Ruins of Surmia/Dzagonur [DE]/Arborstone [FR]
NP are looking for GvG this week, 10v10 15v15 20v20 contact me to set things up
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Very much looking forward to this week!
Good luck, keep it clean, and see you all on the battlefield!
Witch Doctor
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Khullain.5301)
Nice first fights on reset evening/night.
We enjoyed the epic fights on RoS and also some fights on Arborstone. We are also looking forward to more fights against guilds like KISS and WvW!
Good luck and lots of fun to all of you from SWAT (Dzagonur WvW-Guild)
Special Weapons and No Tactics | Leader
Indeed, that was some good defending in your Bay. Much better fights that we’ve have with DL in the last two weeks.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Yup great fights so far!
Keep it up Dzag, love your guys fighting spirit!
Witch Doctor
Ruins of Surmia
SWAT is really good! nice fights today
Kind regards from RoS
fun fight at ROS lake just now XD
i like the roamingpart from the surmia wvwguilds ( wvw, kiss and more) !!!
play a thief or beat your enemie with your “small scale”group from 10+ ppl
is wvw really a 100% wvwguild ? why they was beat from a public zerg in the same size ?
Quite boring matchup, nobody have balls for 1v1. Especially dzagonur …
So far I met a guild couple and we had some pretty long 2v2 fights. :-)
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
Quite boring matchup, nobody have balls for 1v1. Especially dzagonur …
So far I met a guild couple and we had some pretty long 2v2 fights. :-)
Yep, hello there! Were nice fights.
Holiday TDA now on Arborstone for the 2 final matchups of the league.
We also had a 1v1 if i remember correctly, until 4 Surmias rolled over me.
Holiday TDA now on Arborstone for the 2 final matchups of the league.
Funny how most of your holiday servers have been those which KISS are against :P
Oh look, next we’re still against Arborstone, and you’ll be staying there as well
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Quite boring matchup, nobody have balls for 1v1. Especially dzagonur …
So far I met a guild couple and we had some pretty long 2v2 fights. :-)
Hm perhaps it is not that funny to roam around alone if the smallest group you’ll find consists of at least 5 players that,to say it in your words, don’t have the balls for a 1on1 but all attack you and then laugh?
The only 2 surmians I found running around alone were a ranger and a bit later a warrior from [WAR] and they died quickly even though they tried to flee into our garrison that you had at the time on EB. So I really don’t know why you feel the need to say something like that about dzagonur even though it is not true. And as a matter of fact against surmia most players run around with a zerg build because without a zerg in your back you’ll get stomped by the surmia blob. So if you kill someone you shouldn’t be so proud of yourself.
For example I found a [TDA] ranger on our borderlands and I thought,okay I’ll fight him. I was surprised rangers could run that fast and I couldn’t catch him until he ran into some of his friends and they killed me. So I guess he wasn’t build for 1on1 and that’s why he ran. There’s no shame in that and I don’t think that [TDA] is bad now. Some players like roaming some like small groups some like zergs,that’s just the way it is. I personally like to do all of it that’s why my build is easily changed to perform how I need it at the time without having to run to a skill changer (sorry don’t know the correct english word for it).
So keep it clean and everyone just have fun without having to provoce others all the time.Good luck to you all
Dochil [GDA]
That was me, I don’t usually run from 1vs1 unless I was fighting someone else at the time and you added in, or we were doing 1vs1 and I see you are about to get some friendlies back you up and/or there’s some friendlies from my side near by running towards us. I usually try to do /no emote if there’s some people adding in to signal that hey, I would like to continue but these adds are too much. Unless ofc you ganked me earlier and I just lured you to the death you deserved :>
Yeah I saw your group was attacked earlier because I was one of them and I didn’t look behind me but I’d say after half the map of following you we were alone I didn’t want to disrespect you or anything it was just that I remembered your guild tag and that situation.And you’re definatly right if I’m stupid enough to follow you to a tower contolled by you guys I definatly deserve it
I’m usually on EB but I guess if you guys are on the borderlands most of the time I should be spending more time there. Could be a lot of fun since EB kinda sucks these days especially with that troll on our ts.I don’t know where he’s from but if someone knows please tell him to stop.
Dochil [GDA]
(edited by doc phil.8015)
Just had some solofun on Dzag border and EB with my mesmer. You guys have way too many upleveled guys roaming around, while it’s fun to burst someone down in 3 seconds, i’d rather have a real match. A warrior and a mesmer [HCTP] and a veteran guard got me in the end.
Before anyone complains about hacking, what happened at Sunnyhill was an accident, a few people glitched in when the gate was at 5%. We told them to go out again but some started to attack the npcs. There were in total 5 DZ that came when the gate was down, we were like 18. We would have gotten the tower with or without that glitch. Afterwards we again told the people how to act in such a case. We hope it will not happen again.
(edited by Agrios.9071)
Hm perhaps it is not that funny to roam around alone if the smallest group you’ll find consists of at least 5 players that,to say it in your words, don’t have the balls for a 1on1 but all attack you and then laugh?
This! I´ve never seen another server whose guilds are so eager to chase roamers around the whole map. It´s even worse if you´re able to burst down 2 of them before they´re able to kill a full-zerk Mesmer.
Maybe all who are interested in fair fights should meet at the new GvG-Spot this week for some duels.
Well, I am roaming mostly in enemy BL. Because our home BL and EB have queue and EB is junkyard anyway. :-D
I didnt laugh to anybody for long time and I dont usually chase for more than 10 sec, by that time I know I cant catch you.
Looking forward to duels in the “new” map. :-)
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
Keep it clean guys, has been a good match so far and have much respect for DZ and AS. Keep up the good fights and remember, its just a game so have fun!
Witch Doctor
Ruins of Surmia
I won’t pretend to give respect to Dz, they show (once again) what they really are, a bunch of people that only win due to blobing and coverage, and get their kitten handed to them as soon as the other side isn’t fielding one third of their numbers……
They do less and less as the week advance, ONLY ever go on the offensive in massive zergs against undefended or weakly defended targets, and never ever try to fight in openfield….. They are losing the 2nd place in Bronze, and it’s well deserved.
They have resorted to roaming bands of 3-4 thieves to try to bully/grief everything that isn’t 10+ players in sight outside of prime time.
But AS, OMFG !! I don’t know how they do it, but those guys are insane. They have less than half Dz numbers, even less at night, and they fight tooth and nail for everything. You turn your back to them 15/20 mins when they are 10/15 scattered on all maps and they retook their keep and 2 or 3 towers and camps during that time.
You come fullforce outnumbering them at their keep ? They defend it like there is no tomorrow, sacrificing quite some people to get the sieges (and it usually works), and coming out to fight.
It’s mighty enjoyable (ok, the %$ù*$£ù roaming thief that killed me 10+ times in one hour while i was killing yaks and tagging/taking camps to starve towers/keep of supplies 2 nights ago wasn’t enjoyable :p).
Even while below and with mostly the 2 servers focusing them when they have the chance, they keep having good turnout (for the numbers they can field) at all time, and they aren’t so far behind at all, with multiple occurences of them ticking higher than Dz for quite some time.
Mad props, i hope you get an influx of players, because it would make you a force to be reckoned.
FAR more enjoyable than the 2 weeks of 80+man zerging of DL (yup, we get 2 DL weeks followed by a Dz week, aka : the 2 biggest pops in Bronze back to back, wonder why we are all burned out :/).
Greetings to [KISS]
for the lovely kisses last night
- That annoying Warrior.
I always look for 1vs1 (or 1vX).
Watch out for a warri [xXx]
Greetings and
I’ll be back [KISS], maybe…
Kodash – Roamer, Pug-Commander & Crazy-Ossi!
I won’t pretend to give respect to Dz, they show (once again) what they really are, a bunch of people that only win due to blobing and coverage, and get their kitten handed to them as soon as the other side isn’t fielding one third of their numbers……
They do less and less as the week advance, ONLY ever go on the offensive in massive zergs against undefended or weakly defended targets, and never ever try to fight in openfield….. They are losing the 2nd place in Bronze, and it’s well deserved.
They have resorted to roaming bands of 3-4 thieves to try to bully/grief everything that isn’t 10+ players in sight outside of prime time.But AS, OMFG !! I don’t know how they do it, but those guys are insane. They have less than half Dz numbers, even less at night, and they fight tooth and nail for everything. You turn your back to them 15/20 mins when they are 10/15 scattered on all maps and they retook their keep and 2 or 3 towers and camps during that time.
You come fullforce outnumbering them at their keep ? They defend it like there is no tomorrow, sacrificing quite some people to get the sieges (and it usually works), and coming out to fight.
It’s mighty enjoyable (ok, the %$ù*$£ù roaming thief that killed me 10+ times in one hour while i was killing yaks and tagging/taking camps to starve towers/keep of supplies 2 nights ago wasn’t enjoyable :p).
Even while below and with mostly the 2 servers focusing them when they have the chance, they keep having good turnout (for the numbers they can field) at all time, and they aren’t so far behind at all, with multiple occurences of them ticking higher than Dz for quite some time.Mad props, i hope you get an influx of players, because it would make you a force to be reckoned.
FAR more enjoyable than the 2 weeks of 80+man zerging of DL (yup, we get 2 DL weeks followed by a Dz week, aka : the 2 biggest pops in Bronze back to back, wonder why we are all burned out :/).
Lol I feel for you,you must be a very confused soul. I hope dzag isn’t going to blob gold servers soon. As you can see we have no skill and obviously the numbers to dominate everyone /irony off
At least we know now who that idiot troll on our ts was.but hey you’re still young you might still be able to have some fun doing stuff in real life. good luck to you
Dochil [GDA]
Sorry Dzagonur but you guys aren’t really getting my respect…
Solo roaming when 3 HoN people jump me i finish em off and they come back up to 4 times to lose over and over again. Then in the end when there are 8 dzagonur people on the scene and i run away after finishing 1 last noob i get whispered by germans calling me a hacker and a running nerd….
just simply said Patheticaly skillless
(^-^) Me Smelly? It’s the bunnies Feet!
srsly gtfo and click on the respawn point…
All 3 servers kitten ‘solo roamers’ ’til death or not.
So deal with it and start trolling them.
95% of these gankers will never read your posts about ‘#PutServerNameIn# can’t fight alone. 1vX only. Ganker. Zerker. Noobs!’
srsly gtfo, or some1 starts showing that with a screenshotspam, how often a pugzerg or guild try to kitten him.
SO PLEASE: Deal with it…
Nvmd, happy about that 2v2 against our holiday guests from [TDA] and also thanks for that 1v1 against that Engi [FoF]
Cya on borderlands.
Greets and ceep calm ;-)
Kodash – Roamer, Pug-Commander & Crazy-Ossi!
“small scale” event from FRS with publics or only spawncamping ?! i dont know.
but i think the bandwagonguilds on surmia are all to scared for “fair” fights .
ok my misstake. surmia makes “small scale”.
with thief, d/p build or with confubuilds.
ruins of blob is not a good pvpenemy. to much fear, to scared :/
(edited by Treszone.3897)
Uhm… I have the longest… and wipe 2 Zergs with just my little toe. Still need my big toe too, if they are well attuned and from the same guild. But im working like a maniac on my little toe.. so he is getting better and better. Its just a matter of time..
Have fun everyone and whisper my little toe for some duels.
So Far
[AMOK] on Dzagonur
I won’t pretend to give respect to Dz, they show (once again) what they really are, a bunch of people that only win due to blobing and coverage, and get their kitten handed to them as soon as the other side isn’t fielding one third of their numbers……
They do less and less as the week advance, ONLY ever go on the offensive in massive zergs against undefended or weakly defended targets, and never ever try to fight in openfield….. They are losing the 2nd place in Bronze, and it’s well deserved.
They have resorted to roaming bands of 3-4 thieves to try to bully/grief everything that isn’t 10+ players in sight outside of prime time.But AS, OMFG !! I don’t know how they do it, but those guys are insane. They have less than half Dz numbers, even less at night, and they fight tooth and nail for everything. You turn your back to them 15/20 mins when they are 10/15 scattered on all maps and they retook their keep and 2 or 3 towers and camps during that time.
You come fullforce outnumbering them at their keep ? They defend it like there is no tomorrow, sacrificing quite some people to get the sieges (and it usually works), and coming out to fight.
It’s mighty enjoyable (ok, the %$ù*$£ù roaming thief that killed me 10+ times in one hour while i was killing yaks and tagging/taking camps to starve towers/keep of supplies 2 nights ago wasn’t enjoyable :p).
Even while below and with mostly the 2 servers focusing them when they have the chance, they keep having good turnout (for the numbers they can field) at all time, and they aren’t so far behind at all, with multiple occurences of them ticking higher than Dz for quite some time.Mad props, i hope you get an influx of players, because it would make you a force to be reckoned.
FAR more enjoyable than the 2 weeks of 80+man zerging of DL (yup, we get 2 DL weeks followed by a Dz week, aka : the 2 biggest pops in Bronze back to back, wonder why we are all burned out :/).Lol I feel for you,you must be a very confused soul. I hope dzag isn’t going to blob gold servers soon. As you can see we have no skill and obviously the numbers to dominate everyone /irony off
At least we know now who that idiot troll on our ts was.but hey you’re still young you might still be able to have some fun doing stuff in real life. good luck to you
I don’t know what troll you are talking about, but on your TS it CAN’T be me since :
- i don’t have a working microphone atm
- i can’t listen to any of the current voicechat programs due to the fact that i’m forced to use a bluetooth headphone that don’t allow it (it seems to be a pretty reccuring problem with bluetooth headsets on Windows)
I never said you had the numbers to outblob everyone, just that it was your ONLY strenght and tactic, and as soon as the other side field remotely close numbers you get destroyed.
And no, i’m not confused. Your way to play (as DL’s way btw) is something that makes WvW painfully boring and unfun, and i’m happy as Hell we are wiping the floor with you once again.
I hope too that Dz will be the other server going in Silver with DL (which should be seeing the ratings…) so you’ll have a taste of what you made servers like RoS before the bandwagon jumped in, AS/Vabbi/WSR and such feel for months.
You’ll see how it’s “fun” to be blobbed all day long by people with more numbers and coverage, and losing ONLY to that because they are bad outside of this only tactic.
I really despise Anet for having made WvW a “bigger blob wins” pvp when there is SO many ways to avoid it.
“small scale” event from FRS with publics or only spawncamping ?! i dont know.
but i think the bandwagonguilds on surmia are all to scared for “fair” fights .
ok my misstake. surmia makes “small scale”.
with thief, d/p build or with confubuilds.
ruins of blob is not a good pvpenemy. to much fear, to scared :/
It’s “nice” of you to have “forgotten” what happened under the turret 2/3 mins before…. that was just the cleaning up part after taking out Siegegrazer (or the other one, never remember which one goes where) at a time where you had roughly our numbers…..
It’s just like everytime we face you outside a tower/keep you stacked with AC and Ballista and Cata and you have more numbers than us, you get wiped clean in no time every single time.
Hell i even saw AS wipe you with half your numbers at night.
It’s to the point under 15 of us managed to keep SM and nearly all of EB for over 3h while you had a 25+ man zerg running because EVERY SINGLE TIME you encountered opposition and you lost 1/2 man you ran away.
And honestly, being called “Ruins of Blob” by someone from a server that can ONLY play by putting all their players in one zerg and outblobbing the other side is “funny” (and pathetic).
Go crawl back in the dream world you live in thanx.
Okay sorry then,so you’re not the troll on our TS.
Still you must be confused. Do you really think RoS (or any other server that is winning by a lot of points) is on top becuase of their skill?Is it not possible that it might be the coverage you have all day and night?
in one and a half hours i’m finished watching football and then i guess i’m online again or one of the next days.i’ll ask you for a duel and I’d be happy to have some friendly 1on1s or ask someone from xXx for might have another opinion about dzagonur after that.if you have the balls to try it which i really doubt i could be wrong though.i’ve played against some really good RoS players and maybe,just maybe,you can rise in my opinion.I wouldn’t count on it though due to your “friendly” words here. Oh and please post a guild tag or something so I can keep an eye out for you
edit: okay so you said it yourself,Surmia is not winning because of skill and you’re just angry because you got beaten too often by the big bad german blob.sorry dude i really hope someone is giving you a hug soon
Dochil [GDA]
(edited by doc phil.8015)
Okay sorry then,so you’re not the troll on our TS.
Still you must be confused. Do you really think RoS (or any other server that is winning by a lot of points) is on top becuase of their skill?Is it not possible that it might be the coverage you have all day and night?
in one and a half hours i’m finished watching football and then i guess i’m online again or one of the next days.i’ll ask you for a duel and I’d be happy to have some friendly 1on1s or ask someone from xXx for might have another opinion about dzagonur after that.if you have the balls to try it which i really doubti could be wrong though.i’ve played against some really good RoS players and maybe,just maybe,you can rise in my opinion.I wouldn’t count on it though due to your “friendly” words here. Oh and please post a guild tag or something so I can keep an eye out for you
edit: okay so you said it yourself,Surmia is not winning because of skill and you’re just angry because you got beaten too often by the big bad german blob.sorry dude i really hope someone is giving you a hug soon
We have numbers. But there is a reason we win (by quite far) every time we face you since we have decent numbers while being outnumbered more than half the time.
There is a reason we have other ways to win than mindlessly hitting our heads against (undefended) walls and move around outside of 50/60+ man zergs all the time.
The way Dz and DL play (and from what i heard pretty much every server up the food chain) is the death of WvW.
There is NOTHING fun in mindlessly running in 60/80/100 man groups hitting 1 and doing nothing else.
There is practically no “skill” in that, no choice, and it boils down mostly to who have a half brained commander that knows how to avoid major chokepoints and who has the people running back in the fastest.
And even like that, once again, you get DESTROYED every time you have even close to similar numbers.
RoS practically only outnumber you during the 2/5am period and even during those times it’s not always true.
Yet, you still get roflstomp every time you aren’t facing us entranched into a keep/tower, with superior numbers, and with loads of siege.
Otherwise, you are just free loot.
An exemple : last night, around 3/4 am, we took your Hills. We were 15 maybe 20.
You had a group of 25/30 that was trying to come defend, arrived late, and started putting up catas against the west wall….
We killed 12 of yours just the 8 of us before the rest of our group came to finish you, and we only lost 3 people during that time.
And we weren’t a guild group, since we were mostly from different guilds, and i can guarantee you we weren’t “uber geared madly pro WvW players with buffs and such” since at least 3 of us didn’t even had food buffs, nor full exotic gear (me first, and i’m not good at PvP either…).
It’s what Dz looks like when you aren’t a zerg outnumbering the others and caught in nearly open field with nowhere to run.
You die. Fast. Doing no damage (when you don’t have a good chunk of your group suiciding after being tagged by jumping from the cliff, giving free xp/loot to everyone :p).
Annd offcourse, your only argument to “as a server, you sux and only win by stacking bodies and zerging, and get roflstomped every time you don’t have a MASSIVE numbers advantage” is the “let’s have a kitten contest and 1v1”….
Typical, and pathetic.
Oh and i don’t have a guild outside my own bank one. So no, i don’t speak for anyone else.
And it’s what’s funny, because most of the time, even when our groups are a bunch of people from different guilds facing mostly guild groups from your server, you still get beaten to pulp if you don’t blob.
Really, i don’t remember a single time Dz has done anything than “hide in a keep/tower with loads of people and sieges against people with 2/3rd of their numbers, while still losing more often than not” or “let’s run a 50/60/80+ man zerg to their undefended towers/keep or against people half as many to have a chance to win”.
Dz’s way of playing is everything that’s wrong in WvW.
I, and by FAR, prefer the way AS is doing it currently, it’s far more enjoyable for everyone (and actually, they are quite a bigger challenge than Dz, and would be scary with Dz’s numbers and coverage…. one can hope).
(edited by Filovirus.6258)
lol sorry but i couldn’t even take you serious enough to read your full post since I got tears in my eyes from laughing. But hey kid you must be right.
You might ask RoF or Drakkar if we’re that bad,they might have a different oppinion.
But since you’re having such a bad feeling I’d advise you to take a look at this
Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
Don’t grumble, give a whistle
And this’ll help things turn out for the best…
And…always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the light side of life…
If life seems jolly rotten
There’s something you’ve forgotten
And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you’re feeling in the dumps
Don’t be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle – that’s the thing.
And…always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the light side of life…
For life is quite absurd
And death’s the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin – give the audience a grin
Enjoy it – it’s your last chance anyhow.
So always look on the bright side of death
Just before you draw your terminal breath
Life’s a piece of kitten
When you look at it
Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke, it’s true.
You’ll see it’s all a show
Keep ’em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
And always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the right side of life…
(Come on guys, cheer up!)
Always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the bright side of life…
(Worse things happen at sea, you know.)
Always look on the bright side of life…
(I mean – what have you got to lose?)
(You know, you come from nothing – you’re going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!)
Always look on the right side of life…
or should dzagonur sing the kitten song that sheldon likes so much when he’s ill?I’d guess some of us are up for it so you won’t hate us that much
Dochil [GDA]
lol sorry but i couldn’t even take you serious enough to read your full post since I got tears in my eyes from laughing. But hey kid you must be right.
You might ask RoF or Drakkar if we’re that bad,they might have a different oppinion.
But since you’re having such a bad feeling I’d advise you to take a look at thisSome things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
Don’t grumble, give a whistle
And this’ll help things turn out for the best…And…always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the light side of life…If life seems jolly rotten
There’s something you’ve forgotten
And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you’re feeling in the dumps
Don’t be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle – that’s the thing.And…always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the light side of life…For life is quite absurd
And death’s the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin – give the audience a grin
Enjoy it – it’s your last chance anyhow.So always look on the bright side of death
Just before you draw your terminal breathLife’s a piece of kitten
When you look at it
Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke, it’s true.
You’ll see it’s all a show
Keep ’em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.And always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the right side of life…
(Come on guys, cheer up!)
Always look on the bright side of life…
Always look on the bright side of life…
(Worse things happen at sea, you know.)
Always look on the bright side of life…
(I mean – what have you got to lose?)
(You know, you come from nothing – you’re going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!)
Always look on the right side of life…or should dzagonur sing the kitten song that sheldon likes so much when he’s ill?I’d guess some of us are up for it
so you won’t hate us that much
RoF don’t really seems to have that much problem with you while fielding half your numbers, and DL mauled you to pulp, without the help of the third server handing the game to them and only fighting their ennemy like FoW did with us on purpose……
Soo, outside of numbers, which is the only thing you’ve got going for you, as you once again proved it, you’ve got nothing, since you manage to struggle against servers that can’t even field as much as you when ADDING the two other servers numbers together…..
Everything that fields near similar numbers than you crush you.
Point proven once again.
I really wanted to answer your first and second post. Unfortunately my answer became 16964 letters long, and it seems as if A-net only allows posts with a length of 5001 letters -_- I will answer some random statement from you instead :P
Oh and i don’t have a guild outside my own bank one. So no, i don’t speak for anyone else.
And it’s what’s funny, because most of the time, even when our groups are a bunch of people from different guilds facing mostly guild groups from your server, you still get beaten to pulp if you don’t blob.
This is quite funny, since the pure guild groups from your server are already bigger than the guild groups that Dzagonur has, and your mainzerg is a giant mass of players from mostly 3 guilds ([FRS],[DEX] and [KISS]) holding hands – What you’re writing here is Hypocrisy in it’s purest form. Ever since this matchup started, Dzagonur has been outnumbered by far (even if not as much as AS). We got the outnumbered buff multiple times now on multiple maps simultaneously, and we even have to take our only real zerg from EB (yes, that one is responsible for all 4 maps) everytime someone attacks on our BL. Why? Because even a single guild group from [KISS] can field numbers comparable to that of our Zerg. Seriously, RoS was already outnumbering us during the old Days (also building kittenloads of omegas, running in one giant blobb on EB all the time, Nightcapping the kitten out of the map) – maybe you already forgot this? Or is your ego this much inflated that you can’t see into the past anymore?
from one of the first posts:
I hope too that Dz will be the other server going in Silver with DL (which should be seeing the ratings…) so you’ll have a taste of what you made servers like RoS before the bandwagon jumped in, AS/Vabbi/WSR and such feel for months.
The only matchup in which Dzagonur was “blobbing RoS to death” this year was in Week 34. Yes – the only matchup
by the way, there is a site where you can track all the past matchups – if you look closely (joke, you don’t have to look for it. It’s rather obvious), you will see what your server did to FoW, Vabbi, WSR (and to an extend also to AS) for months of playtime. Yep, you blobbed them to death for months (unlike us, which – with the exception of WSR – rarely ever fought them during that period, which you can check as well), so i guess you have to be put into the silverleague now, to “get a taste of what you did to those poor servers”, right?
If you really think, we wouln’t know what it is like to be outnumbered, try again. Between the introduction of randomized matchups and the new league System, Dzagonur had much harder opponents than surmia. And unlike in week 34, where all our stupid fairweatherplayers came out at the sight of FoW (the only week we stomped RoS), we couldn’t even trigger orange swords on the map when we gathered all our players from all 4 maps into one “zerg” – this was the case for every matchup that wasn’t in our ranking range – and we played more often against the likes of Abbadon (that counts servers of similar strength) than against RoF. The worst Enemeys YOU faced during that time were Aurora Glade (week 35), Drakkar Lake, and Miller’s Sound (which we faced as well – multiple times) – and both former ones can’t compete with the numbers of Abbadon, Jade Sea and Augury Rock. Other than that you constantly played against opponents within your ranking range (and population), so don’t come and tell me you had a hard time…
(edited by phirefox.2568)
I just want to thank all those guys from Surmia and Arborstone who were duelling at the Eternal Battleground JP. Got some close, intense fights and polite enemies as well. That´s what I play for!. It´s refreshing to see that Surmia got some fairplaying individuals as well (and not only /laugh-spamming idiots who only fight while outnumbering you).
Yeah you might want to have a look at the thread about our last matchup against RoF and BT. They were good competition and good fun to play against. I wish we could have those kind of matchups every week that’s why I remember fondly the weeks we played against Gunnars,RoF and yes RoS(they didn’t have crying kiddies like you back then). Always nice matchups and cool players. Who cares about winning the bronze league if you can have a week that keeps you motivated every single night to just stay up that one more hour and look kittened up in university the next morning
(oh sorry for you it might be kindergarden). This is what wvw is all about man. Try to relax and enjoy it dude,for example I spent 1 hour tonight to run around as a dolyak and jump on people. You know fun don’t you?
Dochil [GDA]
I really wanted to answer your first and second post. Unfortunately my answer became 16964 letters long, and it seems as if A-net only allows posts with a length of 5001 letters -_- I will answer some random statement from you instead :P
Oh and i don’t have a guild outside my own bank one. So no, i don’t speak for anyone else.
And it’s what’s funny, because most of the time, even when our groups are a bunch of people from different guilds facing mostly guild groups from your server, you still get beaten to pulp if you don’t blob.This is quite funny, since the pure guild groups from your server are already bigger than the guild groups that Dzagonur has, and your mainzerg is a giant mass of players from mostly 3 guilds ([FRS],[DEX] and [KISS]) holding hands – What you’re writing here is Hypocrisy in it’s purest form. Ever since this matchup started, Dzagonur has been outnumbered by far (even if not as much as AS). We got the outnumbered buff multiple times now on multiple maps simultaneously, and we even have to take our only real zerg from EB (yes, that one is responsible for all 4 maps) everytime someone attacks on our BL. Why? Because even a single guild group from [KISS] can field numbers comparable to that of our Zerg. Seriously, RoS was already outnumbering us during the old Days (also building kittenloads of omegas, running in one giant blobb on EB all the time, Nightcapping the kitten out of the map) – maybe you already forgot this? Or is your ego this much inflated that you can’t see into the past anymore?
from one of the first posts:
I hope too that Dz will be the other server going in Silver with DL (which should be seeing the ratings…) so you’ll have a taste of what you made servers like RoS before the bandwagon jumped in, AS/Vabbi/WSR and such feel for months.
The only matchup in which Dzagonur was “blobbing RoS to death” this year was in Week 34. Yes – the only matchup
by the way, there is a site where you can track all the past matchups – if you look closely (joke, you don’t have to look for it. It’s rather obvious), you will see what your server did to FoW, Vabbi, WSR (and to an extend also to AS) for months of playtime. Yep, you blobbed them to death for months (unlike us, which – with the exception of WSR – rarely ever fought them during that period, which you can check as well), so i guess you have to be put into the silverleague now, to “get a taste of what you did to those poor servers”, right?
If you really think, we wouln’t know what it is like to be outnumbered, try again. Between the introduction of randomized matchups and the new league System, Dzagonur had much harder opponents than surmia. And unlike in week 34, where all our stupid fairweatherplayers came out at the sight of FoW (the only week we stomped RoS), we couldn’t even trigger orange swords on the map when we gathered all our players from all 4 maps into one “zerg” – this was the case for every matchup that wasn’t in our ranking range – and we played more often against the likes of Abbadon (that counts servers of similar strength) than against RoF. The worst Enemeys YOU faced during that time were Aurora Glade (week 35), Drakkar Lake, and Miller’s Sound (which we faced as well – multiple times) – and both former ones can’t compete with the numbers of Abbadon, Jade Sea and Augury Rock. Other than that you constantly played against opponents within your ranking range (and population), so don’t come and tell me you had a hard time…
We got the outnumbered buff quite often too, and after 23h it’s easy, you field as many people in EB than we field in all maps.
And yet you can’t do anything most of the time.
Dzag has more numbers than us, and by quite far.
And stop pretending RoF/Blacktide (and even FoW at that time, before the mass exodus they suffered) were in the same “numbers range” than RoS before the bandwagon joined, it’s hypocrit as Hell.
For 3 to 4 months before S1 we were more often than not outnumbered (with the buff) by WSR…… and BT had like nearly 50% bigger numbers than they have now (and they still roughly have the same that we do).
good post phirefox.2568
he won’t see it though he won’t even admit that RoS has us outnumbered most of the time. It doesn’t matter though cuz most RoS players are cool and I congratulate them to their win.I just wish he would stop being that bitter.Sweety you’re winning,so no reason for flaming.I know you’re just speaking for yourself but come on cheer up a little
Dochil [GDA]
We got the outnumbered buff quite often too […]
Maybe you should think, when and where you get it. It could be that you get it at times during the weekend, when most of our players are indeed online – but within the week, we can only be the cause of your undermanned Buff in a few cases:
a) You are on Dzagonurs Bordlerlands. If you get uBuff here, it’s most likely because of our EB zerg, that came to defend the Borderlands (meaning that EB is pretty much undefended during that time, aside from some randoms without a commander to lead them), since it is the only possibility to field more than 20 players there (there rarely is any commander on our homelands during the week – especially during the working times from 5:AM to 5-7:PM). Unlike RoS, which has players from multiple different economic (and sometimes time) zones, Dzagonur can’t field constant numbers during the day (our population is altering between off-hours and working hours), so it’s unlikely that RoS would get a uBuff without our EB Zerg on our Borderlands – at least not until evening, when there could be a SWAT or DIS guild zerg (which would be less the size of your KISS zerg, mind you).
b) You are on Arborstone Borderlands and get uBuff: There are two possibilitys for this: either our EB zerg came to take AS’s keeps while AS and RoS are ignoring our Keeps at EB (which means we are the cause for your uBuff), or you get outnumbered by AS’s home-defense zerg (which – as i guess – also mostly consists of the people that they have to take from their EB zerg). On a sidenote: Yesterday i was walking around with our only commander (yep, no commander on Homes, EB or RoS-BL) here, and our zerg didn’t even exceed the 10-man-limit (RoS used this time to take our mainkeep in EB from some TS-less randoms without a commander) – that’s the normal size we get when walking on other peoples homelands.
c) You are on your Borderlands and get uBuff. seriously, i don’t know how this can happen – it seems possible during reset (or by extension during the weekend), but not within the week – unless you leave your Borderlands near empty and let our EB Zerg jump into it.
d) You are on EB and get uBuff: seems also possible during reset (and the weekend), but i wonder how often you get it during the week (compared to how often we or AS get it).
[…], and after 23h it’s easy, you field as many people in EB than we field in all maps. […]
You should keep the eyes open. If this were the case, we wouldn’t have to jump around with our EB zerg all the time, while you can attack one Borderland with the same numbers as our EB zerg and still have a zerg left to terrorize AS on EB. Mind you, this is plausible during reset or the weekend. But never, never within the week. Dzagonur consists of players from Germany, Austria (surprise, not everyone here is a german. Just for future reference) and Switzerland, and all of them follow a very (almost identical) rythm of work. So when the average german rises at 5:AM to get to work (no time for gw2), the same will apply to players from the other two countrys. Most are working until it is very late in the evening (where they got time for gw2 if they are lucky), and by far not everyone can allow him/herself to play from 23:00 onwards – unless you intend to get (assuming you’re playing just one hour) 4-5 hours of sleep, of course.
[…]Dzag has more numbers than us, and by quite far.[…]
I wonder if RoF, Drakkar, and all the other servers that you played against (not only since the guild stacking, but also from before the time your server broke apart) see it like this as well. Checking your respective matchup-threads and comparing them to ours lets me think otherwise. Of course all of us could just be wrong, and Dzagonur could field much more numbers than the only server in bronce, that got a kittenload of guilds from the silverleague (the last time i checked KISS alone had a 3-digit number of members, and this is only one of multiple guilds you got)…
[…]And stop pretending RoF/Blacktide (and even FoW at that time, before the mass exodus they suffered) were in the same “numbers range” than RoS before the bandwagon joined, it’s hypocrit as Hell.[…]
I think you don’t know the meaning of the word “hypocrite”. I called you one, because you cried rivers about evil dzagonur blobbing you and other server down (which happened only one time in case of RoS, btw.), while RoS was doing the same thing much more often, and much stronger over a longer period of time to the same servers you named (WSR, AS, Vabbi, FoW). Me saying something about your coverage compared to RoF and Blacktide has nothing to do with dzagonur (my server) – aka it doesn’t have anything to do with hypocrisy on my part.
(edited by phirefox.2568)
Omg stop arguing, your posts are measured in kilometers now. Just to let you know: tl;dr
Omg stop arguing, your posts are measured in kilometers now. Just to let you know: tl;dr
It would be nice if you could tell your troll here to stop verbally attacking a whole server while spreading misinformation I could disprove his false claims by using statistics of the last matchups, but this would need at least >7000 letters (which i wrote down and saved on my desktop just in case; no floating text, mind you – just the “tables” for each weeks matchup with a little commentary), to be even remotely readable.
Anyway, i guess i will stop answering his posts now. It’s not my aim to annoy the other players, after all – i just hate whiners spreading misinformation with a deep passion
(the last time i checked KISS alone had a 3-digit number of members, and this is only one of multiple guilds you got)…
Check again, barely 3-digit, one guild.
(the last time i checked KISS alone had a 3-digit number of members, and this is only one of multiple guilds you got)…
Check again, barely 3-digit, one guild.
In this case i’am sorry Didn’t realize that their numbers decreased that much :/
I dont get all these whining about blobbing and number from both RoS and Dz. We all know that coverage wins the matches and Dz does not have the great day-coverage that DL has.
The other point is, RoS has many guilds (mainly guilds) that fight during the prime time. In my opinions we should do better with the amount of guilds and with the handholding we do atm. On the other hand, it is impossible to take a keep with a 20 man guild zerg if you have siege everywhere inside and since there are no real challenges in this match up except taking your keeps we have to come with bigger numbers….
I dont like the idea of running close with other guilds all the time but atm we do it. And as i said if 3 organised guilds fight 1 big zerg it is obvious who wins.
On the other hand, Dz you give us better challenges then DL since your groups actually try to fight in open field.
I really wish we would have had the match up Dz-RoF-RoS, it maybe would not have been so one sided but it probably would be still unfair for the other 2 servers.
And just for your information about numbers, DEX never had more than 20 people online at the same time this week. The Reset is usually our strongest day but this one was horrible for us since half of our people were in extremly long queues or dc’ed a couple of times and had to wait then.
Thanksu FoF, xXx, Re, NP and GDA for the fun fights yesterday. Also thanksu LOOT and FRS (Especially FRS, you guys scared the sif out of us by rolling your motherblob through our group in EB between SM and Durios!) for letting our tiny group be in peace :>
Thank you guys for making me laugh my kitten off while reading all of this QQ from all sides! like always the match up thread is the best way of bring up a smile at the end of the week.
Also a thank you to DZ and AS for all the lootbags! I called it really.. as soon as i was told its DZ and AS aginest us this week i invested in some extra bag slots for all the right reasons Good luck in your next match ups peeps and as a friendly tip… don’t bring so many rangers in your zergs.. its the reason we wipe you so much.. rangers bring nothing to a zerg.
Shame this thread had to devolve into arguing, has been a fairly good week. Sorry for the troll from RoS his opinions dont necessarily represent those of our server.
Witch Doctor
Ruins of Surmia
Does it really matter who has the most people and dzag cant excatly say they dont have 25+ since you do put orange swords up on sm alot during the day
No it doesnt matter, as this is how Anet have planned the game, zergs everywhere!
It doesnt matter which server you go to, at least one of the other servers you fight will have a larger zerg than yours.
It also depends on the time, Dz have a smaller night presence, so yes we can complain about their map zergs during the day and evenings, but they may complain about being outnumbered during the night.
There are only 2 options, 1) continue playing they way you do and have your fun. 2) Start playing like the germans do, one huge map zerg, no fun, afraid to die.
I just blame anet for not caring about wvw. jsut look at teh new gvg arena area they made, noone is doing any gvg there!
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Lets all Just enjoy the game!!!
Tonight GvG against SWAT in the new arena!! :>