Guild Leader: Zepheris Chronology [CHR]
Kaineng from Beginning to End
Here we go. One week match-up!
How are you guys feeling about this match up
Well, this is going to be a slow week for SF
Um, well. I mean I got loot bags so I’m not TOO unhappy, but definitely not jumping for joy >_>. After so many Guilds left the server, this week and last week’s matchups are doing nothing for server morale.
I’m pretty sure we’ve all been on that boat more or less so I think you can guess as to how I feel about it. I’ve been doing WvW mostly for Badges so I don’t have much to complain about. I just stand in a camp with a Ballista and pray for the best. The people who WvW competitively however …
(edited by Caephire.5238)
This is the first time my guild has capped SMC in NA prime with 7 people. Definitely a memorable moment.
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.
Well on the bright side maybe AR can come in second!
Also if you recently transferred to our server feel free to introduce yourselves on sorrows furnace.com . I’m interested in finding out about the new transfers we got
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.
So your saying that Oceanic time your the weakest? thank for the tip
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.So your saying that Oceanic time your the weakest? thank for the tip
Yeah man, come join us, we literally have no one. We’d be Silver-tier if we had night coverage, its really our non-NA times that make us bronze.
For Anvil Rock, just saying
Yes PVT gear helps in a 10 v 50 like a bow and arrow helps vs a nuclear bomb. That had to be one of the dumbest posts I have seen to date, congrats!
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.So your saying that Oceanic time your the weakest? thank for the tip
Yeah man, come join us, we literally have no one. We’d be Silver-tier if we had night coverage, its really our non-NA times that make us bronze.
We would love too, but our guild just love kaineng communitee too much to leave
its our home for life
Well on the bright side maybe AR can come in second!
Also if you recently transferred to our server feel free to introduce yourselves on sorrows furnace.com . I’m interested in finding out about the new transfers we got
I knew it. LOL. Your population confused the heck out of me after Reset. I mean, we lost a few Guilds that transferred off but I didn’t think the difference would be this huge in population between us.
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.
Like building ACs on the edge of cliffs! Thanks for the free bags though…
For Anvil Rock, just saying
Yes PVT gear helps in a 10 v 50 like a bow and arrow helps vs a nuclear bomb. That had to be one of the dumbest posts I have seen to date, congrats!
Not all fights tonight have been 10v50. There were a lot of fights tonight where AR had more then SF but you were all in berserk and melted. And no stacking either. I’m guessing more people might show up if you could win the equal fights or at least not melt in the first 2 secs. Cheers
Yeah PTV helps a lot even on a 1v1 trust me
I use zerker on all my sets and melted tons of SoF tonight
But trying out my PTH for my warrior, seem to work better then PTV any suggestion?
I use zerker on all my sets and melted tons of SoF tonight
One was prob my lvl 19 Necro. I know everyone aims for the lvled ups but come on guys I have to lvl it some how, cut me some slack
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.Like building ACs on the edge of cliffs! Thanks for the free bags though…
EBG? Cause I know that wasn’t your BL :P
And to the Zerg that took back Garr, Hills, and Bay……kitten … that’s a lot of golems to defeat 6 people. Fun to watch though.
Good matchup so far. I know that may seem like a stupid comment, but this time (btw like 4am-8am est) is our weakest, and AR just finished retaking all of their keeps back with an ungodly amount of golems, so I’m sure they’ll be heading to SF BL shortly. I’ll probably wake up to either red or paper blue keeps in the morning, but alas. That is the sad tragedy of an SF WvWer.
Glad to see AR has fight in them to actually not be discouraged by the 3 wp’s we put up and actually mustered the golems/forces together to get it all back. No matter the outcome of this week, AR has my respect for that. GL the rest of the week to all 3 teams
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Furnace or Anvil Rock and play NA, feel free to xfer over to Kain, we’ll show you how to play.
Well on the bright side maybe AR can come in second!
Also if you recently transferred to our server feel free to introduce yourselves on sorrows furnace.com . I’m interested in finding out about the new transfers we got
I knew it. LOL. Your population confused the heck out of me after Reset. I mean, we lost a few Guilds that transferred off but I didn’t think the difference would be this huge in population between us.
Idk I think it was only one or two guilds, your mostly seeing our pve pop I think.
Well on the bright side maybe AR can come in second!
Also if you recently transferred to our server feel free to introduce yourselves on sorrows furnace.com . I’m interested in finding out about the new transfers we got
I knew it. LOL. Your population confused the heck out of me after Reset. I mean, we lost a few Guilds that transferred off but I didn’t think the difference would be this huge in population between us.
Idk I think it was only one or two guilds, your mostly seeing our pve pop I think.
Agreed. I have seen some new faces who seem to know their stuff, so I wouldn’t doubt we had some some transfers. But considering how large of a PvE population we have and how much our PvEers love their achievements, I also think it’s more PvE population than a whole bunch of WvW transfers (Maybe we can convert them to the ways of WvW? I hope, I hope!).
Well, this is going to be a slow week for SF
you get to sleep in the bed you make. it can be as fun or as boring as you make it. roll 120 ppl per map 24/7 and kill the 2 man group trying to take a camp, and you’ll find it’s going to be really pretty boring.
pretty typical sf as ever i recall. here’s to killing sf w/ boredom this week. too bad you’re not talented enough a server to make it to the higher league to play in a real competition so you’re stuck with having 120 ppl sitting for hours in empty maps watching for white swords to go and kill 2 ppl… brilliant. that’s awesome… yes can you help me w/ the gold cost to transfer there. i’m def. wanting to get in on that. oh wait, i already have another account on a t1 server that’s winning so no thanks (and anvil is still the better place IMO than sf that t1 server).
(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)
Well someone is bitter and mad.
Well, this is going to be a slow week for SF
you get to sleep in the bed you make. it can be as fun or as boring as you make it. roll 120 ppl per map 24/7 and kill the 2 man group trying to take a camp, and you’ll find it’s going to be really pretty boring.
pretty typical sf as ever i recall. here’s to killing sf w/ boredom this week. too bad you’re not talented enough a server to make it to the higher league to play in a real competition so you’re stuck with having 120 ppl sitting for hours in empty maps watching for white swords to go and kill 2 ppl… brilliant. that’s awesome… yes can you help me w/ the gold cost to transfer there. i’m def. wanting to get in on that. oh wait, i already have another account on a t1 server that’s winning so no thanks (and anvil is still the better place IMO than sf that t1 server).
What do you want us to do? PvE? Lol. As much as it sux for the 2 of you it is worse for the “120” of us who have nothing to fight (FYI map caps per server are not nearly that high)
Also, weren’t there like 5 AR last time we fought? Might want to team up with the other 3 and see if you have better luck. If you can get 20 or so motivated ppl you could try studying some RG vids with Sacrx comms.
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Furnace or Anvil Rock and play NA, feel free to xfer over to Kain, we’ll show you how to play.
No thanks, I enjoy winning WvW and don’t feel like learning to PVE (Not thats its hard at all)
Well, this is going to be a slow week for SF
you get to sleep in the bed you make. it can be as fun or as boring as you make it. roll 120 ppl per map 24/7 and kill the 2 man group trying to take a camp, and you’ll find it’s going to be really pretty boring.
pretty typical sf as ever i recall. here’s to killing sf w/ boredom this week. too bad you’re not talented enough a server to make it to the higher league to play in a real competition so you’re stuck with having 120 ppl sitting for hours in empty maps watching for white swords to go and kill 2 ppl… brilliant. that’s awesome… yes can you help me w/ the gold cost to transfer there. i’m def. wanting to get in on that. oh wait, i already have another account on a t1 server that’s winning so no thanks (and anvil is still the better place IMO than sf that t1 server).
What do you want us to do? PvE? Lol. As much as it sux for the 2 of you it is worse for the “120” of us who have nothing to fight (FYI map caps per server are not nearly that high)
Also, weren’t there like 5 AR last time we fought? Might want to team up with the other 3 and see if you have better luck. If you can get 20 or so motivated ppl you could try studying some RG vids with Sacrx comms.
you’re from [CoSA] and you’re telling others to learn strategy? I’m very confused
Well, this is going to be a slow week for SF
you get to sleep in the bed you make. it can be as fun or as boring as you make it. roll 120 ppl per map 24/7 and kill the 2 man group trying to take a camp, and you’ll find it’s going to be really pretty boring.
pretty typical sf as ever i recall. here’s to killing sf w/ boredom this week. too bad you’re not talented enough a server to make it to the higher league to play in a real competition so you’re stuck with having 120 ppl sitting for hours in empty maps watching for white swords to go and kill 2 ppl… brilliant. that’s awesome… yes can you help me w/ the gold cost to transfer there. i’m def. wanting to get in on that. oh wait, i already have another account on a t1 server that’s winning so no thanks (and anvil is still the better place IMO than sf that t1 server).
You mad bro???? LOL
Well, this is going to be a slow week for SF
you get to sleep in the bed you make. it can be as fun or as boring as you make it. roll 120 ppl per map 24/7 and kill the 2 man group trying to take a camp, and you’ll find it’s going to be really pretty boring.
pretty typical sf as ever i recall. here’s to killing sf w/ boredom this week. too bad you’re not talented enough a server to make it to the higher league to play in a real competition so you’re stuck with having 120 ppl sitting for hours in empty maps watching for white swords to go and kill 2 ppl… brilliant. that’s awesome… yes can you help me w/ the gold cost to transfer there. i’m def. wanting to get in on that. oh wait, i already have another account on a t1 server that’s winning so no thanks (and anvil is still the better place IMO than sf that t1 server).
What do you want us to do? PvE? Lol. As much as it sux for the 2 of you it is worse for the “120” of us who have nothing to fight (FYI map caps per server are not nearly that high)
Also, weren’t there like 5 AR last time we fought? Might want to team up with the other 3 and see if you have better luck. If you can get 20 or so motivated ppl you could try studying some RG vids with Sacrx comms.
you’re from [CoSA] and you’re telling others to learn strategy? I’m very confused
Do not be confused, we can teach you better ways than you are used to. Your confusion probably stems from the fact that there are two active CoSA guilds on SF. One is our main WvW guild (Sapphire), the other is our main PvE guild (Scarlet). With the tournament a lot more Scarlet members are in the maps so you might see some disorganized CoSA members. But mostly you are seeing the pugs that follow us because, well, it should be obvious to you since you seem to be so jealous/mad about something. Every server and guild has their better players and their newbie types. Get over it that we are beating you, not like we are hacking or cheating to win.
Or were you being sarcastic about being confused??
To Kain footman ele I was having fun 1v1ing between jerri and golanta, it was fun until two of your severmates decided to stake me last minute.
SF: All you kitten! umad bro? jealous? trololol. We haz pro tactics and this week will be so slooooow. Transfer to my server now if you dont want to stack up repair costs kthxbye!
Everyone else: zergkitten! numbers help you win, insert comment on no skill somewhere here You should all transfer to MY server!
Something like that.
mad? me? about what? some 3rd rate server stuck in the bronze league, who in its history of existance cannot get out of the bottom ranks of wvw who wouldn’t know how to play wvw if anet sat at their computers and played it for them… nope, not mad dude, but it wouldnt do me any good to try to explain anything to people who dont understand human. please re-read what i wrote and lol all ya want. pat yourselves on the back and congradulate yourselves on the win. you are on a server who has hundreds of people who idle for hours to to face roll 2 people taking a camp. I find that hilarious and completely and utterly sad. so, am i mad??? omg no HAHAHHHAAA that question is so full of win i almost forgot what to call myself.
jq, bg and sor should watch out for you guys… oh wait… oh yea i forgot you can play the disappearing game just like we’re doing as soon as you meet a server w/ coverage, which is why you’re here and not the silver league HAHAHHHAHAHAHA.
enjoy the boring week fella’s
Wow all these SF people trash talking like they’re the best thing since sliced bread. Umm, congratulations for outplaying AR/Kain with your outstanding display of overwhelming numbers? It’s a winning tactic last I heard. Please tell us how pro all of you are PvDing everything with no resistance.
Yes I’m being deliberately obnoxious and arrogant because that’s exactly how you come across as. Yes YOU, you obnoxious and arrogant SF posters. I would be very mad, but I find it endearing.
Now it’s going to be a boring week ahead, if you are in Sorrow’s Furnace or Kaineng and play at any time, feel free to xfer over to AR, we’ll show you how to play. Like real men.
(edited by Opc.4718)
Wow all these SF people trash talking like they’re the best thing since sliced bread. Umm, congratulations for outplaying AR/Kain with your outstanding display of overwhelming numbers? It’s a winning tactic last I heard. Please tell us how pro all of you are PvDing everything with no resistance.
Yes I’m being deliberately obnoxious and arrogant because that’s exactly how you come across as. Yes YOU, you obnoxious and arrogant SF posters. I would be very mad, but I find it endearing.
Now it’s going to be a boring week ahead, if you are in Sorrow’s Furnace or Kaineng and play at any time, feel free to xfer over to AR, we’ll show you how to play. Like real men.
So that’s all you have left, thinking yourself a “real man” because there is absolutely nothing else for you to put forward that you are resorting to attempting to attack one’s sexuality in order to incite an emotional response for them to join your side? I’ll let you in on a secret about SF…. I have yet to come across a 13yo. Past that age, your cheap tricks don’t work.
Wow all these SF people trash talking like they’re the best thing since sliced bread. Umm, congratulations for outplaying AR/Kain with your outstanding display of overwhelming numbers? It’s a winning tactic last I heard. Please tell us how pro all of you are PvDing everything with no resistance.
Yes I’m being deliberately obnoxious and arrogant because that’s exactly how you come across as. Yes YOU, you obnoxious and arrogant SF posters. I would be very mad, but I find it endearing.
Now it’s going to be a boring week ahead, if you are in Sorrow’s Furnace or Kaineng and play at any time, feel free to xfer over to AR, we’ll show you how to play. Like real men.
Bro I want you to reread this thread and see who flipped out and start raging first, was it someone from SF or someone from another server. I knoew you complete this simple task, after you have done it you shall no longer be kitten. Have a good day sir.
And @ kain this match is pure revenge from when you stomped us a month ago. You can be mad or be sad but im chillin.
yep that’s all we have buddy. you must have won the internets too. wowowwowowowwww!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!
Wow all these SF people trash talking like they’re the best thing since sliced bread. Umm, congratulations for outplaying AR/Kain with your outstanding display of overwhelming numbers? It’s a winning tactic last I heard. Please tell us how pro all of you are PvDing everything with no resistance.
Yes I’m being deliberately obnoxious and arrogant because that’s exactly how you come across as. Yes YOU, you obnoxious and arrogant SF posters. I would be very mad, but I find it endearing.
Now it’s going to be a boring week ahead, if you are in Sorrow’s Furnace or Kaineng and play at any time, feel free to xfer over to AR, we’ll show you how to play. Like real men.
So, let me get this straight. You come on here and talk smack FIRST because we come across as arrogant? You posted before we did bub. Not sure how or what sense you were trying to make but don’t be lame.
(edited by Cantur Soulfyre.5409)
mad? me? about what? some 3rd rate server stuck in the bronze league, who in its history of existance cannot get out of the bottom ranks of wvw who wouldn’t know how to play wvw if anet sat at their computers and played it for them… nope, not mad dude, but it wouldnt do me any good to try to explain anything to people who dont understand human. please re-read what i wrote and lol all ya want. pat yourselves on the back and congradulate yourselves on the win. you are on a server who has hundreds of people who idle for hours to to face roll 2 people taking a camp. I find that hilarious and completely and utterly sad. so, am i mad??? omg no HAHAHHHAAA
that question is so full of win i almost forgot what to call myself.
jq, bg and sor should watch out for you guys… oh wait… oh yea i forgot you can play the disappearing game just like we’re doing as soon as you meet a server w/ coverage, which is why you’re here and not the silver league HAHAHHHAHAHAHA.
enjoy the boring week fella’s
Please see bold text above, these prove this person IS mad. LOL, it is a game brother. And not a better time for a boring week, we can get the PvE Halloween stuff done.
Just for the record, we know exactly why we are in Bronze League. No SEA\EU coverage at all. We know our NA numbers are strong, pretty much always has been. But as soon as we go to sleep/work we lost all or most of our PPT. Nothing new, so I am not sure why you get all upset (again, see the bold areas above for the all caps and … use to illustrate how “not” mad you are) that our rolling you has happened again.
This is why I like ET and FC so much. They got stomped for 2-3 months straight and acted with class pretty much the whole time (there are always a few bad apples). And look at them now, playing pretty kitten good in this League.
Anyways, stay cool in school. Have fun, see you around maybe.
yep that’s *all we have buddy. you must have won the internets too. wowowwowowowwww!!!!! LOLOLOL!!*!
See above post for why this is “not” mad.
So that’s all you have left, thinking yourself a “real man” because there is absolutely nothing else for you to put forward that you are resorting to attempting to attack one’s sexuality in order to incite an emotional response for them to join your side? I’ll let you in on a secret about SF…. I have yet to come across a 13yo. Past that age, your cheap tricks don’t work.
And yet you yourself resort to ad hominem attacks to discredit my points. Don’t be a hypocrite. If you want to take the moral high ground, don’t resort to the same dirty tricks. I’m allowed these dirty tricks because we’ve already established I’m obnoxious, but that’s just me proving a point sarcastically.
Point? What point is this? I hear you say:
So, let me get this straight. You come on here and talk smack FIRST because we come across as arrogant? You posted before we did bub. Not sure how or what sense you were trying to make but don’t be lame.
My remark is mainly directed at Wolfhounds.4659. It’s subtle, but the condescending tone is there. Also, ptitminou.6489’s remark, as the guy below points out. Of course Janx is blowing things out of proportion, but he has a valid point and your equally obnoxious replies to him deserves a reply in kind too.
(edited by Opc.4718)
mad? me? about what? some 3rd rate server stuck in the bronze league, who in its history of existance cannot get out of the bottom ranks of wvw who wouldn’t know how to play wvw if anet sat at their computers and played it for them… nope, not mad dude, but it wouldnt do me any good to try to explain anything to people who dont understand human. please re-read what i wrote and lol all ya want. pat yourselves on the back and congradulate yourselves on the win. you are on a server who has hundreds of people who idle for hours to to face roll 2 people taking a camp. I find that hilarious and completely and utterly sad. so, am i mad??? omg no HAHAHHHAAA
that question is so full of win i almost forgot what to call myself.
jq, bg and sor should watch out for you guys… oh wait… oh yea i forgot you can play the disappearing game just like we’re doing as soon as you meet a server w/ coverage, which is why you’re here and not the silver league HAHAHHHAHAHAHA.
enjoy the boring week fella’s
Please see bold text above, these prove this person IS mad. LOL, it is a game brother. And not a better time for a boring week, we can get the PvE Halloween stuff done.
Just for the record, we know exactly why we are in Bronze League. No SEA\EU coverage at all. We know our NA numbers are strong, pretty much always has been. But as soon as we go to sleep/work we lost all or most of our PPT. Nothing new, so I am not sure why you get all upset (again, see the bold areas above for the all caps and … use to illustrate how “not” mad you are) that our rolling you has happened again.
This is why I like ET and FC so much. They got stomped for 2-3 months straight and acted with class pretty much the whole time (there are always a few bad apples). And look at them now, playing pretty kitten good in this League.
Anyways, stay cool in school. Have fun, see you around maybe.
Tell this guy:
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.
That it isn’t appropriate to post in a thread where your server is stomping. We like our server much like the fact that you like your server. Server recruitment is that way.
Also you don’t want a bandwagon on your server. All bandwagons do is join your server promising good fights, and winning, and they will stay forever. Only to take over your community, push your server up in the rankings and as soon as you cant move up anymore jump ship to another bandwagon completely desolating your community far worse than it would have been if it was just left alone in the first place.
When within the first couple of posts someone is gloating I tend to look down on that server and not treat them with respect.
Please keep the tears coming they sustain me and make me more powerful.
Phenomenal Cosmic POWER!
itty bitty living space.
See above post for why this is “not” mad.
You sure like to spend a lot of effort trying to discredit someone’s post because their imaginary emotional response somehow invalidates his points.
(edited by Opc.4718)
mad? me? about what? some 3rd rate server stuck in the bronze league, who in its history of existance cannot get out of the bottom ranks of wvw who wouldn’t know how to play wvw if anet sat at their computers and played it for them… nope, not mad dude, but it wouldnt do me any good to try to explain anything to people who dont understand human. please re-read what i wrote and lol all ya want. pat yourselves on the back and congradulate yourselves on the win. you are on a server who has hundreds of people who idle for hours to to face roll 2 people taking a camp. I find that hilarious and completely and utterly sad. so, am i mad??? omg no HAHAHHHAAA
that question is so full of win i almost forgot what to call myself.
jq, bg and sor should watch out for you guys… oh wait… oh yea i forgot you can play the disappearing game just like we’re doing as soon as you meet a server w/ coverage, which is why you’re here and not the silver league HAHAHHHAHAHAHA.
enjoy the boring week fella’s
Please see bold text above, these prove this person IS mad. LOL, it is a game brother. And not a better time for a boring week, we can get the PvE Halloween stuff done.
Just for the record, we know exactly why we are in Bronze League. No SEA\EU coverage at all. We know our NA numbers are strong, pretty much always has been. But as soon as we go to sleep/work we lost all or most of our PPT. Nothing new, so I am not sure why you get all upset (again, see the bold areas above for the all caps and … use to illustrate how “not” mad you are) that our rolling you has happened again.
This is why I like ET and FC so much. They got stomped for 2-3 months straight and acted with class pretty much the whole time (there are always a few bad apples). And look at them now, playing pretty kitten good in this League.
Anyways, stay cool in school. Have fun, see you around maybe.
Tell this guy:
1 boring week ahead…
If you are in Sorrow’s Rock or Kaineng and play Oceanic, feel free to xfer over to SF, we’ll show you how to play.That it isn’t appropriate to post in a thread where your server is stomping. We like our server much like the fact that you like your server. Server recruitment is that way.
Also you don’t want a bandwagon on your server. All bandwagons do is join your server promising good fights, and winning, and they will stay forever. Only to take over your community, push your server up in the rankings and as soon as you cant move up anymore jump ship to another bandwagon completely desolating your community far worse than it would have been if it was just left alone in the first place.
When within the first couple of posts someone is gloating I tend to look down on that server and not treat them with respect.
I dont care what you do, but maybe someone else wants to get involved with a server that wont lose all the work they do in 1 hour after they log, just like we do when we get done at night. We wake up fully expecting 100 points tops, anything past that is a huge bonus. We’ve got groups that are willing to coach them if they move over, its their choice to make. Stay on Kaineng if a server cluster is the most important thing in your life right now, I don’t care.
I dont care what you do, but maybe someone else wants to get involved with a server that wont lose all the work they do in 1 hour after they log, just like we do when we get done at night. We wake up fully expecting 100 points tops, anything past that is a huge bonus. We’ve got groups that are willing to coach them if they move over, its their choice to make. Stay on Kaineng if a server cluster is the most important thing in your life right now, I don’t care.
Ding! Obnoxious and arrogant without actually addressing any of the points made by the original poster.
-Complete the following statement-
Wow!, SF is really freaken good…….
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