T8: 5/17/13: FC/ HoD/ ET
Were you embarrassed to let us see the names of whomever built a treb in a camp?
Perhaps it was the unwritten rule that you get infracted if you post someone’s name in a screenshot.
I never got a badge of infraction for posting screenshots with names and chat… I don’t really care if I receive one either. In fact I find it out stupid that we can’t know who our enemies are unless we regonize their features+clothing+colours.
@Hematuria.4051: I’d build a treb anywhere, anytime, because trebs are the answer for everthing… However, it wasn’t me, as the player that posted is from HoD and I’m from ET.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Score Update: 05.19.13 – 9:41am Server Time
[SOL] Sanctum of Legends; ‘The Forgotten’ ~Eredon 4 Life~
Score update my people?
Journey’s Edge[EDGE]
Feuguson’s Crossing
What I cant seem to wrap my head around the fact that I push FC out of HOD BL see that FC is destroying ET in Eternal Battlegrounds (EB) so I decided to try and relieve pressure off of ET by Hitting FC. FC gets mad not like I didn’t expect it, so they come head first towards our keep so we are trying to defend our keep and what does ET do start attacking HOD after I helped them reclaim all of their stuff. GOOD on you ET way to try and get some points
Boss Ele
Proud member of Void
Today has to be one of the most frustrating days in wvw. I always tell people to not lay siege down. I’ll lay it down. So we start hitting sm (normally not a good idea but hey, sometimes it works.) And I’m like “build this 1 ballista.” You know. To take out cannons and oil. So the ballista gets built and I look toward the gate. When I look back around I see 3 ballistas. Only 1 being manned. Now you would think with roughly 16-20 people we wouldn’t want to build 3 ballistas but it happens I guess. We eventually get 2 rams up about 5 minutes l8r and get sm gate down. Here’s the next problem we have. I tell people to wp back to keep to get supply for inner since we were completely out. Out of roughly 24 people at that moment I see 3 wp back. I start to yell on map chat to wp back or well be forced to pvdoor the gate for the next 20 minutes. So I wait 2 minutes and I see all of our players on the walls with no supply at northeast inner gate. Again I say “We need supply wp back. Don’t be a kitten Be a winner” ( That’s my phrase. Don’t be using it HOD!!!!!)About 5 minutes after that with 1 hod that finally shows up I recheck supply. The people that i just ported did not get supply. We still have 8 supply after roughly 7 minutes. Now I may be wrong but 8 supply does not give us a ram. At that point I start yelling at people cause this is the 4th or 5th time have been to inner sm with no hod or fc inside and it goes to crap this week alone. Now at about 12 minutes inside sm, people finally understand we need supply. About 6-8 people wp back and bring supply. “Sweet we can get 2 rams up I guess”…. was what I was thinking. As we start putting the rams down about 10 hod show up. Ok maybe we can still get sm. Not so fast. 1 minute l8r 20 more hod show up. SO now it’s not looking so good when suddenly…………boom 30 fc come at the northeast gate from the right. At this point we had to back off to the wall and fc did all the work getting inner nw gate down. So we let fc and hod fight inside lords room for about 30 seconds and we move into sm to try and hit hod from a different entrance. We pick south entrance but see that fc is already there. I try to tell people to back off were going north east gate. Nope says et well kill fc then go into lords room and kill hod. Quite a few of us and fc end up dying in the fight and from there on fc and et end up fighting one another to get into lords room. We end up letting fc take south side sm eventually And I again try to get our group focused on the northeast entrance. I see about 20 people running rt by me. I yell port and run right beside them. Some say on chat where’s the port we don’t know where you’re at……………… I have the commander tag on and I’m the only commander there. WTH ET!! Where was I. Oh yeah. So I’m running rt in the middle of 20 peps and switch to say chat and continue saying port. They keep running so I say “ kitten port rt here” and I lay it rt down in the middle of them. 2 use the port. Now we had about 15 people at that northeast entrance and 20 more would’ve helped us a lot, cause hod was starting to push. Event 25 of us would’ve held off their push. 35 would’ve been great though, but it happens. Gonna skip about 5 minutes of the battle due to our wp being contested, me walking back, and dying once through sm gate due to some fc, and walking back again. So when I get back I see were in a good position to push. I lay 3 ac’s down. They get built sweet. I use the ac. I get about 15 bags in 15 seconds. Again sweet. I see about 35 of us not dead. Again sweet. So I say " ok everyone for god sakes listen. We are gonna push on me and go right once we get inside lords room." Then I say pushing in 5 seconds" Then I say “go go go” I get inside lords room and what do I see. Some ac’s in my spot. Not your spot hod. My spot cause Ive wrecked you way to many times there before you ever started putting ac’s there. Where was I? Oh yeah as I was saying. I see 2 ac’s on each side of the stairs to second floor and I look behind me. No one followed………. I commence my attack on the ac’s and die. Ok no big deal. No one pushed so they should be ok. I go to click on our wp and boom sword pops up for garrison. I’m gonna skip 2 minutes due to the long walk to sm again.
So I get back inside inner sm and I see most of us were dying but we have 15 or so alive. What I also notice is we are outmanned. Ok there went our chance to get sm but maybe we can help fc out. Some more people show up to help and I say follow me we’re going northeast. I get about 15 to follow. When I get to northeast gate I say " ok listen. We going in through northeast gate and onto walls to take ac’s down. 4 follow me. We end up getting 1 ac down. At this point my frustration is sky high. I tell people on world chat we aren’t getting sm forget about it. We can however contest hods keep and not let hod get back inside sm. 2 follow me. We contest hod’s keep and hold off by sm to attack anyone that comes. That doesn’t work so well once 6+ come at you. At this point I get informed hills is about to get attacked and I head there.
If there’s one thing I wish we did differently I wish we just pvdoored sm inner gate down or never hit at all.
It’s all good though well be back inside sm and hod’s keep before long. =p
ps. Tried to make it a little more enjoyable to read. I really don’t talk like that.
On a side note. % wise how many people do you believe are on gw2 and are drunk or high on sunday at 7pm est.
My guess 32.4%
Sadly we (all tiers) are dealing with issue of players not willing to listen, respect and obey commanders orders. I don’t mean small groups that are in tactical move, they are serving their purpose to create a distraction, take a camp, tower or something, but players in general.
Hopefully they will learn that we need to play as a team, that WvW requires team fight, tactics and effort. : )
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
On a side note. % wise how many people do you believe are on gw2 and are drunk or high on sunday at 7pm est.
My guess 32.4%
Holy wall of text batman! Seriously, that was a bit much xD
Holy wall of text batman!
+1 xD
@highlandria.7941: Ya, u need to understand that most ppl is like an npc and no more ><
How long does it take to drop reinforced gate? I swear a group of 12-15 dropped it in less than 1 minute with 2 rg rams
LK did its first GvG today. after a month of starting hardcore WvW we felt confidant that we were ready for GvG :P.
needless to say..we got owned. i am not embaressed to admit it. from a guild who rarely wipes in even numbers combat (or even if we have less numbers). the GvG experience was very humbling. so this shout out goes out to DETH for there fair play in the GvG. and sportsmenship even after they kicked our kitten LK is now going to work its kitten off and perpare for future GvG’s so it wont be so one sided :P
thank you to everyone who participated and for the good matchup this week. we hope to see you on the field soon
(edited by Havvik Nightseeker.3485)
Great job running EB tonight HoD, that was some fast and fun kitten.
@Highlandria TL:DR
LK did its first GvG today. after a month of starting hardcore WvW we felt confidant that we were ready for GvG :P.
needless to say..we got owned. i am not embaressed to admit it. from a guild who rarely wipes in even numbers combat (or even if we have less numbers). the GvG experience was very humbling. so this shout out goes out to DETH for there fair play in the GvG. and sportsmenship even after they kicked our kitten LK is now going to work its kitten off and perpare for future GvG’s so it wont be so one sided :P
thank you to everyone who participated and for the good matchup this week. we hope to see you on the field soon
Was great, sorry about the confusion though, I know it’s always hard to coordinate the whole things, specially the first time. I really hope to see you guys on the field next week for a rematch!
Thanks again for the great match.
Snow Farrun [Deth]
commanding PUGgers... its like herding cats.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
On a side note. % wise how many people do you believe are on gw2 and are drunk or high on sunday at 7pm est.
My guess 32.4%
Hahahaha you must be new to ET High, Home of the most hesitant pugs you will ever find. Trust me your not the first person on this server to lead a push and come to find out you were actually just committing suicide lol. I blame all of my repair bills on ET players not pushing into the zergs with me. Its like no one has ever played Starcraft before, zerglings are one of the weakest units in the game people, and this very much applies to GW2 WvW as well, lol. All you can do is soldier on, try to teach as many as you can or simply get up and leave to join another server like plenty already have. Keep it up High, your a good commander.
FYI my guess is 89.7% ;P and that includes the good players too.
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
I stood in horror watching FC march 20+ golems towards our Henge controlled Stonemist, but turns out I had nothing to worry about. They broke down the outer gate then got decimated going to the inner. Quite a waste of money. Still, makes for some nice pictures.
I stood in horror watching FC march 20+ golems towards our Henge controlled Stonemist, but turns out I had nothing to worry about. They broke down the outer gate then got decimated going to the inner. Quite a waste of money. Still, makes for some nice pictures.
HoD cancelled the apocalypse tonight. It was swell.
“Neither the sudden shock of battle, nor the long-drawn trials of
vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”
I stood in horror watching FC march 20+ golems towards our Henge controlled Stonemist, but turns out I had nothing to worry about. They broke down the outer gate then got decimated going to the inner. Quite a waste of money. Still, makes for some nice pictures.
yah… we don’t know who put them down, we just built them and march them on Stonemist, must be some high roller. We built them and marched them on SM… why? cus we could!
yah… we don’t know who put them down, we just built them and march them on Stonemist, must be some high roller. We built them and marched them on SM… why? cus we could!
We have 20 golems, YOLO!
LK did its first GvG today. after a month of starting hardcore WvW we felt confidant that we were ready for GvG :P.
needless to say..we got owned. i am not embaressed to admit it. from a guild who rarely wipes in even numbers combat (or even if we have less numbers). the GvG experience was very humbling. so this shout out goes out to DETH for there fair play in the GvG. and sportsmenship even after they kicked our kitten LK is now going to work its kitten off and perpare for future GvG’s so it wont be so one sided :P
thank you to everyone who participated and for the good matchup this week. we hope to see you on the field soon
Thanks to all the [LK] and [Deth] members that came out to this GvG. I think I speak for everyone in [Deth] when I say we enjoyed the fights (especially in Bay beforehand) and are looking forward to seeing what you’ll be bringing to our next GvG.
Also, if any other guilds are interested in doing a GvG against [Deth] of FC, please whisper me (Aldix) in game and we can organize a match.
On a side note. % wise how many people do you believe are on gw2 and are drunk or high on sunday at 7pm est.
My guess 32.4%Hahahaha you must be new to ET High, Home of the most hesitant pugs you will ever find. Trust me your not the first person on this server to lead a push and come to find out you were actually just committing suicide lol. I blame all of my repair bills on ET players not pushing into the zergs with me. Its like no one has ever played Starcraft before, zerglings are one of the weakest units in the game people, and this very much applies to GW2 WvW as well, lol. All you can do is soldier on, try to teach as many as you can or simply get up and leave to join another server like plenty already have. Keep it up High, your a good commander.
FYI my guess is 89.7% ;P and that includes the good players too.
yeah. it’s hit or miss. sometimes they’ll go rushing right in with you… especially if most/all of the people behind you know/love you, but much more frequently, you’ll have 10-15 behind you, and you’ll PUSH… and turn around to see you’re either alone, or only 3-4 followed. what’s just as much fun is to call for reinforcements to come save such-and-such tower/keep/whatever… (and ya got yer tag up so they can find ya and everything…) and you get… 4 people. and you KNOW there are more on the map… somewhere… ooooooh that annoys me.
anyways… yah. dun give up High… you a good one. <3
and i agree wit shocking shorty. definitely a higher population of smashed players than your estimate, i think. lol
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
@highlandria: I feel your pain. You on the ET forums?
I stood in horror watching FC march 20+ golems towards our Henge controlled Stonemist, but turns out I had nothing to worry about. They broke down the outer gate then got decimated going to the inner. Quite a waste of money. Still, makes for some nice pictures.
yah… we don’t know who put them down, we just built them and march them on Stonemist, must be some high roller. We built them and marched them on SM… why? cus we could!
Here’s my theory:
Disclaimer: May or may not be the best theory since relativity.
Server Police (ex. HoD, current GoM) thought to himself, “I have all this money, but I’ve already given all 500 members of Zombieland a commander tag. What to do, what to do…”
A lightbulb appeared over his head, flickering and trying to stay lit.
“I’ll transfer to a server fighting Henge of Denravi and use my greatest tactical strike for fun!”
You know the rest.
Commanding the militia is not for the impatient or feint of heart. Every time you command a militia it is different. Sometimes things go well, and sometimes well, Stonemist happens!
These things are always certain when commanding the militia.
1. A good % will not listen or follow.
2. You will be providing WvW 101 lessons.
3. At some point you will get frustrated.
4. These are true no matter what server you are on.
Highlandrias you have been commanding the milita a lot. Don’t burn yourself out. Ive seen it happen to many commanders on ET. When frustrated take a break, definitely don’t take it out on your troops. We are all in this together. Or go take them to do something silly stupid, like kill Crimson Moas!
There is a reason why good commanders tend to form/join and run WvW guilds. They get tired of the unpredictability of the militia. They go and join large WvW focused guilds to command their forces. This is the problem here, and why I went up to a higher tier for a while. On ET this is hard since well we don’t really have a large hardcore WvW guild. That is what I want. KWBH would sort of maybe almost fit that mold but they are leaving. Personally I would like a mix of militia commanding and guild commanding. Variety is the spice of life.
So what do you do on ET? I think that all that can be done is go and recruit some known hardcore/quality WvW players and build it. Advance the quality of forces; class composition, builds, advanced tactics, teamspeak required, 4/7 nightly WvW runs, etc etc… I think there have been some attempts at doing this, but nothing with any real traction. This is a really rally tough task on ET, but it may be able to be done.
Or you just run with a small 5-10 man force and run havock…which can be fun but large scale WvW planning is a whole other beast.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
Here’s my theory:
Disclaimer: May or may not be the best theory since relativity.
Server Police (ex. HoD, current GoM) thought to himself, “I have all this money, but I’ve already given all 500 members of Zombieland a commander tag. What to do, what to do…”
A lightbulb appeared over his head, flickering and trying to stay lit.
“I’ll transfer to a server fighting Henge of Denravi and use my greatest tactical strike for fun!”
You know the rest.
i legit lol’d.
tbh, it was the first thing i thought of, too.
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”
commanding PUGgers… its like herding cats.
angry, mean, hungry cats, who don’t think you have any food.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
LK did its first GvG today. after a month of starting hardcore WvW we felt confidant that we were ready for GvG :P.
needless to say..we got owned. i am not embaressed to admit it. from a guild who rarely wipes in even numbers combat (or even if we have less numbers). the GvG experience was very humbling. so this shout out goes out to DETH for there fair play in the GvG. and sportsmenship even after they kicked our kitten LK is now going to work its kitten off and perpare for future GvG’s so it wont be so one sided :P
thank you to everyone who participated and for the good matchup this week. we hope to see you on the field soon
LKThanks to all the [LK] and [Deth] members that came out to this GvG. I think I speak for everyone in [Deth] when I say we enjoyed the fights (especially in Bay beforehand) and are looking forward to seeing what you’ll be bringing to our next GvG.
Also, if any other guilds are interested in doing a GvG against [Deth] of FC, please whisper me (Aldix) in game and we can organize a match.
I’d be down for another GvG next week depending if my computer gets fixed :P
Just transferred to FC from JQ and so far I am having a lot of fun. I am actually able to get some good pvp instead of massive zergs.
Commanding the militia is not for the impatient or feint of heart. Every time you command a militia it is different. Sometimes things go well, and sometimes well, Stonemist happens!
These things are always certain when commanding the militia.
1. A good % will not listen or follow.
2. You will be providing WvW 101 lessons.
3. At some point you will get frustrated.
4. These are true no matter what server you are on.Highlandrias you have been commanding the milita a lot. Don’t burn yourself out. Ive seen it happen to many commanders on ET. When frustrated take a break, definitely don’t take it out on your troops. We are all in this together. Or go take them to do something silly stupid, like kill Crimson Moas!
There is a reason why good commanders tend to form/join and run WvW guilds. They get tired of the unpredictability of the militia. They go and join large WvW focused guilds to command their forces. This is the problem here, and why I went up to a higher tier for a while. On ET this is hard since well we don’t really have a large hardcore WvW guild. That is what I want. KWBH would sort of maybe almost fit that mold but they are leaving. Personally I would like a mix of militia commanding and guild commanding. Variety is the spice of life.
So what do you do on ET? I think that all that can be done is go and recruit some known hardcore/quality WvW players and build it. Advance the quality of forces; class composition, builds, advanced tactics, teamspeak required, 4/7 nightly WvW runs, etc etc… I think there have been some attempts at doing this, but nothing with any real traction. This is a really rally tough task on ET, but it may be able to be done.
Or you just run with a small 5-10 man force and run havock…which can be fun but large scale WvW planning is a whole other beast.
PS: High – join FoE…
You’ve been doing a good job. Like 1AB said, don’t get burnt out, see it happen way too much in T1 on SoS and BG.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
How many total badges can drop from one player kill?
id suppose 2 x tags
score update please?
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Ferguson’s Crossing 84 390
Henge of Denravi 98 900
Eredon Terrace 80 339
no kidding, was just looking up info on the new api, love the mos updates !
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Dear ET,
You will not leave 3rd place by attacking HoD. If you do not care, continue doing what you’re doing.
Cheers To Another Fun Week With You Two! Best Of Luck In first FC! Keep Fighting Strong! Lets Keep Things Nice And Clean Around This Forum!
Just for reference, could we let someone who’s going to update the answer score a little more frequently make the thread next week?
Dear ET,
You will not leave 3rd place by attacking HoD. If you do not care, continue doing what you’re doing.
Dear HoD, you have left us with no choice when you march into our overlook and towers in the north of Eb .
We may not leave 3rd place but we love to annoy you.
Sincerely ,
~We Are Deadly When Required~
Dear HoD and ET – if you meet each other on our FC turf, would you kindly exterminate one another, rather than both attack us in perfect unison?
(this was the 5th case this day – here ET defended, HoD attacked us and then went to capture Titan camp and some other stuff)
In any case, we got both, but it was rather fun to watch
Fergie, and proud!
(edited by Dobri.9804)
Can we have OP update “Answer:” with a recent score update please?
P.S. – Next week, whomever hosts the Tier 8 thread, please make sure you are available once per day to update Answer portion of Q&A Original Post. Thanks!!
[SOL] Sanctum of Legends; ‘The Forgotten’ ~Eredon 4 Life~
Thanks [End] For the great fight tonight, we are really looking forward another match against you guys.
Kindly, Snow Farrun [Deth]
Here’s a little highlight of the GvG
Dear HoD and ET – if you meet each other on our FC turf, would you kindly exterminate one another, rather than both attack us in perfect unison?
(this was the 5th case this day – here ET defended, HoD attacked us and then went to capture Titan camp and some other stuff)
LOL don’t take yourself to serious bro, we had 6 FoE online and some random PuGs and thought it’d be fun to take your tower. We aren’t “teaming up against you”, we really wanted y’all to take it back under insane AC fire.
What you SHOULD have posted was our 7 man crew killing off FC’s back line while fighting HoD at Vale and then y’all had to call in 25 people to kill us.
Obligatory: OMG FoE STILL WvWs?!?!??!?!
PS: take a better screenshot, I can not see myself. ty
My fun laughs at your server pride.
(edited by Feed Me Change.6528)
Oh, I don’t take it serious at all – first it is a game, and second, this is why the developers put 3 servers against one another – it is back to the old saying – when 2 guys quarrel madly over an object, a third person gains it
Besides, I was just going with the flow – I don’t see why the HoD guy was suggesting to ET to stop attacking HoD. That’s like saying let’s both attack FC and then we will get all that we want – HoD stays in 1st place, ET gets second.
I really like how ET plays – they just fight, protect their own and don’t care whom are they fighting – they just do their best, and sometimes they do it darn well. It is pretty much what FC did when we were dead last.
Fergie, and proud!
Come on guys, why so aggravated? We have one of those closest and most consistently close match-ups of a majority of the tiers so far, where who gets green, blue, red team is not deadlocked with 100% certainty like it is in many other tiers. Keep your chins up. 2 servers attacking one simultaneously is a common occurrence, and it happens to all of us. I used to find it frustrating too, but now I think it makes things a lot more exciting and unpredictable. It’s also a natural part of World vs. World. vs. World. (And so far I’ve seen enough complaints from all three servers about it to conclude that it happens almost equally anyways.)
Furthermore, I apologize for the arguments which spawned in the last tier 8 matchup thread as a result of my poke at certain HoD players(and some from other server’s/tiers) with the screenshots of all the big talk we were getting about a false forecast of one-sided domination in prior weeks. It wasn’t my intention to cause all the strife that followed or to kick HoD while it was down, I meant it to be a playful forum poke hinting to the irony of the situation, and not a flame bait. Despite that, I admit it had an intentionally arrogant and pretentious tone to it, and apologize once again for that.
Ferguson’s Crossing server.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
No harm done, we’re all adults here.
Anyway, tonight I met a really cool FC thief while dueling. We had a really awesome fight which he won, and then while we were chatting I DC’d and lost the party. Anyway he was a pleasure to talk to and really fun to fight, I hope to find him again sometime for a rematch ~Guild tag was something that began with K.
I really like how ET plays – they just fight, protect their own and don’t care whom are they fighting – they just do their best, and sometimes they do it darn well. It is pretty much what FC did when we were dead last.
I haven’t posted on the forums before but this comment brought me out. Thanks for writing this. I see it the same way.
Riva Lea – Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!
Eredon Terrace
Hey HoD, I forgot to give you guys a shoutout from… last night? This weekend? Things are blurry, yo. But I saw three or four of you running around with ruminant tonics, and it cracked me up. Especially when you all converged on a buddy of mine like you were eating his dead body. I love this silly stuff.
Hey HoD, I forgot to give you guys a shoutout from… last night? This weekend? Things are blurry, yo.
But I saw three or four of you running around with ruminant tonics, and it cracked me up. Especially when you all converged on a buddy of mine like you were eating his dead body. I love this silly stuff.
Here you go! =D
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Awful quite, wonder why.
Awful quite, wonder why.
It’s like 7am, FC still has to make our coffee run