Jade Quarry God/and sometimes commander
~80 Guardian
And remember FA and TC. Go forth and pwn you know who. Make me proud
I cant believe I am going to even say something on this. But why is JQ even in a thread that has nothing to do with them. You need to worry more about BG than this post. Just saying.
And remember FA and TC. Go forth and pwn you know who. Make me proud
I cant believe I am going to even say something on this. But why is JQ even in a thread that has nothing to do with them. You need to worry more about BG than this post. Just saying.
JQ has nothing to worry about. And I for one appreciate their words of encouragement.
Where the hell our TC’s commanders that I ran around with pulling insane plans that had people going “Wtf just happened?” Things are so disgusting, I dont know which is worse, the obvious double teaming, or the fact that our commanders who know what the kitten they are doing seem to have vanished like a fart in the wind.
Wow shut up already. Every commander starts somewhere and with making mistakes and learning from them, he/she becomes a better commander. If you’re that competent, get your own tag and lead. Otherwise shut up and support the commander.
This. Stop whining about 2v1, DB abuses both of us equally. It’s getting old.
Commanders are people and they sometimes have things to do. Yes, I know that’s a shock to some but you can’t expect the same people to lead every day for months. If you don’t like how things are then buy a tag and lead yourself.
(edited by Master Farkha.1857)
Where the hell our TC’s commanders that I ran around with pulling insane plans that had people going “Wtf just happened?” Things are so disgusting, I dont know which is worse, the obvious double teaming, or the fact that our commanders who know what the kitten they are doing seem to have vanished like a fart in the wind.
Wow shut up already. Every commander starts somewhere and with making mistakes and learning from them, he/she becomes a better commander. If you’re that competent, get your own tag and lead. Otherwise shut up and support the commander.
This gets a thumbs up x 154329897345. Commanders are also going to try different tactics with the new AC changes. And many of our veteran commanders are giving the opportunity for newer commanders to lead. If you don’t think they are doing a good job, just do it yourself.
As far at the sinking ship comment….
“We’re going to need a bigger boat.” (OMG! I HAD TO)
Gellor, Eva – I have no salads Let me know if the human can still join you.
Tonight we had a great fight in FA bl especially in Bay.
Though always have connect and lag questions so often.
(edited by syugogetten.8297)
And remember FA and TC. Go forth and pwn you know who. Make me proud
I cant believe I am going to even say something on this. But why is JQ even in a thread that has nothing to do with them. You need to worry more about BG than this post. Just saying.
Please ignore Fuzz. He clearly forgot.
Thanks for making WvW completely unfun and unfair to play. The double teaming is not over exaggerated, it’s disgustingly obvious. Where the hell our TC’s commanders that I ran around with pulling insane plans that had people going “Wtf just happened?” Things are so disgusting, I dont know which is worse, the obvious double teaming, or the fact that our commanders who know what the kitten they are doing seem to have vanished like a fart in the wind.
You can thank Devon Arrowcarter for that one.
You may have noticed on reset that both DB and FA went for hills immediately in their own borderlands. Unfortunately FABL was (and remains) bugged so the massive advantage you get from arrow carts at hills evaporated due to the spawn distance. I wasn’t in DBBL but it sounds like TC pressured them hard enough at Garrison for FA to take hills there during reset.
Also, you should recognize that a lot of commanders on every server just aren’t playing right now. The siege change hasn’t really changed combat so much as it’s made the frequency of fights abysmally low outside of reset. You still have to use siege to open up a tower, you still have to use siege to make it a plausible fight when you enter, it just takes extra hours.
The main difference is that the level of impatience is so high that occurrences like this one, pre patch, are pretty common place now.
Commanders who are on are also making a lot of “bad” decisions because the strategy the game asks for does not intersect with reality. If you’re commanding and you or most of your teammates have to go in two hours or it’s getting later in the night, your choices are:
A. Run in, probably wipe, maybe take it, probably not.
B. Log off.
Where the hell our TC’s commanders that I ran around with pulling insane plans that had people going “Wtf just happened?” Things are so disgusting, I dont know which is worse, the obvious double teaming, or the fact that our commanders who know what the kitten they are doing seem to have vanished like a fart in the wind.
Wow shut up already. Every commander starts somewhere and with making mistakes and learning from them, he/she becomes a better commander. If you’re that competent, get your own tag and lead. Otherwise shut up and support the commander.
This gets a thumbs up x 154329897345. Commanders are also going to try different tactics with the new AC changes. And many of our veteran commanders are giving the opportunity for newer commanders to lead. If you don’t think they are doing a good job, just do it yourself.
As far at the sinking ship comment….
“We’re going to need a bigger boat.” (OMG! I HAD TO)
Gellor, Eva – I have no salads
Let me know if the human can still join you.
Yea of course you can join, just try not to eat us!
To the people bashing TC commanders:
If some are gone it may be for many reasons. School finals, holidays, family emergency, break, new game, etc.
In order to keep the commanders you have continue to log in, please support them. Otherwise you may need to get a tag yourself.
Ultimately, the commander is not essential in maintaining a BL. The militia are, and its the job of everybody in zone to work towards a goal of protecting and mauntaining your holdings.
Mortar girl reporting for duty!
Love starting the morning with a few well placed rounds on an enemy flame ram crew. Hope they had as much of a blast as I did
Lol if you think KN will hold their lead throughout the week. They are a kittening ghost town in everything but SEA primetime throughout the weekdays. The same thing happened last week and Mag won by the end.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the skill lag and DC-fest in Tier 2. Remember, you created this yourself by dragging more guilds into your servers. I feel bad for FA since they’re getting the crap end of 2 other servers’ bandwagons.
I forget FA never got an influx of guilds….
Any other hard-core WvW guilds have folks talking about sitting out of WvW until they fix this arrow cart debacle?
ANet, please fix this. Your idea was bad, own it and change it back please.
On a separate note, when fights actually occur without ACs, having a great time! T2 without ACs is a great matchup.
Lol if you think KN will hold their lead throughout the week. They are a kittening ghost town in everything but SEA primetime throughout the weekdays. The same thing happened last week and Mag won by the end.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the skill lag and DC-fest in Tier 2. Remember, you created this yourself by dragging more guilds into your servers. I feel bad for FA since they’re getting the crap end of 2 other servers’ bandwagons.
I forget FA never got an influx of guilds….
without going too far off topic…..fa was the underdog server when we got transfers.
Witnessed some cool sneak attacks from TC on tcbl bay…or was it FA BL?? Cant remember…almost didnt spot you all with those golems on inner north gate..
Someone forgot about KN/TC trying to push FA down to T3 rather quickly?
Someone forgot to check the rankings lately?
The new super-duper master plan is that TC pushes FA down (-32 atm) and KN works it way back up (+53 atm)!
Also… score update!
Someone forgot weekend ratings don’t mean anything
On that note next week T2 will be much better without the server dcs
Oh that’s rich. Glad to see TC complaining about a non-existent doubleteam. Oh that brings me happiness.
two teams sometimes attack a third in a game where your options all boil down to defend/acquire/pressure. crazy!
it drives me nuts to hear people complaining about double teaming. Is one team supposed to sit on their hands while the other two fight it out?
Oh that’s rich. Glad to see TC complaining about a non-existent doubleteam. Oh that brings me happiness.
Wow, one guy speaking for a whole server as it seems. New to me.
it drives me nuts to hear people complaining about double teaming. Is one team supposed to sit on their hands while the other two fight it out?
+1 for sound logic.
I didn’t play last night after work. Thanks Arrowcart Wars. Without you I wouldn’t have opened Steam and picked up Tomb Raider for $25! Its a really fun game.
TC’s old guard isn’t coming back. At this point, its step up, adapt, or die. As soon as the ACs are fixed I will come back and play. There are some things that just are not worth it. In this case I am not interested in playing Treb VS ACs.
Sure it might be more “realistic” or whatever crazy reason Anet has come up with but some things are not worth adapting for. Treb VS AC feels like EVE Online so a big no thank you is in order.
(edited by Urrid.4593)
This week WvW is really messed up.
The new ACs and, especially, paying repair fees multiple times due to frequent DCs on FA bl have made me lose my mood in playing WvW….
I didn’t play last night after work. Thanks Arrowcarts! Without you I wouldn’t have opened Steam and picked up Tomb Raider for $25. Its a really fun game.
TC’s old guard isn’t “coming back” at this point its step up and adapt or die. As soon as the ACs are fixed I will come back and play but until then? Hah!
I don’t know what this old guard you keep speaking of is but there are still extremely competent leaders on TC you just have to find them and follow or I don’t know put on a tag and try leading some.
I don’t know what this old guard you keep speaking of is but there are still extremely competent leaders on TC you just have to find them and follow or I don’t know put on a tag and try leading some.
I took bay early Saturday morning with the help of Feranox and Company. It was boring and took like nine trebs. Sorry if my contribution to the war effort isn’t enough to make you happy.
Before that I stood in Sunnyhill for 5 hours on watch and scared off entire zergs with a Treb and an Arrowcart. Again, sorry if this isn’t enough for the ZN elites.
As far as the old guard goes, I don’t expect a recent transfer to really get it. We had something magical, now it just feels like AnyOldServer.
(edited by Urrid.4593)
I wasn’t saying it isn’t enough what i’m saying is give the new people a chance you might be surprised at the knowledge they do have instead of dooming and glooming on every public venue available.
I wasn’t saying it isn’t enough what i’m saying is give the new people a chance you might be surprised at the knowledge they do have instead of dooming and glooming on every public venue available.
Feranox is a new commander and a transfer. I pointed them to some good resources for learning as well as helped them buy their tag. They show promise. I would like to think I played a small part in helping a new commander step up and lead.
Again, if you think my three forum posts on the subject of old TC is “every public venue” then you’re very mistaken.
(edited by Urrid.4593)
I don’t know what this old guard you keep speaking of is but there are still extremely competent leaders on TC you just have to find them and follow or I don’t know put on a tag and try leading some.
I took bay early Saturday morning with the help of Feranox and Company. It was boring and took like nine trebs. Sorry if my contribution to the war effort isn’t enough to make you happy.
Before that I stood in Sunnyhill for 5 hours on watch and scared off entire zergs with a Treb and an Arrowcart. Again, sorry if this isn’t enough for the ZN elites.
As far as the old guard goes, I don’t expect a recent transfer to really get it. We had something magical, now it just feels like AnyOldServer.
Totally agree about the AC patch.. regarding the other stuff, you should probably keep it to the TC forums before your own PR team shuns you
Not the shunning! I am already practically Hester Prynne at this point.
Oh that’s rich. Glad to see TC complaining about a non-existent doubleteam. Oh that brings me happiness.
Wow, one guy speaking for a whole server as it seems. New to me.
Says the guy who hides what server he is on ……
Arrow carts in general are the worst part about WvW. The fact that they can be buffed via WXP, just made things that much worse. Turned WvW into Treb wars, which is ridiculously boring. Seriously, who likes sitting around pressing one button for 20+ minutes?
Also, this should be the week’s thread, not some necro’d thread that is no longer relevant.
Arrowcarts – a bigger barrier to fun than culling ever was.
Ye landlubbers ’n scalliwags better ’ta be ready ’ta see me dagger real close before I be stabbin ye in ’da eye.
’ta the ranger from bear on FA, it be a fun time we had ’fer a short while sittin on ’da hill outside hills and killin ’da DB thief.
’ta Eva: Let me in yer garrison so I can show ye how pirates say hello!
Sure it might be more “realistic” or whatever crazy reason Anet has come up with but some things are not worth adapting for. Treb VS AC feels like EVE Online so a big no thank you is in order.
This guy speaks my language.
Interesting that DB stil has TC hills. I don’t think anyone will ever be able to take that keep.
Interesting that DB stil has TC hills. I don’t think anyone will ever be able to take that keep.
It’s possible – it may take about 30 trebs, 10 catapults and 2 well-placed arrowcarts, and 50 golems… but it’s possible
Dear Anet -
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - FIX the red borderland...
So, that’s why I heard TC people saying that FA BL seemed twitchy glitchy today.
Also, me and another thief stacked huge stealth on a dolyak. I thought we were awesome. Then she said, yeah, but they can still see it on the map... I felt like my ice cream cone melted. And then, the inviso yak melted. *sniffle*
Seriously, who likes sitting around pressing one button for 20+ minutes?
I miss my Atari 2600.
BT Took it last week, Thursday, mid afternoon, had a waypoint. Still not sure how they got in there, but I definitely cheered them on So, ask BT, I think they may have just man-handled it (eva-handled it?) into submission
Dear Anet -
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD – FIX the red borderland…
So, that’s why I heard TC people saying that FA BL seemed twitchy glitchy today.
Also, me and another thief stacked huge stealth on a dolyak. I thought we were awesome. Then she said, yeah, but they can still see it on the map… I felt like my ice cream cone melted. And then, the inviso yak melted. sniffle
Crashed again QQ -
Sorry about your theoretical ice cream cone – But if it makes you feel any better – Arrowcarts!
This guy speaks my language.
Gal, but yeah they could have tweaked the old meta in so many other ways than a HUGE ac buff and it would have been fine.
For instance imagine the following:
- Players cannot harm gates with more than 20% HP. (reduces zerging effectiveness and gives players a very good incentive to do more than the bare min repair job on a damaged gate.)
- ACs get a 15% dmg buff (25% total with traits, but same range.)
- Golems are not effected by Timewarp.
- Catapults gravel option buffed to really spray a large volume of gravel. No one uses this for a reason, give us a reason!
It’s possible – it may take about 30 trebs, 10 catapults and 2 well-placed arrowcarts, and 50 golems… but it’s possible
And they would flip it back when the majority of TC is asleep and the cycle would have to start anew.
Stealth caping surely doesn’t count. I’m talking about an actual siege, firefights and redswords.
Stealth caping surely doesn’t count. I’m talking about an actual siege, firefights and redswords.
Ninja’ing a keep is one of WvW’s little joys…
It counts. At least in my book.
Score Update,
Edit for mean quip
(edited by Gellor.6497)
BT Took it last week, Thursday, mid afternoon, had a waypoint. Still not sure how they got in there, but I definitely cheered them on
So, ask BT, I think they may have just man-handled it (eva-handled it?) into submission
We were notified that FA was at hills when the INNER gate was at 20%.
you guys can have fabl hills
good trebbing i guess
better fights in se camp
Our reset.
Thank god we chose EBG instead of our usual posting FABL. Sounds like it was nothing but rolling D/C and treb wars.
Our reset.
Thank god we chose EBG instead of our usual posting FABL. Sounds like it was nothing but rolling D/C and treb wars.
For the record, FA had a spy in DB TS for reset night. At the 6:16 mark you can see him warning of a portal bomb well before it actually happens (and no that’s not my proof, it’s just the best example of it in this footage). Since it cuts in after that message was received and the portal bomb itself doesn’t actually materialize until the 6:30 mark, this means he got the message well before CO sent its mesmer in there.
Apparently he was able to use his in-game name and no one bothered to check in in TS. I wasn’t there, I like to think I would’ve noticed! :P Hopefully this won’t happen again lol.
(edited by Arkanfel.8403)
Our reset.
Thank god we chose EBG instead of our usual posting FABL. Sounds like it was nothing but rolling D/C and treb wars.
For the record, FA had a spy in DB TS for reset night. Apparently he was able to use his in-game name and no one bothered to check in in TS. I wasn’t there, I like to think I would’ve noticed! :P
Hopefully this won’t happen again lol
Then give the name
Our reset.
Thank god we chose EBG instead of our usual posting FABL. Sounds like it was nothing but rolling D/C and treb wars.
For the record, FA had a spy in DB TS for reset night. Apparently he was able to use his in-game name and no one bothered to check in in TS. I wasn’t there, I like to think I would’ve noticed! :P
Hopefully this won’t happen again lol
Then give the name
Then again, he may get his post deleted for giving a name. Mods don’t like it when someone gets called out. Mods don’t really like much of anything.
Our reset.
Thank god we chose EBG instead of our usual posting FABL. Sounds like it was nothing but rolling D/C and treb wars.
For the record, FA had a spy in DB TS for reset night. Apparently he was able to use his in-game name and no one bothered to check in in TS. I wasn’t there, I like to think I would’ve noticed! :P
Hopefully this won’t happen again lol
Then give the name
It’s in the video. Look at his PMs from 6:16-6:30+
this is the part where FA says “loool we don’t use spiesssssssssss”
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