SFR / Kodash / Baruch

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Well balanced setup with the ability to create counter setups. Gives you enough room to make tactical movements, good skill placement, sticking to the commander allows him to move around any aoe on the ground. Avoiding enemy crowd control abilities. Make tactical portals and so on…

With 100v100 all that is not possible.

Just no skilled chaos and with the current state of Anet server. 10sec lags :P

However in the future when we could play on a different servers that could provide us with a stable connection and no lags. Anet could create one massive battle scenario. Where we could coordinate our guilds with e.g. 1 supreme commander and make an actuall large scale battle. Then our guilds could perform different tasks on the battlefield etc. involving all tactical strategies, asignments etc.

Could be interesting.

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Dude srsly.

I could easily use the same arguments against your 25vs25 zergfest and in favour of my skilldemanding 5vs5.

Warhammer tried your last suggestion.
Ppl still managed to zerg as one blob around that map (City-Instance). Because if ppl can blob, they always will blob.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Well I don’t think you can use these arguments against 25 because you’ve got enough room for anything. But this argument when you’re sure you’re the only one who can be right is really well pointless. You can pretty much take it to 1vs1 if you want to take it against me. No point in that. If someone wants to argue he will. I’m not a person who likes to argue too often.

Even though you could blob in warhammer you had also plenty of room to improve your guilds and excell at pvp. It’s a bit different in here. If you want to talk about mmos or games I’m always available on PMs. I’m playing mmos for over 10 years and tried most of them. If you’re looking for a discussion of merits I’m up. However this is not the place for it I think. ;-)

Always up for discussions about games and ideas how we can improve stuff.


Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


You just made exactly my point. I “could” break it down to 1v1, that is right. But in 1v1 no group coordination is needed anymore. Lets leave it there.

For me the ultimate team has 3 ppl. CC, DPS and Support.

Everything else is brainless zerging.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


Sure it’s awesome to run small scale 3-5 and fight vs 10-15 guys and win. Amazing feeling also I agree. You’re of course welcome to play the game in the way you see fit. Small scale fights recquire a lot of skill as oposed to 50+ blobs. You should try playing in an organised pro group of 20-25 and see how it works. How much effort and skill it takes to make everything work. I think you would like it.

Our discusion is the perfect example that you can have different opinions and you don’t have to offend and accuse others constantly. That is what I want to achieve in SFR. Keep it decent and Civil so that we don’t have to be embarrassed everytime we drop in to your own match-up thread.


Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I know that I would like it, as I played in such groups already.
Then again I figured why I would like it. I could get lazy without big consequences. As my single effort did not mean as much as in a 3vsX situation.

Still I am far from denying that zerg GvG does require effort, experience and coordination.

It is a different game and I like both to a certain point.
The bigscale variant often feels like being on a vacation though.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


In roaming wvw yes you’re right. In GvG however if one person makes a mistake it can change the tide of battle and you’re done. Still I agree that we should all focus either on small scale roaming or create wvw arenas or GvG. In order to reflect players skill that is necessary. Playing 50+ is boring and no skilled. At least we agree on this one :P

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

(edited by Darkman.1257)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spiuk.8421


In roaming wvw yes you’re right. In GvG however if one person makes a mistake it can change the tide of battle and you’re done. Still I agree that we should all focus either on small scale roaming or create wvw arenas or GvG. In order to reflect players skill that is necessary. Playing 50+ is boring and no skilled. At least we agree on this one :P

Playing 17+ is boring and no skilled.

Rubios – Tales of the Sunless [TXS]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkman.1257


I’ll point it out next time you will run with Pure Might in your 20-25 setup. Thanks

Drq – Asura Elementalist -[EU]Gunnar’s Hold –
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


My point is that in a 3vsX one error would destroy the entire group.

In 25vs25 it might have an impact, but it would be 4% of the participants who failed, not 33%.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


Very sad that both of SFR and Kodash servers have gotten a deal to play against us baruch…Are we really that good that you two servers have to ally?

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Barrigon.8965


I’ve just waiting too much time to se SFR again!!
Really nice this match up, remembering “The good old days” we pass in SFR, we we’re brother in arms and now enemys, but when i see your [TAG] it cames to my mind the differents storys we went throught and always with a smile in my face.
Special regard to ECL , ZDs, NoE and all the other guild we have the pleassure to combat back to back, keep doing!
PD: is still alive a NoE thief like ‘Rayya’, too many nights taking towers alone in the map :p

Proud member of [siN] – Baruch Bay

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sevenn.3085


Now another source of work time entertainment has gone all ….. vanilla.

Need more trolling and kitten-posting pls.

Junkpile, where are you when i need you????

[ECL] [CE] [Oz]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I was wondering who would be the first to pull out the “alliance-hammer”.
The price goes to brakheart, brave Baruchi against all odds.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I did drive forklift whole day. Poor people need to work. Can’t PvD whole night.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


look Zumy, right now i’ve seen how Kodash opened a wall of Durios and let SFR enter with its zerg. So don’t talk kitten.

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moon.6371


@ Sevenn:

You should learn reading german, today`s contributions to the german version of the matchup thread are quite enjoyable. Definitely worth a read, Zumy did a great job.

Best regards

[Buka] Koma Grey
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansau.7326


I personally have never believed in alliances. That would only take advantage if both servers had 24h coverage, like VS. But in our case, where servers have capping in different moments, the alliances aren’t worth.
Anyway, now the map doesn’t show any alliance. Baruch is strong in his map, also attacking SR one. SR focus on Kodash map and EB is equilibrated.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

(edited by Ansau.7326)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


What should we have done in your opinion?

Fight the zerg from sfr so that you could attack us from behind?
Run in so that you would attack us from the front and sfr from behind?

Or just wait and let sfr destroy your acs and maybe take your Tower?
It would be easier for us to take a non-upraded tower with no acs.

Brandar – Kodash [DE]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407



Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


look Zumy, right now i’ve seen how Kodash opened a wall of Durios and let SFR enter with its zerg. So don’t talk kitten.

No me cuentes historias.

You might have the microcosmic impression it happened like that. This doesnt mean it did.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aioros.4862


I personally have never believed in alliances. That would only take advantage if both servers had 24h coverage, like VS. But in our case, where servers have capping in different moments, the alliances aren’t worth.
Anyway, now the map doesn’t show any alliance. Baruch is strong in his map, also attacking SR one. SR focus on Kodash map and EB is equilibrated.

The income evolution graphic seems to indicate that your server has very good 24h coverage (much better coverage than SFR or Kodash, in fact), so what’s the problem?

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansau.7326


The income evolution graphic seems to indicate that your server has very good 24h coverage (much better coverage than SFR or Kodash, in fact), so what’s the problem?

Brakheart is complaining about a possible alliance between SR and Kodash against Baruch. Not that Baruch is doing an alliance…

Even though, Baruch has never been interested in alliances, since it would only be with another Spanish server in response to a server who had done an alliance against us previously. But this is impossible, cause there’s no other spanish server than baruch, neither any server has done a clear alliance during all week in WvW, thanks to a good competition spirit between all servers.

PD: I would recommend to look to this link at the end of the match and see the score during the weekend compared to the score of the rest of the week. If you don’t want to wait, just look our last match against Elona and Deso.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

(edited by Ansau.7326)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: brakheart.1407


the timing was just too good for it to have been coincidence. Sorry, but i don’t believe you ^^ Maybe your commander was the one that spoke with a SFR, and you dont know about it. Here in Baruch it happened about 3 months ago or so, and i was very dissapointed when i knew

Acerot – Baruch Bay [ES]
Proud warrior from The Bullfighters [BuLL]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zumy.6318


So ist is possible and plausible for a German server to have an alliance with an international server but not for a spanish one?

Seems legit to me.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sevenn.3085


@ Sevenn:

You should learn reading german, today`s contributions to the german version of the matchup thread are quite enjoyable. Definitely worth a read, Zumy did a great job.

Best regards

It would be a lot of learning as all i can remember from school is counting to 10 and asking where the next bus stop is.

Google translate or nothin

[ECL] [CE] [Oz]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: majos.8503


Just to keep in mind…. Brakheart talks by his own… I don’t think at all that SFR and Kodash have any kind of alliance. We saw it this morning on BL, almost all time you were SFR vs Kodash.

On eternals you atacked both to us.. but.. because our area was easier so no upgrades on towers.

Keep the thread clean…

Majos The Blizard – Baruch Bay [SP]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Haltair.3062


Sure it’s awesome to run small scale 3-5 and fight vs 10-15 guys and win. Amazing feeling also I agree. You’re of course welcome to play the game in the way you see fit.

Shadows way of fight:

Four shadows against…


Haltair, one of the twelve shadows

Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: alesgar.4651


Agree, I don’t believe in any kind of alliance, never, on any match until now. It just does not make any sense.

+1 to darkman and majos, let’s keep it clean.

Impures [imp] ~ Baruch Bay

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spiuk.8421


And if there were an alliance... what would the problem be exactly?

Rubios – Tales of the Sunless [TXS]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mishima.2986


Hi SFR im GL of DsD and we miss you alot since we left Deso. Awesome figths this week.

GL all mates and have fun.

Some action this week:

Please stop complains about Blobs, this a Masive PvP game mode and its fair to agroup sometimes, All guilds do this, all servers too.

Yeah its more fun figth GvG but this its WvW, crys about blob are boring XD. Just walk, figth, have fun and forget about talk because if you talk about blobing its because you run in blob sometimes too.


Cya in the battlefield!!

[DsD] Disidentes – WvW retired guild leader.

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: majos.8503


The problem about blobs is not the numbers, so with skill you can manage them but… The skilllag is what makes them almost imposible to kill… I’m tired as elementalist to try to cast waterfields and can’t, try to heal myself and can’t, try to put mist form and can’t….

Hope Anet make soon any change on servers to finish with that kittening skill lag…. This game would be really awesome withouth skill lag.. but atm is just frustrating…

Majos The Blizard – Baruch Bay [SP]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: ice ice baby.6083

ice ice baby.6083

I am really disapointed in how much BB have moaned this week about us blobbing and yet we encounter this tonight?

We try and show a bit of respect to you and this happens!

Pure, Leader Of ;
[dF]Driven by Fury
Far Shiverpeaks

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: alesgar.4651


Situational coincidence? xd

I wasn’t there tonight, I can’t explain. Depends on the hour it may be some guilds finishing their raids and joining together. There seems to be mainly RED+some other guild members out of their raids.

But take into account that we never denied the fact that we blob. I know we do, we try not to as much as we can, but we do. We can’t cover even half a day with our guild raids.

Just as you do, sometimes. Luckily you blobbed today a bit less than during weekend, making some of our fights today enjoyable.

Impures [imp] ~ Baruch Bay

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ninestrings.2815


To be honest, I did notice a decrease in Blobbing lately, although kodash today proved to blob again, yet we owned them.

I will give you my honest opinion, lets all stop accusing “blob” on each other and accept that sometimes it is done . I want to point out a good point towards us: Today we noticed that we started blobbing , so we split to 2 groups instead of going full zombie. So in the end , we got more objectives and more lootbags.


[KoA] Raid Leader – SFR

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: EeZeE.8261


“Situational coincidence?”

Look at the screen mate. Look at those guild tags. I’m sure you’ll come to the right conclusion.

If you keep this up tomorrow, I’ll turn my tag back on and we’ll see who has more enjoyable fights.

Gabriel Ironfist
Seafarer’s Rest

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thyophelis.8035


Honestly BOOM crying about a Blobb? you guys don t do anything but blobb or lay around in downstate.

BTW here some nice screenshots of SiN with 4 other guilds running around 40ish people, I remember some of your members complaining about the certain topic :-)

IMHO You ve only got the right to complain if you don t do it yourself.


Aurona- fugly white bark sylvarie ele
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned

(edited by Thyophelis.8035)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: alesgar.4651


@EeZeE: it was just a joke… please, re-read the rest of my post.

And when I said that we had enjoyable fights with you guys (SFR), I mean it. Take it as it is… mate…

Impures [imp] ~ Baruch Bay

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Denis.9286


Honestly BOOM crying about a Blobb? you guys don t do anything but blobb or lay around in downstate.

BTW here some nice screenshots of SiN running around in 40+, I remember some of your members complaining about the certain topic :-)

IMHO You ve only got the right to complain if you don t do it yourself.

sry dude but i dont see a 40+ blob of Sin on these screenshots.

Praetorians [KoA]

R.I.P Kodash Allianz

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: majos.8503


Honestly BOOM crying about a Blobb? you guys don t do anything but blobb or lay around in downstate.

BTW here some nice screenshots of SiN running around in 40+, I remember some of your members complaining about the certain topic :-)

IMHO You ve only got the right to complain if you don t do it yourself.

lololol It just happened now… We found 4-5 guys with catapults on ninja wall, so we helped them on building + cleaning all your 6-7 AC + Trebu + Balistas…

When wall was down we got inside cleaning the walls and some pugs went to the lord to cap, they were not following us, we were not following them.

Majos The Blizard – Baruch Bay [SP]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


We were trying to show you respect and let 1 of our commanders lead the random players and go with a guild group. We had a few nice fights but then you guys just go monster blob on us.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aioros.4862


I am really disapointed in how much BB have moaned this week about us blobbing and yet we encounter this tonight?

We try and show a bit of respect to you and this happens!

Really? After all the PvD this week from the nightcappers, and you still were expecting respect?

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansau.7326


We’re not expecting respect.

We just want good fights, something more than blobs or bunkers, and we don’t care what you think. If you can provide us, perfect, you will gain our respect. If not, it’s also fine, we’ll face you anyway, as we did with all other servers, and we’ll wait for other matches that bring us more fun

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


We’re not expecting respect.

We just want good fights, something more than blobs or bunkers, and we don’t care what you think. If you can provide us, perfect, you will gain our respect. If not, it’s also fine, we’ll face you anyway, as we did with all other servers, and we’ll wait for other matches that bring us more fun

Maybe aNet should give doors some defense skills so you could get good fights.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansau.7326


We are doors brothers, germans are AC cousins… We all have relatives in WvW xd

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: kBoom.3748



On your screenshot are roughly 15-20 sIN.

We fought sIN multiple times today and some fights i did capture.
I just checked those and at around 11pm CET (22:20-23:10) sIN had 17+-2 guys and we had 11 to 8 guys.
(2 Guardians, 1 Mesmer, 3 Ele, 4 warrior and one new commander on guardian at 22.30)

Enemy numbers always looks larger than their real size.

Anyway, this is my first and last command on this “size” thing.

Have fun fighting. sIN is a good opponent and nice to fight against.

[CoN] Ares | WvW Officer | GvG Core

…still improving…

(edited by kBoom.3748)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thyophelis.8035


Honestly BOOM crying about a Blobb? you guys don t do anything but blobb or lay around in downstate.

BTW here some nice screenshots of SiN running around in 40+, I remember some of your members complaining about the certain topic :-)

IMHO You ve only got the right to complain if you don t do it yourself.

lololol It just happened now… We found 4-5 guys with catapults on ninja wall, so we helped them on building + cleaning all your 6-7 AC + Trebu + Balistas…

When wall was down we got inside cleaning the walls and some pugs went to the lord to cap, they were not following us, we were not following them.

well how does a blobb start? in most cases it s a an assembly of guilds helping each other…

We defend the the spawntower on the sfr map every night with 5 people from our guild and maybee another 3-5 randoms. Every night we see the same picture, 40+ people from one or the other enemy servers karmatraining with golems, several trebs, catpults. Every night we hold them off for over an hour. Yesterday by example it took SFR so long to take our spawntower, that they lost both their towers to baruch. From what we have experienced both servers with the higher night population avoid each other and always want our tidy lil spawntower. Well you aint gona get it for free. :-)

I mean we enjoy defending it. All I wanted to point out is, that people should not complain about other servers blobbing when they do it themselfs. And yes blobbing means several guilds joining forces to strongly outnumber their oposition.

Aurona- fugly white bark sylvarie ele
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned

(edited by Thyophelis.8035)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: majos.8503


I think you shoud learn what a blob is, on this screenshot you just show some siN and some pugs going on diferent directions.

On this map there were 4 guilds working all of them by separate.. So, this was not a blob and siN don’t go with pugs.

If you can’t help 3 guys building his siege and helping them a bit cleaning your AC because then “it’s how a blob starts” maybe better don’t play WvW, because all would be blobs…

Majos The Blizard – Baruch Bay [SP]

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thyophelis.8035


I m not sure which 3 you mean: The 3 WISE, or 5 NUKE or x SP or x Kom. ANd what s that thing with different direction, didn t you all end up in the lord room 20 sec later?? There s close to 20 People running towards a single mesmer, and you didn t get me btw.
All I am saying you shouldn t bee whining on the forums that other people blobb if you also join forces with other guilds to outnumber your enemy by a higher ratio of 3:1.

And yes blobbing might consist of different numbers from different perspectives. For me in a roaming guild of solo to max 10 people blobbing starts @35+ people. For you in a 20+ guild it might start @ 50+. But it always entails the same. You don t requiere skill to overwhelm your oponent.

Aurona- fugly white bark sylvarie ele
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned

(edited by Thyophelis.8035)

SFR / Kodash / Baruch

in Match-ups

Posted by: Daniel.5794


I am really disapointed in how much BB have moaned this week about us blobbing and yet we encounter this tonight?

We try and show a bit of respect to you and this happens!

I don’t see a blob, just 4 guild groups.

FijiPeanut – Semper Dius [Dius]