RiverSide / Fort Ranik / Drakkar Lake

RiverSide / Fort Ranik / Drakkar Lake

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nivam.2386


Had lots of fun this evening on reset. Hopefully we can get more of these fights in the following week.

If anyone is interested in GvGs, feel free to contact me.

Have fun

Thief of Insert Evil Name [ASAP] / Kodash

RiverSide / Fort Ranik / Drakkar Lake

in Match-ups

Posted by: street.2176


I suppose this is gonna get a boring week for each Server.
RS will a 7 day Karma Train and the other 2 will probably only be able to fight back during Primetime.
The new Matchup System needs a fix. Putting Servers in the same Matchup who have a totally different WvW Population doesnt really work out.