RoF vs. WSR vs. AS
Enjoyable fights on our border tonight vs arbor, lots of lewt bags ^^
We Be Chilling – High Commander
TaG spent most of the time fighting in Arborstone borderland. As expected AS pulled really large numbers and were pushing on every borderland.
Thumbs up for all Arborstone for not being afraid of open field fights – a lot of fun, wiping and getting wiped (gj there RCT, you got us quite a couple times.
The most fun moment was 3-way at Arbor garrison (and I think like 3-4 ppl got their world completion after we managed to get it)
After that, we decided to knock to WSR bay. Nice move waiting behind gate corner, first time it was a total surprise. Too bad that we couldn’t stay longer, but we had to move back to Arbor to repel it’s inhabitants from hills.
Good luck to everyone and may your lootbags be full of shinies
See you on the battlefield
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
The most fun moment was 3-way at Arbor garrison (and I think like 3-4 ppl got their world completion after we managed to get it)
I did, good job ;D
After that, we decided to knock to WSR bay. Nice move waiting behind gate corner, first time it was a total surprise. Too bad that we couldn’t stay longer, but we had to move back to Arbor to repel it’s inhabitants from hills.
Haha, ye, after being unable to take the camp back the first time, we just decided to let you come in and pay our respect. Was funny as we tried to get the camp again, failed, and then got you the same way the 2nd time, and the 3rd time ;]
Our (roam)group (TEO/WBC and friends) started off at AS bay, but my god, did AS have alot of people there. We tried, but couldn’t really force a decent breach so went back to our border to take some of our stuff back. Had awesome 45min fight with Tz over Astral, going back and forth, casualties all around, but we managed to come out on top. Quite a fun fight.
Some more fun in AS border later, succeeding in capping bay this time, tried garr, but RoF came in from the other side, and they managed to take it instead of us and started spamming sup ac’s at us…
Finished the night with securing border and EB again. Looking forward to more good fights.
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by skwas.9873)
I have to congratulate the Arborstone guild [dova] for using zoomhacks with its arrow carts to clear all of our siege defense on outer hills. It wasn’t enough you outnumbered us 4 to 1 you had to exploit to get that keep. Just congratulations.
I have to congratulate the Arborstone guild [dova] for using zoomhacks with its arrow carts to clear all of our siege defense on outer hills. It wasn’t enough you outnumbered us 4 to 1 you had to exploit to get that keep. Just congratulations.
Thank you for the laugh. Try to learn how use an arrowcard, you will see you don’t need zoomhacks to clean inside hills.
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
Thanks ! Yep, last reset was fun !
From where they were positioned nope i am almost certain it was a zoomhack. Firstly the center of the cart aoe circle was right on top of our carts (which were as far back as possible) secondly before making this post i went to where the arrow cart was after we jumped out to suicide kill it and tried all ways to try to see on top of the wall at hills.
Use max distance – put the game in windowed mode in widescreen – was still impossible
I loved our push into SM last night. That was a lotta lewt bags. My poor aching F key.
Highlight for me ystd at reset, was definitly the fight on astral supp camp vs AS in WSR border. Got outnumbered alot yet the organising went very well which made us took over in the end after a very long and sweet fight.
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Sorry for the green paint job on your borderlands Whiteside, we got a little angry when you took SM from us when we were asleep. we had originally planned to focus AS after what they did to our borderlands on reset the last time we were in this tier but now we’ve decided to not give you a quiet week anymore. bring on some more nice fights and even more loot bags!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Woah Yes I Cap. You’re so amazing to take all our stuff when we have outmanned buff :o.
How about focusing neither WSR nor Arbor?
GH did a pretty good job of keeping their numbers even on each borderland because they knew they were at a major advantage and could send either one of us into the pits of tier 9 if they wanted so instead they tried to remain neutral while still grabbing points.
We understood and for the most part the last match ups forum thread was rather pleasant as a result.
Had fun in the midday on WSR border, had been fighting there for quite a while and ended up taking everything besides hills I think. Had been the first time I had commanded outside of guild events in a while. There was a pretty big WSR presence in EB and I was expecting them to come support your borders when you lost SM.
Woah Zeal you talk about RoF taking stuff while you are outmanned while you took ALL of EB (exept 1 keep) and 2 and a half border with a 30-man team golem rushing when the other servers had together 10 people defending across all maps.
So much QQ Zeal so much QQ
Woah Zeal you talk about RoF taking stuff while you are outmanned while you took ALL of EB (exept 1 keep) and 2 and a half border with a 30-man team golem rushing when the other servers had together 10 people defending across all maps.
So much QQ Zeal so much QQ
I disagree, looking at the map right now Arbor have taken most of your borderlands while we move from map to map looking for one last good fight for the night.
Had a lot of fun this evening. Plenty of good fights
Was disappointing to fail our golem rush on the AS bay, but then was deeply satisfying to get our own back later on^^
Gunnar’s Hold
RoF players pretty much pounded Whiteside Ridge into the sand on Saturday.
My prediction for Sunday? Agony for the Arbor maps.
I’m really starting to hate the French servers, and their Quebecois night capping teams.
Very nice match up so far, kudos to AS and WSR. Seems to me, like you also got a little better since we were in this tier 3 weeks ago. WSR is great at defending their stuff and AS is never afraid of open field battles, which makes it very interesting.
I am kinda happy that we dropped a tier since there is a public holiday again in Germany on Monday, wouldnt want to face Dzagonur this weekend.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Lucky you then, both WBC and TEO commanders have a Dutch public holiday too ;]
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
French have public holidays monday. Wait for us.
btw Heer der Friedhoefe, we have no Quebecois night capping teams, just some french who play a lot by night.
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
Lucky you then, both WBC and TEO commanders have a Dutch public holiday too ;]
We have guild members from about 30 countries and about a dozen of them will have holiday on monday, me included. So I will have a look for WBC and TEO Tags
But also, school holidays started in some parts of germany as well this weekend. And in general, I think the average age on the german servers is quite a bit below those of european servers. Many older german players (like me) play on english speaking servers to avoid the young crowds on the german servers. So that holiday benefits their wvw time more than ours.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Woah Yes I Cap. You’re so amazing to take all our stuff when we have outmanned buff :o.
you doubled our numbers in EB before we went over to your borderlands and by the time we took longview off you, you was definitely not outmanned the only reason we done so well is because we kept attacking two places at once, we wasn’t even going to take your garrison but swimming towards Cliffside with 4 golems we had noticed the morale of your server had dropped considerably and that we had nothing to lose since it was Ponge’s gold :P blame Ponge[PI] and [NaZ] for the green paint job I was just following commands ;D
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Very nice match up so far, kudos to AS and WSR. Seems to me, like you also got a little better since we were in this tier 3 weeks ago. WSR is great at defending their stuff and AS is never afraid of open field battles, which makes it very interesting.
I am kinda happy that we dropped a tier since there is a public holiday again in Germany on Monday, wouldnt want to face Dzagonur this weekend.
Thanks for the defence compliments
I think you’re fighting another part of AS, cause the only thing we see is them sitting in their tower putting up some AC, maybe if they outnumber us 1 to 3, they will fight.
Not talking about Tz tho, they actually gave us good fights since reset
We’ll see about monday, AS has got a day of also so believe me they will come with big numbers again just like a couple weeks before when they had 2 holidays..
To the AS guys ystd night in WSR, you must be very proud to start of siegerazor with 30+, take a south tower without any resistance, stack up on the wall and do /laugh while we were waiting to fight you outside? Next thing you did was waypointing. Pretty mature ^^
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Hey guys sorry to hijack this thread. Got a video of our super long fight against WSR in your Bay last week. Good job to you guys you certainly didnt make it easy.
Victrixx [xVx]
Some nice fights from both RoF and AS today, well done guys! Too bad we got caught trying to take your bay, Arbor. Then you came for revenge by attacking both our bay and hills, sadly for you not succeeding very well ^^ I also have to congratulate the RoF Asuran Elementalist from TaG earlier, I was happily tagging Sunnyhill tower with a friend, then we decided to stand on a small ledge, hoping you would come so I could pull you to your death with Temporal Curtain, however you decided to try and treb us off xD It was fun until a mesmer eventually buddied up with you and killed us both. Shame.
- Iluned, Whiteside Ridge’s favourite Mesmer. (if I must say so myself ;D)
We Be Chilling [WBC] – Gunnar’s Hold
AS and WSR how much money did you spend on trebs today in EB?! ;P thanks both for the fights inside of SM were fun except for all the lag :P took us a while but we finally got you both out of their!
Amazing numbers from AS last night, amazing night capping. Every time our party contested something on AS bl (mostly just to be annoying), “outmanned” buff instantly popped up and we were chased/squashed by a zerg from EB, I guess. RoF doesn’t have night numbers to fight this. Sad thing about matchup.
RoF has never had a night cap team, and the French have the advantage of another national holiday so they probably didn’t sleep last night. Most of the German states have today off as well. Check out the MOS website for the German/French servers.
RoF will you cry all the time ? You don ‘t have the number, hack, Quebecois (let me laugh about it), public holidays… Deal with it, WSR are not crying and they’ re facing same problems. They’ re fighting.
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
We are trying to fight yeah, but quit running and give us and yourself a good fight instead of pvdoor, thats at least what I’ve seen 2-3 hours ago.
We Be Chilling – High Commander
RoF will you cry all the time ? You don ‘t have the number, hack, Quebecois (let me laugh about it), public holidays… Deal with it, WSR are not crying and they’ re facing same problems. They’ re fighting.
I’m fine with having less numbers and not having a night team, honestly, I’m fine with public holidays too. That’s the life. I only wish Anet would do something to prevent exploits/hacks/whatever usage.
We are actually fine when we are fighting.
Not when AS cap everything at night.
Night capping is part of the game, Teddy. I have nothing against that. I have however issues with zoom-exploiting-capping.
Can people please check out this post first, before accusing others of zoomhacks:
I’m not bothering with windowing my screen for a freaking arrow cart, but others do. And it’s a grey zone there: not a hack, but they do put in some ‘effort’ that isn’t common practice when playing.
Anyhow, read it before accusing.
Well, not nice part of the game. Night cappers shouldn’t get Badges of Honor :P
To the 5 AS outside Briar in RoF bl: thank you guys for the fun! You finally got me after some trouble.
Well, not nice part of the game. Night cappers shouldn’t get Badges of Honor :P
What shall they do when they’ re playing by night ? Wait ? Do nothing, because your sever cannot do anything ?
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
AS has 20 points atm. Karma exists.
So you
- acknowledge the weakness in the game
- can reproduce it
- insinuate it shouldn’t be present
- acknowledge it isn’t fair
Yet you
- keep using it when it does happen
- provoke that scenario
That’s the exact definition of an exploit.
So you
- acknowledge the weakness in the game
- can reproduce it
- insinuate it shouldn’t be present
- acknowledge it isn’t fair
Yet you
- keep using it when it does happen
- provoke that scenarioThat’s the exact definition of an exploit.
Quote for emphasis.
So you
- acknowledge the weakness in the game
- can reproduce it
- insinuate it shouldn’t be present
- acknowledge it isn’t fair
Yet you
- keep using it when it does happen
- provoke that scenarioThat’s the exact definition of an exploit.
You may have to think about your definition of an exploit. If ANet didn’ t want it to happen they just should decreqse the range or increase door size. It’s not a bug that we’re exploiting.
I never insinuate it shouldn’ t be present. But i will try to speak about your point of view with my guildies.
“Come on hit me, hit me, please, some more,
While my team pounds you into the floor.”
(edited by Eolehyene.9084)
To compare things, map exploits are often something that a developer wrongly computed. Yet the result is that it is modified because it is considered as an exploit. Here, it’s the same, the feature is unwanted. I could make some conjectures like they created walls with a thickness X units to avoid ressing like you do now, but some time after another guy says “hey it’s cool if we can revive from X + 3 units”, people agree and implement. Then nobody think about the wall thickness in wvw and here you have an unwanted feature. It’s not a bug, yet it’s not what the people intended in the first place. So, it actually is an exploit. Not a bug exploit, but still an exploit. My definition is correct.
Though, to be complete and on a more positive note, I really appreciate your concern and your discussion with your guildies.
Arborstone, I must say I’ve more enjoyed fighting you on the weekend, when you were running in 2 groups on map – these were fun fights. Yesterday, you gathered all of people in the map into 40-50 man single blob (and judging on the fact that you were wiped from EB, you also called reinforcements from there).
And Tz, your mesmer died next to watergate in our Bay to be ressed from outside… It doesn’t make your guild look good in our eyes :/
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Last Night Eb in the Blue area was loads of fun. Skill lags were pain but still those zergs in the french keep were epic. Thx to rof for that. Also those skirmishes around umber were funny. Only those /Laugh spammors from those umad’s after downing my poor thief with a Team of daggerele, guardien and 2 thiefs were Not really cool. Big deal. Kudos for that hooded thief though for playing well and not freaking out over on my dead body for 5 min ^^. Very Fun to fight you.
Sry for typos … Iphone at work.
Bonvy WSR
Thief War
(edited by wingclip.6182)
This constant crashing whenever u move into anything in borderlands is fecking anoying
Yup… and I just crashed in EB outside meldons as well >_>
Gunnar’s Hold
We all know Arbor are masters at the art of the arrowcart. ^^ I think it could be possible to shoot inside a tower/keep, but meh.
We Be Chilling [WBC] – Gunnar’s Hold
Had great fun holding AS hills all day thanks for the loot bags and you covered the costs for upgrades