SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toby.2357


Soooo is this how wvw allways going to be like from now on? Everyone transferring to other servers? The sudden domination of SFR kind of killed the spirit of Desolation WvW’ers, EB or borderlands are hardly active right now from Desolation side, I keep getting ganked by SFR zergs everywhere i go. Guess its time to jump the bandwagon

Level 80 Kudzu Ranger – SFR

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Nah don’t jump, just wait a week.

If SFR likes to night cap everything and only fight with 100+ people

Well SFR have fun fighting empty WvW! No kills for you.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Nah sorry Mighty but it’s a nonsense, you cannot deform what i say with some paranoid thoughs, i’m not offensive at all, even if it’s public. I never commented SFR like this and never predicted your fall. And i’m allowed to talk like everyone fs. I really think SFR has become a greater danger than before, because of the mass recruit you done, and your american help.

But i think it’s overkill for everyone even VS because we have no canadians, and all the people you got will be too much, even if we play 15h/day.

The false propaganda about canadians (1 year on VS, working for it, i know more than nobody there is no canadian guild, just 5-6 players) made you overreact. We are just playing too much. And we will face the same problem as before, tired night players vs fresh US players. Thats the only thing i want to say before league

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: stiello.1875


Hey thief roamer on deso border at bay from SFR.

I am a GS+Longbow warrior, and you are only hiding and hiding, I even tried to kill you but its impossible due to your hiding skills.

That’s why I lured you into the water, and there you was running from me!

So why do you go up land, be in your safe hiding zone and press /laugh?

I even came out to land to try to kill you again! But you were traited for 1v1s and I was GS+LB, eventually I just leave.

But too be honest mr SFR hide in shadow thief? If you are so good, why didn’t you kill me on land? Twice?

So stop laughing and get more skills instead of hide every 2 seconds and shoot from distance. SFR chicken.

Ooh Magnetroll got Trolled!

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

this was fun(!)


Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyathOrecaille.7092


Hi guys from SFR and Desolation.

We had much fun last night capping the East Tower on SFR Border with 7 players.
We built defense in less than 5 minutes, being curious how much players you need to get it back!
Was nice to watch the first 10-15 fail with rams and catas as well :)
Finally you got it back with 2 trebs from your Garisson after 10min, but it was great satisfaction for us that you needed them + 20 players to get it back ;)
Made us feeling a bit better after you were able to hold our Garrison for hours before!

Greetings from [ZdD] and Kodash!

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Repuran.1859


we got one us guild.


and maybe few more incoming.

mighty stop attack throma he was good guy and fighting to rebuild vizunah maybe if we decide to fight for real in league and win it we can have a sfr vs vizunah grand final that will make everyone amazed<3

(and then kill the servers because they wanna be in the top 1 without doing anything wow)

“everyone amazed” lolwat amazed at what server has the most people pressing 1 at once cos that is what it will be, idk how you consider a final of sfr vs Viz to be amazing when all it will be is what blob has the most people to press 1…

Full time Engi, Part time Ele

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


because of the mass recruit you done


“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


I feel like I need to clarify for everyone non-sfr

We have not recruited. Guilds that were none primetime was always welcome/encouraged to play with us. We did not put up a LFG poster in all major cities in the world.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dahir.4158


Hey thief roamer on deso border at bay from SFR.

I am a GS+Longbow warrior, and you are only hiding and hiding, I even tried to kill you but its impossible due to your hiding skills.

That’s why I lured you into the water, and there you was running from me!

So why do you go up land, be in your safe hiding zone and press /laugh?

I even came out to land to try to kill you again! But you were traited for 1v1s and I was GS+LB, eventually I just leave.

But too be honest mr SFR hide in shadow thief? If you are so good, why didn’t you kill me on land? Twice?

So stop laughing and get more skills instead of hide every 2 seconds and shoot from distance. SFR chicken.

Because Magnetron, he sensed your immense power emanating from you. Don’t blame him, blame yourself for being too powerful.


SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Dude you use longbow. How he could stop laughing?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toby.2357


I feel like I need to clarify for everyone non-sfr

We have not recruited. Guilds that were none primetime was always welcome/encouraged to play with us. We did not put up a LFG poster in all major cities in the world.

Perhaps you didnt recruit anyone, but the bandwagon express certainly did make several stops at SFR, the sudden maximum domination is almost embarassing. You cant possibly belive that all of the sudden every SFR player just started doing WvW, not even VS does this. Doing WvW as Desolation player in this weeks match-ups is pointless- I join a borderland, roam with a small group / zerg, get stomped by outnumbering SFR zergs and then people looses spirit and leaves, making it harder to actualy be able to stand against you guys. Once we got dominated it was almost impossible to stop the SFR zerg train. On top of that you guys dont even give us a breathing room to let us cap back / regain some moral.

All abord the bandwagon zerg train!! Destination: never

I dont envy you guys tho, the que times are probably horrible over at SFR

Level 80 Kudzu Ranger – SFR

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Perhaps you didnt recruit anyone, but the bandwagon express certainly did make several stops at SFR, the sudden maximum domination is almost embarassing.

There’s little to say sadly, you can’t stop transfers.

Even if you wish to, even if you didn’t recruit, even if SFR core players hates blob and all that s*it as much as Piken or Deso, even if Alien rages at them to make them run away, being the first non language specific server – and, usually, less populated than Deso due to their massive PvE numbers making them look very high quite frequently – will draw people – and usually of the worst kind, tons of bandwagoners/pve heroes/bads lately.

Add in the mix some free transfers (nearly killed SFR back in the day), leagues, Bloodlust, rewards, some strange RNG putting Viz behind us, fact that most pvers now have so much money that paying a transfer isn’t troublesome…..

Again, we’d like to get rid of some numbers as much as you’d like to do not see all those blobs. We never intended this, SFR built up as strongly primetime guildraids based dominance over everything else.
A shame that getting in first tiers that way attracted so many ppl to turn in something else, willing or not.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dahir.4158


Dude you use longbow. How he could stop laughing?

Only the best of the best use Longbow. That thief was just too stupid to see that.


SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Strong and honest message, Andrew. Well, we will see how it’s hard, and i already know we will loose commanders again due to burnout. Even myself i will play a lot more, i will give all i got, i know Grand Cross too and i hope VS too. Because even if i respect you, you are our good old nemesis and i never forget it.

An interesting but very difficult era is coming. Our winter is coming.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hiei.8697


Thanks to [OSC], [BOOM], [KoA], No Entry (forgot your tag :P) and all random people tagging along for cool fights at Kodash BL tonight.

Fighting such an overwhelming force really pushes us to the limits of our abilities and helps us improve as a guild

Thanks to you [COIN], you are a great guild!
Just out of curiosity, how many were you last night?

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: LaFleur.9374


this was fun(!)

At least we kept north camp…

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Dude you use longbow. How he could stop laughing?

Wtf of a build is GS/Longbow anyways? Certainly not good for big groups, doesn’t seem great for small scale either.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Dude you use longbow. How he could stop laughing?

Wtf of a build is GS/Longbow anyways? Certainly not good for big groups, doesn’t seem great for small scale either.

I use the same build in Spvp too and it works great there, it is a support/damage role.. but it is hard fighting vs mesmers and thiefs.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


An interesting but very difficult era is coming. Our winter is coming.

Don’t call it out too early!

Aside that matches aren’t even started…. tomorrow the Orbageddon will fall upon us.

And if guilds stop playing/transfer away/disband due to Bloodlust, or to a flood of “pugs” chocking the queques, then SFR it’s done.

(clarifying: it’s just a worst case scenario and every guild on SFR has no plan neither to leave or disband or transfer away. I’m just saying that it could happen.)

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Yep i just want to warn and stay lucid. Anyway even it’s unbalanced (or not, maybe a lot of Vizunians will come back, who know) i will not surrender until the league is done! NEVER !

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manuelito.6081


I am convinced that at the end of season 1 we will be able to see the future of the game (WvW-wise), and also server population balance, if any. So far, I only see the WvW population (but also players, overall) decreasing continuously; I really hope for a change in the trend.


SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toby.2357


I bet when anet releases the reward list from the league the bandwagon transferes gonna realize that the rewards werent worth it. So far the rumors are that the reward is just some pvp finishers, not including the meta achievement reward. But its just rumors

Level 80 Kudzu Ranger – SFR

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: maeggle.6021


Dear fellow desolation players, if one side outnumbers the other two match participants, one should think about the possibility to use every chance to kitten up the superior force (e.g. reset their way point in bay when we open every gate for you), instead of getting wiped again and again from the other sufferer (e.g. in hills).

SFR appears to be nothing more than a huge pile of not so great players and mostly self-proclaimed pseudo-elitist guild zergs, blobbing the kitten out of everything.
It is funny how easy all of your “top” guilds’s players die when they get seperated from their zergs. I’d acknowledge if you know how to defend yourself by your movement and the usage of your skills – but I’m sorry to bring this to you: most of you just suck at fighting in this game. (Before you bring it to me: Me and my guildees are suckers, too, but we don’t claim to be anything else anyways).

Don’t get me wrong… I had some great and informative duels and small scale fights with both Seafarers and Desolates, but unfortunately none of those opponents had a tag of the oh so glory SFR and Deso “core” guilds on them.

Btw: Still looking for a 5vs5 GvG (golems vs golems) tomorrow night – Is any group of SFR or Deso interested in some fun?

Kodash [DE] – Ninja Nurse Rescue Squad [care] – Elementalist
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


Guys stop trolling SFR. It is undeniable that the current point system in world vs world clearly shows 100% accurate evidence of how good a server is at world vs world. SFR have the best fighters in the entire world. Just look at their tick. Clearly shows they are the best at everything.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: TheUltimateBackStabber.4863


The new update with the change to the BL and the buff you get is quite interesting since it will be added while we are in the middle of a matchup^^ wonder how the points will change.
Will SFR be unstopable??? To Be Continued

Thanks to you [COIN], you are a great guild!
Just out of curiosity, how many were you last night?

O.O think we had 23 Coin members that day. (Probably some randoms too, but mostly they act as rally bots because they aren’t on our ts channel so they cant keep up and die. Nothing about their skill, just lack of direction or either upscaled)

Asuran race is the best… +
Fluttershy #1 :)

(edited by TheUltimateBackStabber.4863)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hiei.8697


O.O think we had 23 Coin members that day. (Probably some randoms too, but mostly they act as rally bots because they aren’t on out ts channel so they cant keep up and die. Nothing about their skill, just lack of direction or either upscaled)

I don’t said that you outnumbered us, I just ask how many you were

We inc [COIN] to improve our skill because we know that you are one of the best guild in Deso

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


Guys stop trolling SFR. It is undeniable that the current point system in world vs world clearly shows 100% accurate evidence of how good a server is at world vs world. SFR have the best fighters in the entire world. Just look at their tick. Clearly shows they are the best at everything.

At least in SFR our guilds don’t change border when they get wiped

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


Guys stop trolling SFR. It is undeniable that the current point system in world vs world clearly shows 100% accurate evidence of how good a server is at world vs world. SFR have the best fighters in the entire world. Just look at their tick. Clearly shows they are the best at everything.

At least in SFR our guilds don’t change border when they get wiped

Yes they do. I can name 4 that either run away or come back with 2 more guilds XD.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Hey thief roamer on deso border at bay from SFR.

I am a GS+Longbow warrior, and you are only hiding and hiding, I even tried to kill you but its impossible due to your hiding skills.

That’s why I lured you into the water, and there you was running from me!

So why do you go up land, be in your safe hiding zone and press /laugh?

I even came out to land to try to kill you again! But you were traited for 1v1s and I was GS+LB, eventually I just leave.

But too be honest mr SFR hide in shadow thief? If you are so good, why didn’t you kill me on land? Twice?

So stop laughing and get more skills instead of hide every 2 seconds and shoot from distance. SFR chicken.

Because Magnetron, he sensed your immense power emanating from you. Don’t blame him, blame yourself for being too powerful.

Muahaha I cannot WAIT for the sick em buff. Better hide your thieves!

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Btw: Still looking for a 5vs5 GvG (golems vs golems) tomorrow night – Is any group of SFR or Deso interested in some fun?

I’m up for a 2 vs 2, can’t gather any more than this.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: maeggle.6021


I’m up for a 2 vs 2, can’t gather any more than this.

This coming from a Seafarer…

We’ll sit out the obvious hot fixes on patch day and would like to invite you to join us at Desolation borderlands in the southern or south-western ruins at around 20:00 GMT.

Kodash [DE] – Ninja Nurse Rescue Squad [care] – Elementalist
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


I take it as a no?

I’ll ignore the insults and provocations, this time.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Wolfheart.1938)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: maeggle.6021


Take it as a yes — just depends on the goodwill of if they let us play wuvwuv and build some golems by then.

(No offense in my previous post, just a cynical comment on the numbers SFR is able to field atm)

Kodash [DE] – Ninja Nurse Rescue Squad [care] – Elementalist
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Victory.2879


Queues this week for the times I have wanted to get into wvw have been long- I’m beginning to forget what EB on SFR even looks like!

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hebril Amolebin.9817

Hebril Amolebin.9817

Dear fellow desolation players, if one side outnumbers the other two match participants, one should think about the possibility to use every chance to kitten up the superior force (e.g. reset their way point in bay when we open every gate for you), instead of getting wiped again and again from the other sufferer (e.g. in hills).

SFR appears to be nothing more than a huge pile of not so great players and mostly self-proclaimed pseudo-elitist guild zergs, blobbing the kitten out of everything.
It is funny how easy all of your “top” guilds’s players die when they get seperated from their zergs. I’d acknowledge if you know how to defend yourself by your movement and the usage of your skills – but I’m sorry to bring this to you: most of you just suck at fighting in this game. (Before you bring it to me: Me and my guildees are suckers, too, but we don’t claim to be anything else anyways).

Don’t get me wrong… I had some great and informative duels and small scale fights with both Seafarers and Desolates, but unfortunately none of those opponents had a tag of the oh so glory SFR and Deso “core” guilds on them.

Btw: Still looking for a 5vs5 GvG (golems vs golems) tomorrow night – Is any group of SFR or Deso interested in some fun?

And it comes from guild like yours? honestly you just run every time you see CoN or other of the big guilds… And even if you kill a single struggler from the big guild, it is probably because we run team builds,not for 1v1 or small scale, if you catch glamour mesmer or shout guardian ect with small group or stun lock warrior you can kill it. But it does not mean he is bad player just his skills and traits are pick for the group and btw we in CoN run 25-30 on maps so? we blob?
Btw last night in deso garrison was fun 20+ min 3 way fight but at the end 7th caught us in a choke point but was fun and lag free for us at least. And deso blob in 12 pm on the map was insane you call us blobing?

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Arcade.8901


Dear fellow desolation players, if one side outnumbers the other two match participants, one should think about the possibility to use every chance to kitten up the superior force (e.g. reset their way point in bay when we open every gate for you), instead of getting wiped again and again from the other sufferer (e.g. in hills).

SFR appears to be nothing more than a huge pile of not so great players and mostly self-proclaimed pseudo-elitist guild zergs, blobbing the kitten out of everything.
It is funny how easy all of your “top” guilds’s players die when they get seperated from their zergs. I’d acknowledge if you know how to defend yourself by your movement and the usage of your skills – but I’m sorry to bring this to you: most of you just suck at fighting in this game. (Before you bring it to me: Me and my guildees are suckers, too, but we don’t claim to be anything else anyways).

Don’t get me wrong… I had some great and informative duels and small scale fights with both Seafarers and Desolates, but unfortunately none of those opponents had a tag of the oh so glory SFR and Deso “core” guilds on them.

Btw: Still looking for a 5vs5 GvG (golems vs golems) tomorrow night – Is any group of SFR or Deso interested in some fun?

So, you think if a Shout War can’t kill a fotm spvp Mace,Shield/GS War, it’s the shouter’s fault ? Get your facts together, with those fotm 1v1 builds you ll be able to scare the cows of or leech the wexp from your already struggling blobs.

Btw i can twist the fact and place it like this, Kodash players are just bad, they getting 4-7k Earth shakers, they need to change bers to smth else.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: ZenJii.7490


Thanks to Deso and SFR for the nice fights on Deso BL

Sorry to CoN for the random who tried to ruin your GvG with VII, we tried to talk some sence into him but he’s a GvG hater. Guess every server has those kind of Immanuel KANTs.

And big thanks again to VII. It was awesome working with you guys Knowing that you’ll leave us soon makes me sad q.q.


SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Screenager.7804


Zenj ty for coming out and playing last night. Miss playing with vii and it was a very big kick to see deso bl in such dire straights… Anyway ty all the deso players who formed up and helped the cause last night. It was a tough tough fight

Executed [ExE] – Piken Square

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Axle.5182


The only thing that has ever hampered Desolation from taking share of transfers is that dreaded 1800 gem transfer fee in today’s exchange rate that is like 70 gold per head it is the primary reason we get very few transfers , people want to win and they compare that with the cost involved to do so SFR and other servers are a way more attractive option to these people it’s not all about organisation and skill.

SFR can maintain much higher coverage and numbers with a smaller cheaper to transfer server because you have a greater full time WvW vs PVE/X population. I very much believe if all the WVW guilds left Deso it would still very much be a High populated server that speaks volumes in how much of the total population the WVW players actualy represent lol.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hebril Amolebin.9817

Hebril Amolebin.9817

btw the price to get to sfr is like 50+g so your excuse is lame…..

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Axle.5182


btw the price to get to sfr is like 50+g so your excuse is lame…..

How is that lame? the cost fluctuates depending on the current Exchange rate of gold/gems when i first transferred to desolation even then at 1800 gems it cost 43 gold as the months have gone by the value of gold has depreciated quite allot either way you are a cheaper.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Axle.5182


To be quite frank i applaud your server for having the ability to bounce back i really do but i would hang fast on getting on your high horse and calling us all terrible, with your efforts and success you have inadvertently created again the very thing that brought you down and if i should be as bold to mention the phrase free transfers we know what comes next We cannot yet rule out that these will not return at some stage.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

btw the price to get to sfr is like 50+g so your excuse is lame…..

How is that lame? the cost fluctuates depending on the current Exchange rate of gold/gems when i first transferred to desolation even then at 1800 gems it cost 43 gold as the months have gone by the value of gold has depreciated quite allot either way you are a cheaper.

id blame it more on wvw season… SFR is the highest non language locked server

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: maeggle.6021


And it comes from guild like yours? honestly you just run every time you see CoN or other of the big guilds…

Nah, I don’t think so, Tim.
Whenever we raid with our 10 to 20 guys and gals, we jump into guild groups and blobs alike. When you see our backs, it most probably is because we haven’t seen you yet, or because we have better things to do.

And even if you kill a single struggler from the big guild, it is probably because we run team builds,not for 1v1 or small scale, if you catch glamour mesmer or shout guardian ect with small group or stun lock warrior you can kill it.

Please don’t give me the “team build” talk. This is just bullkitten. I know most classes and tried different builds, so I know what they are capable of. If you cannot extend your life time (e.g. to get reinforced by your guildees) by timed dodges and skill usage, this is just bad game play and has nothing to do with a supportive build.
Also: Who brings a hammer/mace+shield warrior to a guild raid of 20+?

btw we in CoN run 25-30 on maps so? we blob?

Nope. But you certainly outnumber every guild group on Kodash by 10 to 20 players…

So, you think if a Shout War can’t kill a fotm spvp Mace,Shield/GS War, it’s the shouter’s fault ? Get your facts together, with those fotm 1v1 builds you ll be able to scare the cows of or leech the wexp from your already struggling blobs.

Except: None of us runs sPvP or any kind of fotm build… Also:

I’d acknowledge if you know how to defend yourself by your movement and the usage of your skills – but I’m sorry to bring this to you: most of you just suck at fighting in this game.

It’s okay to miss a dodge every once in a while – happens to the best of us. It’s another story if you’re unable to use snares and stun breaks, and to evade soft and hard cc at any time of the fight. Just standing there and waiting for the raid lead to tell one, when to dodge and where the nasty sections are, probably?

Btw i can twist the fact and place it like this, Kodash players are just bad, they getting 4-7k Earth shakers, they need to change bers to smth else.

(Before you bring it to me: Me and my guildees are suckers, too, but we don’t claim to be anything else anyways).

Reading and understanding are two different things, which work great if they go along…

Kodash [DE] – Ninja Nurse Rescue Squad [care] – Elementalist
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: StressHead.9750


A little birdy tells me DVG are leaving Deso soon.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: AgentChaos.4932


not to join sfr i hope


SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hebril Amolebin.9817

Hebril Amolebin.9817

maeggle – honestly your post on top shows how you understand the game GG you are on kodash keep it going.
And it is not elitism from us that we say your servers are bad just pointing the fact. Half of your guys are upscaled others are running full zerkers and just melt.. And as we pointed above with other servers being bad and we as highest ranked int server it create problems for us. But we cant do anything about it ?! we have to stop play wvw? or what some of us dont play anything else you know?
And as for transfers SFR is high – very high in eu time zones so … to say it is cheap to transfer to us… the only top server that is medium and cheap to transfer is piken.

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


I feel like I need to clarify for everyone non-sfr

We have not recruited. Guilds that were none primetime was always welcome/encouraged to play with us. We did not put up a LFG poster in all major cities in the world.

Perhaps you didnt recruit anyone, but the bandwagon express certainly did make several stops at SFR, the sudden maximum domination is almost embarassing. You cant possibly belive that all of the sudden every SFR player just started doing WvW, not even VS does this. Doing WvW as Desolation player in this weeks match-ups is pointless- I join a borderland, roam with a small group / zerg, get stomped by outnumbering SFR zergs and then people looses spirit and leaves, making it harder to actualy be able to stand against you guys. Once we got dominated it was almost impossible to stop the SFR zerg train. On top of that you guys dont even give us a breathing room to let us cap back / regain some moral.

All abord the bandwagon zerg train!! Destination: never

I dont envy you guys tho, the que times are probably horrible over at SFR

true outmanned in 2 borders at Saturday:)

3 minutes que prime time.

massive que started at 20:00 at that hour every guild raid already started so Q-Q

we run no commander tag so pugs that don’t join ts will eventually be bored and quit<3.

btw sfr is not international anymore we got soo many Russians here so it must be new Russian server sorry:)

every prime time we got a border ppls only speak Russian:)

(edited by Wemil.7052)

SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: gjop.8612


A little birdy tells me DVG are leaving Deso soon.

Soon to be Piken Square Vanguard it seems.