[Re] Rerolled
(edited by fab.3298)
I have high hopes this week after a really fun reset in EB. Good luck, keep it clean, and see you on the battlefield.
[Re] looking for 15v15 GvGs
(edited by fab.3298)
Not that it matters that much, but I really think something went wrong with their Matchup-system!
According to the new system the chances that Abaddon gets Drakkar is around 1% and to get Surmia it’s even less than 1%.
The other way around it’s nearly the same.
Guess Abaddon was just left – and we and Surmia have the honor to fight you! xD
Good luck to all the servers!
If you look closely you’ll see that the graphic is out of date. It puts ROS below UW and Dz but we’re now above both, so getting AM is a little more likely than we were expecting.
Just had to report two Ruins of Surmia players (Ele & Ranger) from KOBW (Knights of the Blood Wish) for bugging themselves into two of our T3 towers. Sreenshots are available as proof.
Guys, seriously?
Try to be fair at least.
For our other opponents. Good luck and i hope for some nice fights.
Although i don´t know what got into Anets mind to set up this matchup.
To report buggers there´s an ingame-function. This forum isn´t the right place.
here our video of the resetnight on drakkar borders:
Reset “Ultimate” AM vs DL vs RoS 13.12.2013
thx for the good fights and @RoS: really strong at reset nice!
Well i totally believe that this happened, there were a couple of complainments about this guild in our last match up. But i dont think that anyone knows that guild. It is not organised in our community so you could say it does not belong to it. I know that does not help you though.
(edited by Agrios.9071)
KOBW has been reported (with proof) lots and lots of times. All we can do is keep reporting them and hope Anet will do something about it.
Just had to report two Ruins of Surmia players (Ele & Ranger) from KOBW (Knights of the Blood Wish) for bugging themselves into two of our T3 towers. Sreenshots are available as proof.
Guys, seriously?
Try to be fair at least.For our other opponents. Good luck and i hope for some nice fights.
Although i don´t know what got into Anets mind to set up this matchup.
Those two are cheaters, using fly and speedhacks.. no one on Surmia knows them, I’ve seen their names pop up in another matchups too so I think they transfered to Surmia when it was free to transfer a few weeks ago.
I hope they get banned and don’t associate those two with the Surmia community. We do anything to stop cheaters and exploiters and I will promise you I’ll make everyone report those guys.
Good luck in the matchup guys!
The tag KOBW sounds really familiar, I think I’ve seen them cheat before when we were on gunnars, and not just one person, the entire guild running around fly hacking etc.
Cant be sure, maybe it was a different or similar tag. But it’s WvW anet does not care much, it’s been over a year and still no fixes to their messy coding which is allowing all these hacks.
I honestly dont think anet are willing to spend too much time on trying to fix these issues, not cost effective is my guess, we’ll just have to live with it, along with the spies who target commanders and build 20 rams in your own keep and start useless upgrades to waste supply minutes before they golem rush you.
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?
And the rest of you is not on the picture because they die and run new
(edited by Dawson.3491)
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?
Are you kidding me? Look at your numbers before talking such nonsense.
Also, stop being provocative on the forums, you are only making a fool out of yourself.
(edited by Kraljevo.2801)
Anyway. It’s good to see, that RoS dosn’t want these cheaters on their server. To bad they can’t do anything against them. (beside reporting them, and Omaris Mortuus Est tells the truth about wvw reports :-( )
Keep up fighting honest, we all have some rotten apples…
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?And the rest of you is not on the picture because they die and run new
hmm, looks like we accidently attacked small roaming squad, don’t we?
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?And the rest of you is not on the picture because they die and run new
hmm, looks like we accidently attacked small roaming squad, don’t we?
You think?
And this is a roamer squad?
Sorry on the screen are not your 258920 pw´s and 152 trebus and the other.
You are a GUILD Blobb, not a random blobb how we today.
seeing how many ppl u can mobilise i really considered that group attacking garri as roamers :P
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?And the rest of you is not on the picture because they die and run new
hmm, looks like we accidently attacked small roaming squad, don’t we?
http://postimg.org/image/7rll9mjvj/You think?
And this is a roamer squad?
Sorry on the screen are not your 258920 pw´s and 152 trebus and the other.
You are a GUILD Blobb, not a random blobb how we today.
I see myself attacking the commander! I’m famous! Also, about to die.
Anyway. It’s good to see, that RoS dosn’t want these cheaters on their server. To bad they can’t do anything against them. (beside reporting them, and Omaris Mortuus Est tells the truth about wvw reports :-( )
Keep up fighting honest, we all have some rotten apples…
Yeah some people get second accounts just to do this, and we’ve all seen what happens on trail weekends, hackers everywhere!
If anet were serious about actually doing something about these hackers they would firstly fix their game, and secondly there would be an option to report hackers! atm all you can do is report for botting, and obviously that does not seem to work as there are still tonnes of bots. A guild member found around 15 of them farming in one area just a couple weeks ago!
As for the few who transfer on 2nd accounts to waste supply, well anet have already said that that is the way of the game, they cannot control how someone plays the game. So anet see this as a legitimate tactic that can be used in WvW even though the majority of us think it is not. Of course irl if you find a spy that spy is caught and punished, so maybe anet should add such an option to WvW.
But that said, we’ve already seen ally guild on a server abuse the reporting system and report members of other guilds and had they account banned; simply because they did not like that that person said or did. So any such feature will also be abused to suspend people from WvW temporarily.
Well anyway, it’s nice to know that we can now expect the next “big” WvW update as early as April now instead of January! Cant wait for golem mastery and all the extra Living Story crap in WvW, and nothing else for us!
But i like you Bt war.
You loose every openfield fight when we have the same numbers, my inventory is all 5 min. full.
P.S. Your eles are very bad
to be honest, only fights with even numbers i encountered during this matchup, were when i was running alone to take some camps…
if u say so then enjoy your badges, i’m enyoing mine too :P
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?And the rest of you is not on the picture because they die and run new
Hmmmmm…so we are blobing? Check this screen(look at minimap[not many of us] and whole blob of DL). They were trying to get garri with about 80 ppl vs 40(30 from our guild and about 10 randoms). However they didn’t capture it after 1,5h of sieging(enemy lost lot of trebs, golems, acs ; we lost lot of acs and whole NW outer walls). This was revenge for resetting full bay with just a 10 ppl.
It is also answer to post of Dawson that he attach. screen with us unpushing WHOLE DL blob at garri. And as u can see there is our guild and FRS cos we had to ask them for help against ur 80+ blob. At screen are REAL numbers of DL that attacked garri, not only few left after death of rest.
U have right, we lost all openfield fights against ur BLOB that disadvanged us 3 or 4 times.
Anyway thank you for great fun, but i;m not inviting u to do that again xD. Also it would be nice to fight in smaller groups, cos we were trying to fight u but can’t in disadvantage of 1:3.
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
aww, man… Me and some thief spent like 7 hours pushing dollys across the map and defending the spawn camp at surmia bl, so we can get a waypoint in bay and as soon as I log out, those guys drop the ball and bay goes back to surmia.
Makes me want to kill…
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?And the rest of you is not on the picture because they die and run new
Hmmmmm…so we are blobing? Check this screen(look at minimap[not many of us] and whole blob of DL). They were trying to get garri with about 80 ppl vs 40(30 from our guild and about 10 randoms). However they didn’t capture it after 1,5h of sieging(enemy lost lot of trebs, golems, acs ; we lost lot of acs and whole NW outer walls). This was revenge for resetting full bay with just a 10 ppl.
It is also answer to post of Dawson that he attach. screen with us unpushing WHOLE DL blob at garri. And as u can see there is our guild and FRS cos we had to ask them for help against ur 80+ blob. At screen are REAL numbers of DL that attacked garri, not only few left after death of rest.
U have right, we lost all openfield fights against ur BLOB that disadvanged us 3 or 4 times.
Anyway thank you for great fun, but i;m not inviting u to do that again xD. Also it would be nice to fight in smaller groups, cos we were trying to fight u but can’t in disadvantage of 1:3.
look your mini map and look how the green points stuck and look my screenshot.
GG you play ingi in your guild blobb ? You take everything with you? The main thing about 40 people .
80 peoples hahahahahaha you drunk my friend.
WvW = 40-50 peoples + 20-30 FFR or how the name of the guild is + over 15 pws!! 5 trebs !! 5 ballist!! and other.
And you guild blobb + the other guild LOOSE every openfield fight!
GG guys learn to play and i farm your loot bags
The screen is from yesterday, very sweet and small guild blobb hmm?
p.s. with pure we was 40 peoples in the drakkar ts!
(edited by Dawson.3491)
-grabs popcorn-
Why is Blobaddon being completely ignored here? -:P:P:P-
Wow the Guild [WvW] from Ruins have a own blobb.
You do not dare get out from under 40 people or?And the rest of you is not on the picture because they die and run new
Hmmmmm…so we are blobing? Check this screen(look at minimap[not many of us] and whole blob of DL). They were trying to get garri with about 80 ppl vs 40(30 from our guild and about 10 randoms). However they didn’t capture it after 1,5h of sieging(enemy lost lot of trebs, golems, acs ; we lost lot of acs and whole NW outer walls). This was revenge for resetting full bay with just a 10 ppl.
It is also answer to post of Dawson that he attach. screen with us unpushing WHOLE DL blob at garri. And as u can see there is our guild and FRS cos we had to ask them for help against ur 80+ blob. At screen are REAL numbers of DL that attacked garri, not only few left after death of rest.
U have right, we lost all openfield fights against ur BLOB that disadvanged us 3 or 4 times.
Anyway thank you for great fun, but i;m not inviting u to do that again xD. Also it would be nice to fight in smaller groups, cos we were trying to fight u but can’t in disadvantage of 1:3.
look your mini map and look how the green points stuck and look my screenshot.
GG you play ingi in your guild blobb ? You take everything with you? The main thing about 40 people .
80 peoples hahahahahaha you drunk my friend.
WvW = 40-50 peoples + 20-30 FFR or how the name of the guild is + over 15 pws!! 5 trebs !! 5 ballist!! and other.
And you guild blobb + the other guild LOOSE every openfield fight!
GG guys learn to play
and i farm your loot bags
The screen is from yesterday, very sweet and small guild blobb hmm?
p.s. with pure we was 40 peoples in the drakkar ts!
ehhh we had 20 ppl form our guild and about 30 from FRS, u had IF with 30 ppl, pug about 30 ppl and 1 more guild with 20-30 ppl. THINK M8 THINK it isn’t hard, u just need to have brain. Also mb we need to teach u how to fight fair? i mean 1:1 not in BLOB. Wanna more screens?(i can get about 20 from guild members). At ur screen is THE END OF FIGHT – those at ur screens are left after our UNPUSH. We had 2 trebs, 2 balists and 3 acs WHEN U 3 OMEGAS, 5 ALPHA, ACS, CATAS and much more. Also u attach. screen FROM RESET, again THINK DUDE THINK. I will add screen with ur 100 man blob at our zerg but it will be pointless to show this to some small brain kido like u. BB, this is my last post to u(sorry but as i typed i don’t wanna to write anything to kido). Hf with UR blobs and ty for precursor(Spark). Also ty for another farm at garri. U COULDN’T CAPTURE THIS WITH 100 PPL! against mb 40-50 defenders! GJ DUDE GJ! And remember BLOB AND SPAM 1. SKILL ISN’T ALL! U ALSO NEED TO HAVE SOME SKILL.
There is question, what does INGI mean?
AT the end, we didn’t lost all open fields fights. We won all fights till 8 pm gmt+1 when u started blobing. There is screen as proof. How could be resist this with just 35 ppl? Also we WERE WALKING ALONE. Without any guild and just with 2-3 randoms. At Ros we had also PS/SS guilds. AND sure Pure had about 15 ppl, IF had 15 ppl and rest pugs. SUUUUUUUURE. Check screen, are PURE or IF looking like 15 man zergs?
Now THAT IS ALL. AND LIER STOP LYING kitten + if u wanan add some screns pls try to make them visiable and stop editing them via paint or some other low free soft.
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
Can you now relax abit again?
And AM you dont like to do teamwork do you? DEX wanted to help you to take garrison in DL by camping the portal in the north inner gate but you had to engage us.
Kinda funny how all complain about blobs, during both evenings we were outnumbered all the time yet i wont complain. I like fights where you get 30-40 and even more kills. :P
Keep it up.
Why is Blobaddon being completely ignored here? -:P:P:P-
Since the league Surmia and Drakkar have a history in forum wars and this needs to be continued. And Dawson transferred to Drakkar so that we finally have a super pro forum warrior. Yay for this!
I for one lean back and enjoy the fine conversation in this thread. Or ignore it if it suits me better.
(edited by oliverstoned.2695)
Why is Blobaddon being completely ignored here? -:P:P:P-
Dude, the forum warriors from Surmia are just mad, they couldn’t win the bronze league after announcing, they were gonna win the bronze league anyway, so every respectable guild should join their server for an easy ride…
…Then they complained about our numbers…
To all the whiners from RoS about our playstyle on DL (see our last matchup Thread), How do you like Abaddon??
Hm… I’m from Guild [pure], and today we have so many very nice fights again ROS and AM. We have a lot of Fun and say thanks for GG :-)
BTW: after the Bay Loose, we fight with [IF] against u, because we had U-Buff (but, u wasn’t much more, hm?^^). Alone, in an Open Field Fight, we fight against [WVW] – thanks for the Bags :-)
Have Fun – it’s a game …
@ Shadowresli: We actually like fighting you but thats maybe only DEX. Your playstyle nothing special but i guess the whiners stopped whining since it didnt change anything.
I think the fights you give us are pretty nice, had lots of fun in your Borderland today, since we are allways outnumbered (its a DEX thing i guess :p) we have nice magic find and no repair bills.
A little tip, your portal bombs bring only 20 people through, and we know where they are its abit easy to counter.^^
After the raid i decided to roam abit, but thats just really really boring. I am not good since i dont roam much but your people dont even give it a try (that goes sadly to both DL and AM).
Got ganked by 2 thiefs which both jumped and laughed on my dead body afterwards but i got my revenge when i chased them while they were running apart each other since only 1 of them wanted to get the sentry.
WvW is blobbing again and loose 90% of the openfield fights with her blobb.
KISS is running and fight only together with the WvW Guild blobb.
And my inventory is every 5 minutes full :/
p.s. we have u-buff
WvW is blobbing again and loose 90% of the openfield fights with her blobb.
KISS is running and fight only together with the WvW Guild blobb.
And my inventory is every 5 minutes full :/
p.s. we have u-buff
You missed out that you’re solo roaming.
You missed out that you’re solo roaming.
This is not a DL blob. All 100 of them are solo roamers that coincidentally met at SM at the same time.
Who cares about how big the blobs are?
We get challenging fights and many lootbags.
Today DEX had a blast at Abbadons bl. We were outmanned for hours but that doesnt matter for us. Next time pls be smarter Drakkar group and dont do nothing when we have all abbadon players occupied in one keep. You had the opportunity to use that to wipe hills but decided to go for our undefended south tower (Pointwise ok but who plays for points only?) when we fought the entire abbadons exept for maybe 5-10 that was probably manning siege in hills.
I enjoy this matchup and pls keep the lootbags coming, im still waiting for another keg (last match vs drakkar i got 3 kegs but this time my luck disappeared)
~a DEX member
Yeah it was a good feeling to take bay after 3 hours of attacking it alone. We ran without a badge and hat at best 27 people in teamspeak, the amount of people AM pulled in to defend bay was enormous and alone we were not able to take bay from you. I am pretty sure you used over 10000 supplies in total to repair what we damaged but whenever we came back most of the stuff was again nearly fully repaired. Where do you get so many supplies from?? :p
Thanks to RE and FRS to help us out when our numbers went low.
And whoever commanded DL really wasnt the smartest. We constantly gave opportunites to attack garrison or hills but you didnt even manage to drain their supplies…
Well FRS took it quite fast when they were on the map. Funny though how DL came to cap the wooden stuff that we turned to paper.
Some recorded crap from [FRS]
from this weekend….
awesome matchup so far!!…
Thanks for the awesome fight yesterday (15-12-13) between 1630 and 1730 on AM borderland.
Thought i would lost Bay and Hills, but we managed.
Will never underestimate our casual gamers again
Shame that i had to go off early on the evening.
KISS is running and fight only together with the WvW Guild blobb.
This is true, I have video evidence!
Here we have the KISS blob taking a sentry before being joined by the WvW zerg to take vale camp! I’m surprised they didnt group up to take on that lone thief just minutes before!
I hear they are afraid of dying, that is why they travel in such large numbers!
Hmmmmm…so we are blobing? Check this screen(look at minimap[not many of us] and whole blob of DL). They were trying to get garri with about 80 ppl vs 40(30 from our guild and about 10 randoms). However they didn’t capture it after 1,5h of sieging(enemy lost lot of trebs, golems, acs ; we lost lot of acs and whole NW outer walls). This was revenge for resetting full bay with just a 10 ppl.
It is also answer to post of Dawson that he attach. screen with us unpushing WHOLE DL blob at garri. And as u can see there is our guild and FRS cos we had to ask them for help against ur 80+ blob. At screen are REAL numbers of DL that attacked garri, not only few left after death of rest.
U have right, we lost all openfield fights against ur BLOB that disadvanged us 3 or 4 times.
Anyway thank you for great fun, but i;m not inviting u to do that again xD. Also it would be nice to fight in smaller groups, cos we were trying to fight u but can’t in disadvantage of 1:3.
The old discussion between Surmia and Drakkar, who is more blobbing ^^
Kasteros, sorry to tell you, but we NEVER had any Zerg with 80 players. We’re about 30-40 players maximum. Keep in mind there are many pets and illusions… I think you count them
And by the way we’re at least not in need of building superior siege-engines in an open field fight.
man i hope dhuum will come and take this two KOBW to hell.
just to mention the kobw hackers are in no way affiliated with the ruins of surmia community we dont condone there actions when we see them hack we report them
lets hope they will be banned from the server soon
Just good luck every server in this match, may the best server win. And yea, a very merry Wintersday to all too xD
~EB Thief (RoS)
Thief complaining about hiding. I have no respect for Drakkar in any way, sorry. Drakkar complaining about running into towers when health is low lol best joke ever.
Well who started “labeling” people and provocating them with screenshots here? Iam the warrior in your screenshot and I also enjoyed the fight, but that has nothing to do with respect – it’s my job to kill Drakkars. The offense here comes clearly from your side “closeminded” – When did I use any offense? Just saying dont turn things the way you want to see them.
Have a nice day
@Shibotu: You should be happy that they came to fight you afterall. I had evenings where i ran 20 min through your eb corner, followed your zergs, engaged the tail of your zerg but all of the people just try to run to the save 40/50 man zerg. When i went too close then 5-10 came to chase me but if i ran abit too far away they allways prefered to go back to the zerg.
While running arround stonemist i saw more than 1 guy running inside and then fireing on me with a cannon.
Just when I thought the hate towards Abaddon was unwarranted….but it’s nice for once not being the one bullied :P
lol Drakkar being bullied? the same Drakkar who’s commanders send tells to players insulting them and their server?
love the blobladon warrior from DvK that i was chasing for half a map and ran like there was no tomorrow until he found a 2 blobladon mates and then decided not to run anyways… a big fat LOL to you mate
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