SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I still remember time when defending keep against equal force did give me some kind of feeling of success. It was about 10 months ago.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


Seafarers was tired of getting night & morning capped by vizunah so we’d have paper in primetime. Seafarers responce? Get americans to support at night and a commander starts morning pushes. You’d be surprised how many players are online at night but doesnt want to play since it will have no impact, then get a morning crew and you get 3x the amount of nightplayers. All seafarers did was get one american guild for nightcapping, the morning capping was pure core SFR players who knows they can wake up early and fight. We managed to beat vizunah (they slacked a little tho i think) and bam jobs done.

Whats deso/piken/server x facing sfrs solution? Whine & moan on forums. You can kiss each other and have your kittens “they r bad they only win cuz numberz” but it doesn’t change a thing. SFR had a problem in front of them, and they solved it. Deso & rest have a problem infront of them: They whine and complain.

You think it’s fun for us playing primetime with no enemies? I can be online 24 hours and still have no enemies. We want to fight, we want to kill. If you think your server can beat SFR but lack numbers, then get numbers. We wanted to show vizunah that we had better players so we matched their coverage and won. From now on I only want to meet vizunah because of these things:

1) Vizunah dont qq on forums but are in fact very respectful and polite
2) Vizunah has players on borders during primetime

and one last thing semi-irrelevant thing: I saw on reddit a deso guy complain that we had guild raid on a saturday morning. Yeah, you’d almost think wvw is a hobby for us and that we play it in our freetime. Crazy!

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: stiello.1875


I still remember time when defending keep against equal force did give me some kind of feeling of success. It was about 10 months ago.

At least one SFR wants to give an honest opinion.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


The skill lag is horrible when playing versus these 1 button press servers, instead of having fun you are getting frustrated by playing the game.

Good job! 1 year+ and still skill lag!

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fryggenbart.3907


If you think your server can beat SFR but lack numbers, then get numbers.

Any guilds here, that want to leave SFR to join Desolation or Kodash?
Is that the solution you suggest to us, Holm? :P

And pls: If you have the problem, that you dislike your opponents not having players on borders, pls don´t whine and complain on the forums, solve the problem.

Reta del Bratfish
Piken Square [EU]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: stiello.1875


Fryggenbart come join with your Guild on desolation :P

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: AgentChaos.4932


i think this thread needs more whining


SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fryggenbart.3907


Fryggenbart come join with your Guild on desolation :P

so we should get our 1000+ playeres (most of them pve-only) and transfer? might be the solution to everything, as SFR showed us

Reta del Bratfish
Piken Square [EU]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Epic fight against MS Kodash guild tonight on Deso border! You were outnumbered but still provided a great fight and didn’t back off for a second! P.s. don’t focus me I like to bait

P.s. people that cry about numbers are really fun, as if SFR did 24/7 recruitment campaigns. Our core community is awesome, they make us win and then bandwagoners hop in. If your core community was awesome you’d face the same problem, but my guess is it isn’t and that’s why all the complaining

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Wolfheart.1938)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemoncurry.2345


Glad to see that Kodash has gotten their act together again. You can still make it to the Gold League

For the love of god, please no!


Epic fight against MS Kodash guild tonight on Deso border! You were outnumbered but still provided a great fight and didn’t back off for a second! P.s. don’t focus me I like to bait

Thanks, was fun for us too!
As a side note: I’d love to have name-tags for enemy WvW-players (as in warhammer) in this game… PvP with “arch-enemies” you know, love & hate is much more fun!

Red Illie
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

(edited by Lemoncurry.2345)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

SFR Telling us to hire more people? Do you think it’s that easy? Americans hate EU servers for various reasons, i talked with enough of them to know this. There’s way more EU on NA server then other way around. Secondly your server has high tag (even was medium pop some time ago!!! freaking only 450 gems transfer cost), do you think they will choose US the ‘worse wvw server’ (atm) or come to your cheaper and winning server? You know the answer already.

This battle was unfair when it started. And that you got one of the most unique guilds in the game (hey americans dont like eu and they still came to you), is pure luck. Nothing more. You are saying that your luck is well earned? Lol. Same as saying your magic find is well earned.

And having luck/coverage/best glicko doesn’t entitle a server to become arrogant. It kills the fun of wvw (this includes all servers).

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


This is how it was at 19:00GMT we were outnumbered on our Home Borderlands. Lately the communication, coordination and fighting spirit we used to have that rallied the community for a while seems to have dissipated, it feels like Deso has gone backwards.
The pugs get easily demoralized so they end up going back to old habits and stacking on EB, cause a couple of weeks ago we usually had the outnumbered buff on there, but now we struggle for numbers on the Borderlands.

It’s true that what pugs expect is reward which you get from lootbags and WXP, many of our pugs are not as dedicated or hardcore as we are,but we can’t expect that as we are High pop cause of our PVE population and a strong PVP community.
We truly lack dedicated wvw players who know what builds to use and the fundamentals of wvw besides zerging, but this is no bash towards them as I was once a PVE’er; they can become something more than a ‘clueless’ pug like I was.

As for complaining about x server having more coverage where was the complaining when we were face rolling lower ranked servers with less coverage and running Karma Trains which has seemed to made us complacent? There is no population cap at any hour there never has been..
We should blame ANET for this matchup system that doesn’t take into account wvw population, but what servers can we truly expect have a balanced matchup against like we did back in February without it being too one sided?

SFR has a strong wvw community and it’s one of the top servers as they are so well coordinated and organized with the dedicated community they have, you’ll no doubt attract many server bandwagoners as we used to have back in the day when we were T1 server with many more dedicated wvw Guilds due to success.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


And having luck/coverage/best glicko doesn’t entitle a server to become arrogant. It kills the fun of wvw (this includes all servers).

We certainly had great luck when we had 3h queues because of free transfers some months ago.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

med > high pop is in incredible bumb in player numbers. I’m sure it’s mainly because wvw. It’s almost inevitable that you guys have queue problems now already (will be even worse with transfer hype for league season).

America goes like this, bandwagon to good server, until you are bored of 2h queues, then go to another, etc etc, every time the queue drama comes they transfer.

Tomorrow, next month, wathever, you will have queue drama’s again. And I can’t wait for that moment. Not because i hate you but because that will bring the balance a bit back.

The only thing i like about SFR is killing the vizunah square ‘unstoppable motivation’. To bad sometimes you slack, if sfr really wanted it could have 1970+ glicko. You are getting sloppy in your battle with vizunah.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rayya.2591


SFR = 4x number of deso (if all 4 borders counted together), yet when they loose a battle with 20% more people then Deso they STILL need to call 30 people more in from other border to win.

SFR glicko score: 1950 NR1

Fairplay SFR score 0, Rank 30.

Counter this post wathever you wan’t, lie to yourself wathever you want, this is the truth. I hope the transfer hype for the leagues, is gonna destroy the wvw guilds of sfr again, they deserver after all the cheap recruiting to make a 2nd vizunah square win formula server.

Every time i see a fair battle (equal numbers, no calling in friends), fairplay score of SFR will go up one glicko. Let’s see, still only 5 glicko as off now, will SFR change it’s kitten nature, to good.

Gotta give it to piken square at least that server doesn’t use number to force a victory. I dislike their style but at least they do fairplay when zerg vs zerg is in play.

there is nothing to lie or to counter :
facts are facts, after ascended weapons were introduced , i’ve started farm for 3 days orr temples like crazy, since SFR had poor pve population, i did that by guesting on desolation.
Desolation had over 30 comanders on Cursed Shore and queue on Cursed Shore , Frostgorge Sound. I am sorry if Desolation cannot drag his population in WvWvW. You got enough population to double SFR coverage, you got enough commanders to triple the SFR leaders. However when you fight against SFR and vizunah , you got no more queue’s on wvwvw , and you get outmanned.
So you can accuse SFR because they builded wvwvw community, for training randoms, for providing them an entertaining place in wvwvw, or you can rebuild your wvwvw comunity , and fight against them.
Deso was against SFR and vizunah for months, called SFR unstable and bandwagon, but the time proved contrary.
But don’t tell that SFR have an larger wvwvw population, Desolation have also, lost somewhere betwen fractals and cursed shore
Edit this is not an server that lack population for wvwvw (attachament), looks more like terrified

no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Do you think we haven’t tried that? The PvX lately have been slacking, even though we begged them to stay. What we must do? Pay them to stay. If they don’t want, they don’t want to, it’s not gonna change. Same for all those Orr farmers. Deso always been pve server and with ascended (and low score), people ignore wvw now. Cause it gives them nothing, and the score feels like they are not gonna help much.

That’s why nightcrew is kinda overpowered. I can live with it, but face it, it’s a chain reaction of advantages. Nightcapping = easiest way for points. Ok big advantage alrady. More points = better motivation to get people in wvw. That means even more points. Even more point = high reputation for people who are on other server, some consider to bandwagon to you. We lost 5 people this week. They said their farewell and said ‘i can’t put up with this 3 vs 1 situation anymore, i’m transfering to SFR/piken.

Do we have to hack them to stay on deso or so? We have problems, you will never even realize the impact from, because your server has always been in a luxury position. (lot of wvw, yet low pve community, that a hell of a luxury). We’ve been trying to counter these problems non stop. And all this ‘why does deso have so many forum warrior’s. It’s because you guys make our problem look simple while it isn’t. You guys want to showe our problem under the table, so you can win, untouched. Maybe show a little more respect for it, and we wouldnt have to repeat it all the times.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: noddan.2035


Desolation PVE and Desolation WVW is two different “servers” tbh. The pve community has not interest in WvW etc. And believe me people have tried before and are still trying to spark some interest about WvW!

The winning server is always gonna get flamed on the forums and stuff so theres nothing to avoid there.

I feel bad for the people of SFR that built the WvW community, just to get a new wave of bandwagoners joining to collect easy glory. And to those people that leave servers just to do this, shame on you.

Thanks for some nice fights sfr & kodash, lets try and keep this thread “clean” from comments that wont contribute to anything.

[OP] – Óne Pulse – Guild Leader & Raid leader

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: NYRKKIPAULA.8051


SFR = 4x number of deso (if all 4 borders counted together), yet when they loose a battle with 20% more people then Deso they STILL need to call 30 people more in from other border to win.

SFR glicko score: 1950 NR1

Fairplay SFR score 0, Rank 30.

Counter this post wathever you wan’t, lie to yourself wathever you want, this is the truth. I hope the transfer hype for the leagues, is gonna destroy the wvw guilds of sfr again, they deserver after all the cheap recruiting to make a 2nd vizunah square win formula server.

Every time i see a fair battle (equal numbers, no calling in friends), fairplay score of SFR will go up one glicko. Let’s see, still only 5 glicko as off now, will SFR change it’s kitten nature, to good.

Gotta give it to piken square at least that server doesn’t use number to force a victory. I dislike their style but at least they do fairplay when zerg vs zerg is in play.

there is nothing to lie or to counter :
facts are facts, after ascended weapons were introduced , i’ve started farm for 3 days orr temples like crazy, since SFR had poor pve population, i did that by guesting on desolation.
Desolation had over 30 comanders on Cursed Shore and queue on Cursed Shore , Frostgorge Sound. I am sorry if Desolation cannot drag his population in WvWvW. You got enough population to double SFR coverage, you got enough commanders to triple the SFR leaders. However when you fight against SFR and vizunah , you got no more queue’s on wvwvw , and you get outmanned.
So you can accuse SFR because they builded wvwvw community, for training randoms, for providing them an entertaining place in wvwvw, or you can rebuild your wvwvw comunity , and fight against them.
Deso was against SFR and vizunah for months, called SFR unstable and bandwagon, but the time proved contrary.
But don’t tell that SFR have an larger wvwvw population, Desolation have also, lost somewhere betwen fractals and cursed shore
Edit this is not an server that lack population for wvwvw (attachament), looks more like terrified

Those same pve people been on this server for a year now, people in LA laugh at wvw needing help. They just want Pve which you saw your own eyes.

Also tried to educate newer people to scout, siege locations, siege refreshment etc. Only a few care, rest want pvdoor karmatrain. And when things get tough ie. equal numbers or more zergs and no more free doors @night our numbers disappear.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Harrier.9380


Thanks to [OSC], [BOOM], [KoA], No Entry (forgot your tag :P) and all random people tagging along for cool fights at Kodash BL tonight.

Fighting such an overwhelming force really pushes us to the limits of our abilities and helps us improve as a guild

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: LJMaster.6214


Unfortunately what you say is true, Desolation is the PVE capital of the world. (They still rarely managed to do Balthazar though, why is this?)

I know some PVE guilds that have tried to host WvW events for only 10 or so members to show any interest even if they a total membership of 500.

I sometimes do guild missions with Exss (a PVE guild) and when we bump into another guild doing missions there is literally about 150 people on the map, it’s a dream wvw force. I hear that some servers were designated WvW before launch and some were more PVE, no?

We even lack people on teamspeak now, we can have 30 in the deso bl channel with a queue on the map, meaning that 50 odd people have no clue what is going on. sadface

I give credit to SFR though, I wish we could motivate more people to do WvW, many attempts have been made, everyone would find it a lot more fun if we had more coverage as well because we would be able to compete against SFR and Vizu.

Tonight we even tried a call to arms so to speak in Lions Arch to see if we could actually get more numbers, nobody was remotely interested. It sucks but we have to keep trying, maybe one day…

Leader of Amplified Wrath [AmP]
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]

(edited by LJMaster.6214)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


Trust me when I say we wish everyone else had numbers and coverage to match us. We did it to avoid having everything paper against vizunah. It’s not a situation we like we don’t enjoy pvd in primetime and every pug on kodash and deso will be demotivated to upgrade or even play.

I’m glad some deso seems to be able to see this from our perspective. We are getting too many transfers, transfers that should go help the other servers get coverage.

The fight is as boring for us as for you. I hope the league will interest transfers to servers that can give SFR and viz a run for their money, and I also hope the league won’t kill SFR and Viz with transfers.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Trust me when I say we wish everyone else had numbers and coverage to match us. We did it to avoid having everything paper against vizunah. It’s not a situation we like we don’t enjoy pvd in primetime and every pug on kodash and deso will be demotivated to upgrade or even play.

I’m glad some deso seems to be able to see this from our perspective. We are getting too many transfers, transfers that should go help the other servers get coverage.

The fight is as boring for us as for you. I hope the league will interest transfers to servers that can give SFR and viz a run for their money, and I also hope the league won’t kill SFR and Viz with transfers.

The league won’t just kill SFR and viz with transfers, it will kill any decent form of wvw remaining

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


The league won’t just kill SFR and viz with transfers, it will kill any decent form of wvw remaining

You weren’t on SFR back in March Free Transfers Apocalypse.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: GameRex.8735


Well, it seems like WvW Season 1 is already over.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Hello dear enemys, i came to read some of SFR post, and i think what i call SFR 3.0 (i started to name SFR 1.0, 2.0 etc, because at this time i had feeling it was like a videogame boss for me) will be very dangerous. We are excited for the tournament but we are suspicious of what real forces are waiting for us. American guild? new guilds? old SFR good guilds? we do not know yet !

Anyway, i just want to remember something before the start: we have no canadians, so if you have really a US guild, they will fight tired nerd frenchys. Thats what i told everytime vs RUIN or PRX: countering no sleeping guys with fresh other timezone is a little bit hard for us huhu but heh, we will face it and do not whine if it happen.

See you later, guys !

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


Hello dear enemys, i came to read some of SFR post, and i think what i call SFR 3.0 (i started to name SFR 1.0, 2.0 etc, because at this time i had feeling it was like a videogame boss for me) will be very dangerous. We are excited for the tournament but we are suspicious of what real forces are waiting for us. American guild? new guilds? old SFR good guilds? we do not know yet !

Anyway, i just want to remember something before the start: we have no canadians, so if you have really a US guild, they will fight tired nerd frenchys. Thats what i told everytime vs RUIN or PRX: countering no sleeping guys with fresh other timezone is a little bit hard for us huhu but heh, we will face it and do not whine if it happen.

See you later, guys !

I take it you pulled one of those ‘genius’ called to arms again?

Team Aggression [TA]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leggend.7219


Thanks to [OSC], [BOOM], [KoA], No Entry (forgot your tag :P) and all random people tagging along for cool fights at Kodash BL tonight.

Fighting such an overwhelming force really pushes us to the limits of our abilities and helps us improve as a guild

Ty you too for awesome fight, lot of respect for you guys

regards OSC

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


even french drama included, nice.

Popcorn – 50 gems
Hotdog – 100 gems

Movie already started. Hurry up. Take your seats.

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Sadly a CTA is not a long term solution… and it’s massive work for me. Btw i do not understand why you say it with sarcasm

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: LampGhost.9658


ah well, this week is already a GG to seafarers. i don’t like giving up, but logging on to an EB thats fully red, with 3 waypoints for seafarers says enough. good game guys, hope we can still have some nice fights in the coming days.

to be really fair; i don’t have any hopes arenanet will balance wvw in any way since they’d have to disable the ability of americans playing on EU servers and make server switching ridiculously expensive (or block it completely).

Black Lion Key [AIM]
~ Desolation

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Yh for some reason our night cappers got a extra sugger kick and went beyond pro pvd cappers if deso promise a good fight we will maybe just maybe send our pichakus back to their poke balls:)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Hey guys, I just moved from Jade Quarry to Desolation. My time slot is NA prime. I had fun doing outnumbered wvw last night. Lol SFR, your dedication is hysterical. If you want to keep that red all week during NA, you better put on your running shoes to keep up with my ranger.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

(edited by Chopps.5047)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: LampGhost.9658


Yh for some reason our night cappers got a extra sugger kick and went beyond pro pvd cappers if deso promise a good fight we will maybe just maybe send our pichakus back to their poke balls:)

i think yesterday in EB we had very nice pug fights (including kodash), ending up having big 3 way fights, which is what it’s all about imo. problem for deso is simply that literally all our wvw interested people were there, while we had the other borders near enough all outnumbered, and having a large and very strong guild like zbs fighting for our garri all day doesn’t really give us a chance.

Again, i hope we’ll get some more good fights like yesterday

Black Lion Key [AIM]
~ Desolation

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Sadly a CTA is not a long term solution… and it’s massive work for me. Btw i do not understand why you say it with sarcasm

Maybe because we know you aren’t innocent, you are anticipating major problems for us again; you think Anet is going to destroy again SFR. Yes, I’m still convinced that was free transfers, not your “call to arms”, that solved your 5 (five) consecutive defeats against us (yes Kingface, I did it again, I managed a way to talk again the 5-0).


SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chopps.5047


You could always transfer to another server if queues are bad.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


What? i’m not innocent of what…? i’m not anticipating anything, wth. I do not think Anet is going to destroy SFR. But if you have really 5 US guilds of 25-30 people like a SFR said to a GC, our french nerds won’t be able to counter this at night. It’s just pure maths.

and i never said this call to arms in particular defeated you…

Please, stop saying for me what i trully think

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


we got one us guild.


and maybe few more incoming.

mighty stop attack throma he was good guy and fighting to rebuild vizunah maybe if we decide to fight for real in league and win it we can have a sfr vs vizunah grand final that will make everyone amazed<3

(and then kill the servers because they wanna be in the top 1 without doing anything wow)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miyu.8137


Seafarers was tired of getting night & morning capped by vizunah so we’d have paper in primetime. Seafarers responce? Get americans to support at night and a commander starts morning pushes. You’d be surprised how many players are online at night but doesnt want to play since it will have no impact, then get a morning crew and you get 3x the amount of nightplayers. All seafarers did was get one american guild for nightcapping, the morning capping was pure core SFR players who knows they can wake up early and fight. We managed to beat vizunah (they slacked a little tho i think) and bam jobs done.

Whats deso/piken/server x facing sfrs solution? Whine & moan on forums. You can kiss each other and have your kittens “they r bad they only win cuz numberz” but it doesn’t change a thing. SFR had a problem in front of them, and they solved it. Deso & rest have a problem infront of them: They whine and complain.

You think it’s fun for us playing primetime with no enemies? I can be online 24 hours and still have no enemies. We want to fight, we want to kill. If you think your server can beat SFR but lack numbers, then get numbers. We wanted to show vizunah that we had better players so we matched their coverage and won. From now on I only want to meet vizunah because of these things:

1) Vizunah dont qq on forums but are in fact very respectful and polite
2) Vizunah has players on borders during primetime

and one last thing semi-irrelevant thing: I saw on reddit a deso guy complain that we had guild raid on a saturday morning. Yeah, you’d almost think wvw is a hobby for us and that we play it in our freetime. Crazy!

3 whinning ppl don’t represent the whole server. We never gave up fights vs SFR, we actually managed to keep up with SFR in points during our prime time or even dominated them. 99% of Piken was satisfied in the match with SFR and rather talked about SFR with respect instead of complaining. And if you realy care about the fun and equal and challenging fights instead of domination, then you can always change server, or try to convince your server to stop recruiting americans and stop new guilds from transfering to SFR. Funny you encourage other servers to change instead of trying to change your own server to have more equal and challenging match ups. Cheers

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


3 whinning ppl don’t represent the whole server. We never gave up fights vs SFR, we actually managed to keep up with SFR in points during our prime time or even dominated them. 99% of Piken was satisfied in the match with SFR and rather talked about SFR with respect instead of complaining. And if you realy care about the fun and equal and challenging fights instead of domination, then you can always change server, or try to convince your server to stop recruiting americans and stop new guilds from transfering to SFR. Funny you encourage other servers to change instead of trying to change your own server to have more equal and challenging match ups. Cheers

wtf….i liked match-up that we had before. I really enjoyed sfr vs piken vs ER alot. Lots of good fights.

Even if people where lower on numbers they always jumped out from seige and towers to wipe their enemies not with AC fire. And that described all 3 servers of last week for me.

On this week….HER TAM. Have got only 1-2 good fights, not zone blobs and not pvp.

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


But that’s the whole point. We do NOT encourage any players to join SFR atm.
If anything, newcommers have found that they were treated with quite a bit of rage and anger.

We have a special community role: SFR greeting committee manager and assigned it to Aliendreamer. He’s doing a wonderful job.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


As a side note: I’d love to have name-tags for enemy WvW-players (as in warhammer) in this game… PvP with “arch-enemies” you know, love & hate is much more fun!

Would be great fun but imagine the bad manner. I for one would jump on troma’s corpse all day everyday!

That is not to say I have anything against him, he is a great guy, just on the wrong server!

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: GameRex.8735


It is not free transfers this time.
It is hardcore player “i_am_rich_and_i_want_to_have_all_succes” transfer. In other word, free hardcore player for SFR.

GG, the league is already over.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Dunno if it’s already over, but VS has clearly a lot less people than SFR 3.0, right now. We didn’t make recruit campaign, lost people over time, and didn’t have reinforcements. We have no canadians too (good old fake propaganda). So if our unsleeping nerds have to face very huge army of fresh guys at night, we won’t be able to win this.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Hey thief roamer on deso border at bay from SFR.

I am a GS+Longbow warrior, and you are only hiding and hiding, I even tried to kill you but its impossible due to your hiding skills.

That’s why I lured you into the water, and there you was running from me!

So why do you go up land, be in your safe hiding zone and press /laugh?

I even came out to land to try to kill you again! But you were traited for 1v1s and I was GS+LB, eventually I just leave.

But too be honest mr SFR hide in shadow thief? If you are so good, why didn’t you kill me on land? Twice?

So stop laughing and get more skills instead of hide every 2 seconds and shoot from distance. SFR chicken.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


So if our unsleeping nerds have to face very huge army of fresh guys at night, we won’t be able to win this.

This is what I call putting your hands in front of you before tripping.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: scanz.4536


Thanks to [OSC], [BOOM], [KoA], No Entry (forgot your tag :P) and all random people tagging along for cool fights at Kodash BL tonight.

Fighting such an overwhelming force really pushes us to the limits of our abilities and helps us improve as a guild

Ty you too for awesome fight, lot of respect for you guys

regards OSC

Keep up the effort to fight alone. We enjoy the open field fights with you guys, but it is tiresome when another SFR guild comes running in from the side or behind.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arcade.8901


Vizunah are the pro choice for people to join to get the league done, too many french, too many canadians, only pro guilds, only people with 500+ WvW rank. Leave that uspcalled SFR alone. BTW Vizunah is not french server they just pretend to be in reality they are as international as SFR.

So Vizunah is your choice.

Kind regards.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


and too many pve players que to all pve maps:)

except a lot of pve players in vizunah to go WvW in league and screw up for them please go there you wont be able to play:)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

@ Troma
If you don’t want anyone to interpret your toughs, please keep them for you, don’t make them public, and btw when you talk about SFR 3.0 I (and many of us, that have memory) consider that offensive and you know it, or do I need to get back comments from VS players about SFR 1.0 and 2.0, that just intend to offend SFR players? Usually they are linked to the prediction of SFR to be the new Blacktide.

@ Wemil,

Please refrain to comment my posts, I never comment yours, and there was lot to comment. Respect a player that never left is server, and as always fought for it, and a few month ago I stand almost alone against the people that want to transform us in losers (this’s not any indirect comment to you, everyone knows that you left the server). Let me pick my battles, I’m a grow man, I know watt I’m doing.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


be nice to troma or I will eat you