RoF - RoS - WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hule.8794


I really dont know where the idea that WSR sit in their tower came from.
Yesterday on EB were some pretty good 3-way fights.
The Battle of Klovan, we cannot znderstand why RoS are withdrawing, then we see some WSR tags on earth and understand you attacked them from behind.
Too bad that RoS outnumbered us heavilly. We were not able to focus on good fights, but we were forced to defend our towers.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I think it’s completly BS to complain about RiOT might blob up now and then, we all doe it. RoF I havn’t seen anything else than huge groups of random guild tags. WSR I only see random guildtags on EB. On their borderland we can see random guild tags, together with TEO, WAR or WBC…

Ok lets get a few things straight, the reason you see allot of random guild tags on Rof and WSR is because we don’t have T1-T3 guilds pure WvW guilds hop over to our server (you know, like FIRE has hopped a few times). Just because you decide to hop servers a few times and join the next bandwagon doesn’t mean you get to critisize servers who have been getting no incoming transfers for the past 8 months.
We have about 3 guilds who can pull 15+ people to WvW and a community consisting of a fair amount of Rof guilds who plays togheter BECAUSE of guilds like Riot, Velocity and the blobs.

Your even complaining about WSR running with more then one tag…really?
You have 4 times their population and your going to complain about them outnumbering your guild?

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


This is not ment as a complaint towards TEO or WAR, but it’s more ment as a wakupcall. When each of u run either 15-20 or 20-25 each. It might be better for u to move to another borderland when there is only 6-8 people attacking ur borderland Especially when u guys talk about u need more people to push other borderlands, but it seems like u guys like to sit in ur towers or run all together then to go alone and attack other borders^^

Cool story Bro……………………

When we need more advice on tactics I’ll be sure to /w you.

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


RoS took hills back with 3 trebs and a golem vs 7ish people… took you an hour though.

I guess DeX was relieved to finally PvD into hills :P We wiped them quite a couple of times before

We have about 3 guilds who can pull 15+ people to WvW

Also, all these guilds aren’t pure WvW, but PvX, so we don’t raid every day, which means, we can’t afford to run on our own every time (TaG does it, whenever we can tho)

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by pejot.4806)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


I dont understand why people took this so aggresively, I even said it wasn’t ment as a complaint to WSR. Was bad wording from me to say wakeupcall. But I gotta say I was wondering what so many people did in their borderland, mostly running from supply camp to supply camp with that many people.

And I woldn’t say FIRE joined any bandwagoning, I wasn’t in FIRE when they moved from SFR, but I’ve heard they were one of the first movers. You guys might understand why they moved. But fighting 80+ vs 15-20 people, and the 80+ are so many that u can’t do anything against them because of skillag, or that they turn and run inside a tower, again and again etc. :/ They’ve practically only moved so they could survive as a guild. I’d rather move server then stop playing the game because it’s unplayable at that tier.

Also to the PI guy, if you read my comment, I also said I didn’t complain about the huge groups of random people down here, they are still very small compared to the ones in higher tiers, some servers even camp in their spawn at the commander untill he get 60+ before they even dare move out of the spawn area :P
And I know RoF don’t have many “big” WvW or PvX guilds, so I know that’s something most people think is the counter to guild groups, to ball up. But there is also another way, but takes long time, and most people dont want to do this because of it taking so much time, and that is to create a guild that focus on WvW. And RoF is mainly a PvE server if I’m right? So I understand completly what u mean, my original server started out that way(AG), but we got some transferrs, and we made some of our PvE guilds try WvW which they now do almost all the time instead :P

Good luck to all servers and all guilds the rest of the week, and let’s hope for some more nice battles.

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Steelo.4597


“And I woldn’t say FIRE joined any bandwagoning”

cough cough cough… FIRE moved to Gunnar’s Hold from SFR and took off to Surmia a week later once they discovered Riot, Vcy and Votf moved there, so much for bandwaggoning, no offense :P (i wrote it down now, will NEVER mention it again :P) On another note its amazing seeing RoF still in the lead against RoS, very suprising to me. Greetings from a relaxed matchup against Dzag and Arborstone going at each other’s throats while we be chilling.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


Trust me, we weren’t expecting this as well :P We have quite the opposite impression to the one GH had last week – in prime time (a.k.a. when RiOT/VcY raid, there is really strong correlation between presence of these, and PPT of RoS :P ) RoS tick highest, then we make points in the morning (our crew at that time was always pretty ok) and afternoon.

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Steelo.4597


vcy was on a break last week maybe that explains it, and yes, now that you mention it, RoF was always strong at offpeak.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


“And I woldn’t say FIRE joined any bandwagoning”

cough cough cough… FIRE moved to Gunnar’s Hold from SFR and took off to Surmia a week later once they discovered Riot, Vcy and Votf moved there, so much for bandwaggoning, no offense :P (i wrote it down now, will NEVER mention it again :P) On another note its amazing seeing RoF still in the lead against RoS, very suprising to me. Greetings from a relaxed matchup against Dzag and Arborstone going at each other’s throats while we be chilling.

Hmm, we are flattered but what makes you think RiOT is uberhaxt1professional? We are a casual PvX guild, infact most of ours members are PvE, what “we do” any guild can do.

Randoms run with us a lot and you may think of it as “blobbing”, but those randoms we try to shake off all the time.. they just see RiOT tag and stick with it, this is no good for us because they die and rally opponents.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Steelo.4597


wot wot did i say about blobbing :O you guys are nice guild, i know. you are the heart of RoS atm :P if not for some people talking smack on forums i would send you love cards.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mizu.9387


Well, GH is the most primetime heavy server I’ve seen. They bring EVERYONE out in primetime then it’s dead for 16 hours, more or less.

Regarding PvE or WvW, I think all servers from the lower half are PvE focused. Hell, even RiOT is a PvX guild.

EDIT: Ooh, and RoS have a very even WvW population, we don’t have a massive force of weekend warriors. We play the match for the whole week, don’t burn everything on the first few days
Watch it RoF, we are coming for those doors when the rest of you work!

Sif Urkraft

(edited by Mizu.9387)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


Hmm, we are flattered but what makes you think RiOT is uberhaxt1professional? We are a casual PvX guild, infact most of ours members are PvE, what “we do” any guild can do.

Randoms run with us a lot and you may think of it as “blobbing”, but those randoms we try to shake off all the time.. they just see RiOT tag and stick with it, this is no good for us because they die and rally opponents.

Yesterday we had to escape EB, because when you were charging in, we couldn’t use any skills (before someone says that I’m accusing RiOT of blobbing, I’ll add that was the first case during this matchup).

Also, I think RiOT has biggest guild group in this matchup – none of our guilds can pull 20-25 ppl into WvW. Like I mentioned in this thread before, I have a feeling that you also made bigger progress throughout few previous weeks then we (TaG) did, you had more chances to fight organized groups.

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid Storm.8097

Liquid Storm.8097

Well, as far as yesterday goes, some of us did join one massive blob in EB, nobody can deny that (my PC went nuts even when we attacked the veteran oakheart). It wasn’t a guild event, nor was it a scheduled community event; it just happened. As far as the guild goes, we were waiting for our guild event to start and because it was delayed for an hour due to our commander’s absence, the ones who were already in EB just wanted to have some fun.

It was a nice raid after that. VcY decided to train our community in WvW a bit and I’m just glad they are back in the game.

Staff elementalist @ [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks EU

(edited by Liquid Storm.8097)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hule.8794


Its nice to see forum fight, specially RoS vs RoF, but guys: WSR is not too far back. And they are still ticking +200.
I just hope they wont surprise us while we fight together.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: mtRXX.8793


We hoped to get some open field fights and gain some more experience in doing but couldn’t really find any ystd in EB (much blobs). Found some smaller groups on the south in rof border tho, thanks for the fights there.

Also since the week GH was in the matchup against us (WSR) we didn’t got any better server yet to fight against, they were giving us the fights and didn’t blob up all day, I hope to meet GH again someday.

Herb The High / Herbaliser / In Between Space
We Be Chilling – High Commander

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Umpire.9510

The Umpire.9510

RoS took hills back with 3 trebs and a golem vs 7ish people… took you an hour though.
had fun defending with PHN!

hahaha it was a good defending at rof side whole night respect guys

we tryed 3 times i think… and rof pulled everytime just there zerg in time…

we got wiped also once in the lordsroom, but i had fun

i like the matchup and rof doing realy good, also good defense on homeborder guys good job!!….

Raidleader stikkomaniacs
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Umpire.9510

The Umpire.9510

i am in that printscreen btw xD

[DeX] now… we merged [FRS] and [DEX] to kitten Express [DeX]

Raidleader stikkomaniacs
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


We had to constantly move around maps, as WSR were flipping towers in our BL (and you also tried to hit our Bay) ^^

I wouldn’t call that a zerg tho, I think we had 15ish ppl in TS (including scouts we were leaving when moving BL). There might have been also ppl that were not on TS but not during these saves as I doubt they would keep up with us changing maps every 10min. Anyway, I think we had more or less even numbers during these fights so I agree, it was fun

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Agrios.9071


I doubt we had equal numbers but that was not the problem for us. You say you had 15 people in TS and everytime you regrouped in the fights i say there were 10 at your commander, rest of your people was pugs. For us it was 5 following the commander and the rest were pugs (in ts we had like 10 ppl but we had a few scouts in eb) .
I think we did good in the fights and whiped you a few times and also got whiped a few times.
Anyways gg for the defending there.

Dreamland Of Cookies [mmmh]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Well I for one am enjoying this matchup. Its been a long time sicne we’ve had a matchup where we havent been facerolled by a server with 5x our numbers on every map.

Especially enjoyed fighting TaG and VcY.. we usually lose to VcY but at least they will fight and we can all have some fun, unlike a few other guilds (who will go unnamed) who seem to run the second they arent outnumbering us 2 to 1.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Anthis.5634


Agreed with Cufufalating, this is a great matchup with a lot of action.
From my perspective I seem to be fighting RoS most of the time. Wsr appears to have lower numbers but you do put up a good fight.

Anthis Ylea – Elementalist – Tequatl Hunter Squad[THS] – Ring of Fire

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Epic fights at RoS Bl, the last hours, our hills snipe did not work out well. Amazing coordination by your zerg. I enjoyed ZvZ fights for one and I am not a big fan of it. We crushed you, and you crushed us. Keep the good fights coming.
And before Dawn fight my drivers crashed, but did not stop me from fighting

Also we tried snipe bay with a small team. And it did not work… I insisted the snipe was supposed to be with golems, but nope.. :/

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jong.5937


Fun matchup. Thx guys.

Full credit to both WSR and RoF for working your socks off this week

Piken Square

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


Had a great 1v1 at Lowlands in RoS BL with a guardian Commander. Almost got me, gg.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lord Haw Haw.2648

Lord Haw Haw.2648

Also nice 1v1 with Naz thief <3 in RoS bl

Would have gone on forever but I had to talk to someone so cut it short sorry.

Some close calls on both sides would have been interested to see who would have won.

Just call me Purple….

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zeal.1376


K, I’m bored. Sad to see this blobs

We Be Husslin/ Im A Husslah Baby/ El Husslar/ – We Be Chilling –

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


What I was sad to see is a d/d ele inside Sunny before gate went down in RoF BL. Let’s keep these things out of wvw shall we? No ressing through the door, and no glithcing inside towers/keeps pls.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


Was some nice roaming in EB with our small 7-8man group today^^ havn’t been able to bring as many people into WvW this week as we normaly would, PvE/moneyfarm week!

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid Storm.8097

Liquid Storm.8097

What I was sad to see is a d/d ele inside Sunny before gate went down in RoF BL. Let’s keep these things out of wvw shall we? No ressing through the door, and no glithcing inside towers/keeps pls.

That D/D ele was me. I was wielding a fiery greatsword and somehow got through the gate with skill number 3. Apparently that’s a well known glitch on that gate and since it was the first time I was using the FGS on that particular tower, I wasn’t aware of that.

If you watched closely, I went up the stairs and jumped off the wall into the open without damaging anyone, despite ppl attacking me (obv). I’m sorry for what happened, I didn’t know there was a glitch there and it was in no way intentional.

edit: or was it skill number 4….. dunno.

Staff elementalist @ [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks EU

(edited by Liquid Storm.8097)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: yroeht.5843


Yeah, the blobbing has been a bit crazy at times, esp. on EB.

featuring ring of fire:
featuring whiteside ridge:

But there is also plenty of fun to be had. This evening had some fun fights at rof bay, much less blobby, wish I had recorded that :/

Necromancer – Xexa The Machine [RiOT] | Ruins of Surmia

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lord Haw Haw.2648

Lord Haw Haw.2648

What I was sad to see is a d/d ele inside Sunny before gate went down in RoF BL. Let’s keep these things out of wvw shall we? No ressing through the door, and no glithcing inside towers/keeps pls.

Definitely was not me because I have only been near sunny on my own border just going to say that this happens to me a lot whenever I am near that tower on my d/d ele.

It is like the entire play style was made to get through that stupid bug. Burning speed especially.

Now if the person stayed inside that is bad usually I am just really surprised and then jump out which is what everyone should do if they experience this bug.

Just call me Purple….

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Claridiana.5230


Yeah, the blobbing has been a bit crazy at times, esp. on EB.

featuring ring of fire:
featuring whiteside ridge:

But there is also plenty of fun to be had. This evening had some fun fights at rof bay, much less blobby, wish I had recorded that :/

featuring Ruins of Surmia:
44 name tags are visible on this screen, including all of your guilds like VcY, Riot, DeX, Nom etc. And several must be hidden by the bridge and a large portion including 4 golems had already disappeared on the left side. 1920 res is just not enough for your blobs… All in all this blob had easily 60+ members.
And you know what we did? We charged with our 15 guys to take out your golems before they reached our garrison, and a funny underwater fight ensued.


Lillizypp – Asura Mesmer
[Soul] – Ring of Fire

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: mtRXX.8793


Yeah, the blobbing has been a bit crazy at times, esp. on EB.

featuring ring of fire:
featuring whiteside ridge:

But there is also plenty of fun to be had. This evening had some fun fights at rof bay, much less blobby, wish I had recorded that :/

I’ve seen blobs from RoS 95% of times, just saying.

Herb The High / Herbaliser / In Between Space
We Be Chilling – High Commander

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


What I was sad to see is a d/d ele inside Sunny before gate went down in RoF BL. Let’s keep these things out of wvw shall we? No ressing through the door, and no glithcing inside towers/keeps pls.

That D/D ele was me. I was wielding a fiery greatsword and somehow got through the gate with skill number 3. Apparently that’s a well known glitch on that gate and since it was the first time I was using the FGS on that particular tower, I wasn’t aware of that.

If you watched closely, I went up the stairs and jumped off the wall into the open without damaging anyone, despite ppl attacking me (obv). I’m sorry for what happened, I didn’t know there was a glitch there and it was in no way intentional.

edit: or was it skill number 4….. dunno.

You probably did (I was busy getting myself rallied so couldn’t see it), I was trying to take a screenshot of you, this explains why I couldn’t. Thanks for clearing this up.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: yroeht.5843


featuring Ruins of Surmia:
44 name tags are visible on this screen, including all of your guilds like VcY, Riot, DeX, Nom etc.

Are we looking at the same screenshot? I see a single RiOT, a single VcY, and four or five DeX. How is this supposed to be evidence of our guilds blobbing up? -.-

I’ve seen blobs from RoS 95% of times, just saying.

I did not deny this.

Necromancer – Xexa The Machine [RiOT] | Ruins of Surmia

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Yeah, the blobbing has been a bit crazy at times, esp. on EB.

featuring ring of fire:
featuring whiteside ridge:

But there is also plenty of fun to be had. This evening had some fun fights at rof bay, much less blobby, wish I had recorded that :/

You’re the last guild/server to call anyone out for blobbing.
You spent about 20 minutes all blobbed up with Riot + friends in the southeast supply camp on Rof borderlands last night. If you’re going to complain about blobbing, don’t be the reason we actually do it.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


I wanted to compliment the S/D thief & ranger @ north camp on WSR border from TEO guild, mainly the thief because he had sick movement.. very hard to track at times. I died because I tried to add you guys to party lol.. and afterwards u kept denying my party (which is understandable, you probably thought I was going to rage or something.. but I just wanted to compliment the thief really).

Also those 2 d/d eles from TEO are a pain in the kitten >_>, I have a feeling they were stalking me on purpose lol.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fror.2163


Ok, I know what has been our (WSR) weakness in the past months. Lack of good coverage outside of primetime. So can someone explain me how we have one now? ‘Cause I’m lost trying to figure it out.

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Murderous Clown.9723

Murderous Clown.9723

GG to the KOM thief I dueled outside Hero’s in RoF border just now. That could have gone either way but you managed to force me to use all my cooldowns, though my panic weapon swap at the end was a mistake.

10/10 would love to duel you again

Jimibabob – Valkyries of Dwayna [VoD]
Piken Square

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


Yeah, the blobbing has been a bit crazy at times, esp. on EB.

featuring ring of fire:
featuring whiteside ridge:

But there is also plenty of fun to be had. This evening had some fun fights at rof bay, much less blobby, wish I had recorded that :/

You’re the last guild/server to call anyone out for blobbing.
You spent about 20 minutes all blobbed up with Riot + friends in the southeast supply camp on Rof borderlands last night. If you’re going to complain about blobbing, don’t be the reason we actually do it.

Tbh I haven’t seen a single blob this week except on EB RoF & RoS.
As for RiOT, we wouldn’t blob up 50 vs 20.. RiOT is all about fighting, we seek blobs to fight.

A lot of times we waypoint to get rid of pugs following us, it’s not like we need blobbing to be successful. =.= There might be that rare occasion where RiOT blobbed but 90% of the time we don’t, so no need to cry about it on the forums each time you spot us.

I haven’t been part of any guild runs this week so I can’t tell how they went but I do know we don’t like blobbing up with people and we try to get rid of randoms following us.

This goes to anyone whining about blobbing, also ROS.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wenissa.2967


What I was sad to see is a d/d ele inside Sunny before gate went down in RoF BL. Let’s keep these things out of wvw shall we? No ressing through the door, and no glithcing inside towers/keeps pls.

That D/D ele was me. I was wielding a fiery greatsword and somehow got through the gate with skill number 3. Apparently that’s a well known glitch on that gate and since it was the first time I was using the FGS on that particular tower, I wasn’t aware of that.

If you watched closely, I went up the stairs and jumped off the wall into the open without damaging anyone, despite ppl attacking me (obv). I’m sorry for what happened, I didn’t know there was a glitch there and it was in no way intentional.

edit: or was it skill number 4….. dunno.

And the ele on the other side raining meteors on the gate was me. Thanks for the chat afterwards to clear things up. Apologies accepted.

What got me was that once you had come through and got out a mesmer did it too. So there were two people who glitched in, one of whom killed me and the other defending member cos we didnt fight back, we were typing in /t. (Edit: oh and if anyone thinks the mesmer ported the ele in , he didn’t as evidenced by the eles admission of greatsword glitch and jump out and the fact that they rammed the gate down to get in.)

I will reiterate what we discussed in /p for the benefit of all 3 servers:

If this happens to you, do the polite thing, go to the nearest stairs, go up to the wall and jump out. That tower is a known glitch and hasnt been rectified in 4+months.

So if it happens to you and you stay inside, you will end up getting reported as people will think you did it on purpose. If you jump back out, no harm no foul.

(edited by Wenissa.2967)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Yeah, the blobbing has been a bit crazy at times, esp. on EB.

featuring ring of fire:
featuring whiteside ridge:

But there is also plenty of fun to be had. This evening had some fun fights at rof bay, much less blobby, wish I had recorded that :/

You’re the last guild/server to call anyone out for blobbing.
You spent about 20 minutes all blobbed up with Riot + friends in the southeast supply camp on Rof borderlands last night. If you’re going to complain about blobbing, don’t be the reason we actually do it.

Tbh I haven’t seen a single blob this week except on EB RoF & RoS.
As for RiOT, we wouldn’t blob up 50 vs 20.. RiOT is all about fighting, we seek blobs to fight.

A lot of times we waypoint to get rid of pugs following us, it’s not like we need blobbing to be successful. =.= There might be that rare occasion where RiOT blobbed but 90% of the time we don’t, so no need to cry about it on the forums each time you spot us.

I haven’t been part of any guild runs this week so I can’t tell how they went but I do know we don’t like blobbing up with people and we try to get rid of randoms following us.

This goes to anyone whining about blobbing, also ROS.

Your telling opponents off for mentioning your blobbing when your guild is posting video’s on youtube to show other servers blob…
If it wasn’t for your guild’s obsession to mention blobs everytime you get killed it wouldn’t be such a big topic on every thread that includes Ros.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


This match up has been a lot closer than most would have thought, there has been a lot of good fights, the odd blob, but thats to be expected. Best of all its been fought in a fairly good tempered way, with little of the name calling that plagues many of these threads.

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cradorell.3941


Óne Pulse – OP – Raid Leader

(edited by Cradorell.3941)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


This match up has been a lot closer than most would have thought, there has been a lot of good fights, the odd blob, but thats to be expected. Best of all its been fought in a fairly good tempered way, with little of the name calling that plagues many of these threads.

Aye, matchup is fun, I think WSR didn’t get their usual share of border defense tho :P RoF and RoS are mostly busy going for each other’s throats, and I think you might prove the ones who will decide who wins this matchup.

*feels sad about waking up to see RoF bl painted red*

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


Aye, matchup is fun, I think WSR didn’t get their usual share of border defense tho :P RoF and RoS are mostly busy going for each other’s throats, and I think you might prove the ones who will decide who wins this matchup.

feels sad about waking up to see RoF bl painted red

It has been fun so far, TEO are usually one of the two guilds that do defend our BL, this week we have hardly been there, popping back to help if we can but mostly roaming in a guild group of 15 to 20 looking for some open field action, in the other BL or EB.
Had some good fights with TaG, when the nubers were close, been wtfrofflestomped once or twice by the obvious VCY , and enjoyed the fights against RioT even if we have lost most of them.

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


Yeah, the blobbing has been a bit crazy at times, esp. on EB.

featuring ring of fire:
featuring whiteside ridge:

But there is also plenty of fun to be had. This evening had some fun fights at rof bay, much less blobby, wish I had recorded that :/

You’re the last guild/server to call anyone out for blobbing.
You spent about 20 minutes all blobbed up with Riot + friends in the southeast supply camp on Rof borderlands last night. If you’re going to complain about blobbing, don’t be the reason we actually do it.

Tbh I haven’t seen a single blob this week except on EB RoF & RoS.
As for RiOT, we wouldn’t blob up 50 vs 20.. RiOT is all about fighting, we seek blobs to fight.

A lot of times we waypoint to get rid of pugs following us, it’s not like we need blobbing to be successful. =.= There might be that rare occasion where RiOT blobbed but 90% of the time we don’t, so no need to cry about it on the forums each time you spot us.

I haven’t been part of any guild runs this week so I can’t tell how they went but I do know we don’t like blobbing up with people and we try to get rid of randoms following us.

This goes to anyone whining about blobbing, also ROS.

Your telling opponents off for mentioning your blobbing when your guild is posting video’s on youtube to show other servers blob…
If it wasn’t for your guild’s obsession to mention blobs everytime you get killed it wouldn’t be such a big topic on every thread that includes Ros.

I like how you’re reading between the lines to continue this arguement, I clearly said “this goes for anyone including ROS”, my guildmate posted two videos of us fighting blobs of pugs, it’s what we do.. it’s what we’re good at, he didn’t post those videos to complain lol.

It’s whatever though, if you guys feel the need to keep up this endless arguement about blobbing (when this is actually the first matchup in months where I’m feeling comfortable roaming again without facing blobs of 50+ on every border..)..

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jordiboy.2301


Who gives a kitten about blobbing? Every server does it and quite frankly you can’t stop it its kinda the point of WORLD vs WORLD massive amount of players fighting it out and yes this produces skill lag that we all hate which is why many guilds go to BL but to say u see a few guilds like RiOT vcy dex GoA to name a few in a blob and cause the whole guild and everything? Perhaps they needed to do a daily or their guild didn’t have many members on. I think every needs to stop complaining about this as it is and always will be apart of this game mode

Nadroj Lionheart
Human Female Guardian
Officer of Excessum [Exss]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

Woke up from what little sleep I got last night thanks to WSR/Surmia. I knew it was going to be a bad night when I got on and see 7+ golems Rushing our Eb Keep and us not even having 10 people or the keep sieged up..

When we finally started getting tkitten mess sorted I saw WSR basically just tear apart our whole bl, we just barely saved our garrison, and kept trying to fix our bl.. less and less were on though so I couldn’t do much. I think we maybe had 10 people spread across our bl and EB most of the night. Great Job to WSR and Surmia, although I imagine it was a lot of PvDing, which I’m sorry but I couldn’t help much :p


Edit: Also people need to stop being so serious about the blobbing. Everytime I mentioned it it was just a joke, I know it’s ridiculous not to expect every single member from a guild not join in a zerg when few people are on/it’s needed. People get way too sensitive. If people from RoF keep doing it you might as well ignore it, because we got the half that just genuinely likes making jokes and poking fun at it, and the half that’s probably still bitter about the t1 guilds ruining the tiers down here. But who cares, it’s a wvw forum, there’ll always be trash talk/idiots, don’t get so madbros.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

(edited by L Step.8659)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Hello again, what a splendid day it is.

I am Sir Cuddles The Fluffy, head of the raging fluffy bunny departement and everything that is soft and cuddly in VcY. I am here to deal with a few accusations of blobbing. It came to our attention that some people called us out for blobbing. So let’s clear this up, shall we.

Yesterday we had a non official raid. Meaning our numbers were less than usual. On raids we almost reach 30 players. But yesterday we had around 15 in WvW. And a few randoms following us. I have to admit, at some point, we had a really big group following us and this could have been considered blobbing. I apologize for that. But VcY is where to fight is. We didn’t really care that much about points yesterday. We look on the map, localize a nice fight and go for it. Sometimes this fight is already happening and we just join in, this can be considered blobbing. Sometimes we are fighting and the commander joins in, this too can be considered blobbing. Sorry for both of these scenarios. As you can clearly see, they were not intended.

But I don’t think people can complain that we don’t fight and we are mostly only VcY + a few bambis (you can almost never have a bambiless guildrun). So all have fun in WvW and seems it is going to be a close week again.

Hope I cleared everything up.

Sir Cuddles The Fluffy, aka MiLkZz head of the raging fluffy bunny departement

VcY – very serious corporation

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

(edited by MiLkZz.4789)