Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
Shame we still keep losing numbers. Weekends tend to be bad for us but i am not sure if its because its a long weekend but our numbers are waning badly.
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
Shame we still keep losing numbers. Weekends tend to be bad for us but i am not sure if its because its a long weekend but our numbers are waning badly.
TC’s numbers are down too.
Likely a combination of the holiday weekend and the late-week push. On the other hand DB is extra-fired-up right now after how last week ended. We’ll have to see how it plays out as the week goes along.
As long as there are still good fights out there for everybody it’s all good
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
Shame we still keep losing numbers. Weekends tend to be bad for us but i am not sure if its because its a long weekend but our numbers are waning badly.
TC’s numbers are down too.
Likely a combination of the holiday weekend and the late-week push. On the other hand DB is extra-fired-up right now after how last week ended. We’ll have to see how it plays out as the week goes along.
As long as there are still good fights out there for everybody it’s all good
I hope its just the holiday weekend. I do not like to see our IoJ trans plants friends to be holding up wvw alone when the NA has bowed out for the weekend. We are called Isles of Fort Janthir Wood for nothing. (not sure if that the right name and has not been used a lot for a long time but still is a nice badge of pride).
(edited by Jski.6180)
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
This. Even with BT and VK gone, you guys are doing a great job!
To the TC guild that put 4 banners at the southeast camp on TCBL – the DB zerg thanks you for the free buffs
We usually leave out food for you too, but often you just trample on by it
geeze. no wonder they kept coming in and flipping our borderlands every morning. if you leave food out for them, you’re just encouraging them to come back for it. and what happens if you forget one day, or get tied up and unable to leave it there? they’ll be used to getting it, and won’t be able to forage it from the wilds anymore, and they’ll starve. it’s never a good idea to try to domesticate the wild DB zerg. you certainly aren’t going to be able to tame, them and they’re just gonna come and crap on our lawn. and i ain’t gonna be the one who cleans that up either.
better grab your pooper-scooper and take care of it. sheesh.
Maybe WvW is like a bad drug commercial. If you’re up for 4 straight weeks, call someone.
The week is young! Like an egg! Should we scramble it or fry it? Boiled is okay every now and then and I even saw this one thing with the egg inside a sausage shell. That was the awesome. Like WvW.
Not speaking for anyone else, but I know a lot of my guildies are taking breaks due to the holiday weekend. I know I have a few places to pay my respects too…
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
Shame we still keep losing numbers. Weekends tend to be bad for us but i am not sure if its because its a long weekend but our numbers are waning badly.
TC’s numbers are down too.
Likely a combination of the holiday weekend and the late-week push. On the other hand DB is extra-fired-up right now after how last week ended. We’ll have to see how it plays out as the week goes along.
As long as there are still good fights out there for everybody it’s all good
Extra-fired-up right now? Lol…gawd
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
This. Even with BT and VK gone, you guys are doing a great job!
Where did VK go?
DB is pulling record numbers because we’re different from every other server out there. We hate PvE, never burn out, we never celebrate holidays, we never have school or work, and we have a constant influx of new guilds. Also DB and DB are going to 2v1 both TC and FA simultaneously. TC and FA, you have no chance this week, just like you had no chance any of the previous weeks we were matched up.
Oh wait…
(edited by Eviator.9746)
FA is keeping me from whack the yaks with boughs of jolly. FA la la la la. La la. La la.
There was some D/P thief as Astral who was pushing me around too. I couldn’t take charge of the fight. I wanna learn that one day. Yep.
(edited by WyldKat.4712)
Nice push this weekend DB! You’ve kept us busy!
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
This. Even with BT and VK gone, you guys are doing a great job!
Where did VK go?
I believe a chunk of VK went to AGG, or is it AAG? on DB. Who knows… FA is still alive and kickin’ tho.
Nice, DB and their paid help are really bringing it this week. It should be fun.
Well – Be nicer to people and they may take the target off your backs, DB lol
Good luck with this weekend – See you guys on Monday when I get back from my trip!
(Still on FA and repping a different guild and will be commanderinzing militia until I finally get through the kitten window….lol)
I’m going to missssssssssssssssssssssss you!
I’m going to miss you tooooo! But who knows how long it’s going to take for me to get in – the window is pretty much the time I work every day, so… You may have to put up with me a bit longer… :-P
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
This. Even with BT and VK gone, you guys are doing a great job!
Where did VK go?
I believe a chunk of VK went to AGG, or is it AAG? on DB. Who knows… FA is still alive and kickin’ tho.
A chunk of VK went to Agg on DB – the other part either stayed on FA, or moved to Blackgate, but VK apparently disbandeded.
And yes, FA is going to be just fine.
Nice, DB and their paid help are really bringing it this week. It should be fun.
Bayern just won the champions league
Nice strong start by DB. I love this tier. Never know what to expect…
Proud of FA for its performance against two “Full” servers. Keep up the good work!
This. Even with BT and VK gone, you guys are doing a great job!
Where did VK go?
I believe a chunk of VK went to AGG, or is it AAG? on DB. Who knows… FA is still alive and kickin’ tho.
A chunk of VK went to Agg on DB – the other part either stayed on FA, or moved to Blackgate, but VK apparently disbandeded.
And yes, FA is going to be just fine.
Ofc FA will be fine, im here….duh
Dragonbrand warriors if you are reading this.
Bayern just won the champions league
Yeah! Hahaha I was watching, it’s the reason I haven’t been playing for the last couple hours.
It was a great match IMO. Could have gone either way. I about had a heart attack when Subotic made that save
I honestly want FA to take the win this week. The scores are all very close though!
Bayern just won the champions league
… I thought they made aspirin.
Bayern just won the champions league
Great match, but the wrong team won in the end, although it was deserved.
Dragonbrand warriors if you are reading this.
Only during interplanetary alignment on my scheduled raid-time yo… Have u learned nothing yet?
Dragonbrand warriors if you are reading this.
Yes yes, keep pushing hard. TC will be there, on the weekdays, waiting for your tired little legs to be put up in rest and then and then!
~cough~ so how are things?
Dragonbrand warriors if you are reading this.
Its all the arrow cart they push everywhere …need a lot of pushing dont move so easily
………… DB are more pack mules than warriors i think.
It helped that the instant result of some of the transfers is that we had a lot of players come back to the server for reasons that shall remain nameless. Well. One reason. I don’t think [RET] has had that large a force on reset in a long, long time.
It helped that the instant result of some of the transfers is that we had a lot of players come back to the server for reasons that shall remain nameless. Well. One reason. I don’t think [RET] has had that large a force on reset in a long, long time.
That’s pretty awesome. Yeah I’m seeing a ton of you guys out there. Someone commented on map the other day that they didn’t think they’d ever seen that many GODS guys out at once either.
we had 8 NR on for reset last night!!! MOST EVER lol
Someone commented on map the other day that they didn’t think they’d ever seen that many GODS guys out at once either.
Hey, when GODS gets going, the godless gets gone. Getting. Godly. Gnu. Something.
Bayern just won the champions league
… I thought they made aspirin.
actually they make all types of drugs including those tainted with hiv.
…for reasons that shall remain nameless.
I can’t imagine what you mean…
FWIW, glad you all came back. It’s a shame the tiers are about to go all topsy turvy.
Just having a merry time in TC BL, trying to take vale. Someone in RET says “there’s an [agg] back here.” Me: “Please no i don’t want to deal with them tonight….” Then 30 [agg] zerg into vale….. RUN!!!!!! XD
That asura engineer with BLEU on FA BL… you’re a determined thief-tracker, aren’t ya?
Those fights in DB BL the past hour have been epic….
YAY whiped [agg] twice now! Great fight at south camp was GREAT!
make that 3 times now
Your skills as our public relationship officer are suffering.
Agg ~ I actually would like to thank your players who accidentally (not joking) exploited through the NW tower gate door. The second they showed up, was 2 guys only I think. 1 ran up the stairs and jumped right out. The second just sat there and let us kill him. So I salute you
It helped that the instant result of some of the transfers is that we had a lot of players come back to the server for reasons that shall remain nameless. Well. One reason. I don’t think [RET] has had that large a force on reset in a long, long time.
That’s pretty awesome. Yeah I’m seeing a ton of you guys out there. Someone commented on map the other day that they didn’t think they’d ever seen that many GODS guys out at once either.
I’ll put it this way. That reason transferred. It’s a zero sum game.
Your skills as our public relationship officer are suffering.
haha who said I was a good commander of public relations? [agg] where are you?
we want more LOOT!
Aw, be nice. The AGG guys have been nothing but complimentary to other guilds and players in these match threads. Return the favour.
You’re not even supposed to be public relations. You’re supposed to be the Consumer Relationship Manager so I don’t have to anymore.
I think this is the closest reset weekend we have had in a long time.
I think this is the closest reset weekend we have had in a long time.
Been awesome!
Thanks for the fun fights on TC BL tonight EP and RET, also whatever guild I forgot to mention.
Good fights tonight. FA….nice move on TCBL hills after we got the wall down. We didn’t think there were that many inside. Ouch.
That TCBL garrison fight was crazy too.
(edited by mekkanic.4759)
Great fights in TC BL all around! enjoying the Z v.s. Z
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