blob together because we would get killed faster duuh(in a very unserius way)
Just one honest question to SFR, no trolling there i just want to know, didnt you guys lose on purpose VS vizunah because you dont want to stay at the top before the new season stuff ? Why are you SFR guys suddenly trying to win now :o ?
a bit of confusion on the server site atm, we don’t know whether we want to play to win or play for fights :P
More like we’re trying to find the ‘sweet spot’ between the two worlds
right, im sure thats exactly it
Funny part is that our players run around like headless chickens (Wemil raging in ts because over half of players don’t follow at all ) and we still manage win these fights. Of course our strong point is that many of our pugs are from guilds who have done some kind of guild raiding. They know basics at least. They don’t bring some single target fotm mace stunlock warriors in www like piken do.
At exactly 1.15 am GMT Time SFR were getting kitten whipped on a even ratio. At 1.20 am they called in reinforcements, obviously angry in getting beat. So do SFR get better, even with all the perm steal thieves… lol no what they did was get 200% more people than they needed to gain ground. SFR I hand you the battle balls cause you sure need them LOL. P.S to the SFR thief who managed to get into a keep without a Mesmer portal, I really want to know how you did that on your own ??
Hey mate, I don’t feel like anybody got a right to whine others about blobing. We’re all high/very high pop servers(considering the WvW population) so pug blobs are quite popular. Yes, there are guild here on Piken who don’t care about blobing(I do not support it at all), running with commander tag. But as far as I’m concerned your guilds are doing the same so please leave your hypocritical opinions for yourself.
Thanks SFR massive zone groups for chasing us across whole map(and getting owned very often!), it’s some kind of compliment for me and my guild I see nothing special in trying to roll 20-25 guys with group of 60-80 but hey, I’m not here to judge it!
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Hate to break it to you, but GD is on Elona.
Also, this was hilarious:
As for this week. I can clarify the decision was made from our comunity so all be happy.As for slacking with current match up system we will always be top 3 server so even if we slack everybody knows who si the best server.
Ah hubris…..
Thank you!
(edited by Moderator)
Hate to break it to you, but GD is on Elona.
Also, this was hilarious:
As for this week. I can clarify the decision was made from our comunity so all be happy.As for slacking with current match up system we will always be top 3 server so even if we slack everybody knows who si the best server.
Ah hubris…..
Thank you!
You guys should seriously try to beat them at points, it will maybe make them want to INTENTIONNALY lose again xDD
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cheating kittens!
Taking our Garri with zoom hacking. If this is what T1 is about, forget it.
Same puppies all over again. You beat the butterflies out of Piken raids and they blob up
GD how could you guys let them blob your Garri yesturday ?
cheating kittens!
Taking our Garri with zoom hacking. If this is what T1 is about, forget it.
then get back to underworld :P
cheating kittens!
Taking our Garri with zoom hacking. If this is what T1 is about, forget it.
then get back to underworld :P
Ow snap
But Venn isn’t commanding anymore so
Personally I’m done with WvW until the skill lag is fixed. I might go to OS to kick people off ledges and camp the arena to vent my frustration, but that’s it.
Skill lag and rubber-banding up to several seconds is making it impossible to play this week.
It’s the sheer size of the SFR and ER blobs. Everything’s fine until you enter a combat area and then you can ‘feel’ the lag kick-in.
I think most of Piken have decided to skip this week, we only seem to have a handful of players on at any one time.
Not helped by the fact that at least two of our more popular pug commanders have taken the week off. There are people running around with tags up I’ve never heard of and without naming names, some of them are kitten useless. (not all, I hasten to add)
Oh, and yes. I was there in Garrison this morning. Whoever was using the zoom hack to destroy all our siege must be pretty proud of himself. 30+ against a half-dozen and you still need to cheat?
do you call me a hacker sir? I played and lead the morning map jump force from 05:00-11:00.
engard sir bring me your proof.
I challenge you. if you do not bring good proof you will wake up with your keeps fully upgraded with wp and 1700 supplies and green colour. lets see your blob take that back when I show vizunah they have a challenger for the biggest WHO CAN USE MOST ARROW CARTS!!
Same here, it’s boring to fight against you. Piken full zergs inside towers with tons of AC’s. You have a mouth full, but you are so far from us and VS.
ATM there is SFR and VS, and there is the rest. Bring watt ever you want to EB map, guilds, randoms, we really don’t care.
On the other hand, Wemil is not that kind of person who will do such thing even though he has good taunt spell against other servers^^
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Skill lag and rubber-banding up to several seconds is making it impossible to play this week.
It’s the sheer size of the SFR and ER blobs. Everything’s fine until you enter a combat area and then you can ‘feel’ the lag kick-in.I think most of Piken have decided to skip this week, we only seem to have a handful of players on at any one time.
Not helped by the fact that at least two of our more popular pug commanders have taken the week off. There are people running around with tags up I’ve never heard of and without naming names, some of them are kitten useless. (not all, I hasten to add)Oh, and yes. I was there in Garrison this morning. Whoever was using the zoom hack to destroy all our siege must be pretty proud of himself. 30+ against a half-dozen and you still need to cheat?
Yeah its pretty impossible to play, it’s always fun seeing 60+ SFR attacking a lone sentry and having your abilities lag from half way across the map.
Piken isn’t bothering to fight this time because there is too much lag, enjoy lagging each other to death and crying when you die.
Skill lag and rubber-banding up to several seconds is making it impossible to play this week.
It’s the sheer size of the SFR and ER blobs. Everything’s fine until you enter a combat area and then you can ‘feel’ the lag kick-in.I think most of Piken have decided to skip this week, we only seem to have a handful of players on at any one time.
Not helped by the fact that at least two of our more popular pug commanders have taken the week off. There are people running around with tags up I’ve never heard of and without naming names, some of them are kitten useless. (not all, I hasten to add)Oh, and yes. I was there in Garrison this morning. Whoever was using the zoom hack to destroy all our siege must be pretty proud of himself. 30+ against a half-dozen and you still need to cheat?
Please grow in server terms. Don’t start the map jumping so soon, you really dont scare us in EB map, and you lose lots of points in BL’s.
You want to talk about slacking? Talk with some players in our BL, outnumbered in weekend afternoon. SFR is the guilds paradise, and pugs hell. 2 or more hours to get in EB.
Please stop complaining with numbers and skill lag, maybe it helps you to check my posts to see how I deal with defeat, wen we lose its ourt fault, and some times wen we win we can do beter, lke now.
Just enjoy not having tons of AC’s inside our towers like we supose to have.
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If only there was still some honor and chivalry in this WvW community. Only the vizunah players on the forum have the decency to congratulate and compliment their opponents if they win.
Its a lie. See my post on last week.
If only there was still some honor and chivalry in this WvW community. Only the vizunah players on the forum have the decency to congratulate and compliment their opponents if they win.
Its a lie. See my post on last week.
Congratulations to VS and PS.
For me was a slack week, …
I am amused
I’m seriously getting tired of Pikens “Only play when we are winning attitude”
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It ws fun figthing you but the poor thing is when you lose few you rage and quit
I suppose stomping Opt in practice unofficial gvg lifted your mood?You told us you were playing for points, so why should we bother fighting you with your arrow carts and cannons and portal gates in the back, when you had nearly twice our numbers (20vs35)? Go play for points and stuff, i’m sure Vizunah will approve of this.
Yes don’t play with Hebril. Keep coming to EB map, we will be nice to you.
But I think Hebril will try to chase you guys, we can’t guarantee anything.
Come on, it’s easy, only bad players in EB. Lots of bags for you and your friends.
I did not mean to be rude to you. Thank you for reply anyways.
I know that you don’t mean to destroy others reputation, you just say what you saw.
But i have to say too, that there are bugs in this game.
Thank you for the courtesy. I think we understand each other.
You are correct in saying that there are bugs. It is possible that a bug could have done this, or possibly someone had found an angle to get LoS through the top of the door. But it seemed to me unlikely.
There are people in this game, on all the servers, who are decent people, fun to play with and good company. They abide by the rules because that’s what makes a game fun.
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Situation on SFR atm: Alot of people thinks that wvw guilds such as CoN, KoA, DoRF, Opt,ECL etc are playing too much open fieldfights and not caring about points. The members of these guilds are trying to convince some unsatisfied players in the community that everything is for the server.
Last night I was on sfr bl and I saw CoN,KoA and DoRF pushing and fighting against outnumbered GD towards Elona spawn, NEWS from Elona came later and helped GD but GD didnt try to join battles with NEWS, GD tried to avoid this imho but it seemed like it was hard for KoA and CoN not to merge even if it was unwillingly they have to fight unfairly to keep the points as long as possible.
Afaik throughout the night there were alot of fights between CoN and GD and I can´t say if it were even fights or who won what. The reason CoN doesnt want to SPARR with any guild is because there´s too much sparring and too few real GvG´s… It´s pretty stupid that so many guilds prefer to SPARR because they´re afraid to lose points in official GvG. I don´t think any guild can be ready for a real GvG with a short notice.
GD is definitely one of the top3 guilds in the world and it´s common sense to not treat them lightly..
Good luck on the battlefield and most importantly, have fun!
GD on Top3 world guilds, the other of course its PUG guild from SFR, and the other one is?
We don’t treat them lightly in EB. Just need to have a proper commander (We have a few that can do the job, sadly I’m not included).
GD isn’t expecting to do any GvG in EB map?
If only there was still some honor and chivalry in this WvW community. Only the vizunah players on the forum have the decency to congratulate and compliment their opponents if they win.
Its a lie. See my post on last week.
Congratulations to VS and PS.
For me was a slack week, …
I am amused
And I’m happy, finaly I got the time to get my legendary:)
Next time let people see all my post, not telling that we lose because the others, cheat, blob, or skill lag, but because we didnt played well.
Slack from WWW for me=still played many hours.
(edited by Mighty Ice Arrow.9268)
I’m seriously getting tired of Pikens “Only play when we are winning attitude”
When we play properly and have no lag we dominate you.
But you’ve realised that and now just zerg to lag us so we cannot dominate you so you just use sheer numbers with lag and hackers.
I love taking my low level alts into WvW and spend the evening farming the SFR/ER bads with my alts whilst you are good geared level 80s.
Loot everywhere.
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I’m seriously getting tired of Pikens “Only play when we are winning attitude”
When we play properly and have no lag we dominate you.
But you’ve realised that and now just zerg to lag us so we cannot dominate you so you just use sheer numbers with lag and hackers.I love taking my low level alts into WvW and spend the evening farming the SFR/ER bads with my alts whilst you are good geared level 80s.
Loot everywhere.
I think you both play on same server.
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… you will wake up with your keeps fully upgraded with wp and 1700 supplies and green colour. lets see your blob take that back when I show vizunah they have a challenger for the biggest WHO CAN USE MOST ARROW CARTS!!
I dare you, do it.
I’m seriously getting tired of Pikens “Only play when we are winning attitude”
When we play properly and have no lag we dominate you.
But you’ve realised that and now just zerg to lag us so we cannot dominate you so you just use sheer numbers with lag and hackers.I love taking my low level alts into WvW and spend the evening farming the SFR/ER bads with my alts whilst you are good geared level 80s.
Loot everywhere.
Link me to a match-up where Piken dominated SFR .
Oh, oh I know…last week, perchance?
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I’m seriously getting tired of Pikens “Only play when we are winning attitude”
When we play properly and have no lag we dominate you.
But you’ve realised that and now just zerg to lag us so we cannot dominate you so you just use sheer numbers with lag and hackers.I love taking my low level alts into WvW and spend the evening farming the SFR/ER bads with my alts whilst you are good geared level 80s.
Loot everywhere.
I think you both play on same server.
dat plot twist :O
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SPRT looking for GvG with anyone
But if we judged on the massive numbers going on with sfr at around 1 to 4 am GMT without fail – I would beg to differ that statement " Last night we all lolled at Piken Borders when we were cuffing the opposing team on equal number, what did they do?? Get 200% more players to beat us.
SFRI look forward to your matchup with Viznah so they can wipe the floor with you and get what you gave us pretty much LTP don’t do the number thing,
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What fair about a 60 to 15 numbers match ?. It’s not about if you don’t like it leave, I am just saying whats going on is crappy game tactics . But then from Viz I would not expect anything different from defending the numbers game. :P
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What fair about a 60 to 15 numbers match ?. It’s not about if you don’t like it leave, I am just saying whats going on is crappy game tactics . But then from Viz I would not expect anything different from defending the numbers game. :P
I am not defending the numbers game, if you think of it a little bit, you cant do anything about numbers if it is in your server, you just have to deal with it, everyone wants his lootbags, everyone wants some wxp, we wont adapt ourselves to other server’s just because they are not pleased, this is WvW, it’s a democracy.
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Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.
And that is all I will say on the matter. I agree " whining" may be useless but I find nothing useless in the form of debate and pointing out what is the difference between sportsmanship and cheap shots. Its up to you to put yourself in which side of the fence you wish to be placed in.
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What you dont get is that this is not about sportsmanship, let’s say SFR is server A and you are server B, server A have 100 guys that WANT to play WvW, server B only have 20, are you telling me that server A should sacrifice 80 of it’s players for the sake of server’s B fun ? This is just not possible, because now, WvW is tied with rewards, it is impossible for server A to get his players leaving for “fairness” if they could have been rewarded instead (Lootbags for everyone, wxp, karma etc… ) and you DONT have to judge them on this, because it is legitimate that they want rewards.
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No what I am saying is in general, nightcapping to that extent of numbers on a largely European server is not only unreal its also very how can I put this " un- natural". That is of course some cross international time zoning is going on which I possibly suggest. But seeing its strongly denied that goes on and instead there are " dedicated players". Then yes, I would query that fact. I am not disagreeing with you, I agree with you on some points. But what I am saying is there is some amount of well organised time zone infiltration going on and really that’s less than sporting when most euro people are off to bed for work , families , lives like we all have to do. yes its a game but yeah I am seriously not fully understanding how those numbers do not seem to decrease during 24 hours. That is what I am directly bringing the issues to .
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This is not an issue, there are many players playing at differents timezones, there is only NA and EU servers but you should remember that there are other countries with different timezones too, this is not an “issue”, this is just an advantage a server gets from his players, if you dont have it, you shouldnt be mad about it, everyone, at any timezone, or at any lifestyle (I dunno there are people that wakes up at 3 in the morning, i’ve did that for a month when i was on internship for some reasons ), everyone deserves to play this game, and any negative statement about them is purely egoistic
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Well anet try to chance www more serious way, but it’s still like 24/7 football match where one team can kick ball in empty net whole night.
Nothing egotistical about it, it’s a point made and that’s all it is. I never began the slurs on whining remember – you did. In all it was a comment made on the style of gameplay noticed on Piken Borders yesterday before I logged off at 12.30. Sure people can play when they want, that’s only right and nobody is making a slur on them or anyone else. The point was though that bringing in that levels of numbers because they were being beaten is pretty kitten poor. But yeah each to their own, I hope one day Anet will start addressing these comments on what goes on in WvW.
I am all for number capping on sides to be honest. Some say it will work, some say it won’t. I am of the school of thought that not only will it curb skill lag by half it will also even out the WvW for playskills rather than who has more numbers at the end of the day. Who knows unless it happens – it may or it may not. Nobody can foretell the future.
But as for servers getting a bad name, well I kind of have to wince at that. There are a great many servers who do have a good reputation, its just unfortunate the ones who do not have; the same names recur a lot with the same accusations. That can’t be co-incidence. But yeah everyone has an opinion, lets leave it at that and hope Anet eventually sorts out the mess WvW is in.
Thanks [CoN] for GvG. Was fun.
Nothing egotistical about it, it’s a point made and that’s all it is. I never began the slurs on whining remember – you did. In all it was a comment made on the style of gameplay noticed on Piken Borders yesterday before I logged off at 12.30. Sure people can play when they want, that’s only right and nobody is making a slur on them or anyone else. The point was though that bringing in that levels of numbers because they were being beaten is pretty kitten poor. But yeah each to their own, I hope one day Anet will start addressing these comments on what goes on in WvW.
I am all for number capping on sides to be honest. Some say it will work, some say it won’t. I am of the school of thought that not only will it curb skill lag by half it will also even out the WvW for playskills rather than who has more numbers at the end of the day. Who knows unless it happens – it may or it may not. Nobody can foretell the future.
But as for servers getting a bad name, well I kind of have to wince at that. There are a great many servers who do have a good reputation, its just unfortunate the ones who do not have; the same names recur a lot with the same accusations. That can’t be co-incidence. But yeah everyone has an opinion, lets leave it at that and hope Anet eventually sorts out the mess WvW is in.
I agree on what you have said, but the way you handle it is purely negative, you know better than me that what you are “pointing out” or “what you have seen in XY EB”, is negative, and you also know that saying it will just spread hatred and will not contribute by any mean to any of the 3 servers, so why ? Why dont you just stay nice and give the example of the sportsmanship you seek ? This has nothing to do with the server i am on by the way, i am just speechless on all the hate this forum has, it really has to end
Nothing egotistical about it, it’s a point made and that’s all it is. I never began the slurs on whining remember – you did. In all it was a comment made on the style of gameplay noticed on Piken Borders yesterday before I logged off at 12.30. Sure people can play when they want, that’s only right and nobody is making a slur on them or anyone else. The point was though that bringing in that levels of numbers because they were being beaten is pretty kitten poor. But yeah each to their own, I hope one day Anet will start addressing these comments on what goes on in WvW.
I am all for number capping on sides to be honest. Some say it will work, some say it won’t. I am of the school of thought that not only will it curb skill lag by half it will also even out the WvW for playskills rather than who has more numbers at the end of the day. Who knows unless it happens – it may or it may not. Nobody can foretell the future.
But as for servers getting a bad name, well I kind of have to wince at that. There are a great many servers who do have a good reputation, its just unfortunate the ones who do not have; the same names recur a lot with the same accusations. That can’t be co-incidence. But yeah everyone has an opinion, lets leave it at that and hope Anet eventually sorts out the mess WvW is in.I agree on what you have said, but the way you handle it is purely negative, you know better than me that what you are “pointing out” or “what you have seen in XY EB”, is negative, and you also know that saying it will just spread hatred and will not contribute by any mean to any of the 3 servers, so why ? Why dont you just stay nice and give the example of the sportsmanship you seek ? This has nothing to do with the server i am on by the way, i am just speechless on all the hate this forum has, it really has to end
Yup , I accept that and yes I will continue to at least try placing sportsmanship despite the issues we face. True the only way to improve is to place example, lets hope people notice thakittens not being negative, it’s just when it gets to the stage that the same tactics from opposition matchups happen for near to 3 months solid, it begins to make the game really poor in playability, both technically and in social enjoyment. That unfortunately breeds a lot of contempt for a lot of players which I am sure you can empathize with. Next time I shall tackle the subject with a bit more decorum and see if others start to notch onto the idea of making the game fun rather than the lagfest its becoming. All the best and thanks
Big shoutout to all the guilds of ER and Piken that encountered us tonight in Piken Borderland! We had very much fun fighting you guys!
The [KoA]-Guild
Thanks to you, good luck luck and have fun, and good luck to all the SFR/Piken, and Elona community.
If only there was still some honor and chivalry in this WvW community. Only the vizunah players on the forum have the decency to congratulate and compliment their opponents if they win.
Its a lie. See my post on last week.
Congratulations to VS and PS.
For me was a slack week, …
I am amused
I generally don’t bother congratulating the winning server if it isn’t a close match because there’s little glory in winning against heavily outmanned servers or by having better coverage. This of course goes both ways and I don’t expect anyone congratulating SFR for winning this week.
Call it lack of chivalry, but I believe I’m not the only one in thinking this.
Oh and while I’m here replying to you, it’s been a while, how is your superpower server faring? I mean, remember all those flamebaiting posts you made in the 2 weeks ER was a strong force?
Nice to see DsD on Piken tonight, this surely makes Piken the rank 3 server?
I don’t know why INC and DsD had a joint raid tonight but it was fun running from your 60 man group all night xD.
Enjoyed this match-up so far.
(edited by Repuran.1859)
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