Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§
I have video of the CD mesmer wallhacking ports through gates which includes his toon and account name but idk if I should post it on forums or not, already gotten warned of posting about botters
I wont post link for video on forums but if u msg me in game ill give you link there, he hasnt been banned yet either.
Thank you for your response. This guy was kicked from his guild and mass reported awhile back. And he was seen running in that group that got into SMC & SOS Keep, so we have done our part, its up to anet now
I’m sorry if I got you SoS guys all in a tissy over my posts last night; I was only posting those screenshots because earlier in the week an SoS player in this very thread from FaTe (whose posts have since been deleted for flaming) did the exact same thing, and I thought it would be fun and in the spirit of healthy competition to return the favor. At the time, when we took SM, we had no idea that CD had hacked anything, and it appeared for all intents and purposes that the SM flip was legit, and that we had ninjaed it before you guys (SoS) could take it back. It was the perfect opportunity for me to post on the forums about it, especially because I told you guys not two hours earlier we’d take it at some point that night at your all’s beach party!
Anyway, we’re outnumbered almost all of the time by either CD or SoS (This morning, one CD guild had more players in our BL than our entire server had in all four maps!), so for us, being able to do anything against you guys is a feat worth celebrating. Don’t take it too seriously.
Man i leave for a little bit and this thread turned I to a full on T1 kitten fest yikes
I just wanted to pop in and say thanks to the [Leet] guild from SoS for the duels earlier! Had a good time – hopefully we can meet up again soon – cheers!
I’m sorry if I got you SoS guys all in a tissy over my posts last night; I was only posting those screenshots because earlier in the week an SoS player in this very thread from FaTe (whose posts have since been deleted for flaming) did the exact same thing, and I thought it would be fun and in the spirit of healthy competition to return the favor. At the time, when we took SM, we had no idea that CD had hacked anything, and it appeared for all intents and purposes that the SM flip was legit, and that we had ninjaed it before you guys (SoS) could take it back. It was the perfect opportunity for me to post on the forums about it, especially because I told you guys not two hours earlier we’d take it at some point that night at your all’s beach party!
Anyway, we’re outnumbered almost all of the time by either CD or SoS (This morning, one CD guild had more players in our BL than our entire server had in all four maps!), so for us, being able to do anything against you guys is a feat worth celebrating. Don’t take it too seriously.
Your good Dusk we all thought oh man SBI just did what we did to them the other night man they got us good. Then we noticed the color was blue and had a wtf moment in map chat. Then our keep was lost a few minutes later and people were not happy. We don’t mind losing things from legit ways and in all honesty if I was you guys I would of posted some friendly pictures also So no worries we took it all in fun after all the fights just kept pouring in. I have to say that was some of the best fights we have had with both cd and sbi in full force attacking us from all angles.
Friendly competitive talk between servers is something I always enjoy, if we cross a line feel free to pm me in game otherwise lets keep up the great fights!!
Please try not to blame entire servers for the actions of a few. If you are not satisfied with reporting systems, please also contact relevant server leaders/players.
Good luck, we are all gamers, most of us just want to enjoy the game.
Doesn’t matter, really. Few hours later and we have all our keeps back to T3. Keep trying.
Cheers, Soldier.
Doesn’t matter, really. Few hours later and we have all our keeps back to T3. Keep trying.
It’s okay, I like being a part of a server that has zero major WvW guilds and where we earn what keep we have through our personal skill and community togetherness. I’ve been there and done that with the big guilds and all that, and I’ve never enjoyed WvW as much as I do now where it’s a couple dozen “one-man armies” banded together. Even if that means we can never beat SoS’ coverage, I love that we can even give you a run for your money at all!
You have yet to push us out of this tier, after all.
What and have to fight EBay, who have better NA coverage when we’re wanting to move up a tier? What do you think we are? Madmen?
Nah, on a serious note, the only negative thing we feel about this match-up is that it’s kinda very “same ole”. SBI and CD are good opponents, but variety is the spice of life.
Whats with the propaganda attack SOS? Is it not enough to have better coverage and greater numbers at all hours of the day, now you need to throw mud all over your enemies too? Some of your posts read like right-wing political attacks, complete with sensationalism and blame the victim tactics. Really? Realllllly?
I’m sorry if there is a hacker out there and if I saw it I would have reported, keyword being saw because mesmers hide in keeps/towers all the time. We’re not gonna interrogate every mesmer that says “Ports HERE!” nor are you or would sbi. Even if someone saw the mesmer cheat, screamed it in chat…..how many pugs do you think would listen and not use the port? All we can do is report it when we see it and try to get people on board. If you do any commanding at all you should understand that commanding is essentially a job in Cat herding.
So we should pretend that LoR guild glitching in didnt happen and just turn the other way?
We could do that if you pay us back the cost of upgradeing it each time,and that time of our life that we spended escorting the yaks.
Whats with the propaganda attack SOS? Is it not enough to have better coverage and greater numbers at all hours of the day, now you need to throw mud all over your enemies too? Some of your posts read like right-wing political attacks, complete with sensationalism and blame the victim tactics. Really? Realllllly?
I’m sorry if there is a hacker out there and if I saw it I would have reported, keyword being saw because mesmers hide in keeps/towers all the time. We’re not gonna interrogate every mesmer that says “Ports HERE!” nor are you or would sbi. Even if someone saw the mesmer cheat, screamed it in chat…..how many pugs do you think would listen and not use the port? All we can do is report it when we see it and try to get people on board. If you do any commanding at all you should understand that commanding is essentially a job in Cat herding.
So we should pretend that LoR guild glitching in didnt happen and just turn the other way?
We could do that if you pay us back the cost of upgradeing it each time,and that time of our life that we spended escorting the yaks.
Now that you have mentioned the Guild name finally , we’ll be talking to them, Thank you.
CD and SBI, stahp it and keep scoring. We aren’t ready for T3 yet. Our NA crew is extremely small. It’s only when oceanics play early in the morning our numbers seem superior.
Edit: Then again EBay being here will hinder our progress,
(edited by Aieo.2815)
If you wanted trash talking to liven things up, I honestly think you’re in the wrong tier.
Back on track, had a lot of fun tonight. SBI kept us busy on CD BL with several pushes on major objectives. We managed to keep them at bay, mostly because they owned that keep on our map.
Thanks for the fights!
Good. At least I now have a name on CD and WvW can stop being so sterile.
And “legit duel” while I was recovering from attempting to take a camp. Yup.
Bad CD players really need to step up their game lol. I really don’t mind if jakob tries to show off, and not show all the times HE gets destroyed, because honestly he plays decently. But scrubs and zerglings shouldn’t talk.
You have a name in the sense that you’re perceived as, no offense, a clown. If that was your goal, then congratulations, you were successful?
In any event, it’s bizarre that you continue to post videos which portray you in a bad light (throwing temper tantrums, using vulgar insults against opponents, rage quitting, ect).
Anyways..back on track. Good games either way with the other guilds, great matchups for sure!
Good. At least I now have a name on CD and WvW can stop being so sterile.
And “legit duel” while I was recovering from attempting to take a camp. Yup.
Bad CD players really need to step up their game lol. I really don’t mind if jakob tries to show off, and not show all the times HE gets destroyed, because honestly he plays decently. But scrubs and zerglings shouldn’t talk.
You have a name in the sense that you’re perceived as, no offense, a clown. If that was your goal, then congratulations, you were successful?
In any event, it’s bizarre that you continue to post videos which portray you in a bad light (throwing temper tantrums, using vulgar insults against opponents, rage quitting, ect).
Anyways..back on track. Good games either way with the other guilds, great matchups for sure!
Meh, I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s really no use trying to get a point across to this Reikou. His self-worth is obviously tied to this game and that’s why he feels the need to call people scrubs and zerglings (and of course fagg*ts, as can be heard on one of the videos), rather than post a sound and reasonable argument. Think he’s just one of those people with a lot of anger and/or low self esteem IRL.
I know this matchup has been going on for a time (and may continue still), but I’m still really enjoying myself in this tier. Met lots of cool people on all servers and had some great fights and duels. The “Reikou’s” seem to be few and far between and I don’t think he in anyway represents the attitude of SBI as a whole.
Keep up the good fights everyone!
Meh, I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s really no use trying to get a point across to this Reikou. His self-worth is obviously tied to this game and that’s why he feels the need to call people scrubs and zerglings (and of course fagg*ts, as can be heard on one of the videos), rather than post a sound and reasonable argument. Think he’s just one of those people with a lot of anger and/or low self esteem IRL.
I know this matchup has been going on for a time (and may continue still), but I’m still really enjoying myself in this tier. Met lots of cool people on all servers and had some great fights and duels. The “Reikou’s” seem to be few and far between and I don’t think he in anyway represents the attitude of SBI as a whole.
Keep up the good fights everyone!
Sound and reasonable argument for what? What we even arguing about?
I just wanted to pop in and say thanks to the [Leet] guild from SoS for the duels earlier! Had a good time – hopefully we can meet up again soon – cheers!
What’s your guild’s tag?
What’s it been now, a good 4 hours at SBI keep?Amazing siege, very fun.
Great job holding your keep SBI on EB such great fights you guys sure didn’t want to lose that.
Any chance of a score update for those of us at the office and not able to log in game?
Also, LoM had some great fights last night against both SoS and SBI at SBI BL’s SW camp. It was quite enjoyable. Hope you guys had as much fun as we did.
Great job holding your keep SBI on EB such great fights you guys sure didn’t want to lose that.
We want to keep our WPs! Please don’t PvDoor them from us overnight, it makes us want to not play the rest of the week.
We may only be seeing each other for another two weeks, lets make it good!
Eh, if they make it too easy to move between tiers, I could see us popping in again for flying visits – will probably see EBay then too.
http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/map/697. If you haven’t seen this yet. It is AMAZING!
http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/map/697. If you haven’t seen this yet. It is AMAZING!
I gotta admit that is pretty kitten awesome. That site just get better and better.
Eh, if they make it too easy to move between tiers, I could see us popping in again for flying visits – will probably see EBay then too.
That’d be ok. I’m sure we’ll miss each other and want to visit sometimes.
Awesome night , fun fights with SBI in CD BL and SBI BL ,Blue lake in sbi bl ..amazing fights 30vs30, pretty even numbers , was a great night.
Ya’ll remember this guy from the last thread?
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle.
http://www.twitch.tv/ailesdelumiere/c/2286241You can see more of this on my stream!
Because of his mouth, I decided to find him a couple of days ago to show him a real CD fight. He runs a gimmicky build and gets a good majority of his kills from complete surprise, whether his victim is running solo or attempting to take a camp. To his credit, he was able to catch me with his burst just one time but has failed to do so since.
My friends and I got a good laugh when I went toe to toe with him and he rage quit just before I could spike him, which is recorded at 13:04 at:
I gave him a dose of his own medicine today and then he called me a terrible name! I felt so bad, really I did. He was attempting to troll an open field fight between SOS and CD, as he usually does, and I decided to show him how trolling is properly done . . . to him. Anyways, you can hear what name he called me at 2:46 at
I was only trying to show him how to properly do what he was attempting to do himself.
You can see him try to do the same thing to me at 2:22 while I was finishing an SOS player. Of course, he failed as usual.
He logged about 16 minutes after.
I can tell where he lost that first fight at, When he used his Heal to stealth himself at full health.
Also, he does kind of have a point about CD on zerging…..SoS does it, but i see more of them respect fights then I do CD….CD tends to run to guards more or call for help.
(edited by Xsorus.2507)
I can tell where he lost that first fight at, When he used his Heal to stealth himself at full health.
Also, he does kind of have a point about CD on zerging…..SoS does it, but i see more of them respect fights then I do CD….CD tends to run to guards more or call for help.
Its kind of funny. He knows he can’t beat me 1v1 most of the time, so he tried ghosting my stream and 2v1’ing me yesterday. I turn around and kill him instead while his Mesmer friend turns tail.
Today, knowing he can’t even 2v1 me, he has a group of 5-or-so ghost me, and try to 5v1 me, yet they fail half the time.
How a group of 5 fails to kill a glass thief really blows my mind. Probably having 2 warriors was part of the problem though.
As someone on my stream said, Jakob maybe you should try bringing about 30 next time. Maybe then you might be able to secure a kill.
That said, CD does have some decent players, and I’ve definitely had a lot of great duels recently.
I fought that Mesmer you mentioned earlier in the thread, a couple times..Killed him and then he switched specs and we went at again, he tried to zerg me a few times when he failed to kill me hehe
I fought that Mesmer you mentioned earlier in the thread, a couple times..Killed him and then he switched specs and we went at again, he tried to zerg me a few times when he failed to kill me hehe
I can assure you, Xsorus, that you two are talking about two different Mesmers. I’m not sure who you’re talking about. When did you duel this Mesmer and was he wearing a [FEAR] tag at the time?
I can vouch that killing you is almost impossible regardless, especially with your new bunker build. I watched your video and I don’t recall ever seeing your health drop below 50%, even against 3+ enemies. I tried dueling a bunker ranger in SPvP the other day and it was a stalemate, neither of us could kill the other. It would be fun, and a pleasure, to give you another shot with your new build. Send me a whisper sometime.
You all are just feeding this troll….
On a more important note. Cd just received a big guild via transfer, for their NA time zone. Welcome KWBH. Large NA prime time Zerg, with EU coverage according to https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/large-guild-looking-to-move/first
You all are just feeding this troll….
On a more important note. Cd just received a big guild via transfer, for their NA time zone. Welcome KWBH. Large NA prime time Zerg, with EU coverage according to https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/large-guild-looking-to-move/first
Yay more loot
Kidding of course, enjoy your new server guys and we hope to be a good opponent.
the LEET guild from SoS has two thieves that seem to be together a lot, both have an incinerator. we had some good duels so if anyone on here is friends with them, please pass the message on for them to whisper me if they want to go at it again.
I enjoyed these threads much more before you guys kept trying to one-up each other. Seriously, can you guys PM each other if all you’re going to do is go back-and-forth like this?
On a more important note. Cd just received a big guild via transfer, for their NA time zone. Welcome KWBH. Large NA prime time Zerg, with EU coverage according to https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/large-guild-looking-to-move/first
Is that why the battles have seemed better and fiercer very recently? I’m having a great time fighting CD, we (SBI) seem to be pretty evenly matched NA prime time. Y’all might even have the advantage.
But if KWBH is not even moved there yet, SBI we better prepare ourselves, ’cause its going to get tough out there!
I think the scheduled date that they were planning to formally move was today. I’ve, at least, not seen any of them in WvW as yet (although being predominantly NA, they largely play at different times).
KWBH only began their move as of last night so just keep an eye out you’ll see them popping up.
Good. I’ll be looking forward to seeing how good they actually are.
Good. I’ll be looking forward to seeing how good they actually are.
I’ll try and get some of them to fight night for you to liven things up.
That should really balance out the match up well.
Kinda odd to say one was legit where the other wasn’t but whatever what’s done is done.
“Reputation of a server.”
Is this a joke post?
No. Believe it or not, it is a thing, and believe it or not, most server-goers like to avoid trolling and griefing others and just want to play WvW and enjoy the game. It’d be nice to keep it off the forums if you insist on persisting.
Glad to have KWBH on board, should go a long way to equalize the NA populations. Whether it will be enough to counter SoS’s Oceanic dominance waits to be seen.
Equalise? Uh, that unfortunately strikes me as somewhat economical with the truth. SoS has the lowest core NA population in the tier. Y’all did struggle at first because what NA’s there is actually quite good and now seem to be struggling to motivate people to get into WvW (this is about the only thing I can surmise from the drop-off we’ve been seeing), but in terms of core NA strength in the tier, it’s definitely SBI>CD>SoS. Failing to motivate a population to play is not the same as having a low population.
It also really won’t do much for the Oceanic timezones…
Equalise? Uh, that unfortunately strikes me as somewhat economical with the truth. SoS has the lowest core NA population in the tier. Y’all did struggle at first because what NA’s there is actually quite good and now seem to be struggling to motivate people to get into WvW (this is about the only thing I can surmise from the drop-off we’ve been seeing), but in terms of core NA strength in the tier, it’s definitely SBI>CD>SoS. Failing to motivate a population to play is not the same as having a low population.
It also really won’t do much for the Oceanic timezones…
I think he was referring to SBI and CD NA WvW populations.
It’s sad to see SBI go since NA is their only advantage for this tier and KWBH will negate that.
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