Ruins of Surmia/Drakkar Lake/Fissure of Woe
NP are looking GvG this week 10v10 15v15 20v20 contact myself to set things up
Dear DL guilds as you have won the leauge, so NP are calling you out, so HoW ODZ Exil LDN IF SEKS TZO GH and any that i have missed i would love to GvG you all
PS big thanks to ODZ for the fights been fun ^^
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
You want to keep the thread clean of insults and insult DL for blobbing in the title already… sure!
Yeah, keep it clean. And what about subject?
Bandwagon, huh? Blobbing Lake seems more kitten and ironic at the same time. xD
Surmia: Nice work on SB! 4 guildzergs on one map ^^ the reset was hard but a lot of fun for us! KISS, FRS, NP an many others; we had good fights, but the amount of players was to big to counter
Marvin Es Uggs
~ [ODZ] Leader ~ Drakkar Lake ~
Thank you ODZ and NP for letting our little drunken group be in peace when we bumped into your guild groups, also thanksu FRS for the fun skirmishes :>
NP are looking GvG this week 10v10 15v15 20v20
What about some 2v2/3v3/4v4 outside of primetime?
Just for fun, nothing too serious.
If anyone is interested in stuff like that, msg me.
Thnx drakkar for the good fights in surmia borderlands, a lot of fun and loot….
nice reset
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
Also FRS looking for GvG official or not, we dont care….
whisper me
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
go drakkar go !!! all the other bronze servers are cheering for you !
I’m cheering for Fissure of Woe this matchup.
Screw both the blobbers and the bandwagoners!
So far so good fellow Surmians Either way,it was fun to fight all servers,for once. Good luck DL if you win overall,and thanks in all other servers in advance for wiping memories. I mean it.
i would like to thank the [EW] 80 mesmer/upscaled thief for running away like a pro from fair fights and being a total kitten after ganking people, really you’re giving out a nice idea of the surmian community, keep it up, good spirit right there.
(edited by Gizmorage.6412)
i would like to thank the [EW] 80 mesmer/upscaled thief fr running away like a pro from fair fights and being a total kitten after ganking people, really you’re giving out a nice idea of the surmian community, keep it up, good spirit right there.
QQ you’re giving off a nice impression of fow whining about 2 ppl and 1 is an upscale.
RoS seems to have learned something new since last week. Is it even possible to tie for 1st in leagues?
Yes, and in such a case both servers will be awarded the first place price.
gideon, you didn’t understand, and that wasn’t adressed to you, wo why don’t you just avoid saying stuff about things you have no clue about?
ps: that is in no way QQing, as i’m not complaining about anything, just stating a fact. but yeah i guess the difference is hard to make once you go full self righteous white knight. (plus it wasn’t two but one guy)
(edited by Gizmorage.6412)
Ty TDA guild for coming to ruin good 1v1 fights in FoW bl. Really classy.
gideon, you didn’t understand, and that wasn’t adressed to you, wo why don’t you just avoid saying stuff about things you have no clue about?
ps: that is in no way QQing, as i’m not complaining about anything, just stating a fact. but yeah i guess the difference is hard to make once you go full self righteous white knight. (plus it wasn’t two but one guy)
Did you not generalize their actions as giving off an impression of the Surmian community…yes you did. Therefore you may not addressed me directly but you’re gonig to call out 1 lone rangers who will most likely never read this. Not sure what your “full self righteous white knight” is about but realize you’re calling out 1 person on a forum in a negative manner…
i NEVER generalized to the full surmian community, now you’re just misinterpreting me. and yes i did call out one person in a negative way. so are you right now. and since that wasn’t adressed to you why are you even bothering doing that? and i believe you can very well understand what i mean with “self righteous white knight”.
…you’re giving out a nice idea of the surmian community, keep it up, good spirit right there.
Though ambiguous, it does mean that he’s referring to the player that gives off a bad impression for the server itself. There is no direct attack to the server. Although it could mean that he thinks all of Surmia is like that, I think what he means is that this specific player shouldn’t be so pathetic as to tarnish his server’s rep. I suggest that you try wording it a bit better next time, Rhaz.
“Humanity cannot grasp Utopia for it refuses to be worthy of it”
Ty TDA guild for coming to ruin good 1v1 fights in FoW bl. Really classy.
Although I do suppose it would be best that they didn’t, there is always an inherent risk to dueling in WvW. And I think higher pop (TDA coming from Gandara and all) has a bit less respect for dueling because it hogs queue times without contributing much. No offense though, just stating some possibilities and stuff. No offense to either parties though.
I’d like to hear TDA’s stand though. It might just be some bad/new guildies.
“Humanity cannot grasp Utopia for it refuses to be worthy of it”
Ty TDA guild for coming to ruin good 1v1 fights in FoW bl. Really classy.
Although I do suppose it would be best that they didn’t, there is always an inherent risk to dueling in WvW. And I think higher pop (TDA coming from Gandara and all) has a bit less respect for dueling because it hogs queue times without contributing much. No offense though, just stating some possibilities and stuff. No offense to either parties though.
I’d like to hear TDA’s stand though. It might just be some bad/new guildies.
Well I saw a TDA in a duel today…
I dont really get the point about people running from duels. I have seen many people doing it. Loads of people from drakkar lake some of the few FoW people i met.
I have won several 1 vs 2/3 because of upscaled and incompetend players in this matchup. These people dont give a “bad impression” on the server they are on. They just suck for PvP combat but every server probably has loads and loads of these players. No point in being frustrated.
If you failed to hunt them down look on how you can improve yourself so it doesnt happen in the future again.
Happy hunting or L2P its up to you.
Never let facts interfere with your opinion.
R.I.P. Liquid World Experience
Cmon Surmia, don’t be sleepyheads! Drakkar are driving 550 PPT right now!
I’m rooting for you!
Ty TDA guild for coming to ruin good 1v1 fights in FoW bl. Really classy.
Although I do suppose it would be best that they didn’t, there is always an inherent risk to dueling in WvW. And I think higher pop (TDA coming from Gandara and all) has a bit less respect for dueling because it hogs queue times without contributing much. No offense though, just stating some possibilities and stuff. No offense to either parties though.
I’d like to hear TDA’s stand though. It might just be some bad/new guildies.
Well I saw a TDA in a duel today…
I had a nice duel with TDA, it was all good. To duel is not a privilege in wvw imo so everything could happen. I’m just happy if we can have a nice clean duel, if not then move on!
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
I cant remember ruining any 1v1s, but if it happened, it was either by accident and for that i apologize, or it was against some guy with bad behavior (i.e. someone that teabagged us earlier)
And we are here with only 4 ppl on a little smallscale vacation and are not looking to ruin ppls fights/days, were just looking for fun/action.
Ty TDA guild for coming to ruin good 1v1 fights in FoW bl. Really classy.
Although I do suppose it would be best that they didn’t, there is always an inherent risk to dueling in WvW. And I think higher pop (TDA coming from Gandara and all) has a bit less respect for dueling because it hogs queue times without contributing much. No offense though, just stating some possibilities and stuff. No offense to either parties though.
I’d like to hear TDA’s stand though. It might just be some bad/new guildies.
Well I saw a TDA in a duel today…
I had a nice duel with TDA, it was all good. To duel is not a privilege in wvw imo so everything could happen. I’m just happy if we can have a nice clean duel, if not then move on!
Then I’m happy to say that it’s more liekly that might’ve just had some bad/new guildies ^^
“Humanity cannot grasp Utopia for it refuses to be worthy of it”
…you’re giving out a nice idea of the surmian community, keep it up, good spirit right there.
Though ambiguous, it does mean that he’s referring to the player that gives off a bad impression for the server itself. There is no direct attack to the server. Although it could mean that he thinks all of Surmia is like that, I think what he means is that this specific player shouldn’t be so pathetic as to tarnish his server’s rep. I suggest that you try wording it a bit better next time, Rhaz.
yeah, thanks arthos, that is indeed the idea. and yeah i might have made it a bit ambiguous, i struggle sometimes to find the correct structure for my sentence, i’ll try to avoid that in the future as it seems to be calling for flaming, while it was not the objective ^^
Cmon Surmia, don’t be sleepyheads! Drakkar are driving 550 PPT right now!
I’m rooting for you!
Night cappers, something Anet did not foresee as being the deciding factor in many matches.
Ty TDA guild for coming to ruin good 1v1 fights in FoW bl. Really classy.
Sorry if we interrupted your duel, we usually leave 1v1’s alone but if we were kitten ing around and not paying attention then we may have just killed whatever red tag lay in our path. That being said I honestly don’t remember interfering in any 1v1’s. At any rate you should always go to the windmill for duels, it’s inevitable that someone will interrupt your fight otherwise.
Piken Square
Ty TDA guild for coming to ruin good 1v1 fights in FoW bl. Really classy.
TDA does respect duels, we do them as well and I’m one of the officers in TDS, Tyrian Dueling Society, which is a cross server guild for duelers (Made for easier communication between the duelers, there’s people from Piken, AG, RS, Gandara, RoF, AM, FSP, Deso etc). We usually try to leave people alone if it’s a clear 1vs1, but sometimes you just see a red name and you go for the red name without putting much thought into it and then it’s too late :< Wouldn’t mind knowing your guild tag tho as I don’t recall anything like that from yesterday at least. For future dueling you might want to go behind the windmill by the south camp as it’s the more or less official dueling place. Either way, sorry for ruining your fun.
(edited by FrouFrou.4958)
Funny reset “night”. Very good job surmia. Hf and fight! ^^
Greetings from Drakkar
Cmon Surmia, don’t be sleepyheads! Drakkar are driving 550 PPT right now!
I’m rooting for you!Night cappers, something Anet did not foresee as being the deciding factor in many matches.
Last week: Nightcapping – the only appropriate way to stop DL; tremble before the mighty nightraid of Surmia.
This week: Nightcapping – DL’s unfair playstyle; shame on DL for being so awake after midnight.
I’m looking forward to this weeks forum posts, there’s going to be hypocrisy all over the place…
I am just amazed how 50 DL having fun looking at our spawn from overlook in EB whole day. I bet you guys having so much fun doing ehm… nothing?
Welp GJ ;-). And dont be afraid of 1v1, cant find anybody from DL even in your home BL for 1v1 only for 1v3+.
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
Look at the income history… no nightcapping this time.
Things went south for RoS around 7 am, so morning capping might be the correct term
Well it was turning much earlier than that trust me. It was a struggle to cap a few things while the very large DL group was capping so fast just to try and keep a decent tick. But you’re correct we all KNOW coverage is what wins. Everything will be upgraded meaning RoS will have to climb out of a hole (more than likely will never happen).
Cmon Surmia, don’t be sleepyheads! Drakkar are driving 550 PPT right now!
I’m rooting for you!Night cappers, something Anet did not foresee as being the deciding factor in many matches.
Obviously no night capping this time, at least not from a German point of view… things started to go south for RoS between 6 and 7 am and here that is already morning
Nomen est omen!
Cmon Surmia, don’t be sleepyheads! Drakkar are driving 550 PPT right now!
I’m rooting for you!Night cappers, something Anet did not foresee as being the deciding factor in many matches.
Last week: Nightcapping – the only appropriate way to stop DL; tremble before the mighty nightraid of Surmia.
This week: Nightcapping – DL’s unfair playstyle; shame on DL for being so awake after midnight.
I’m looking forward to this weeks forum posts, there’s going to be hypocrisy all over the place…
Nobody from Surmia complained about night capping, so I suggest you change your tone a bit.
Look at the income history… no nightcapping this time.
Things went south for RoS around 7 am, so morning capping might be the correct termWell it was turning much earlier than that trust me
. It was a struggle to cap a few things while the very large DL group was capping so fast just to try and keep a decent tick. But you’re correct we all KNOW coverage is what wins. Everything will be upgraded meaning RoS will have to climb out of a hole (more than likely will never happen).
Well, I can just look at the statistic and you did way better than last weekend during the nightshift. Last week your night crew was already quite sucessful during the week and will be again this week (my guess, knowing DLs wvw attendance history).
This is of course just the ppt-angle and we all know that there is not necessarily a connection to good and fun fights
Nomen est omen!
It is a fact that DL has many more people then RoS, to take the lead on Saturday we had to play alot more than usual while DL does not have to specially organise a morning raid for example.
I do think that the players on RoS are alot better then those on DL but that does not matter for this match up since the victory will be decided by coverage.
The other problem is that RoS still does not know how to defend stuff over the day. You never see anyone building siege in a tower to hold it for example.
And the reason why DL should not complain about Nightcapping is that they have at that time the same amount of people or even more. We hold their Hills quite long yesterday and had the outnumbered buff most of that time.
PS: i would like to know how you retook it, was there even resistance?
Look at the income history… no nightcapping this time.
Things went south for RoS around 7 am, so morning capping might be the correct termWell it was turning much earlier than that trust me
. It was a struggle to cap a few things while the very large DL group was capping so fast just to try and keep a decent tick. But you’re correct we all KNOW coverage is what wins. Everything will be upgraded meaning RoS will have to climb out of a hole (more than likely will never happen).
Well, I can just look at the statistic and you did way better than last weekend during the nightshift. Last week your night crew was already quite sucessful during the week and will be again this week (my guess, knowing DLs wvw attendance history).
This is of course just the ppt-angle and we all know that there is not necessarily a connection to good and fun fights
You also don’t know that DL DOES have pretty much the same amount of players on during those “nightshifts” and we do actually run into them. They are just not as productive/organized (whichever way you want to look at it). ^^ I was unaware DL was looking for good and fun fights anyways… especially since I can turn it around on you and say it was your morning crew into early afternoon that PVD everything without anyone to put up a fight…. BUT we all know thats the ppt-angle
Compared to last week this week has started off pretty well, DL have come out to play, some pretty nice fights with IF guild, thanks.
And there isnt an “unfair” playstyle, just a less fun for the rest of us style. The german servers are alot more organised and willing to work together, whilst in most other eu servers, guilds perfer to run alone and don not think running in an 80 man zerg as fun.
Of course we could do the same, get everyone to gather in one big zerg and run around just like the germans do, but how bored will people get.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
And i have to add the fact that our 60 man zerg will allways win against their 80 man zerg.
And i have to add the fact that our 60 man zerg will allways win against their 80 man zerg.
I told you to stop following me!
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
I do think that the players on RoS are alot better then those on DL but that does not matter for this match up since the victory will be decided by coverage.
I don´t think you´re right. Honestly I´ve got the impression you want to troll
The quality of single player doesn´t matter in WvW. I think most players in WvW are at the same quality-level (more or less). What really makes the difference beneath the coverage are the commanders leading their forces.
Beeing a commander myself id say having a good commander is as important as having people who can follow the commander.
But tell me why can we hold 3 keeps in your Borderland in the Primetime for hours without whiping a single time?
We upgraded your HIlls allready twice to a waypoint and we loose it when your nightcapping team outnumbers us 10 to 1.
And in an organised zerg the individual skill of your people does really matter. Just spamming 1 does not let you win a fight if your dont vastly outnumber your opponent.
LOOT isnt good enough for you? I thought that we (DEX + LOOT) working quite good together at primetime. :-(
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you