Ring of Fire/ Drakkar Lake/ Blacktide 11/10/
Well a great reset night our guild group spent it on DL border, had some great fights and loot bags a plenty, hope this week stays like this, many thanks to the DL Zerg You had some larger numbers that made for some really fun fights around Dawns/ Bay/ Garrison.
Looking forward to this match up if it stays like this !
See you on the battlefield.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the fallen men and woman that died honorably trying to take hills in drakkar lake bl. The fight at the cata spot was epic! After 1 hour i collected more then 50 heavy lootbags.
Thanks for the good fights and i think TaG will hit drakkar lake borderlands soon again! So prepare for a war.
Ps. I went offline about 21:30 so i have no clue what happend after it.
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
Our thoughts and prayers are with the fallen men and woman that died honorably trying to take hills in drakkar lake bl. The fight at the cata spot was epic! After 1 hour i collected more then 50 heavy lootbags
Thanks for the good fights and i think TaG will hit drakkar lake borderlands soon again! So prepare for a war
Ps. I went offline about 21:30 so i have no clue what happend after it.
The fun just continued had some great fights and some great loot by the end of the night some guildies had 100+ heavy loot bags. I would also like to thank the DL who dropped the exotic for me dire heavy legs of divinity got 9g from TP can you please come again tomorrow :p
(edited by Kryank.8069)
Yeah, some nice fights against TaG, and kudos to the TaG guardian mimiking a quaggan in our bay, had to salute you.
Finally a match agains RoF without big blobber watching us.
You can have hills back, Drakkar, when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
Or when I go to sleep, either one works.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
i heard the first one was true
well you golem rushed, no suprise there :P
I’ll be back every day of the week, you twerps.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
DL night capping crew what did you do to EB,!!
Nerf OP Nightime :p
kitten you tiredness and my need for sleep!!
Did you seriously attacked 5 o’clock with 10 golems just to get everything…? Thats no better then FR.
Just wait till we got our nightcrew again for the leagues.
Ps. is this dolly drunk? i was so sad that this was a friendly dolly….. It’s unresistable
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
Did you seriously attacked 5 o’clock with 10 golems just to get everything…? Thats no better then FR.
Nightime isnt our strength at DL, at least not under the week. So dont get worried : ).
Salute to the brave fighters of Blacktide server that mostly stand and fight, even against bad odds. You earned my sincere respect.
Tonight, I would like to propose a toast in honour of all the Drakkar Lake that Alt + F4’d to avoid being stomped during the fighting on RoF border. You are truly graceful and honourable in defeat.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
Well this explains a lot I came across one of them Altf4 guys as well. Just lol. I also like how they chase you with zerg across half the borderlands for 60 something wxp. Its funny the first 3 times actually.
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
it seems, all RoF can do is whine about something. With Ranik in the mix it was about blobbing, now it’s about altF4. Kudos to Blacktide for their spirit
I take it you mean they log out by useing AltF4.
So damm what.
If they do then you do not miss out as there body stay there for a bit while in combat so you don’t lose out on loot or kill. Just when they log back they will find there dead body in LA.
I had that when I crashed out of game.
Also if you do it right you can map to way point fast if your not in combat while running. Something we all done before.
There is no reason to whine over that. Also don’t see reason why any should whine any way.
This is just a game and if you die you can come back unlike in real life. Wow if only you could come back to live in real live lolz
@ Shadowresli please note it’s not just ROF who whine, every server do even your’s. You can’t be ban for whining, just don’t look good on one own server to whine. But good point from you.
Also @ them 8 DL who tryed to take Cragtop on ROF BL last night. Nice try but with just 2 of us there at a T3 it was not going to be easy. I do belive only one got away nice one. Still trying to work out why 2 of you was running around bottom of tower for about 20 mins or so. While you was doing that we took the camp back.
Enjoy game and have fun all.
I take it you mean they log out by useing AltF4.
So damm what.
If they do then you do not miss out as there body stay there for a bit while in combat so you don’t lose out on loot or kill. Just when they log back they will find there dead body in LA.
I think the problem is that (someone correct me if I’m wrong here) alt + f4 quits and deny’s the stomp, under the bloodlust buff you get 1 point per stomp so it actually cost your server points, especially if this is done by lots of people, so in my eyes it’s an annoying exploit that anet will hopefully do something about.
But in the meantime I think it’s just another exploit used by certain shameful players. It probably goes on on all servers so the sooner anet fix this the better.
Kudos to that commander and mesmer that are now on RoF bl… you glitched inside and the mesmer jumped out again. (sunnyhill) with a portal on the wall…
Can we please keep it fair i mean, you have even the numbers to do it without… why do you need to glitch inside…..? Keep it fair guys, we’re not glitching in your towers aswell.
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
I take it you mean they log out by useing AltF4.
So damm what.
If they do then you do not miss out as there body stay there for a bit while in combat so you don’t lose out on loot or kill. Just when they log back they will find there dead body in LA.I think the problem is that (someone correct me if I’m wrong here) alt + f4 quits and deny’s the stomp, under the bloodlust buff you get 1 point per stomp so it actually cost your server points, especially if this is done by lots of people, so in my eyes it’s an annoying exploit that anet will hopefully do something about.
But in the meantime I think it’s just another exploit used by certain shameful players. It probably goes on on all servers so the sooner anet fix this the better.
Ok that I did not know.
Big thanks to DL in our bay tonight for all the Loot bags!! Twice you tried to push in inner and twice we wiped you, some nice fights all around our BL hope you all had fun.
Just want to say thanks to the Mesmer, ranger and warrior I had a 1v3 with at Astralholme on BT borderland, really enjoyed the fight it went on for ages, stomped the ranger and warrior twice and they had time to run back lols, the Mesmer was a tricky customer well done!!
See you again on the battlefield!
I’m absolutely sure that nobody ever used or will use Alt+F4 of the Ring of Fire players.
Ragequit is a phenomena that excludes the players of this very server.
I know its annoying and I feel kitten ed to if someone ragequits when I’m going to finish him. But this happens and is only a minor inconvenience. I find dancing, jumping, laughing on corpses much more despisable for example.
And for the points for finishing… that is crap anyways.
nice exploitusing btw, hope all of them get banned
(edited by Alerion.3708)
So I have to say, we have had some pretty good fights this week, was a shame we lost a lot of numbers on RoF when the patch came out and pretty much lost half our fully upgraded border to a DL blob within minutes of the patch release. Keep up the good fights. I’m looking forward to more of them this week.
That is the problem with new updates. Everybody is reading patch notes, looking on achivements ingame, or doing that tricky JP.
Never play (WvW) on Patch Day.
Was a bit shocking as some of us got one-hitted on RoF Bay, as a messmer jumped on them. and it seems, that TaG plays every BL during an evening, or i’m just paranoid.
it seems, that TaG plays every BL during an evening, or i’m just paranoid.
Haha, yesterday we visited all 3 indeed Tbh, we rarely have the comfort of not being called to save something in our BL at least 2-3 times per evening :P We tried to push your hills, but got scouted right at the start, props for that. Then we had to go back to defend, because, as usually, PvE patch hit RoF hard…
Also, to Blacktide, are you even trying to defend your borderland? It was really sad to flip all your keeps (including t2 hills, with wall not repaired and left at 50%…) in 20 mins, with like 2 defenders showing up… We even were able to reuse catapults we had at south bay wall to flip it again after you retook it…
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by pejot.4806)
know the feeling, our guildraid started on RoF, but one of our first moves was to help our homelandcrew to defend hill against … :-)
sadly we didn’t got your bay. but kudos to TaG, you are a hard nut to crack, i feel reminded of the mya and ECL guilds, some months back.
Getting really kitten ed at all the glitch abusing this week. ROF randoms stop glitching in jerri. I know it’s just a select few but it’s people in some of our main guilds I have seen doing it. And multiple times.
Now BT just had 4 people glitch in sunny when we only had 5 defending it and they had another 15 pounding on the gate. Why didn’t you all jump out or the main group leave the tower.
It’s kittening sad people keep abusing these things, defending is already hard enough on kittenty no scouting/upgrading/sieging servers, you all should get kittening banned for just being that idiotic..
Some screens of glitching:
Also missed an upscaled 80 human guard and a [ZMA] (I think that’s the guild) white charr ele that glitched in sunny.
Best NA rallybot on EU
(edited by L Step.8659)
There you go, the missing ones that glitched in Sunny this afternoon.
Lol at Blacktide you really need to keep your eyes open I was pounding on hills wall on your BL with a cata solo and then called in 2 guildies when I was working on inner and we took keep from you, it must have taken me around 40 mins including the time it took me to solo build the cata and no one came to check why it was contested! Just while we were seiging up a Zerg came and took it back but I had to lol at how easy it was to take in the first place, it’s not like it’s the middle of the night.
Anyways keep it up, also some nice fights today while roaming around your. BL.
Thanks for the fun.
forums have been quiet all week, snoreeeee zzzzz, more moaning and qq about something pls
forums have been quiet all week, snoreeeee zzzzz, more moaning and qq about something pls
Yeah I use the forums while I’m working can’t believe how quiet they have been, I hope we get some better forum warriors next matchup!!
yeah, it felt a bit like a dialogue between TaG and a few others … Don’t you guys have a Guild Homepage to discuss on??
But i’ve a feeling we will see us some more, the next couple of weeks
yeah, it felt a bit like a dialogue between TaG and a few others … Don’t you guys have a Guild Homepage to discuss on??
We do But if we didn’t post here, this thread would be even more dead :/ Too bad that only you and 2 other ppl from DL showed up here (and 1 only to complain about game bug), and noone at all from Blacktide. Reading some forum wars is really entertaining at work
I still miss RoF-UW-GH matchup thread :P
Anyway, thank for all the fights throughout the week to the all involved, and see ya in season 1
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Oh okay… mh let me see…. i try:
Oh no, why are you ever run away like kitttens?
you only fight if you are outnumbering us 2:1 ore more… shame on you!
all you can do are golemrushes.
ehm… mh no, i think it was a nice week. often played in the night. some nights our a*s got kicked by RoF and BT some nights we could kick your a*s. At day we had a lot nice and long fights in keeps. the only thing for me to complain about was the “few hour bug” with the mesmers.
(edited by Alerion.3708)
forums have been quiet all week, snoreeeee zzzzz, more moaning and qq about something pls
That sounds like a challenge.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
Just want to say thanks for the nice 1 v 1 with the blacktide general (warrior) it started at victors lodge then we fought all the way to windmill and kept going for ages before we called it a draw, it reminded me of the Family Guy chicken fights!!
you had me close a couple of times but by far the best 1v1 I have had, I know we cant name in the threads but you are the One
If any man present has good reason that this couple should not be joined in marriage, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.
i pronounce you BT general and Kryank
Sorry, slow afternoon in the office
(edited by Shadowresli.3782)
lols can I kiss the bride??
with pleasure (and tongue)
and now back to topic please, or this thing gets closed …
Modertators will get bored 4 posts in and won’t even get this far to close it.
Let’s talk about an issue near and dear to all our hearts. The Kardashians.
Best NA rallybot on EU
Haha, well I just want to say thanks to DL and BT for the fights this week they have been fun, I’m not sure if anyone from those servers read this though tbh! But thanks anyways.
Here comes the league…. See you all on the battlefield again soon.