RoF - RoS - WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


I dont understand why RoF complain we dont hit WSR bl… did u guys take a look at WSR border yesterday? FIRE were there atleas and reflipped Hills and Garrison after some other RoS guys had flipped them both :P

Actually, garri was our paintjob ^^

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sulvation.5473


I think whiteside still doesn’t know they are facing two servers instead of just Rof =)
I really like Wsr but this week you just seem to refuse to attack Ros. You must really hate us or something to deny us taking the lead over Ros every single time by joining their attacks instead of attacking something yourself.

I see where this is comming from, but I have to disagree. As one of the few active WvW players that WSR has, let me state a point. We are not focussing on anyone. We are merly just defending our BL and after that in EB, to make sure we don’t lose that.

We don’t have numbers to go to other BL. We have to defend Bl and get a bit of fight/fun in EB when-/wherever possible. When BL is in trouble, it is mostly always TEO and WBC having to go to help, leaving something else. And we did attack RoS couple of times. But 90% of those times, RiOT and VcY attack in one blob at the same time. (Not saying it’s bad or noob or anything, it works. No offence) WSR (trying to avoid blobs and blobbing) is forced to play more on the defence, trying to not get those blobs to our BL or EB side.
Rather we defend and attack when there is a good possibility.

It’s mainly TEO and WBC (Also some small guilds) trying to defend, attack and hold everything at the same time. You’ll see, when we get focussed and these guildes arn’t here, we lose everything. If RoS and RoF fight each other, we have a chance to gain points.

PS. Really enjoying this match up, not blobbing over BLs etc. Quite equal fights.

~ We Be Chilling – Gunnar’s Hold ~

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hule.8794


If RoS and RoF fight each other, we have a chance to gain points.

In Czech we have some nice bywords but one fits here: when 2 fights, third laughs

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


PS. Really enjoying this match up, not blobbing over BLs etc. Quite equal fights.

Yes, this matchup is really fun, and it proved to be way more balanced than I expected (I think we have closest score in EU atm). Definitely best matchup for RoF since the random mathcups started (first we had FoW and Vabbi, after that we got destroyed by UW numbers and coverage)

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: skwas.9873


I already stated it before and I’ll do it again, we try to be active in all 3 borders and EB. Last night, we took 1 t2 and 2 t3 towers (near citadel) in RoS border, and had multiple stabs at bay, where RoF decided to take over from us (not very smart, if you just tried to keep going at their hills as you were earlier, one of them might have flipped, working in your favor), and finally it upgraded to t3 locking us in and basically forcing us to give up.

Second, lost two upgraded keeps in our border. I was told that RoS downgraded them.

So no, we don’t hide in our bl, we don’t focus on RoF alone and RoS is not totally ignoring us…

skwas aka Corwann – Warrior/Guardian
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


Just to back up what Skwas was saying above, we have been active in all maps over the last few days. Our prime time groups look over the maps and see where we can be most effective with the numbers we have and we always have to keep an eye on our own borderland.
I can assure you we focus on no one and have had fights with groups from both servers every night, we try to keep our points total as close to the other two servers which in case people forget are 1 and 2 tiers above us. I hope the last couple of days of whats been a good match up continue like this and dont degenerate into a name calling slanging match on the forums.

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


If RoS and RoF fight each other, we have a chance to gain points.

In Czech we have some nice bywords but one fits here: when 2 fights, third laughs

In dutch we say: When two dogs fight for one bone, the third dog runs away with it.

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


^What they said. We’ve been trying to push RoF and RoS equally but RoS are either more willing or more able to defend themselves meaning we dont take too much from them, whereas RoF dont defend as strongly and so lose a lot more making it look like we are targetting them.

Like Skwas said above, if TAG had continued to attack the RoS hills last night instead of coming over to bay where we were, and the keep hadnt upgraded and repaired the inner gate from 40% back up to 100% just as we got to it.. we probably would have taken it.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

Zzzzzzz. Surmia being pro spawn camping an outmanned RoF. It’s funny watching our randoms be idiots and die. Even funnier when they finally get equal numbers and Surmia runs to npcs/keep. Dunno if you guys know but WSR has a whole BL that can be taken and an EB corner. Glad to know we made you upset about something :P

Sometimes I just don’t know about RoF though. Seriously how hard is it to run to the left a little lol.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


Well, we are nearing the deadline (reset) and even with their advantage in points yesterday we managed to get 1k advantage in points this afternoon. If I was ROS I too would try to push hard again to make sure I’d win this matchup.

Nonetheless very fun matchup imo

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: ethier.3417


Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.

Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.

I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.

Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.

I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.

Being serious doesn’t really exclude having emotions, a serious corporation should know that!
Good to see your corporation hasn’t lost its ego while being closed for a while I guess.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: ethier.3417


Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.

Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.

I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.

Being serious doesn’t really exclude having emotions, a serious corporation should know that!
Good to see your corporation hasn’t lost its ego while being closed for a while I guess.

We have stripped all emotions from our corporation, That’s how serious we are. Emotions are for the weak.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.

Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.

I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.

Being serious doesn’t really exclude having emotions, a serious corporation should know that!
Good to see your corporation hasn’t lost its ego while being closed for a while I guess.

We have stripped all emotions from our corporation, That’s how serious we are. Emotions are for the weak.

Must have bee a recent change? Last thing I heard was your corporation bailed out because they were sad and angry about arrow cart changes?
Those are two basic emotions which your corporation seems to have missed when stripping them!

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sird.4536


Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.

Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.

I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.

Being serious doesn’t really exclude having emotions, a serious corporation should know that!
Good to see your corporation hasn’t lost its ego while being closed for a while I guess.

We have stripped all emotions from our corporation, That’s how serious we are. Emotions are for the weak.

Must have bee a recent change? Last thing I heard was your corporation bailed out because they were sad and angry about arrow cart changes?
Those are two basic emotions which your corporation seems to have missed when stripping them!

We bailed because we got bored of WvW. Nothing to do with AC.

And yes we took your towers in EB today. You had a 1k lead, why should we focus WSR? Did not expect RoF to have such a huge night presence.

Also shout out to WBC, seem like a good guild, that Thief Legend is a bit annoying xD

RP enthusiast

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: ethier.3417


Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.

Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.

I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.

Being serious doesn’t really exclude having emotions, a serious corporation should know that!
Good to see your corporation hasn’t lost its ego while being closed for a while I guess.

We have stripped all emotions from our corporation, That’s how serious we are. Emotions are for the weak.

Must have bee a recent change? Last thing I heard was your corporation bailed out because they were sad and angry about arrow cart changes?
Those are two basic emotions which your corporation seems to have missed when stripping them!

Not at all, We weren’t happy about it that’s fo’ sho’… Like most guilds who preferred open field fights. I mean if you like standing in a keep behind walls with an arrow cart, more power to you.

We had a ‘little’ dip in activity in WvW due to people getting bored of WvW/GW2 and Caic (GM) who is not active at the moment.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lord Haw Haw.2648

Lord Haw Haw.2648

Zzzzzzz. Surmia being pro spawn camping an outmanned RoF. It’s funny watching our randoms be idiots and die. Even funnier when they finally get equal numbers and Surmia runs to npcs/keep. Dunno if you guys know but WSR has a whole BL that can be taken and an EB corner. Glad to know we made you upset about something :P

Sometimes I just don’t know about RoF though. Seriously how hard is it to run to the left a little lol.

Well yes if are talking about a particular moment but both sides had fluctuating numbers. We would lose some and you would rally and charge the few of us that were left. We would get numbers and your people either changed bl or sat in spawn.

Constantly stunlocked on my necro and kitten those rangers. Was unfortunate to see people just stand in the red circles of two necro’s spamming everything we had and just falling to the ground.

I found it more enjoyable due to the lack of fights elsewhere but just going to let you know there are side exits you can go out no one is stopping you.

Anyway some nice pushes from both sides but each time you left a flank open and we would charge in and down a lot of you while the rest did not notice or ran away.

oh and that little upscaled asuran guardian gratz on being the most brave. Would constantly see you charge out and go all out against someone <3

Just call me Purple….

(edited by Lord Haw Haw.2648)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


We have been slacking this week, it already started at the beginning of the matchup.. we skipped our usual community meeting. People expected to just steamroll over WSR & RoF, it’s what we do during primetime tbh.. but we lost a huge part of our night coverage, everyday again and again I wake up, check MOS and see RoF infront.

I’m not going to complain, WvW is a 24/7 game and a good night coverage is important. It’s where we lose most of ours points atm, we rarely tick low during day and especially not during primetime.

Seems like we woke up, but it’s too late, the big loser this week is Surmia because we lost like almost -70k rating, all credit to RoF & WSR for that.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodel.4871


OMG guys WSR just took Umberglade, no wait that was just the ogres and RoS didn’t have anyone defending it

A good matchup guys, alot more fun than the last two weeks which is proven out by this heated thread. RoF are mostly just annoyed we can’t go head to head with RoS at this time without WSR jumping in and not only never touching RoS but not getting attacked back much either, it’s a shame but part and parcel of a 3 way fight (and bad sportsmanship) but all is fair in love and war :p

Ceda Bloodeye – Ranger
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xitiz.2754


I would feel so pitty for WSR and there pretty Guilds, the day they get matchup against us without ROs :P

Kitæ [Desolation]- Warrior Desolation

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


We have been slacking this week, it already started at the beginning of the matchup.. we skipped our usual community meeting. People expected to just steamroll over WSR & RoF, it’s what we do during primetime tbh..

“Steamrolling” us on primetime is a bit of an overstatement and just lacks of any respect towards Rof and Whiteside.
UW steamrolled us, our current prime time is pretty competitive but if you wan’t to call that steamrolling because you tick higher(which isn’t even always the case)/have bigger guilds then be my guest.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


RoF are mostly just annoyed we can’t go head to head with RoS at this time without WSR jumping in and not only never touching RoS but not getting attacked back much either

Col story Bro

dont worry about the truth just you type away with this little fantasy

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Agrios.9071


Krosan yesterday we more or less Steamrolled you and attacked wsr at the same time,
anyway RoS is allways weak at the weekend and the start of the week, we get stronger
during the week. We had the closest match-up against Underworld and Fort Ranik (we nearly got the first rank there).
We surely dont fight you with all our strengh, a few guilds take breaks and lots of us really needed a break after the week against Millers and Gunners.
But RoS is allready the looser of this match-up, just look at mos. Lets hope for some more good fights and i hope all can enjoy the current match-up.

Dreamland Of Cookies [mmmh]

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Good evening to all

The time looks right for another official statement of the Velocity corporation. First of all, I would like to apoligize for yesterday and this afternoon. Yesterday we had an official corporation event and had 35 employees attending. This was an absolute record for our ever expanding company. Thanks to all the directors, HR, executives and ofcourse our awesome employees.

Now this afternoon, it was crisis at the headquarters. We left the killing fields for some well deserved sleep. Our employees only have to work 18 hours/day, and we don’t want to pay their overtime. And we woke up to see we were 2nd place. This was unacceptable. We skipped our usual milk and cookie break in the morning. We woke up 7 lucky employees and went to the eternal batleground to claim some maybe future business locations. We regained control over our own corner and expanded towards our concurrentions side. Here we focused on towers, while the official man in command focused on the keep. We kept flipping your towers and are really grateful for the loot we got. Our companies bank account gained a lot and we are getting really wealthy. Our stock options went up a full 2%. This evening we will have another official employee event. Stock options are closed tho, sorry for that. But we can’t sell after giving you this information.

Sir Cuddles The Fluffy, head of the Raging Fluffy Bunny departement at the VcY corporation

VcY-very serious corporation

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deagle.1695


Great matchup so far, some interesting fights. Hope it stays that way for the remainder of the week!

Iluned – Mesmer / Dihya Kaine – Thief
We Be Chilling [WBC] – Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deagle.1695


Just had a good 1v1 with a RoS thief, [BDE] guild I think? Dunno if you thought it was but it’s the longest I’ve fought a thief xD Too bad you destroyed my cata.. but meh, plenty more in my bag.

Iluned – Mesmer / Dihya Kaine – Thief
We Be Chilling [WBC] – Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bratwa.6582


yesterday we more or less Steamrolled you and attacked wsr at the same time,
anyway RoS is allways weak at the weekend and the start of the week, we get stronger
during the week. […]
We surely dont fight you with all our strengh, a few guilds take breaks and lots of us really needed a break after the week against Millers and Gunners.

Sorry to burst the little bubble of yours, but you didn`t steamroll us. Stop acting like you are superior and put your propaganda somewhere else. I am sorry that you didn`t steamroll us, because of our inferior performance, which you were expecting.

On a different note, TEO and friends hold our reinforcments in check at north hills while RoS (mainly Riot) took it and nobody of us are mentioning it (except me now and it is not meant as a accusation of a alliance or something like that), because nobody really cares yet you guys from WSR seem to be mad at TaG for messing with you and our “[…]not very smart […]” decision there. I am just mentioning it to show a differendt point of view

On another note: It is normal that the leading server is mainly focusing on the second server to make sure that they win, whilst the 3th server has no chance to get first and aims for second server, which results in doubleteaming the currently second placed server. This sure sucks for us from RoF, but it is how it is.

This Thread started so civil and ends with a flame war which is sad to see

On the last Note could ppl who intend to write in the forums could at least have some manners and don`t start to provocate the other e.×. “cool story bro”.


RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


We have been slacking this week, it already started at the beginning of the matchup.. we skipped our usual community meeting. People expected to just steamroll over WSR & RoF, it’s what we do during primetime tbh..

“Steamrolling” us on primetime is a bit of an overstatement and just lacks of any respect towards Rof and Whiteside.
UW steamrolled us, our current prime time is pretty competitive but if you wan’t to call that steamrolling because you tick higher(which isn’t even always the case)/have bigger guilds then be my guest.

As I said, people expected to steamroll over you guys this week so everyone is laid back and a lot of guilds aren’t even actively taking part in WvW this week.

UW won the matchup vs us with like no difference only because Fort Ranik didn’t like us much lol, if we had that same presence you’d be steamrolled just as UW steamrolled you but we don’t.

I wouldn’t say we got bigger guilds either, I think RoS & RoF are pretty equal in numbers, WSR on their part only got like 2 or 3 bigger guilds.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


Great fight with VCY at the ruins in WSR border tonight, shame about the other server who felt they had to put an arrowcart up behind us.

But maybe I’m just telling a cool story Bro

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

(edited by Tioc.5638)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


yesterday we more or less Steamrolled you and attacked wsr at the same time,
anyway RoS is allways weak at the weekend and the start of the week, we get stronger
during the week. […]
We surely dont fight you with all our strengh, a few guilds take breaks and lots of us really needed a break after the week against Millers and Gunners.

On a different note, TEO and friends hold our reinforcments in check at north hills while RoS (mainly Riot) took it and nobody of us are mentioning it (except me now and it is not meant as a accusation of a alliance or something like that), because nobody really cares yet you guys from WSR seem to be mad at TaG for messing with you and our “[…]not very smart […]” decision there. I am just mentioning it to show a differendt point of view

Not really mad about it, I was more trying to point out that the problem isnt that we havent been attack RoS as much as you, its that we’ve not been as successful at attacking them and PART of the reason for that is you guys get in our way, whereas RoS does not get in the way of us attacking you.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: biglilstampie.2410


did this little vcy get lost somewhere?


Friendly neighborhood commander – [TaG]Mr Cuddlés – RoF

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sird.4536


Good fun on WSR border this prime time. Some pretty big fights with what looked like a tide of players. Couldn’t stay for longer as we got called to home border and defend before the reset.

And that VcY is spying!

RP enthusiast

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sulvation.5473


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

~ We Be Chilling – Gunnar’s Hold ~

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bratwa.6582


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

Sure, no problem there :P Thanks for the lootbags WSR at Cragtop


RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


We have been slacking this week, it already started at the beginning of the matchup.. we skipped our usual community meeting. People expected to just steamroll over WSR & RoF, it’s what we do during primetime tbh..

“Steamrolling” us on primetime is a bit of an overstatement and just lacks of any respect towards Rof and Whiteside.
UW steamrolled us, our current prime time is pretty competitive but if you wan’t to call that steamrolling because you tick higher(which isn’t even always the case)/have bigger guilds then be my guest.

As I said, people expected to steamroll over you guys this week so everyone is laid back and a lot of guilds aren’t even actively taking part in WvW this week.

UW won the matchup vs us with like no difference only because Fort Ranik didn’t like us much lol, if we had that same presence you’d be steamrolled just as UW steamrolled you but we don’t.

I wouldn’t say we got bigger guilds either, I think RoS & RoF are pretty equal in numbers, WSR on their part only got like 2 or 3 bigger guilds.

You ticked lowest throughout primetime even tho you claim to “steamroll” us and WSR all the time.
And saying we are even in numbers and guild wise is a complete joke, not sure why you spew as much propaganda as you do but every server that has faced both of us just knows guilds like riot and velocity put 2 times as many numbers out as any Rof guild can.
Starting to see why everyone hates your server.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: sistabossen.5961


did this little vcy get lost somewhere?

Hello Mr Cuddles!

My name is Morídín and I’m the head of the Velocity Space Program. Thank you for showing care in my wellbeing, I can assure you that I had no doubt about my position at the time the picture was taken. I was merely scouting for a new launch site for the Velocity Space Programs mission to Mars. You should consider yourself fortunate that Ring of Fire’s Fort Mariner Waypoint is being considered as this will surely bring new investors and other business opportunities to your server.

If you wish to learn more about the Velocity Space Program feel free to visit us at

Best regards

Head of Velocity Space Program

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fror.2163


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

Sure, no problem there :P Thanks for the lootbags WSR at Cragtop

Thanks for the lootbags at bay too while we’re at it

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sulvation.5473


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

Sure, no problem there :P Thanks for the lootbags WSR at Cragtop

Thanks for the lootbags at bay too while we’re at it

Both Bays actually. First a nice farm on their bay, and then some slobber attack on our bay. Got an Exotic, thanks!

~ We Be Chilling – Gunnar’s Hold ~

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

Sure, no problem there :P Thanks for the lootbags WSR at Cragtop

Thanks for the lootbags at bay too while we’re at it

Both Bays actually. First a nice farm on their bay, and then some slobber attack on our bay. Got an Exotic, thanks!

So you come out of your holes without Ros for the first time since the matchup started and are already here bragging?

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: biglilstampie.2410


hehe VcY you guy’s are always funny on the forums, thanks for considering RoF for your space program thing. i’m glad you weren’t lost i wouldn’t want to walk you home back to RoS they might eat me up!

Friendly neighborhood commander – [TaG]Mr Cuddlés – RoF

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fror.2163


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

Sure, no problem there :P Thanks for the lootbags WSR at Cragtop

Thanks for the lootbags at bay too while we’re at it

Both Bays actually. First a nice farm on their bay, and then some slobber attack on our bay. Got an Exotic, thanks!

So you come out of your holes without Ros for the first time since the matchup started and are already here bragging?

We don’t come bragging :o

We come to thank you!

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sulvation.5473


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

Sure, no problem there :P Thanks for the lootbags WSR at Cragtop

Thanks for the lootbags at bay too while we’re at it

Both Bays actually. First a nice farm on their bay, and then some slobber attack on our bay. Got an Exotic, thanks!

So you come out of your holes without Ros for the first time since the matchup started and are already here bragging?

Before you say anything more, we were fighting RoS on our BL. Then RoF came in and capped some things, we ignored that, too busy fighting VcY. (Good fights btw!).
Now, who is comming out of their holes?

~ We Be Chilling – Gunnar’s Hold ~

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


RoF, thanks for your Garri!.

Sure, no problem there :P Thanks for the lootbags WSR at Cragtop

Thanks for the lootbags at bay too while we’re at it

Both Bays actually. First a nice farm on their bay, and then some slobber attack on our bay. Got an Exotic, thanks!

So you come out of your holes without Ros for the first time since the matchup started and are already here bragging?

Lol bro, you know I like your take on this story its cool

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wenissa.2967


Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.

Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.

I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.

Being serious doesn’t really exclude having emotions, a serious corporation should know that!
Good to see your corporation hasn’t lost its ego while being closed for a while I guess.

We have stripped all emotions from our corporation, That’s how serious we are. Emotions are for the weak.

Quick call The Dr. , VcY have been taken over by Cybermen!

/hangs head in shame

Sorry couldn’t resist, y’know cos resistance is futile an’ all.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


Was a fun time last night, some good fights in our border after RoF had flooded it, they seemed to have sizeable groups on all the maps at one point, then we managed to clean everyone else out before the reset.
After that, off to RoF border to pinch garri and bay, the bay fight was good fun havnt seen that many lootbags since we were playing AS. The actual fights seem to be fought in a better spirit than the forums.

P.S. then stacking on a sentry point its worth looking behind you as a certain guild found out last night when we wiped them, no need to name you know who you are lol

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: pejot.4806


I agree, the bay fight was a total mess on our part, we were just running in 1 by 1 to keep circle contested :/ And we had more people in RoS BL than in yours, it had queue at one point ^^, you sniping garrison made us pull back from RoS hills when we finally broke outer and started sieging inner, but that’s how being 2nd in the 3 way fight works :P

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tioc.5638


I agree, the bay fight was a total mess on our part, we were just running in 1 by 1 to keep circle contested :/ And we had more people in RoS BL than in yours, it had queue at one point ^^, you sniping garrison made us pull back from RoS hills when we finally broke outer and started sieging inner, but that’s how being 2nd in the 3 way fight works :P

Very true, we expected you to stack before you got to inner, which if you had would have made it a very different fight with the numbers you had compared to what we had, but we have all had fights like that. You seemed to have called all the troops up last night, it’s gonna be close till the end on Friday, makes it a very interesting matchup I don’t think anyone would have thought there would be less than 20k in it by now.

TEO ~ staff ele hiding at the back ~ WSR

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


We have been slacking this week, it already started at the beginning of the matchup.. we skipped our usual community meeting. People expected to just steamroll over WSR & RoF, it’s what we do during primetime tbh..

“Steamrolling” us on primetime is a bit of an overstatement and just lacks of any respect towards Rof and Whiteside.
UW steamrolled us, our current prime time is pretty competitive but if you wan’t to call that steamrolling because you tick higher(which isn’t even always the case)/have bigger guilds then be my guest.

As I said, people expected to steamroll over you guys this week so everyone is laid back and a lot of guilds aren’t even actively taking part in WvW this week.

UW won the matchup vs us with like no difference only because Fort Ranik didn’t like us much lol, if we had that same presence you’d be steamrolled just as UW steamrolled you but we don’t.

I wouldn’t say we got bigger guilds either, I think RoS & RoF are pretty equal in numbers, WSR on their part only got like 2 or 3 bigger guilds.

You ticked lowest throughout primetime even tho you claim to “steamroll” us and WSR all the time.
And saying we are even in numbers and guild wise is a complete joke, not sure why you spew as much propaganda as you do but every server that has faced both of us just knows guilds like riot and velocity put 2 times as many numbers out as any Rof guild can.
Starting to see why everyone hates your server.

This is the last time I’m replying to you because you like to twist around my words everytime again and again and overdramatize everything I said.

Again, people are taking a break because most expect a win anyways (as of now, we are still winning but we all know Surmia is the loser this matchup, we lose so much rating, it’ll take weeks to catch up on that again..)

Certain RoF guilds push way more numbers than RiOT does, on a good day we push 30 (after guild PvE events) but usually we run with about 20ish, you act as if we run with 50.. dude we only got about 130 members and 90% of them are PvE orientated as we are a PvX guild, WvW this week has been a struggle because we had some issues within the guild.

Velocity stood up from the death this week, I find it hard to believe they push over 20 as well.. I’m not sure where you are getting these numbers from mate.

These are the results of our last encounters, either you grew a lot bigger (which is doubtful) or we just lost a lot of forces.. I’m going for the 2nd, except for FIRE and AZZL maybe (not sure if they’re new o.o) I haven’t seen a new WvW guild in RoF:
May 10-17
1st Ruins of Surmia – 275 075
2nd Dzagonur – 181 714
3rd Ring of Fire – 145 643
May 3-10
1st Ruins of Surmia – 260 703
2nd Dzagonur – 198 633
3rd Ring of Fire – 161 889
April 20-26
3rd Gunnar’s Hold – 164 155
1st Ruins of Surmia – 251 198
2nd Ring of Fire – 172 727

This is 1-2 months ago and we clearly doubled you in points in all those games, yes numbers made a difference here.. and numbers make a difference now, but we clearly aren’t pushing the numbers we should push.

(edited by Sceinna.3561)

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Oceangrave.9657


Are you sure you are slacking? Because i am still getting steamrolled by your 70 man zergs because we’re trying to take a wooden tower with 5 people. Even got you distracted long enough at some point for us to take your completely fortified tower with no resistance. I sometimes wonder what you guys are doing.

RoF - RoS - WSR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krosan.2890


And again, there is NO guild on rof that will, on average, put out between 20-30 members. I never said 50? I say you double ours, which you do considering an average rof guild will pull between 10-15.
FIRE and AZZL have been on Rof as long as I can remember.
The matchups you show were also when all of the T1 guilds transferred togheter so the hype was pretty big, winning with more points is a logical thing to happen then. VoTF was also still on your server then.
Since you claim certain Rof guilds push out more people then Riot on average (20-30 on a daily basis), mind mentioning what guilds you are talking about?
You claimed you steamroll us all the time during primetime, I explained thats not true at all. You claim our numbers are equal and you don’t have bigger guilds, I point out thats not true. Not exactly twisting your words? I’m just not agreeing with them.