Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.
Come to fight night tonight at SF BL 8:00 EST!
I will stomp the dirty SF players if kaineng has bloodlustI wish I could go but I work at that time.
I’m sure it will last longer, and tell your friends to go
I’ll mention it. However, I don’t get home from work until 11pm EST, do if you’re still going I’ll swing by.
Don’t bother, we’ll organize a group to police that to make sure it doesn’t take place in any BL. If you guys wont give us a fight, you wont have fun either.
Fair enough, you guys have been very good at ruining the fun so far, why stop now?
Guardian – [KAOS] – Killing as Organized Sport
Personal Guild – [BOOK] – Librarians Anonymous
Still beating you though, LOL!!
is that just so funny to you? i guess what they say about the easily amused is true.
i’ve attached a little graphic for ya to show something (shouldn’t be hard to figure out but, i’m not easily amused, and dont troll mags and sos on my other matchup thread, go figure) to compare a good server w/ you guys.
anvil is dead last, you’re 5 places up from us on the current standings, ahead by 157 rank pts, and (at the time i did this) ahead by 133,399 pts.
contrast that to the jq where i also play, who is also matched up against a server 5 ranks below it; ahead by 382 pts, but is (was) ahead by 207,754pts.
so… am i sitting here (or over there) just laughing my self silly about that? trolling them about it? no. i understand how it all works, am a good sport about the game, and generally try to have a fun time about it.
now you guys… yall come in here, and act like the greatest thing since http://kitten and generally make everybody dislike everything you write say and do.
come on… clean it up, stop being punks. there are other servers better than you, who play better servers, beat better servers by larger margians, have better players and are generally much nicer to be around than you lot.
do us all a HUGE favor and get over yourselves.
Sounds like you’re accusing us of not bandwagonning.
I am part of those who wanted to face Blackgate and SoR knowing we’d lose to PPT but wanting to test our skills against those servers would have actually helped us. Lets just say that up to now the xfers, that are supposedly from there, have been major let downs on the battlefield, WZ from FC, IoM from ET to name a few. Complete crap. Yes we have coverage issues, all bronze league has those except HoD.
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.
Welcome to the AR crew that just transferred to SF.
We’ll get you set up later tonight before our usual WvW run starts!
THANK GOODNESS!!! less pugs! the quality of ar wvw just got a +9001 stat boost.
we’ve been discussing what to do w/ that lot. looks like somebody “fixed the glitch in payroll” so we wont have that “problem” anymore.
no giving em back, but it looks like they fit your playstyle anyway.
secessit viri bellatores
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it? we’re actually pretty good, have done pretty good weeks that we don’t play you guys, but thanks
secessit viri bellatores
(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.
SF is a PvE server who has a kick-kitten WvW core group.
I have to quote this to help you and your server mates understand something really important. You are in Bronze League, *no you don’t. This the t-ball of leagues.* If you want to say you have a great PvE community, cool, I can buy that, but a kick-anything WvW core, you are delusional.
As far as all these recruitment messages, no one is going to transfer mid match up when their rewards are tied to the server the were on the day leagues started. Posting recruitment in this thread makes your server look sad and desperate.Well, if I use your reasoning, then since you are at the BOTTOM of the Bronze League you do not know anything about WvW so anything you have said in any post is ignorant and should be ignored.
You don’t actually ready posts do you? By my logic AR does not have a kick … core WvW group. Your consistent failure to read and process things that are posted are what are causing 99% of the drama on this thread. We have very few guilds that dedicate themselves to WvW. See, the issue is you are using your own words and reasoning to get to where you want to get to then trying to twist it around by quoting posts that absolutely do not say what you are inferring.
Show me where, in the post you quoted, that it says anything about SF knowing nothing about WvW. The problem is you can’t, because it isn’t in there…You inferred it in the above bold text. Sorry I do not process things like you, fairly obvious when you contradict what you type out.
Like I said show us all where it says SF knows nothing about WvW in that or any post. There is a lollipop in it for you. I said it before, just because you are projecting your own meaning into things that aren’t there doesn’t make it so. I am 100% sure my lollipops are safe.
LOL, if you can’t see that in what you wrote, well, I am not here to teach you basic reading skills. And not going to waste my time showing you all the quotes from other posts. If you actually want to discuss things then stop making generalized statements and vague references to things and then telling people they read it wrong. Boring stuff really, I am sure you can figure it out though.
Sadly the only one that “sees” these things is you, your server mates won’t even hop on this train. Keep making yourself a star man. You can’t point it out, that is why you keep coming back to your same lame duck “Oh, you know what you said” argument.
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
We don’t have the numbers. That’s been fairly obvious this week. Hell, you spawn camp us with outnumbering forces. As you’ll know by seeing a crazy human engineer General with the [KAOS] tag, I’ll gladly run into a zerg to stomp someone even if I die in the process (Elixir S ftw, I generally get the stomp off). However, our WvW core is <20 people, and the rest don’t have the stamina for a protracted or outnumbered match. I’m sorry you’re not getting the fights you want, but this is due to the stomping our militia has gotten all week. They just don’t show up anymore.
EDIT: We have done well in training our militia the best we can. We even climbed out of last place for a week! However, it is hard, since we get stomped on a regular basis due to population differences. Most of them leave for greener pastures, perhaps even to you. We have a dedicated WvW training crew, we have a website, VoiP, and all the tools. However, we lack the people. It is frustrating, but we will never give up.
Guardian – [KAOS] – Killing as Organized Sport
Personal Guild – [BOOK] – Librarians Anonymous
(edited by Mariticide.1970)
It’s almost as if people who play GW2 also have lives and can’t play as long on a Tuesday night as they can on a Friday night. Someone plz fund this study and confirm.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
It’s almost as if people who play GW2 also have lives and can’t play as long on a Tuesday night as they can on a Friday night. Someone plz fund this study and confirm.
I’m applying for grant money as we speak! :P
Guardian – [KAOS] – Killing as Organized Sport
Personal Guild – [BOOK] – Librarians Anonymous
now you guys are talking plain nonsense
lives, families, jobs??? surely people irl dont have these foolish things
secessit viri bellatores
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
We don’t have the numbers. That’s been fairly obvious this week. Hell, you spawn camp us with outnumbering forces. As you’ll know by seeing a crazy human engineer General with the [KAOS] tag, I’ll gladly run into a zerg to stomp someone even if I die in the process (Elixir S ftw, I generally get the stomp off). However, our WvW core is <20 people, and the rest don’t have the stamina for a protracted or outnumbered match. I’m sorry you’re not getting the fights you want, but this is due to the stomping our militia has gotten all week. They just don’t show up anymore.
That’s not true. Yesterday at roughly 7pm server, 10pm eastern, you had at least 45 or so in EBG and couldnt counter a group of 27. Thanks for the full bags though, I guess. But seriously, how could you guys even lose? Someone isn’t doing their job, especially if some of you are from a so-called “better” server. I’ve yet to see us outplayed every single time, which is what I expect from “better” than us, I mean, losing must be a pre-req. right? When we go 10 v 30, we lose, so that must be your definition of better… numbers.
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
We don’t have the numbers. That’s been fairly obvious this week. Hell, you spawn camp us with outnumbering forces. As you’ll know by seeing a crazy human engineer General with the [KAOS] tag, I’ll gladly run into a zerg to stomp someone even if I die in the process (Elixir S ftw, I generally get the stomp off). However, our WvW core is <20 people, and the rest don’t have the stamina for a protracted or outnumbered match. I’m sorry you’re not getting the fights you want, but this is due to the stomping our militia has gotten all week. They just don’t show up anymore.
That’s not true. Yesterday at roughly 7pm server, 10pm eastern, you had at least 45 or so in EBG and couldnt counter a group of 27. Thanks for the full bags though, I guess. But seriously, how could you guys even lose? Someone isn’t doing their job, especially if some of you are from a so-called “better” server. I’ve yet to see us outplayed every single time, which is what I expect from “better” than us, I mean, losing must be a pre-req. right? When we go 10 v 30, we lose, so that must be your definition of better… numbers.
We never said we were better. We’re in last place. However, I am sorry to hear that one, we had such a large group and I wasn’t there, and two, that they lost. This was open field combat I presume? No towers, no siege? If so, then we will try to do better at training. We have some new commanders too learning the ropes, and to learn you must lose, so hopefully we learn!
Therefore, I appreciate the opportunity that SF is giving us by bringing obviously skilled groups against us. If we constantly fought while outnumbering and outskilling opponents we wouldn’t learn. I assure you that in the future we will do our best to improve.
Guardian – [KAOS] – Killing as Organized Sport
Personal Guild – [BOOK] – Librarians Anonymous
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
We don’t have the numbers. That’s been fairly obvious this week. Hell, you spawn camp us with outnumbering forces. As you’ll know by seeing a crazy human engineer General with the [KAOS] tag, I’ll gladly run into a zerg to stomp someone even if I die in the process (Elixir S ftw, I generally get the stomp off). However, our WvW core is <20 people, and the rest don’t have the stamina for a protracted or outnumbered match. I’m sorry you’re not getting the fights you want, but this is due to the stomping our militia has gotten all week. They just don’t show up anymore.
That’s not true. Yesterday at roughly 7pm server, 10pm eastern, you had at least 45 or so in EBG and couldnt counter a group of 27. Thanks for the full bags though, I guess. But seriously, how could you guys even lose? Someone isn’t doing their job, especially if some of you are from a so-called “better” server. I’ve yet to see us outplayed every single time, which is what I expect from “better” than us, I mean, losing must be a pre-req. right? When we go 10 v 30, we lose, so that must be your definition of better… numbers.
Are referring to when we had around 35ish players out there(and I’m being generous considering mesmer clones and pets show up as green dots on radar)? Your math may be slightly off with the 27 however…yes I take screen shots on occasion.
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
We don’t have the numbers. That’s been fairly obvious this week. Hell, you spawn camp us with outnumbering forces. As you’ll know by seeing a crazy human engineer General with the [KAOS] tag, I’ll gladly run into a zerg to stomp someone even if I die in the process (Elixir S ftw, I generally get the stomp off). However, our WvW core is <20 people, and the rest don’t have the stamina for a protracted or outnumbered match. I’m sorry you’re not getting the fights you want, but this is due to the stomping our militia has gotten all week. They just don’t show up anymore.
That’s not true. Yesterday at roughly 7pm server, 10pm eastern, you had at least 45 or so in EBG and couldnt counter a group of 27. Thanks for the full bags though, I guess. But seriously, how could you guys even lose? Someone isn’t doing their job, especially if some of you are from a so-called “better” server. I’ve yet to see us outplayed every single time, which is what I expect from “better” than us, I mean, losing must be a pre-req. right? When we go 10 v 30, we lose, so that must be your definition of better… numbers.
Are referring to when we had around 35ish players out there(and I’m being generous considering mesmer clones and pets show up as green dots on radar)? Your math may be slightly off with the 27 however…yes I take screen shots on occasion.
Oh, it was a spawncamp incident, militia also. That’s harsh. This must have been right before I got home and joined party Dov.
Guardian – [KAOS] – Killing as Organized Sport
Personal Guild – [BOOK] – Librarians Anonymous
Yeah that has never happened to us whilst fighting Kaineng, only SF people do that.
Also I know we are all just super broken up about your use of emotes (well those of us who haven’t turned them off the first week we had the game), I for one, will be crying specifically about it tonight.
In other news, I hope to have more of you rage-PM me tonight it gives me a chuckle. I think I get more PMs from Kain than I do from anyone else.
You only get /shrug out of me.
I don’t really care to lose, but seriously, why duel someone only to gank them when you’re losing/lost? Throughout the months and months of playing GW2 WvWvW, I’ve only experienced this consistently this week. Sure there have been isolated situations in the past with other servers and i’m sure KN does this as well, just saying that this is a consistent scenario night in and night out and only with SF players (not all but most) that I’ve dueled in this match-up. AR players that I’ve dueled have yet to do this.
@King Amadaeus.8619, no I have not dueled your entire server, this is simply my impression of the ones I’ve met and have had acknowledged duels with. It goes to all servers, Kaineng included, don’t acknowledge a duel and proceed to gank the guy when you lose.
I don’t duel because I know the weaknesses of my class. The way I build is that I’m more of a second-line player, where the frontline guys take all the damage and I’m not being focused. Granted, I’m sure people will jump you because they see a downed friendly (This happened to me) and they rush in to help. I wouldn’t be surprised if half of the people ignore the down’s pleas of ’Don’t kill them, we’re dueling.’ and simply go for the easy kill with that group mentality. I’m just going to say it’s sheer numbers and bored people roaming/trolling.
i’ll try to make it to fightnight, but it’s coinciding with halloween and i got to monitor the front door or my house will get egged. probably will be around 10pm est at the earliest for me to login and attend.
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
We don’t have the numbers. That’s been fairly obvious this week. Hell, you spawn camp us with outnumbering forces. As you’ll know by seeing a crazy human engineer General with the [KAOS] tag, I’ll gladly run into a zerg to stomp someone even if I die in the process (Elixir S ftw, I generally get the stomp off). However, our WvW core is <20 people, and the rest don’t have the stamina for a protracted or outnumbered match. I’m sorry you’re not getting the fights you want, but this is due to the stomping our militia has gotten all week. They just don’t show up anymore.
That’s not true. Yesterday at roughly 7pm server, 10pm eastern, you had at least 45 or so in EBG and couldnt counter a group of 27. Thanks for the full bags though, I guess. But seriously, how could you guys even lose? Someone isn’t doing their job, especially if some of you are from a so-called “better” server. I’ve yet to see us outplayed every single time, which is what I expect from “better” than us, I mean, losing must be a pre-req. right? When we go 10 v 30, we lose, so that must be your definition of better… numbers.
Are referring to when we had around 35ish players out there(and I’m being generous considering mesmer clones and pets show up as green dots on radar)? Your math may be slightly off with the 27 however…yes I take screen shots on occasion.
Oh, it was a spawncamp incident, militia also. That’s harsh.
This must have been right before I got home and joined party Dov.
Yeah a little before that. I was having fun messing around on my baby engi before you got on.
Yeah a little before that. I was having fun messing around on my baby engi before you got on.
The afro makes that engie.
Guardian – [KAOS] – Killing as Organized Sport
Personal Guild – [BOOK] – Librarians Anonymous
Who did we get from AR?
[url=https://] [/url]
Perhaps teaching your server how to play would be a greater benefit to everyone instead of showing us you have a 2nd account somewhere… or are you shunned by the WvW community there?
what would you know about our server or what i or anyone else does on it?
What I know is that you are refusing to give us a fight when you clearly have the numbers. That makes it pretty obvious that no one went to AR to help them get better.
We don’t have the numbers. That’s been fairly obvious this week. Hell, you spawn camp us with outnumbering forces. As you’ll know by seeing a crazy human engineer General with the [KAOS] tag, I’ll gladly run into a zerg to stomp someone even if I die in the process (Elixir S ftw, I generally get the stomp off). However, our WvW core is <20 people, and the rest don’t have the stamina for a protracted or outnumbered match. I’m sorry you’re not getting the fights you want, but this is due to the stomping our militia has gotten all week. They just don’t show up anymore.
That’s not true. Yesterday at roughly 7pm server, 10pm eastern, you had at least 45 or so in EBG and couldnt counter a group of 27. Thanks for the full bags though, I guess. But seriously, how could you guys even lose? Someone isn’t doing their job, especially if some of you are from a so-called “better” server. I’ve yet to see us outplayed every single time, which is what I expect from “better” than us, I mean, losing must be a pre-req. right? When we go 10 v 30, we lose, so that must be your definition of better… numbers.
Are referring to when we had around 35ish players out there(and I’m being generous considering mesmer clones and pets show up as green dots on radar)? Your math may be slightly off with the 27 however…yes I take screen shots on occasion.
Nope not referring to that, but I’m sorry you met the huge LORD zerg, too bad they dont WvW every night, those are numbers that make me smile. That’s the group that kept the pugs off of us.
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.
Still beating you though, LOL!!
is that just so funny to you? i guess what they say about the easily amused is true.
i’ve attached a little graphic for ya to show something (shouldn’t be hard to figure out but, i’m not easily amused, and dont troll mags and sos on my other matchup thread, go figure) to compare a good server w/ you guys.
anvil is dead last, you’re 5 places up from us on the current standings, ahead by 157 rank pts, and (at the time i did this) ahead by 133,399 pts.
contrast that to the jq where i also play, who is also matched up against a server 5 ranks below it; ahead by 382 pts, but is (was) ahead by 207,754pts.
so… am i sitting here (or over there) just laughing my self silly about that? trolling them about it? no. i understand how it all works, am a good sport about the game, and generally try to have a fun time about it.
now you guys… yall come in here, and act like the greatest thing since http://kitten and generally make everybody dislike everything you write say and do.
come on… clean it up, stop being punks. there are other servers better than you, who play better servers, beat better servers by larger margians, have better players and are generally much nicer to be around than you lot.
do us all a HUGE favor and get over yourselves.
LOL, pot calling the kettle black? Who is it that has to keep mentioning being on a T1 server just to make themselves feel better? Before you can expect others to be a certain way (which you obviously do) then YOU need to act that way. (see bold above) I only respond in the same way someone treats me so…take a look in the mirror before you go throwing your accusations around.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
SF is a PvE server who has a kick-kitten WvW core group.
I have to quote this to help you and your server mates understand something really important. You are in Bronze League, *no you don’t. This the t-ball of leagues.* If you want to say you have a great PvE community, cool, I can buy that, but a kick-anything WvW core, you are delusional.
As far as all these recruitment messages, no one is going to transfer mid match up when their rewards are tied to the server the were on the day leagues started. Posting recruitment in this thread makes your server look sad and desperate.Well, if I use your reasoning, then since you are at the BOTTOM of the Bronze League you do not know anything about WvW so anything you have said in any post is ignorant and should be ignored.
You don’t actually ready posts do you? By my logic AR does not have a kick … core WvW group. Your consistent failure to read and process things that are posted are what are causing 99% of the drama on this thread. We have very few guilds that dedicate themselves to WvW. See, the issue is you are using your own words and reasoning to get to where you want to get to then trying to twist it around by quoting posts that absolutely do not say what you are inferring.
Show me where, in the post you quoted, that it says anything about SF knowing nothing about WvW. The problem is you can’t, because it isn’t in there…You inferred it in the above bold text. Sorry I do not process things like you, fairly obvious when you contradict what you type out.
Like I said show us all where it says SF knows nothing about WvW in that or any post. There is a lollipop in it for you. I said it before, just because you are projecting your own meaning into things that aren’t there doesn’t make it so. I am 100% sure my lollipops are safe.
LOL, if you can’t see that in what you wrote, well, I am not here to teach you basic reading skills. And not going to waste my time showing you all the quotes from other posts. If you actually want to discuss things then stop making generalized statements and vague references to things and then telling people they read it wrong. Boring stuff really, I am sure you can figure it out though.
Sadly the only one that “sees” these things is you, your server mates won’t even hop on this train. Keep making yourself a star man. You can’t point it out, that is why you keep coming back to your same lame duck “Oh, you know what you said” argument.
Funny thing is I did point it out but I do not expect you to get it. Just like you keep saying you pointed things out but I don’t see it. Tomato, tomato. And why would I need my servermates? To deal with someone as vague as you? Naw, I got this.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
Its a waste of time responding to them Cantur
[url=https://] [/url]
Its a waste of time responding to them Cantur
It’s a waste of their time responding to Cantur, so who’s trolling who?
Its a waste of time responding to them Cantur
It’s a waste of their time responding to Cantur, so who’s trolling who?
Awwwww, don’t ruin my fun!!
Seriously though, I have enjoyed this matchup on the field, the forums are another matter but each requires it’s own strategy and such. I have actually found that most that I spar with on the forums end up being cool cats and we usually end up having fun teasing each other on here after they realize MOST of what I say I am just playing around. Jeknar is one, I think he really hated me at first.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime