Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
They are no longer able to do GvG so prolly Jelly. Thats all. Even more pathetic
The thing i don’t understand with their logic, is they are against GvG when they are on the map, but they also did a few GvG. So does that mean that’s ok as long as it’s your guild ?
You know very well Truebanana what we are worth in terms of gameplay since we played together as allies and we crossed as rivals. About GvG, I think now that everyone knows our position. When you say “a little”, you should refer to the night we faced after you wander on an empty map players. Nothing to do with all these organized GvG not absolutely reflect players McM.
(edited by Zap.6459)
Thank you for the BSF guild from JS from ad-hoc GvG request last night. I Am certain neither groups had anything optimal regarding setup and it was actually at least our first gvg but was fun watching it alongside with VSS guild from VZ (thank you for not interrupting
Musta Surma
SFR – [Hovi] as part of [Boom] alliance
You’re welcome
You both played well, was really fun to watch !
Nothing to do with all these organized GvG not absolutely reflect players McM.
Hint: it’s not GvG that it’s against WvW, it’s WvW that works against players that looks for fair, lagless, tactical and fun fights instead of zoneblobbing with 1 skill only at your disposal (3 if you’re in a AC! Wohooo!) due to lag and then who have more ppl for more time during day/night win.
WvW right now is dominated by that kind of playstyle – and ppl found a way around it.
Bringing on purpose your zerg, which is the thing GvG’ers are trying to escape, right into a GvG just shows how direspectful is your position – and now it’s borderline pathetic, attacking GvG to be “Against WvW” cause it doesn’t fit in your vision of a laggy skilless monoblob 24/7 as WvW.
It’s mental.
(edited by AndrewSX.3794)
The saddest part is that MOS are part of the Grand Cross alliance, so i guess GC policy is against GvG now?
(edited by Lorenzo.4896)
Thank you for the BSF guild from JS from ad-hoc GvG request last night. I Am certain neither groups had anything optimal regarding setup and it was actually at least our first gvg but was fun watching it alongside with VSS guild from VZ (thank you for not interrupting
Musta Surma
SFR – [Hovi] as part of [Boom] alliance
oooooh yeah it was fun ! thanks for it, and thanks to VSS too
respect guys & see you on the battlefield
It’s surprising to see that some players still not get the point about WvW. GvG should never happen in WvW at best it is tolerated with some condition (empty map, no queue, off peak hours).
Organizing GvG outside the EB JP is just contributing to spread bad mood everywhere.
You should better spend your energy spamming ANet to really implement a GvG.
The thing i don’t understand with their logic, is they are against GvG when they are on the map, but they also did a few GvG. So does that mean that’s ok as long as it’s your guild ?
You know very well Truebanana what we are worth in terms of gameplay since we played together as allies and we crossed as rivals. About GvG, I think now that everyone knows our position. When you say “a little”, you should refer to the night we faced after you wander on an empty card players. Nothing to do with all these organized GvG not absolutely reflect players McM.
For your guild gameplay, let’s call it “teamplay” ( individually, seem like you forbid your players to roam, because there isn’t any player from your guild outside your guild raid hours, so only god know), i agree, you were way above most of Vizunah guilds.
Since WL has quit GW2, to me you were (I only roam alone since almost 3 month, so i don’t take part of most of big fight and i don’t know if there is anything new) the last remaining decent guild who can gather 20-25+ players at the same time (FM guild, don’t remember the complet name, was the third and last decent guild, but not as much players in their raid), the others are just a pack of pugs with the same guild tag, following their commanders.
If you were mad because there was nobody to fight, what was the point to join the easy winning server, with no challenge as a guild (because VS is all about number and how to lead as well as possible the pugs) if there is not enough people to fight ? Or was it an other reason ?
It’s surprising to see that some players still not get the point about WvW.
It’s surprising to see that some players still not get the point about GvG.
You should better spend your energy spamming ANet to really implement a GvG.
Hi guy ^^
This doesn’t work as for in-game gold, you know. It’s not a farming game, if you send 1 million messages to Anet to tell them to implement a GvG system, you won’t own it at the end as you could buy a new weapon with the gold you earned killing 1 million monsters.
If an idea seems to be revelant, telling it just once is enough. If Anet doesn’t want another idea because they think it’s not appropritate for their game, they won’t make it at all.
(edited by Wididyth.3847)
The saddest part is that MOS are part of the Grand Cross alliance, so i guess GC policy is against GvG now?
grmbl, the thing i didn’t want to see. No, no official position atm (we must do a TS meeting on it) because there is people loving GvG, and people against. You are doing a shortcut my friend =)
(edited by Troma.3250)
You know very well Truebanana what we are worth in terms of gameplay since we played together as allies and we crossed as rivals.
I may not know as well as truebanana but your 2 guys (elementalist & mesmer) on JS border should probably stick to zergs, they are kinda horrible as roamers.
They did an advertisement video for their guild in the french gaming community few month ago, with really bloody hardcore from hell full mouse click. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gjMxoNBuZs
It only was one guy (found an other from one of their member, but it got deleted after we started to make fun of them) they aren’t really all mouse clicker, but it was funny to see a guild to try to recruit new members with that kind of video.The thing i don’t understand with their logic, is they are against GvG when they are on the map, but they also did a few GvG. So does that mean that’s ok as long as it’s your guild ?
Amazing… Deso guys are 10-15 and they give them a hard time.
Erk I’m hitching for some WvW. But I gave up because I got 2 to 10s freezes every 20 seconds. 2 day ago I had a 1v1 against a SFR warrior that i almost down before a 10s lag. I barely manage to survive this thanks to a thief that was passing by. I’m a bit sorry for the warrior but I think he should try something else then GS. It’s to slow to kill someone with HB even if that someone is lagging like hell.
The saddest part is that MOS are part of the Grand Cross alliance, so i guess GC policy is against GvG now?
grmbl, the thing i didn’t want to see. No, no official position atm (we must do a TS meeting on it) because there is people loving GvG, and people against. You are doing a shortcut my friend =)
There is a question mark at the end of the phrase, he is just asking.
This discussion about GvG makes me sick, ask anyone that opposes to GvG if they care about GvG inside JP, and the answer will be that they can care less, the problem is that people insist in doing it in the open, and when they are doing it, there are others waiting in queue, just because a group of people are doing GvG that don’t as anything to do with WWW.
People can do whatever they want, just don’t have the right of prejudice other because of what they are doing. Is this so hard to understand? Or do we live in a world where something so basic like this it’s so hard to understand?
Rise and iddqd farming JS in there t3 garrison about around 3hours…. for this time im tahe 960 kills and 31 gold…. JS you really dont care about deaths……..?! you just a bugs xD
Thanks to [BSF] for the GvG tonight. We did not play our best, but all credit to you guys, very strong cc and bomb.
Keep up the great work and we’ll be looking forward to facing you again.
Best regards from everyone in [CoN]!
you earn all our respect guys, we’re sorry you had to wait so long….. crash, lag….
thanks for the good fights and your fair play, that wasn’t easy to down you
we’ll probably meet again & will enjoy it even if you kick our kitten next time
best regards
So played a bit tonight, met 7 Vizunah players, all level 80 beside 1. 2 different couples died in a 1 vs 2, while the other three (from the same guild) did an awesome gank (ooops, stepped out of shadow refugee!) on me and ended face in the ground. One of them had a legendary, wow the prestige!! Of course this is only my experience, I’m not in any way shape or form suggesting that all Vizunah players are this bad!
Shoutout to Genfu from JS, if that was his name, one of the best warriors I’ve had the pleasure to duel with. Great fights dude, you made me mash my keyboard like crazy!
It’s surprising to see that some players still not get the point about WvW. GvG should never happen in WvW at best it is tolerated with some condition (empty map, no queue, off peak hours).
Organizing GvG outside the EB JP is just contributing to spread bad mood everywhere.
You should better spend your energy spamming ANet to really implement a GvG.
Even though it is true that WvWvW is won by having more points by opposing servers and that you get points by capping targets and killing dolyaks I hardly believe that Anet had in mind that player communities should not evolve new ways of taking advantage of vast areas we are provided in forms of BLs and EB. There are lots of competitive groups/guilds out there which aim to improve their skill/play against others so I would say battles are a strong part of WvWvW even though they do not provide any points for overall score. Still, majority of us wish to compete against players instead of doors. I find this GvG as a marvelous mark of players evolving setup that Anet has provided. Fighting in even numbers is fun, more challenging – gives more space for skill to shine which is not the case when you fight against 1:5 odds with only weapon skills coming out …barely.
I consider therefore GvG as a fun addition & change for normal mayhen of wvwvw – it gives variety, not hinders to gameplay and I see it as an excellent thing. I would love to see more even smaller scale ones – 5v5, 10v10 what ever size vs what ever size.
About comment regaring off-hours, empty maps and no ques – yeah right – this is again “night-capping” discussion and all the stuff that hit the fan again. So people should skip school, work or remain at play and sleep only few hours so that they would be allowed to play gvg? right…
I cannot turn your head naturally any more than you can mine but I doubt mmorpgs might not be correct place if you do not like that players evolve new ways to use game environment and have fun there.
Still I definately agree with you that Anet should implement separate arena-like GvG place in the game.
Musta Surma
It’s surprising to see that some players still not get the point about WvW. GvG should never happen in WvW at best it is tolerated with some condition (empty map, no queue, off peak hours).
Organizing GvG outside the EB JP is just contributing to spread bad mood everywhere.
You should better spend your energy spamming ANet to really implement a GvG.
Even though it is true that WvWvW is won by having more points by opposing servers and that you get points by capping targets and killing dolyaks I hardly believe that Anet had in mind that player communities should not evolve new ways of taking advantage of vast areas we are provided in forms of BLs and EB. There are lots of competitive groups/guilds out there which aim to improve their skill/play against others so I would say battles are a strong part of WvWvW even though they do not provide any points for overall score. Still, majority of us wish to compete against players instead of doors. I find this GvG as a marvelous mark of players evolving setup that Anet has provided. Fighting in even numbers is fun, more challenging – gives more space for skill to shine which is not the case when you fight against 1:5 odds with only weapon skills coming out …barely.
I consider therefore GvG as a fun addition & change for normal mayhen of wvwvw – it gives variety, not hinders to gameplay and I see it as an excellent thing. I would love to see more even smaller scale ones – 5v5, 10v10 what ever size vs what ever size.
About comment regaring off-hours, empty maps and no ques – yeah right – this is again “night-capping” discussion and all the stuff that hit the fan again. So people should skip school, work or remain at play and sleep only few hours so that they would be allowed to play gvg?right…
I cannot turn your head naturally any more than you can mine but I doubt mmorpgs might not be correct place if you do not like that players evolve new ways to use game environment and have fun there.
Still I definately agree with you that Anet should implement separate arena-like GvG place in the game.
Musta Surma
Just do it inside JP and no one cares. I cant care less that people think they are doing any kind of GvG with the current state of the professions that are totaly unbanlanced. GW1 players know watt I’m talking about.
Just do it inside JP and no one cares. I cant care less that people think they are doing any kind of GvG with the current state of the professions that are totaly unbanlanced. GW1 players know watt I’m talking about.
Have you ever thought about how to get 20-25 ppl on EB during prime ?
After all SFR has ques up to 1 1/2 hours
Just do it inside JP and no one cares. I cant care less that people think they are doing any kind of GvG with the current state of the professions that are totaly unbanlanced. GW1 players know watt I’m talking about.
Have you ever thought about how to get 20-25 ppl on EB during prime ?
After all SFR has ques up to 1 1/2 hours
Moreover you must open then underground door of Valley to join EB JP and the opponent doesn’t usually agree with it, above all during prime time.
(edited by Wididyth.3847)
EB queues start from 6-7 p.m. so doing GvGs in the JP is not an option. Also I don’t understand all the rage around GvGs, especially when a matchup is already decided. Why would anyone be angry at players that once in a while set up a GvG? Also worth noting that most of the GvGing guilds are a big part of our community and when not setting up matches, they are taking keeps
Also MoS wants to fight, so they decided to blow moa on me in a 1 vs 4-5 because MoS likes fights.
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Actually, EB queues start from 11:00 am these days.
kitten karma trains
Joke of the week: 30 Vizunahs walk into a bar, they proceed to build arrowcarts inside. Another group of 30 Vizunahs storms in and yells “Mon dieu we’ve just escaped a very dangerous group of 10 Seafarers! Can we stay here for the night?”
Shout out to those 20 or so Jade Sea at Umberglade who couldn’t even kill five of us chilling around despite the fact that we couldn’t even decide whether to engage or run. Some darn good players you lot were, I never knew wearing a set of full berserker would make me so resilient.
[mos] play only from 21h to 00h so they are grumpy when they are stuck in queue … guys you should speak with your mates tell them to don’t do gvg, in your private forum/ts3 we don’t give a kitten about what you think we still continue to do gvgs and enjoy the game, and you, continue to take points and empty tours/keeps and reseting t3 with your upskilled 1111111111111 … hope we don’t play against you agains
and we will don’t do gvgs in jp it’s impossible
EB queues start from 6-7 p.m. so doing GvGs in the JP is not an option. Also I don’t understand all the rage around GvGs, especially when a matchup is already decided. Why would anyone be angry at players that once in a while set up a GvG? Also worth noting that most of the GvGing guilds are a big part of our community and when not setting up matches, they are taking keeps
Also MoS wants to fight, so they decided to blow moa on me in a 1 vs 4-5 because MoS likes fights.
1 vs 4? do you want the vidéo?
Don’t need the video, I’ve already posted a pretty good screenshot. You can see me in Moa form, at least 4 enemies and zero green dots in…3500+ range around me? At least you did a great job at bursting me down so I’ll give you that you wanted to quickly secure a kill
I’d also love for you to explain me why you feel the need to cut out the minimap in a screen that should contain some kinda of proof
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Yay I earned myself a pretty red icon on my head!
Good job, check my minimap and my position in the other screen though. They are two different situations, and the 1 vs 4 + Moa in my screen still depicts the truth. See how you were in the tunnel in these screens, while you were near the sentry in mine? Also the sentry is red in your screens, greens in mine. My point still stands and the clear 1 vs 4-5 happened.
Not that I am blaming you for the 1 vs 4, it’s WvW it’s not supposed to be fair fights I just thought that the moa was way overkill.
That being said yeah, the video would be nice
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
The main issue of your screens Lepeon is that it only prove that you are 6 against 3…
(a Mesmer can’t count for 4 people)
Well whatever. See ya SFR and Viz… Not to soon :p
You can see how much we are in my group, you can see 1Xaoc, 1LC, 1Dusk and 1 BSE.
There is 2 adds with us at the end of the fight but this is the life.
Wolfheart: my apologises, you re right it s not this fight.
I prefer justify myself how i kill people rather than how i die even if "we are horribles roamers who should stick zergs^^"
MOS clic!
I’m the Raid lead that did the GvG with Noe.
After the meeting with GC and Mos we can say that Gc is against GvG.
They (GC) support MoS in they are action.
They (GC) didn’t show any disaproval against MoS.
So let me get this straight, you basically banned GvG and support the interruption of it? Smooth move Vizunah. And let me ask you a question… say the next matchup is SFR – VZ – X, one guild from SFR sets up a GvG against a guild from X…we can expect people from gc to intentionally disrupt it?
Edit: but the gc is an alliance and a big part of Vizunah right? I’m not really informed about it. What guilds aren’t part of gc apart from yours?
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
It’s not Vizunah…
it’s the GC, the MoS and the WAR
(edited by Irulh.1249)
First of all i would say Irulh is clearly wrong about GC’s position.
Second, GC is an ally of several guilds and each one is free to do whatever they like on this particular topic. Some of us don’t like GvGs, some do. Some of us will interrupt GvGs, some wont.
See you on the battlefield
I’m the Raid lead that did the GvG with Noe.
After the meeting with GC and Mos we can say that Gc is against GvG.
They (GC) support MoS in they are action.
They (GC) didn’t show any disaproval against MoS.
Hello Irulh,
thank’s to not say things like this, because you have no idea of what happened in internal forum and our position. Like i said on Jeux Online, there is no GC support on this action, and we didn’t make a meeting on what happened yet, and we have pro/anti GvG.
@Wolf: here is the list ! =) http://www.grandcross.fr/liste-des-guildes/
(edited by Troma.3250)
i know exactly what happen troma
i raid lead the GvG and you told us your position
I mean GC because troma don’t play anymore
so don’t denied what’s the member of the guild that represent the GC say
For a guild from Vizunah, a server that wins every matchup with it’s eyes closed, to interrupt a GvG is not only utterly disrespectful to both guilds fighting, but it’s a shallow and spiteful act.
You did not need these guild members in order to win the matchup. Why not let them have an honourable and fair fight?
That GC clearly take a ‘Laissez-faire’ attitude towards these events speaks volumes.
There can be no justification for it. You didn’t need the players for the points, and apparently MoS did not need the bags. The only reason was to ruin other peoples fun.
It’s pathetic, spiteful and childish. Up until this point I think most players disliked Vizunah simply because they always put winning first, at the expense of good gaming.
Now you can add bad sportsmanship, dishonour and a complete lack of respect to your list of accolades.
(edited by The Hammer.5960)
Please, there is no link with GC in this story, stop mixing everything. Mos have taken a decision, i prevent/told them there will be consequence, and now we have to find a solution.
Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct
22. While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
GvG disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith. GvG is forbidden by Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct.
Please repect poeple who don’t want to have a bad evening because some guilds want to organise GvG in WvW maps.
WvW maps are not GvG maps.
Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct
22. While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
GvG disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith. GvG is forbidden by Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct.
Please repect poeple who don’t want to have a bad evening because some guilds want to organise GvG in WvW maps.
WvW maps are not GvG maps.
That is purely an interpretation of the ROC and without specifics is open to interpretation of all kinds of things like player waiting in spawn for their guild groups to orgainse etc and a whole host of ludicrous actions that otherwise no one takes notice of or find normal.
The TOS and GW2 developers have not openly stated GVG is in breach of conditions of use and until such time everyone is free to do so as they see fit.
There is a general rule of conduct within organising GVG in that a low populated map and an area of that map is chosen to minimise disruption to WvW in general. If these steps have been followed and an accident occurs where a 3rd party intervenes it’s a risk that both guilds should realise.
However this isn’t the first time iv heard of MOS interrupting GVG to the point now where i believe they do it on purpose, This also could be interpreted as griefing and also a breach of your quoted statement.
Respect is a mutual contract if you refuse to respect others right to play as they wish then you cannot expect respect in return. for example if you choose to run huge groups into smaller forces repeatedly then you can therefore expect your opponent will adopt that mentality also and ruin the evening of your smaller forces.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Come on guys, MoS are awful players. Should just be able to kill them, especially after how rude they are. If anyone interupts a gvg just hunt MoS down and kill em
Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct
22. While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
GvG disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith. GvG is forbidden by Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct.
Please repect poeple who don’t want to have a bad evening because some guilds want to organise GvG in WvW maps.
WvW maps are not GvG maps.
So dueling should not be allowed too right? Also gathering resource nodes is clearly a nono? Jumping Puzzles are obviously completely out of line too… not to mention vista’s.
“disrupting other people’s game experience”… how does that hypocrisy taste?
If Anet actually thought organised fights in wvw were in breach of this rule they would have said so long ago – don’t attempt to deliberately misinterpret the rules to make up for your actions.
Come on guys, MoS are awful players. Should just be able to kill them, especially after how rude they are. If anyone interupts a gvg just hunt MoS down and kill em
There you go this is how communities should deal with griefers i bet after a few matchups of this MOS will be begging for Troma to utilise his charismatic rallying prowess to save them from collapse lol
First of all i would say Irulh is clearly wrong about GC’s position.
Second, GC is an ally of several guilds and each one is free to do whatever they like on this particular topic. Some of us don’t like GvGs, some do. Some of us will interrupt GvGs, some wont.
See you on the battlefield
Please don’t speak as a representative of gc if your guild isn’t even mentioned in the list Troma posted. From what I’ve understood gc has yet to decide their position, correct me if I’m wrong. I cannot possibly believe an alliance worth their salt would simply ignore such childish acts.
Please don’t speak as a representative of gc if your guild isn’t even mentioned in the list Troma posted. From what I’ve understood gc has yet to decide their position, correct me if I’m wrong. I cannot possibly believe an alliance worth their salt would simply ignore such childish acts.
GC has nothing to do with these problems as Troma already mentionned earlier. Guilds do what they think is right for them. Leave GC out of this.
As for me being representative of GC or not, i think a signature shouldn’t be what you look for
Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct
22. While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
GvG disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith.
-disrupting other people’s game experience (2 whole servers) check
-not actively participating in matches (running away from any fight not involving backup ACs or a 3:1 ratio) check
The whole VS server is breaking ROC.
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