HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
Tier 4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/10/13)
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
Funny thing is. I assume by the guild name it’s the same guy from WoW which I captured on video doing the same thing in battlegrounds (though it is allowed in that game.)
He also posted a thread questioning the rules, yet still breaks them.
It’s like he cannot understand why he isn’t allowed to one shot every one with a single key stroke.
Found a video of his showing off his guild list and wuts this at :40 ? “GW2 KEYMAP IS NOW ACTIVE” ?
(edited by Azure Prower.8701)
Funny thing is. I assume by the guild it’s the same guy called Prepared from WoW which I captured on video doing the same thing in battlegrounds (though it is allowed in that game.)
He also posted a thread questioning the rules, yet still breaks them.
It’s like he cannot understand why he isn’t allowed to one shot every one with a single key stroke.
In NA prime time, EB often has a queue for SBI. At those points, the only server the multi-boxer is hurting is stormbluff. Basically he’s making the queue ten players smaller, or maybe 7-8 if you count him as effective as 2-3 people.
SBI.. Please deal with a player named Reikou guild [ADL]in TS. He came into our TS and Didn’t tell us he was SBI. He was spying on our ts. Please could you take care of this. We know that this is not how you guys like to run your server or your game. Thanks
Interesting. I was commanding when you posted this, and the user Reikou was in the map at the time, but he provided zero valuable information at all, and more often than not got himself killed and complained about it. I reported him for griefing after reading this post, but I honestly don’t know what ANet will do about a TS griefing violation. I recommend banning his IP from your TS and making people validate (we do this on ours). On more than one occasion we’ve had a CD member or SoS member in our TS, and we make it a point to purge anyone who doesn’t confirm themselves regularly to get rid of them. You should do the same, because we don’t want those “spies” any more than you do.
So while we’re on the topic of cheating. How long before the “We Are Prepared [PREP]” guild is going to stop ruining the WvW scene with their rampant multiclienting? Is this guild just one person with a bunch of accounts or what?
I’ve reported every single account of this user, and have instructed my groups to stop whatever the hell they were doing and do the same before we moved on. That’s the best I can offer, and I hope that ANet bans the accounts, but it’s really in their hands.
I sincerely apologize to our opponents for any “bad seeds” that may be doing stupid things. If we could do more to stop them, we would.
This boxer is easily deflatable if you can get inside his ‘personal space’ and have good AE abilities. I flanked around him while he was busy with our large group then Steal > Daggerstorm which caused enough chaos with his bots that we rolled over him quite handily.
edit – I almost wanted to start farming the guy for all the loot bags =D
Interesting. I was commanding when you posted this, and the user Reikou was in the map at the time, but he provided zero valuable information at all, and more often than not got himself killed and complained about it.
What a horrible thing to say considering that I didn’t even type anything in chat during the entire time =O.
Still though, this WvW drama is actually pretty fun once you get into it!
CD had a pretty cool training session going on yesterday, and where they taught all sorts of cool little tricks to new WvW aspirants, and then took them to SBI borderlands to train. Perhaps we should learn from that SBI!
Shoutout to Huntyre and Boaky for the informative Guardian lessons as well!
Will be sure to see you guys in TS next week!
(edited by Reikou.7068)
What a horrible thing to say considering that I didn’t even type anything in chat during the entire time =O.
I could be thinking of someone else, but I remember your name and remember thinking at one point that you were complaining about something that I didn’t think was relevant at all. Otherwise, I’m saying this a day late, and I can’t say I commit the discussions of every player in-game to memory. A lot of people were complaining that morning, so if I’ve offended you, or perhaps am thinking of someone else, I apologize.
Either way, please don’t harass CD on their TS. Hopefully they IP ban you from it. :/
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
To the SoS guardian (Human or Norn, I’m unsure which) from [QE]:
Every time we fight you show the absolute best mastery of the guardian class. Good show, man. Very good show. Any chance you’d transfer servers? =)
-from us in [FEAR] and [TKVA]
To the LEET thieves i was dueling for hours last night, great fights. haven’t played my ele in a while and it was a lot of fun.
I am currently levelling an engineer in WvW. If you happen upon a little asura engineer with a toybag backpack, please feel free to open fire.
I greatly enjoy the jumping around chasing, fighting and different mechanics of the engineer and in particular wish to thank the EB roamers for bringing the pucker factor.
Good luck all, enjoy the game.
I am currently levelling an engineer in WvW. If you happen upon a little asura engineer with a toybag backpack, please feel free to open fire.
I greatly enjoy the jumping around chasing, fighting and different mechanics of the engineer and in particular wish to thank the EB roamers for bringing the pucker factor.
Good luck all, enjoy the game.
Moar Engies! My first class was an engineer. Loved it for the longest time, but I could never figure out how to work the kitten thing in WvW. That said, some of the best fights I’ve had since then have been against engineers.
Hope you enjoy the class! (And CC all the thieves.)
Thought i’d note that sbi has a major bot problem in ebg. Looks to be a bunch of charr rangers with guild tag… [PREP] I think, can’t really remember.
I am tempted to get my guild to make a bunch of Charr ranger alts with bears … and then unleash them on unsuspecting foes!
Roughly 11PM Server Time on Monday Evening
Edit: Whoops… attachment didn’t attach correctly. Sorry about that!
SBI trolls seem to be on CD ts daily… sigh
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name
Can you please just ban them if they’re trolling you on your TS? It’s what we do when we get trolls from other servers, and as a result it’s not a problem and we don’t even have to bring it up on the forum threads. If you can’t, you need to get your server admins on to help.
There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop people who insist on trolling you, particularly because it is an incident outside of the game so we can’t even report them. We’re sorry it’s happening, but you’ve got to learn to take care of it!
In fact this guy on SBI TS kept telling us to give up our T3 garrison while the army of SoS hit us with 5 trebs. Maybe it´s not a bad thing for you CD guys to dicuss tactics with him to against us.
Had some great fun today on EB.
CD you scared us when you outnumbered us and took Klovan etc, but my soldiers did well to bring the map back to our standard
We had some good fights and i enjoyed it! thanks guys.
Oh and also SBI like 5 mins ago we tried for your OL again, wow you guys surely didnt want to give that up with all those ACS. Thanks again for the fun fights guys and keep it up
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Yeah cause he cant change his ip…Right?
It doesn’t matter to most of us as we have seen he is not very skilled and even though you can react to his info you still weren’t able to stop what we want to do. I guess we will have to get used to this troll (wow 3rd place has brought out the sore losers for yall this week) just as you will have to get used to 3rd.
It doesn’t matter to most of us as we have seen he is not very skilled and even though you can react to his info you still weren’t able to stop what we want to do. I guess we will have to get used to this troll (wow 3rd place has brought out the sore losers for yall this week) just as you will have to get used to 3rd.
He hasn’t provided us with any info. Like I said, I was commanding Sunday, and I got nothing from him on our TS or in map chat. As far as I’m aware, he’s just getting a rise out of you guys for jollies.
Anyway, I like red more than blue.
It doesn’t matter to most of us as we have seen he is not very skilled and even though you can react to his info you still weren’t able to stop what we want to do. I guess we will have to get used to this troll (wow 3rd place has brought out the sore losers for yall this week) just as you will have to get used to 3rd.
He hasn’t provided us with any info. Like I said, I was commanding Sunday, and I got nothing from him on our TS or in map chat. As far as I’m aware, he’s just getting a rise out of you guys for jollies.
Anyway, I like red more than blue.
Plus, we are mostly in agreement that he is a doofus and about as useful to us as that ranger-bot PERP dude, and Cold As You, who we also cannot get rid of. Every server has its ‘special people’, right?
Leader of The Ethereal Guard
It doesn’t matter to most of us as we have seen he is not very skilled and even though you can react to his info you still weren’t able to stop what we want to do.
Then why is this even an issue?
Here’s some inside info to maybe set your mind at ease…
We already know what CD is going to do. You’re going to hit Ogrewatch/Umber and you’re going to find a spot to treb Stonemist. That’s your playbook. We also already know what you plan to do in every open field engagement (run north if red, run south if blue).
The minute you stop doing that every single night we might have need for a spy. For now you’ve just got a troll on your hands.
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
Yeah cause he cant change his ip…Right?
I doubt every troll out there knows how to change their IP. Of those that do, they don’t have an infinite number of IP addresses to work through, so I’d happily keep banning him until he runs out. Even if he has thousands.
Thanks for the two cents Maladon but we arent talking EB. Maybe you didnt recieve info that night (ill take your word for a fact) but you cant account for the actions of all on your server and certain things discussed have been reenacted by players on your server that very night. Maybe you can take my word for fact?
Ultimately i can confidently say that we in CD arent worried about said troll and are jelly about being blue over red in EB.
Kind of dissapointed that CD needs to resort to arrow carts at Quentin Lake to wipe a zerg of SoS that’s barely half the size.
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist
Kinda dissappointed that sos zerg got wiped in front of ql when there is so much open space to back track to lol
(Substitute Commander/Loot collector/
Frontline pinyata/ Dancing partner)
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your loooooot
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your loooooot
Trust me, every server does this. I couldn’t pay any SBI or SoS to fight me running solo this afternoon even when three SoS were shacked up in their tower.
Take a camp and sit there people will come, if not the whole zerg.
(Substitute Commander/Loot collector/
Frontline pinyata/ Dancing partner)
If you are having difficulty with gamers using AC’s, It may be time to reconsider your own tactics.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your loooooot
Ermm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your looooootErmm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Wait. . . Are you saying that you only WvW to kill NPC’s? If so, PVE is that way —-——>
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your looooootErmm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Wait. . . Are you saying that you only WvW to kill NPC’s? If so, PVE is that way —-——>
Well, I guess the logic of waiting for you to call your zerg to come so that they don’t hit somewhere we don’t want them to hit is too complicated for you to understand
Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your looooootErmm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Wait. . . Are you saying that you only WvW to kill NPC’s? If so, PVE is that way —-——>
Well, I guess the logic of waiting for you to call your zerg to come so that they don’t hit somewhere we don’t want them to hit is too complicated for you to understand
I have two responses:
1. What does calling for a zerg have anything to do with what you said about going to PVP and not WvW if you just want fights?
2. I don’t zerg nor do I call for zergs. Ever.
SBI trolls seem to be on CD ts daily… sigh
Could it be that one really bad Mez?
You should learn to play Mesmer from that one cAc human mesmer with blue hair. At least he/she gave me a good fight. (Although their thieves are still terrible.)
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your looooootErmm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Wait. . . Are you saying that you only WvW to kill NPC’s? If so, PVE is that way —-——>
Well, I guess the logic of waiting for you to call your zerg to come so that they don’t hit somewhere we don’t want them to hit is too complicated for you to understand
I have two responses:
1. What does calling for a zerg have anything to do with what you said about going to PVP and not WvW if you just want fights?
2. I don’t zerg nor do I call for zergs. Ever.
1. People choose to sit in towers of your borderland because they are clocking the points, and hoping to pull your people to them so that your people don’t hit somewhere they don’t want. So don’t complaint when they bunker in and use acs instead of coming out to fight, in response to The Hunter’s comment
2. Doesnt have to be you, as long as someone does, its job done, or you could leave that tower as it is, and let ppl clock the ppts
Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§
(edited by Marquiz.7625)
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle.
You can see more of this on my stream!
GOGO SBI! Fight hard!
Hi SOS.. Miss you up here <3
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
I saw your D/P build that you use and honestly, you should be using D/D instead. The lack of ini regen and stealth buffs defeats the point of using D/P.
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
thats not a 1v3
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
I saw your D/P build that you use and honestly, you should be using D/D instead. The lack of ini regen and stealth buffs defeats the point of using D/P.
Nah. Ever since Dancing Dagger nerf, dagger off-hand has been pretty bad.
The utility that Headshot and Black Powder bring are far superior to what the Dagger offhand can provide. Shadowshot is also much more useful than death blossom.
(edited by Reikou.7068)
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
I saw your D/P build that you use and honestly, you should be using D/D instead. The lack of ini regen and stealth buffs defeats the point of using D/P.
Nah. Ever since Dancing Dagger nerf, dagger off-hand has been pretty bad.
The utility that Headshot and Black Powder bring are far superior to what the Dagger offhand can provide. Shadowshot is also much more useful than death blossom.
Hmm, I see. I just don’t think that running D/P without +2/sec ini regen and +2 ini on stealth is very safe cause to open with stealth you’re already dumping 9 of your 15 initiative which imo is dangerous since you have no ini regen boosts. D/P skills are generally quite high ini req. skills so for me having +3ini/sec regen and +2 ini on stealth is a must. I don’t like initiating pre-fight stealth with my utilities cause I generally reserve them for mid combat. Imo, sacrificing the 25 in DA for 25 in SA is worth it for the extra survivability you get.
Hmm, I see. I just don’t think that running D/P without +2/sec ini regen and +2 ini on stealth is very safe cause to open with stealth you’re already dumping 9 of your 15 initiative which imo is dangerous since you have no ini regen boosts. D/P skills are generally quite high ini req. skills so for me having +3ini/sec regen and +2 ini on stealth is a must. I don’t like initiating pre-fight stealth with my utilities cause I generally reserve them for mid combat. Imo, sacrificing the 25 in DA for 25 in SA is worth it for the extra survivability you get.
Different styles of play.
Stalling out in stealth and killing your opponent through attrition only works on bad opponents who let you kill them, in which case any build would do the same thing.
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your looooootErmm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Why sit and hide like little girls when you outnumber us 3 to 1?
Come out and have some fun is all i am saying
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
thats not a 1v3
Agreed. It’s merely three 1v1’s back to back to back. You have to applaud his efforts, however, attempting to make the video more impressive than it really is.
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your looooootErmm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Why sit and hide like little girls when you outnumber us 3 to 1
Come out and have some fun is all i am saying
Because fighting is for PvP and not WvW. Didn’t you read his post? lol
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
I saw your D/P build that you use and honestly, you should be using D/D instead. The lack of ini regen and stealth buffs defeats the point of using D/P.
Nah. Ever since Dancing Dagger nerf, dagger off-hand has been pretty bad.
The utility that Headshot and Black Powder bring are far superior to what the Dagger offhand can provide. Shadowshot is also much more useful than death blossom.
Hmm, I see. I just don’t think that running D/P without +2/sec ini regen and +2 ini on stealth is very safe cause to open with stealth you’re already dumping 9 of your 15 initiative which imo is dangerous since you have no ini regen boosts. D/P skills are generally quite high ini req. skills so for me having +3ini/sec regen and +2 ini on stealth is a must. I don’t like initiating pre-fight stealth with my utilities cause I generally reserve them for mid combat. Imo, sacrificing the 25 in DA for 25 in SA is worth it for the extra survivability you get.
D/P can stay in stealth forever when no one is around. That alone should tell you some thing.
Before it was shortbow that was a must have for all thieves. Now its D/P.
Yet again CD rely on Arrow carts to defend a tower and a camp..
Come out and fight guys please, you even outnumber us 3 to 1 on our own border come get your looooootErmm, what is the point of capturing a Tower/Camp/Keep if people are just going to abandon it and come out to fight? If you are looking for fights, you should just go PVP
Why sit and hide like little girls when you outnumber us 3 to 1
Come out and have some fun is all i am saying
Because fighting is for PvP and not WvW. Didn’t you read his post? lol
I think youll find WvW comes under PvP
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
I saw your D/P build that you use and honestly, you should be using D/D instead. The lack of ini regen and stealth buffs defeats the point of using D/P.
Nah. Ever since Dancing Dagger nerf, dagger off-hand has been pretty bad.
The utility that Headshot and Black Powder bring are far superior to what the Dagger offhand can provide. Shadowshot is also much more useful than death blossom.
Hmm, I see. I just don’t think that running D/P without +2/sec ini regen and +2 ini on stealth is very safe cause to open with stealth you’re already dumping 9 of your 15 initiative which imo is dangerous since you have no ini regen boosts. D/P skills are generally quite high ini req. skills so for me having +3ini/sec regen and +2 ini on stealth is a must. I don’t like initiating pre-fight stealth with my utilities cause I generally reserve them for mid combat. Imo, sacrificing the 25 in DA for 25 in SA is worth it for the extra survivability you get.
D/P can stay in stealth forever when no one is around. That alone should tell you some thing.
Before it was shortbow that was a must have for all thieves. Now its D/P.
Because stealth is oh so useful when no one is around… D/P is the flavour of the month though I really don’t know why. It’s an amazing build to troll people with and that’s about it. Far FAR less dangerous than a glass cannon D/D thief, or a P/D condition spammer.
Tarnished Coast.
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
I saw your D/P build that you use and honestly, you should be using D/D instead. The lack of ini regen and stealth buffs defeats the point of using D/P.
Nah. Ever since Dancing Dagger nerf, dagger off-hand has been pretty bad.
The utility that Headshot and Black Powder bring are far superior to what the Dagger offhand can provide. Shadowshot is also much more useful than death blossom.
Hmm, I see. I just don’t think that running D/P without +2/sec ini regen and +2 ini on stealth is very safe cause to open with stealth you’re already dumping 9 of your 15 initiative which imo is dangerous since you have no ini regen boosts. D/P skills are generally quite high ini req. skills so for me having +3ini/sec regen and +2 ini on stealth is a must. I don’t like initiating pre-fight stealth with my utilities cause I generally reserve them for mid combat. Imo, sacrificing the 25 in DA for 25 in SA is worth it for the extra survivability you get.
D/P can stay in stealth forever when no one is around. That alone should tell you some thing.
Before it was shortbow that was a must have for all thieves. Now its D/P.
Because stealth is oh so useful when no one is around… D/P is the flavour of the month though I really don’t know why. It’s an amazing build to troll people with and that’s about it. Far FAR less dangerous than a glass cannon D/D thief, or a P/D condition spammer.
D/P is a hard counter to a P/D condition spammer. D/D is just all round squishy and gets a lucky backstab when you’re not looking.
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle. can see more of this on my stream!
I saw your D/P build that you use and honestly, you should be using D/D instead. The lack of ini regen and stealth buffs defeats the point of using D/P.
Nah. Ever since Dancing Dagger nerf, dagger off-hand has been pretty bad.
The utility that Headshot and Black Powder bring are far superior to what the Dagger offhand can provide. Shadowshot is also much more useful than death blossom.
Hmm, I see. I just don’t think that running D/P without +2/sec ini regen and +2 ini on stealth is very safe cause to open with stealth you’re already dumping 9 of your 15 initiative which imo is dangerous since you have no ini regen boosts. D/P skills are generally quite high ini req. skills so for me having +3ini/sec regen and +2 ini on stealth is a must. I don’t like initiating pre-fight stealth with my utilities cause I generally reserve them for mid combat. Imo, sacrificing the 25 in DA for 25 in SA is worth it for the extra survivability you get.
D/P can stay in stealth forever when no one is around. That alone should tell you some thing.
Before it was shortbow that was a must have for all thieves. Now its D/P.
Because stealth is oh so useful when no one is around… D/P is the flavour of the month though I really don’t know why. It’s an amazing build to troll people with and that’s about it. Far FAR less dangerous than a glass cannon D/D thief, or a P/D condition spammer.
D/P is a hard counter to a P/D condition spammer. D/D is just all round squishy and gets a lucky backstab when you’re not looking.
I’ll believe that when I see it. I find it hard to take a build seriously that does bugger all damage while remaining so fragile that a well timed breeze causes death. The micro managing the constant stealth is a pain in the kitten as well.
Tarnished Coast.