“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
To be fair, we had some great fights in Bay, we actually hopped to EB cause we changed commanders and thought we might have some fun on EB. If you ever see us on a map / disappear from a map and want to fight just give us a whisper
No worry’s that is what i thought. Every one moves like they wan’t to i don’t mind.
It was fine for us we where only there for another 30mins after all RK can only be active for 3-4 hours a night because we are still a small guild. Very active, but no numbers to stay active for long.Now i will ignore offski for now because every guild have blowhards with little sens who can’t see the bigger picture of a fight.
The two best fights was the fight in between bay and garri when we where staring one another down for a bit to see who did what. I was trying to get you to charge us, but in the end our vale faint worked.
The other fight is when we went inside BAY with your forces on the Bridge and took the top of the walls. You sent +10 around back to flank.
My plan was to let your 10 get closer, charge them in a faint and then come plug op the stairs and it worked, but you where to many. At least we manged to down a ton of yours so it was all good.
Thanks for the insult Waage, I’m not sure why you considered my response rude. It seems some people like to interpret a post in any way they see fit.
I was the one commanding tonight btw, but hey i’ll take your rebuke on the chin, for whatever imaginary slur i gave you. All I was saying was that we left the wall down at bay and did not build one piece of defensive seige so that we could have an even fight.
You insulted me, RK and Merc first.
This first.
we got tired of all BG and JQ running in to their towers as soon as we approached so we hopped border.From your mouth and then there is the post you edited down.
Where you where talking about us running away and the commander calling for there to be put walls and marks so we could not run away written in CAPS!. Now you have edited that out.
Don’t pin that on him. That was written by me. Offski made me delete my second post because he thought it was offensive, so I did even though it was the truth.
Don’t be rude to him because of something I wrote. If you wanna be rude to someone, be rude to me!
The reality is that SOR has always WVWed on it’s own terms.
By some strange twist of circumstance Anet is changing their terms at the same time that JQ and BG have already learned that their terms don’t mean fertilizer to a tree. So too to Anet.
So what ever the new terms may evolve to, we’ll keep playing our way.
If you get our way — cool! If you don’t, do you think we really give a rat’s posterior.
Score update i highly recommend “Beastgate” throws this matchup so there Deviation isn’t high enough to be RNG’d with SoR in the future. :P
The reality is that SOR has always WVWed on it’s own terms.
By some strange twist of circumstance Anet is changing their terms at the same time that JQ and BG have already learned that their terms don’t mean fertilizer to a tree. So too to Anet.
So what ever the new terms may evolve to, we’ll keep playing our way.
If you get our way — cool! If you don’t, do you think we really give a rat’s posterior.
Not even sure what you are trying to say.
Forum posts should be limited to 3 sentences.
TLDR; Too long not reading.
LOL, [SG] you act like you didn’t die over and over to us (while we were GvG-ing another guild I might add). At worst you were a minor annoyance, not even worth much thought. Give us a call for a GvG when you get relevant in WvW
Respect begets respect.
I’d like to thank [Pro] for the great GvG today, those are the types of fights that I love playing GW2 for. Tip of the hat to you guys.
Oh we did die to you guys as does everybody die to everybody else. However the difference is we had 8, you had what 3 full groups?
You guys are horrible players balanced by a metric ton of warm bodies. You say it was a minor annoyance yet you came to the forums to cry. We literally laughed when we found you guys GvG’n and said “He lets make them whine on the forums” 10 min laters. Whines on the forums. Was the single best thing all nights. We even said we would trade all of our points for that one whine post.
Were a hit and run guild. So talking in TS holding hands and kitten stroking each other on the forums is not really our thing, while we set up a duel is not really our thing. We will see you on the battlefield. That’s where it will all be sorted out.
LOL, [SG] you act like you didn’t die over and over to us (while we were GvG-ing another guild I might add). At worst you were a minor annoyance, not even worth much thought. Give us a call for a GvG when you get relevant in WvW
Respect begets respect.
I’d like to thank [Pro] for the great GvG today, those are the types of fights that I love playing GW2 for. Tip of the hat to you guys.
Oh we did die to you guys as does everybody die to everybody else. However the difference is we had 8, you had what 3 full groups?
You guys are horrible players balanced by a metric ton of warm bodies. You say it was a minor annoyance yet you came to the forums to cry. We literally laughed when we found you guys GvG’n and said “He lets make them whine on the forums” 10 min laters. Whines on the forums. Was the single best thing all nights. We even said we would trade all of our points for that one whine post.
Were a hit and run guild. So talking in TS holding hands and kitten stroking each other on the forums is not really our thing, while we set up a duel is not really our thing. We will see you on the battlefield. That’s where it will all be sorted out.
Next time we will GvG in your garrison
We even said we would trade all of our points for that one whine post.
And this is why you no longer belong in T1 or competitive WvW.
(edited by Moderator)
Great fights tonight! Both in the GvGs and fights afterwards with JQ and BG in our Hills. Was tons of fun.
Had a blast playing vs you guys pro, was a shame I didn’t get to play on my thief though. I guess my guardian needs love every now and then too.
As for SG, you guys can continue to act relevant when all you really did was add to the bag counts for both sides and end up losing your garrison for it. But hey, you guys don’t care about the hard work some people on your server did upgrading the place and walking all those yaks. I’m sure you guys will be more than willing to help your server rebuild that garrison. l0l
Next time we will GvG in your garrison
Outer bay is maybe the best spot for controlled GvG. You could close the gate and let combatants use portals in. Theres a lot of room on the north plateau there.
Great fights tonight! Both in the GvGs and fights afterwards with JQ and BG in our Hills. Was tons of fun.
Had a blast playing vs you guys pro, was a shame I didn’t get to play on my thief though.
I guess my guardian needs love every now and then too.
As for SG, you guys can continue to act relevant when all you really did was add to the bag counts for both sides and end up losing your garrison for it. But hey, you guys don’t care about the hard work some people on your server did upgrading the place and walking all those yaks. I’m sure you guys will be more than willing to help your server rebuild that garrison. l0l
uh…we defended it for about 6 hours straight. pretty sure you guys took garrison after everybody logged off… I know we had it when I logged an hour after that scary 15 min post.
But your post did make me feel guilty. oh wait…
We even said we would trade all of our points for that one whine post.
And this is why you no longer belong in T1 or competitive WvW.
Lol, someone please dig up all the Sor we “are just in it for the fights” quotes please. I am surprised we are losing at all to the mental giants over there who setup a gvg on a blue bl with the red team then cry when blue drops by. It really MUST be a coverage thing.
Your payment in tears is enough at this time.
Try not to lick the glass of our trophy case on your way out. It will alas, always be larger than yours, because the game sadly didn’t wait for 15-17 weeks until you finally became “competitive.” =(
reason why JQ bl was chosen becos its nearest to both their spawns i guess? for both BG and SOR
It’s sort of ironic watching SoR complain that their GvG’s got interrupted after FEAR did it so many times and ruined the first batch of them.
So much drama, but the week has been filled with some good tough fights from all sides.
Let’s keep it up!
I love how when server X is winning, people you’ve never heard of enter this thread from server X to thump chest as if it were they alone who lifted their tick. It’s like they’ve discovered the world for the first time. It’s adorable. This cycle will repeat forever for any winning server.
(edited by Chopps.5047)
l33t skillz
by The Song
Blah blah
Something about collecting bags. Countless.
Losing in PPT but we are so l33t because of these bags.
I don’t want to sound entirely rude so I’m going to thank you guys for them.
But I fooled yah, just patronizing y’all. Outnumbered blah but bags.
Arrowcarts. Skillz.
Someone in party got precursor. From a bag. But was actually a chest cuz everyone knows bags just carry blues and greens.
Nonetheless I’m l33t. You dropped them. My egos huge right now.
But I’m actually hurting.
(edited by magikfox.9658)
I “lol’d” for real at “Arrowcarts Skillz” and I couldn’t believe you could do it but I “lol’d” harder at “Someone in party got precursor. From a bag. But was actually a chest cuz everyone knows bags just carry blues and greens.”
l33t skillz
by The SongBlah blah
Something about collecting bags. Countless.
Losing in PPT but we are so l33t because of these bags.
I don’t want to sound entirely rude so I’m going to thank you guys for them.
But I fooled yah, just patronizing y’all. Outnumbered blah but bags.
Arrowcarts. Skillz.
Someone in party got precursor. From a bag. But was actually a chest cuz everyone knows bags just carry blues and greens.
Nonetheless I’m l33t. You dropped them. My egos huge right now.But I’m actually hurting.
score update!!!!
Look at that PPT. SoR must be dying.
score update!!!!
Look at that PPT. SoR must be dying.
I think its a trap, SoR is really trying to lure you guys into fighting us by bringing the score closer…. but SHHH you didn’t hear it from me.
To be fair, we had some great fights in Bay, we actually hopped to EB cause we changed commanders and thought we might have some fun on EB. If you ever see us on a map / disappear from a map and want to fight just give us a whisper
No worry’s that is what i thought. Every one moves like they wan’t to i don’t mind.
It was fine for us we where only there for another 30mins after all RK can only be active for 3-4 hours a night because we are still a small guild. Very active, but no numbers to stay active for long.Now i will ignore offski for now because every guild have blowhards with little sens who can’t see the bigger picture of a fight.
The two best fights was the fight in between bay and garri when we where staring one another down for a bit to see who did what. I was trying to get you to charge us, but in the end our vale faint worked.
The other fight is when we went inside BAY with your forces on the Bridge and took the top of the walls. You sent +10 around back to flank.
My plan was to let your 10 get closer, charge them in a faint and then come plug op the stairs and it worked, but you where to many. At least we manged to down a ton of yours so it was all good.
Thanks for the insult Waage, I’m not sure why you considered my response rude. It seems some people like to interpret a post in any way they see fit.
I was the one commanding tonight btw, but hey i’ll take your rebuke on the chin, for whatever imaginary slur i gave you. All I was saying was that we left the wall down at bay and did not build one piece of defensive seige so that we could have an even fight.
You insulted me, RK and Merc first.
This first.
we got tired of all BG and JQ running in to their towers as soon as we approached so we hopped border.From your mouth and then there is the post you edited down.
Where you where talking about us running away and the commander calling for there to be put walls and marks so we could not run away written in CAPS!. Now you have edited that out.Don’t pin that on him. That was written by me. Offski made me delete my second post because he thought it was offensive, so I did even though it was the truth.
Don’t be rude to him because of something I wrote. If you wanna be rude to someone, be rude to me!
Fair enough i take it back i was wrong and i wrote the wrong name. I am sorry offski i will leave my post as it is because i believe in standing by your mistakes and edit in that i wrote the wrong name.
Now for you. Blowhards will blowhard.
Actually Waage, it’s not that difficult for the blowhards to figure out and this includes all the blowhards for any tier/server. If one comes to the public forums and falsely bashes a respected commander, expect to be trolled, ridiculed in defense of him/her.
Same could be said if you were a future target as well. I would be surprised if none on your server come forward and speak on your behalf (assuming you have a good server rep to begin with of course).
Every militia in the game thinks SoR is stacked to the max. Why would the tick matter to them? Welcome to being the new superpower and welcome to your new battle: that of boredom, Fixeon. We, on the other hand (JQ and strikeforce) are loving it. I actually moved to JQ from SoR because I like being the underdog. It’s a role I cherish. And there’s always good fights, no matter what, from our perspective.
(edited by Chopps.5047)
Every militia in the game thinks SoR is stacked to the max. Why would the tick matter to them? Welcome to being the new superpower and welcome to your new battle: that of boredom, Fixeon. We, on the other hand (JQ and strikeforce) are loving it. I actually moved to JQ from SoR because I like being the underdog. It’s a role I cherish. And there’s always good fights, no matter what, from our perspective.
I wonder how many late transfers JQ got before the server morale crumbled? Gotta feel bad for them!
JQ’s demise started with that very public internal spat with an ex JQ commander and half his guild leaving for DB. For whatever reason it started a negative chain of events…….
(edited by scootshoot.6583)
double teaming so desperately, lol
hills on JQ bl – BG holding south stopping us from getting in, and jq constantly golem rushing from north.
been happening for the past 1 hr.
(edited by salluks.6017)
I don’t remember SoS, I was on SoR back then. I also wasn’t around for whatever drama happened before IRON’s move. I don’t take much stock in drama. I just like a good fight with all the fun and none of the boredom.
double teaming so desperately, lol
hills on JQ bl – BG holding south stopping us from getting in, and jq constantly golem rushing from north.
been happening for the past 1 hr.
It takes two to tango with the might of SoR.
Not sure where everyone is going to be next week but it is clear we will not all be playing together again and I wanted to say thanks for the weeks of great fights and extremely entertaining forum threads.
Just remember…
SoR’s past will come back to haunt them,
BG will follow the same path as other super server wannabes and collapse,
JQ will rise back to the top within the next two months.
My biggest prediction will be that many WvW players will begin to play more tournaments with the introduction of league play and such and that WvW will die and that ANET will answer this with death with the merging of servers to keep WvW alive.
The funny thing is that servers are already doing this to try and survive and compete Storm Bluff Quarry, Sea of Blackgate, etc. Once players stop farming and paying for the transfers ANET will act with merging 2 servers to begin with and than merging 3 if required. Inevitably it will all come together when EU and NA WvW are merged to once and for all get rid of coverage wars.
Thanks for the fun!
Asian timezone update.
Sorry i cant play so much this week and next but my sis is getting married.
Asian timezone update.
Sorry i cant play so much this week and next but my sis is getting married.
Gratz ^^
I nearly never post on here…
I just want to say thanks to all the folk who actually show scores in creative ways.
Those of us at work could usually care less about the double talk of three servers being represented by the same 20 or so keyboard warriors that apparently are so good they can WvW and post on forums simultaneously.
Keep the creative updates coming!
double teaming so desperately, lol
hills on JQ bl – BG holding south stopping us from getting in, and jq constantly golem rushing from north.
been happening for the past 1 hr.
OMG, lol. REally? lol. No way?! lol
SoR BL gogo 3way battles!
Held SoR garrison for a good 2 hours, lost due to Waha pushing us meanie!
(edited by MagiKarp.8201)
Having a dominant wvwvw score is just a silly bonus , having continously great long lasting open field battles (without ACs) i what makes it more fun.
wonder what will the new wvwvw matches makeup will bring o.o
Good fights last night in BG BL. It was great fun commanding against you guys. Some of those fights inside hills I thought we were going to lose due to lesser numbers, and we didn’t, but you finally got us on that last time we were inside with that portal bomb and acs.
chopps u do know jq was top dog up until a little over a month now where bg took over
(edited by SykkoB.9465)
chopps u do know jq was top dog up until a little over a month now where bg took over
So you’re saying when he transferred, he did so when JQ was #1? Hurts the “underdog” argument a little bit…
It’s sort of ironic watching SoR complain that their GvG’s got interrupted after FEAR did it so many times and ruined the first batch of them.
We are no longer told when or where those “GvGs” are happening.
of course he did its been 2 1/2 weeks with sor not being the underdog and bg and jq swapping positions. plus just look at his post history shows he was on jq for over a month when they were top dog
but ona positive note I kinda wanna see a sor/db/jq matchup the hatred will be explosive
or a db/bg matchup then they can fight it out on who is being double teamed
on a side note good fights this week from all three servers good to see bg back and going strong
(edited by SykkoB.9465)
It’s sort of ironic watching SoR complain that their GvG’s got interrupted after FEAR did it so many times and ruined the first batch of them.
We are no longer told when or where those “GvGs” are happening.
Haha I just thought it was funny that Choo was complaining about being interrupted after those GvG’s caused such a stir when interrupted :P
Found some friends while in a LA overflow!
Now to wait for WvW to come back online, oh how will we amuse one another?!
Love the strategic WvW downtime during SEA lol, no points for us
Love the strategic WvW downtime during SEA lol, no points for us
Take the tin foil hat off.
Happy Tuesday all! Hope you enjoyed the long holiday weekend if you were able to. I’m back, so that should be good for, oh, +100 ppt for us once I log on…
Well, it made for a nice dream at least.
“Beyond the chest thumping of a few Rallians, who are probably just more excited about winning than anything else- so you’ll have to excuse them, this has turned out to be a fantastic match. I have to thank JQ and BG for coming out there and really putting the pressure on.
The thing is, we are looking for a challenge. The guilds that currently play on the server together play for not just good fights, but amazing fights and being #1 means nothing to us. And we did not get those last week. Last week on SoR, our NA guilds logged early, our asian guilds did pve, and our oceanics sang in ts. Whether by your choice or not, I will make sure that SoR is tested either through a welcomed 2v1 or by recruiting guilds to your servers as I am currently doing.
Fact of the matter is, SoR is by nature a lean server, we shed a lot of fat in T2 when we logged into literally 0ppt for 11 weeks straight. Not all individuals have the resolute or the courage to face adversity like that and still keep fighting. That was our test then and it made us stronger, the fickle players left our server, the hardcore remained. Since becoming #1, we have gotten some fat from unannounced transfers, we once again need to be tested to shed the fat, quite frankly we hope you continue to 2v1 us into an oblivion. Those without spirit or resolution will be chased away. Those that remain shall be battle hardened further.
The Sanctum is the citadel in the skies where WvW legends reside. This is the place of true warriors who fight regardless of score or situation. There is a reason why SoR has the highest percentage of WvWers of any server and that isn’t by accident. We are the smallest server in the top 5, but most of the players on it are there for WvW but more importantly, they are there as brothers and sisters at arms.
The community on SoR is very fun, very mature, very organized and very close knit. In my 12 years of gaming, I have never found so many selfless, proud and strong players. It really is something special, with that being said, I salute our enemies and hope you guys will continue to bring the fight to us everyday."
(edited by Ultimaistanza.4793)
Oh Trahearne, the 6 paragraph long Sanctimonious Rall posts are back.
LOL, [SG] you act like you didn’t die over and over to us (while we were GvG-ing another guild I might add). At worst you were a minor annoyance, not even worth much thought. Give us a call for a GvG when you get relevant in WvW
Respect begets respect.
I’d like to thank [Pro] for the great GvG today, those are the types of fights that I love playing GW2 for. Tip of the hat to you guys.
Hey just glad our 8man at the time warranted you crying on the forums =)
Our guild doesn’t need to ego stroke, those who know us, know what we do on our server. Nice try though kiddo, you’re cute.
Actually, they never cried… you came in and decided to start it up on the forums.
Beyond the chest thumping of a few Rallians, who are probably just more excited about winning than anything else- so you’ll have to excuse them, this has turned out to be a fantastic match. I have to thank JQ and BG for coming out there and really putting the pressure on.
The thing is, we are looking for a challenge. The guilds that currently play on the server together play for not just good fights, but amazing fights and being #1 means nothing to us. And we did not get those last week. Last week on SoR, our NA guilds logged early, our asian guilds did pve, and our oceanics sang in ts. Whether by your choice or not, I will make sure that SoR is tested either through a welcomed 2v1 or by recruiting guilds to your servers as I am currently doing.
Fact of the matter is, SoR is by nature a lean server, we shed a lot of fat in T2 when we logged into literally 0ppt for 11 weeks straight. Not all individuals have the resolute or the courage to face adversity like that and still keep fighting. That was our test then and it made us stronger, the fickle players left our server, the hardcore remained. Since becoming #1, we have gotten some fat from unannounced transfers, we once again need to be tested to shed the fat, quite frankly we hope you continue to 2v1 us into an oblivion. Those without spirit or resolution will be chased away. Those that remain shall be battle hardened further.
The Sanctum is the citadel in the skies where WvW legends reside. This is the place of true warriors who fight regardless of score or situation. There is a reason why SoR has the highest percentage of WvWers of any server and that isn’t by accident. We are the smallest server in the top 5, but most of the players on it are there for WvW but more importantly, they are there as brothers and sisters at arms.
The community on SoR is very fun, very mature, very organized and very close knit. In my 12 years of gaming, I have never found so many selfless, proud and strong players. It really is something special, with that being said, I salute our enemies and hope you guys will continue to bring the fight to us everyday.
Well said Indo.
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