Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
wtf with the guilds, tell me a guild which always runs alone. Plus running alone is mostly nosense unless you are 80 or need to defend a wide area. Numbers make force. Going together when the server needs it and splitting when it’s not needed, that’s why vizunah is far better than everyone else, and they do not depend on guilds who may be today in their server and tomorrow in another one.
<annoying buzzsound>
You’ve got it backwards.Guilds running alone is how the game is played, or should be, that’s where the fun is. The puggies can follow the pug herders, but the guilds should only converge when absolutely needed.
When CIR was active, I wasn’t playing to play with a bunch of randoms, to play with any other guild than the one i chose to play with. While it’s necessary to team up at times, and that’s part of the game, and working together (as in, running together) can be fun at times, it shouldnt be how everything is.Try to be as good as you can with the people you enjoy playing with! Put some effort in things!
Guilds of 20-30members, maybe yeah, it looks like anet tops on 25
, they dislike zergs. I play in a guild, not a pug, but for real, if everyone did play WvW as anet intended to do it, WvW would be great, BUT, it’s not strategically optimal.
But more it’s not.
Anyways people doesn’t run with 80 guys everytime, just to some special defend or attack (unless of course you are trapped in your only fortress).
Btw, some1 else thinks that WvW rounds should end a little earlier? ._., post-restart fights are great, but friday is more or less lost until 1:00.
It worked for Blacktide, before people got bored. Why shouldn’t it work for others?
Becuase other servers run in blobs? They did that during BT days too, and we were still nr 1 for weeks.
I don’t expect to run casual guilds in the same way as hardcore guild, but i do expect them to realise what “being casual” is.
Coverage? A guild can run 24/7 and still be casual, its not jsut about being there, it’s also about skill level, about training, and dedication (you know, that thing i got told i didnt understand :p) and about authority and respecting that.
At the same time, it’s also about creating a community of likeminded people. People who understand what the others strive for and go for the same thing.
While that happens in casual guilds too, as i understand (they’re not really my type), they simply strive for a different thing and dont understand certain things hardcore guilds turn into their online life.
(edited by Genev.2450)
Thanks for the gvg BuLl friday evening.
I know you felt as though the pugs were joining in, But they weren’t and even desolation guilds who were watching agree’d with us, It was however very messy, With pugs from both servers attacking the Spider Queen Trait point. And a certain SFR player being a pain.I felt though our gvg fights were even and we deserved to win 3-0, Respect to ex Kaz guild though, You guys are still impressive and well organised even with the guild drama that happened.
I hope we can do it again sometime in a more quiet place with no pugs about.
Thanks for the fights.
I wasn’t there but this GvG produced quite a buzz in the community. I was suggesting BULL guys to publish their video and would recommend you (or any spectators who were recording) to do the same so there’s no misunderstanding and no room for rumors. As it stands atm, I believe many Deso guilds will be reluctant in arranging more GvGs with you.
P.S. This post is personal opinion and doesn’t necessary reflect any of Deso guilds official stance. Including GH, since I’m not an officer.
In the video on SFR side you can clearly see 2 VOLT members even finishing Bull members in downed state in the middle of the battle, and Riot had a member there as well harassing us spectators and from what I heard from Bull attacking them in their fight with VcY as well.
Deso had 3+ individuals as well involved in the fighting. One person from a guild with the abbreviation [KG], another from a guild called Moonlight Shadow and yet another from [LoP] (Lions of Persia?) All these 3 people were either downed or finished in the battle(s) by Bull.
^ Very Messy indeed.
Like i said, I only can say what i saw. I spoke with a few VoTF guys who were watching and they said this didn’t happen i didn’t see this as i was too busy focusing on killing bull.
In the end it’s pugs who are getting in the way from a good GvG.
P.S It wasn’t a Riot guy it was RIP guild.
Thanks for the gvg BuLl friday evening.
I know you felt as though the pugs were joining in, But they weren’t and even desolation guilds who were watching agree’d with us, It was however very messy, With pugs from both servers attacking the Spider Queen Trait point. And a certain SFR player being a pain.I felt though our gvg fights were even and we deserved to win 3-0, Respect to ex Kaz guild though, You guys are still impressive and well organised even with the guild drama that happened.
I hope we can do it again sometime in a more quiet place with no pugs about.
Thanks for the fights.
I wasn’t there but this GvG produced quite a buzz in the community. I was suggesting BULL guys to publish their video and would recommend you (or any spectators who were recording) to do the same so there’s no misunderstanding and no room for rumors. As it stands atm, I believe many Deso guilds will be reluctant in arranging more GvGs with you.
P.S. This post is personal opinion and doesn’t necessary reflect any of Deso guilds official stance. Including GH, since I’m not an officer.
In the video on SFR side you can clearly see 2 VOLT members even finishing Bull members in downed state in the middle of the battle, and Riot had a member there as well harassing us spectators and from what I heard from Bull attacking them in their fight with VcY as well.
Deso had 3+ individuals as well involved in the fighting. One person from a guild with the abbreviation [KG], another from a guild called Moonlight Shadow and yet another from [LoP] (Lions of Persia?) All these 3 people were either downed or finished in the battle(s) by Bull.
^ Very Messy indeed.
Like i said, I only can say what i saw. I spoke with a few VoTF guys who were watching and they said this didn’t happen i didn’t see this as i was too busy focusing on killing bull.
In the end it’s pugs who are getting in the way from a good GvG.
P.S It wasn’t a Riot guy it was RIP guild.
I was one of those people and obviously I in hindsight can see that I missed it. I did not see any people joining in to the fight, but can’t keep track of everyone and looking at the stream later that Bull posted you can clearly see VOLT having 2 members in there.
And the guy I talked to in Bull said a RIOT and a RIP guy had attacked them. I saw the RIP guy in the stream as well that Bull had, didn’t see the RIOT one though but we had a guy from RIOT attacking us spectators a lot, so I suspect he was the one they were talking about.
(edited by Teel.9036)
You can ask VoTF who were there. They saw what happened and they backed us up.
I prefer independent sources of information when there’s controversy. Video would provide that.
With all due respect, “Yes you did – No we didn’t” kind of conversation will do nothing to resolve the conflict.
From what I’ve heard, allegedly there were three main issues:
1. Team head count.
2. Spectators finishing opposing team members in the middle of the fight (that alone can turn the tide if done at the “right” moment).
3. Spectators cc’ing opposing team.
What a mess. And man oh man the culling… with spectators from another server already occupying most of “enemy” slots in culling pool, this is just a joke.
Btw, although hard to do it with the video of such quality, head count imo seem right.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
P.S I hope VZ enjoyed our invasion on VZ Lions Arch <3
Heck, I missed it…
Note : I am the ‘dead’ Charr on which you were dancing this morning with Soibo.
We now need deso or elona to stop messing about or jadesea morning cap to move deso.
As for the week it was good amount of kills the action was decent. I still hope guilds start running alone more than just one commander zone blobs. blob vs blob is not much skill delay your guild vs blob seem to be stupid and cant even change weapon.
We on Deso are not your or your servers lapdogs, Sacrx.
You keep insulting the people you play/wipe you, by calling them blobs, great excuse. We popped over with about 12 Iron people to Viz border tonight, sadly too late to save Hills, and came across you guys in a nice tight group with Sin and Ecl. You beat us fair and square, and don’t worry I wont be calling you a blob, because although I am starting to lose any respect for RG, I still have respect for Sin and Ecl.
On another note I sympathise with the skill delay.
warning: objective post
Guys guys guys…. Seems my previous post hasn’t cleared up enough of this mess. So here we go again.
-First topic: Deso+SFR
People who still think SFR and Deso worked together in anyway are plain stupid. That screenshot proofs we can have fun together. And you are using 1 screenshot to proof cooperation through the entire week? That is just hilarious and sad at the same time. No, I have been at the commander meetings, we did not team up or ever had contact with Deso.
-Second topic: RG
RG complains a lot yes, they hate they can’t control pugs better yes. They hate squishy people yes. They pown any other guild in GvG yes. They truly are the king of GvG. You doubt my words? Go fight em, I did and they really are pure destruction. People claiming they rolled RG are forgetting they rolled RG + pugs. And that is a totally different story. Just ignore em and if you think you are better, fight em. No need to waste 2 pages of useless comments on that subject.
-Third topic: Bull
Yes, we had some very annoying interferance from spectators, I am ashamed in their place. Some people simply can’t stand others having fun. I killed 1 guy from Deso shooting arrows at VcY in the middle of the fight and apparantly there was a thief roaming around too. I haven’t seen those VOLT members attacking. But I can assure you that from the hill side, nobody except the RIP guild member interfered in the fight.
Only thing I can say is shame on RIP and on VOLT. I can forgive RIP, because it apparantly was a quite new member. I am sorry you felt dissadvantaged. Maybe next time we fight we should keep the time and location within our guilds to avoid spectators and put atleast 15min delay on streams. Both guilds fought and acted nicely, we used equal numbers so +1 for that.
Now I think I covered everything in this 14 page long thread.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
(edited by MiLkZz.4789)
Thanks for the gvg BuLl friday evening.
I know you felt as though the pugs were joining in, But they weren’t and even desolation guilds who were watching agree’d with us, It was however very messy, With pugs from both servers attacking the Spider Queen Trait point. And a certain SFR player being a pain.I felt though our gvg fights were even and we deserved to win 3-0, Respect to ex Kaz guild though, You guys are still impressive and well organised even with the guild drama that happened.
I hope we can do it again sometime in a more quiet place with no pugs about.
Thanks for the fights.
I wasn’t there but this GvG produced quite a buzz in the community. I was suggesting BULL guys to publish their video and would recommend you (or any spectators who were recording) to do the same so there’s no misunderstanding and no room for rumors. As it stands atm, I believe many Deso guilds will be reluctant in arranging more GvGs with you.
P.S. This post is personal opinion and doesn’t necessary reflect any of Deso guilds official stance. Including GH, since I’m not an officer.
In the video on SFR side you can clearly see 2 VOLT members even finishing Bull members in downed state in the middle of the battle, and Riot had a member there as well harassing us spectators and from what I heard from Bull attacking them in their fight with VcY as well.
Deso had 3+ individuals as well involved in the fighting. One person from a guild with the abbreviation [KG], another from a guild called Moonlight Shadow and yet another from [LoP] (Lions of Persia?) All these 3 people were either downed or finished in the battle(s) by Bull.
^ Very Messy indeed.
Like i said, I only can say what i saw. I spoke with a few VoTF guys who were watching and they said this didn’t happen i didn’t see this as i was too busy focusing on killing bull.
In the end it’s pugs who are getting in the way from a good GvG.
P.S It wasn’t a Riot guy it was RIP guild.
I was the first VoTF that arrived there and to be fair with the new culling system, there is no way for that fight to be fair.
SFR had 50 viewers minimum and Deso had less than 10, if you can imagine the troubles that would give the enemy team, its unfair even before it starts.
If people want to watch do it through the available streams if not wait for the videos.
Otherwise it is up to the guilds involved to arrenge a calm and without spectators place, if they cannot find it, ask their respective communities to leave the field.
There is no way to render the enemy team when u already have 50 enemy spectators culled when the other side doesn’t have the same issue.
I kinda don’t blame BuLL if spectators were even trolling into the fights.
thanks for a fun reset night sfr. I had a blast on your bl
you had for sure, i got carpeted myself 6 times ,still in profit with some badges and 5-6 gold :P
However when skill lag was gone we won .
I give you the credit for your win, but you must admit that the side with more " 1" heavy armors won.
Maybe next time we fight we should keep the time and location within our guilds to avoid spectators and put atleast 15min delay on streams
The problem is, there’s one distinct place in WvW best suited for GvG in terms of equal reachability for both teams and distance from WvW object(ive)s.
This is all sad. Worst thing you can have in competitive team activity is for it being situated in open access area. Reminded me some of football footage. Imagine these hardcore fans not constrained by fences and hordes of police.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
Thanks for the gvg BuLl friday evening.
I know you felt as though the pugs were joining in, But they weren’t and even desolation guilds who were watching agree’d with us, It was however very messy, With pugs from both servers attacking the Spider Queen Trait point. And a certain SFR player being a pain.I felt though our gvg fights were even and we deserved to win 3-0, Respect to ex Kaz guild though, You guys are still impressive and well organised even with the guild drama that happened.
I hope we can do it again sometime in a more quiet place with no pugs about.
Thanks for the fights.
I wasn’t there but this GvG produced quite a buzz in the community. I was suggesting BULL guys to publish their video and would recommend you (or any spectators who were recording) to do the same so there’s no misunderstanding and no room for rumors. As it stands atm, I believe many Deso guilds will be reluctant in arranging more GvGs with you.
P.S. This post is personal opinion and doesn’t necessary reflect any of Deso guilds official stance. Including GH, since I’m not an officer.
In the video on SFR side you can clearly see 2 VOLT members even finishing Bull members in downed state in the middle of the battle, and Riot had a member there as well harassing us spectators and from what I heard from Bull attacking them in their fight with VcY as well.
Deso had 3+ individuals as well involved in the fighting. One person from a guild with the abbreviation [KG], another from a guild called Moonlight Shadow and yet another from [LoP] (Lions of Persia?) All these 3 people were either downed or finished in the battle(s) by Bull.
You will have to forgive me for my bad language! I was in complete control of my guildies, we were there to learn, not to cause absolute mayhem! We have a good reputation on our server so please refrain from posting anything about RiOT without showing proof! We were all on teamspeak together eagerly watching the fight!
Perhaps you are right we should of watched it via twitch and next time we will! However I do not believe for a split second that me or anyone else from our guild would interrupt such displays of organised gvg! The only thing I could possible think who it could be was me, I was trying to get the skill point thing down quicker as I wanted to watch!
Nonetheless it was a good fight! I would like to see this so called RiOT member in the video! But until them please stop talking negatively about our guild!
Many thanks!
SFR has some of the worst GvG spectators I’ve ever seen or heard of. I avoided being at the fight itself (as all people should), but watching it on the BuLL stream was absolutely disgraceful.
I do not think the outcome of the fights were changed in any way, but the people finishing and dropping siege equipment (the RIP guy) must have caused a massive headache for the BuLL players.
I hope we’ll be able to keep any future GvG’s we intend to have a secret since the people at that event were an utter joke. Try having some common decency.
If you going to GvG you have to accept the risk of interference, the other guild can only ask people to not add on, there is nothing else they can really do.
But while we are at if we are going to talk about common decency if guilds are planning a GvG during EU prime time make sure you ask if BOON are on the map, if we are we will say sorry no its NOT fine you are doing GvG during prime time while we have ques of people trying to WvW for the server, feel free to leave and organise it on another map or rearrange for another time.
If you want to go yeah well u can’t stop us we pay to blah blah, fine will take our full naked raid to the GvG and add on at the worst possible time and turn it into a farce and sit there the rest of the night roleplaying being naturist inthe bushes waiting to rush out again.
No good GvG and the server will get 0 pts on the map as both parties block the map doing nothing.
I almost did this this week but got distracted on route and calm’d down, but yeah you all heard it here first, so if it happens take the message and clear off as when you go to pm a mass whine at us just remember to you got warned as you will be told to kitten off in no uncertain terms.
Kukos to Zds the only guild to date to actually ask if it would be ok in advance and hey ho the map was undercontrol and we were happy for them to as it was the last week in T2 and we were getting no resistance on the map at the time.
I am sure there are plenty of people not happy with this attitude towards GvG, well we are not happy when ppl GvG on the map we are on, there are three others take your pick, and another 140 hours per week there isn’t ques to go do it in.
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
VcY was doing it when the matchup was already won, last night.
Pls dont think VcY told these pugs to interfere, I andd alot of members were spamming map chat for people to leave or stand high up on the hill.
We have a good relationship with Riot so I doubt any of them jumped in during the fights. As for the guy dropping the rams, he applied to VcY and got rejected and couldn’t handle it. Trust me we were angry as well.
I recorded all 3 fights and will make a video so you guys can see what happened, and at least clear some things up.
VcY was doing it when the matchup was already won, last night.
Wasn’t last night I was talking about, BOON had GvG between 7-9pm-ish on the map we had qued for twice this week they come on announce they doing GvG even ask ppl to leave! and effectively half our servers numbers on the spot and our 20-25 man raid is having to try and cover a map and VS are straight on it pick up easy takes for free.
Result is our night goes from ok lets expand and take stuff to, let minimise damage, then retake the stuff we lost for free that are heavily defended, so we are negated for the night too.
Katie I agree with what your saying but for us the match up was already won.
On thursday RG asked us if we could leave VS bl so they could have a gvg with GH. We stayed on the map coz the match up was not over and as a result the gvg was cancelled. (Sry RG).
Katie I agree with what your saying but for us the match up was already won.
On thursday RG asked us if we could leave VS bl so they could have a gvg with GH. We stayed on the map coz the match up was not over and as a result the gvg was cancelled. (Sry RG).
I agree, the fight you all had last night was fine and exactly the time to do this and the attitude on Thursday was exactly what we want.
But other guilds were doing it earlier in the week during prime time when it did matter.
@Phoebe : Trust me when I say we were not really prepared to SFR moving up a tier, along with Deso staying here (this combination of servers was the last one to make VS fall, and quite spectacularly, because we ended-up third on week 02, which is only 7 weeks from now).
And to keep up with the pace, we had to play full potential. Above full potential for some I would say. If we really had that much potential, we would have reacted differently in the week, the match-up turning to our disadvantage on monday (even if the graphs show otherwise, that’s when we lost the week).
So please don’t speak about things you don’t know. You are just devaluating your server and SFR if you really think we didn’t play at full potential.(and I can spot sarcasm very well, I may not be as stupid as you think I am
I’m inclined to be believe you, but everytime Vizunah square looses a matchup, for some miracle reason, the next week they win again. If you now played at full potential, and Sfr + desolation do at least the same effort this week, this means you would loose again. Let’s find out this week, if you statement is correct, Vizunah square cannot perform (much) better then last week.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Congratulations for the win SFR. Fair match-up, for the first time you’ve deserved it.
Just watched the stream of our GvG from Bull’s point of view. I would like to thx you guys for the good fights, and apologize for the behaviour of some of our Pugs. Clearly i saw VOLT guys stomping 2 of your poeple on the first fight, as much as it couldn’t have changed the issue of the fight as we were at 95% all full hp, i totally agree that it s completly direspectfull. I couldn’t spot anymore incident of this type further on the stream, on ur side you also had Pugs interferring during the 2nd fight, wich is clear, but once again good attitude from you as you asked them to back off, but trust me we really did the same on our side, and the behaviour of those ppl from VOLT and RIP (the poor siege troll) just deserve a “Facepalm”.
I absolutly can’t see why noone would ever want to have GvG vs us VcY, as i do believe we overall had a very fair fight.
I would like to add that numbers on our side can’t have been an issue as we letted you guys count us, so yes the fight was fair.
If I may ask, why didn’t we deserve the other two wins Qwixx? Because we had PRX with us? It’s not forbidden, there’s no rule about having EU-only players.
P.s. thread for the new week sponsored by me
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
It begins! Couldn’t play at reset so I have nothing of value to start with, but allow me to have the honor of starting this thread. GL & HF everyone.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Umm comeon guys …. happens in GvG, you cannot control the spectators, I actually feel sorry for Vcy, as their victory has been marred by this. ALot of people playing do not even realise it is a GvG going on, thinking it is a normal fight they join in.
Best thing to do is to keep GvG a bit more quiet and stop spectators. We are sorting out our GvG team, still not sure when it will be ready but will happily fight you Vcy guys when it is.
I don’t see why we’d need a new thread.
As for IRON, 2 months later:
“Hey, our GvG team is ready now!”
I think this video perfectly summarizes how reset went for EXG in EB.
I don’t see why we’d need a new thread.
As for IRON, 2 months later:
“Hey, our GvG team is ready now!”
Rather late than never!
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
I would like to see this so called RiOT member in the video! But until them please stop talking negatively about our guild!
All I’m saying is there was a RiOT member harassing us spectators so much at the windmill that we had to kill him in the end, and a member from Bull told me RiOT had someone interfere, might just be a coincidence but this member seemed pretty intent on causing havoc. All I can remember is that it was a human female elementalist.
As for IRON, 2 months later:
“Hey, our GvG team is ready now!”
And that would be a problem, because…?
As for IRON, 2 months later:
“Hey, our GvG team is ready now!”
And that would be a problem, because…?
Because right now all it looks like is making excuses not to GvG after their last loss to WL.
Personally don’t think it’ll be 2 months, but I’d bet the team would be ready as soon as Deso is in a different tier than SFR
As for IRON, 2 months later:
“Hey, our GvG team is ready now!”
And that would be a problem, because…?
Because right now all it looks like is making excuses not to GvG after their last loss to WL.
Personally don’t think it’ll be 2 months, but I’d bet the team would be ready as soon as Deso is in a different tier than SFR
who cares what other people think? once we’ve gotten rid of all the drama queens and people not committed to wvw we can start focusing on the gvg team. we’ll let people know. and I’m sure rg will transfer to whatever server they need to transfer to if they really wanna gvg vs us. server loyalty has never been their forte and when the time comes they’ll be off sfr faster than a fart in a windstorm.
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
message censored lol
Just a remind, whatever i post is my opinion, not representing any community i’m part of.
(edited by Black Ice Spain.9753)
As for IRON, 2 months later:
“Hey, our GvG team is ready now!”And that would be a problem, because…?
Because right now all it looks like is making excuses not to GvG after their last loss to WL.
There’s a logical flaw here. “We’ll GvG as soon as team is ready” equals to “We are not ready yet” equals to “we’ll underperform if we’d GvG now”. And you seem to be saying that there’s some other reason that above is covered with. What it could even be?
GH for instance took almost a week off of active WvW roaming not a while ago because after number of fights back then we thought that we do not perform at the level we’d like to and there are activities outside WvW raid roaming and some analysis was required that would help address this issue. And we are not a huge guild that is basically a server’s WvW backbone unlike IRON so it didn’t took a lot of time.
I didn’t see IRON claiming superiority in GvG therefore I don’t see any problem here.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
IRON doesn’t need to be superior in GvG, and still they are the best WvW force in desolation.
When your WvW is a group of a large number of players you CANT compete in groups on 25 versus people who play WvW in groups of 25-40 100% time, because you don’t practise that as much as they do!, but yet they (enemies) can’t compete with IRON WvW force nor organize 80guys as well as iron does. It’s just logic, it’s like asking a truck to compete in a DTM race, but with the weight limit of a car ._."
And just a reminder, we are WvW players, in fact GvG can be seen by some as wasting slots (in fact it is, but well, every fighter should have it’s time for resting).
Just a remind, whatever i post is my opinion, not representing any community i’m part of.
(edited by Black Ice Spain.9753)
I saw smaller groups than IRON getting more done.
Doesn’t sound like the best force to me.
I saw smaller groups than IRON getting more done.
Doesn’t sound like the best force to me.
In the overall score of a week they are the best (except “pugs”, but thats not a guild ), which is what WvW is about, of course in some situations a very specialized group of 30 can do more, like holding vs a big amount of different attacks at different steps. But in general they can’t.
Apart from that, idk who stated that GvG is 25v25, it’s just a logical number to make things more even and don’t wait so everyone is online, which is impossible. But shouldn’t a GvG be of every1 vs every1?, if you remove half of the force which someone is used to play with, he’ll be in a disadvantage when playing versus someone who is used to play in a 25men force. So fairness is not possible in this case.
PD: Im not a member Iron xD.
Just a remind, whatever i post is my opinion, not representing any community i’m part of.
(edited by Black Ice Spain.9753)
5vs5 is called differently: sPvP
10vs10 wouldn’t be logical because you got 8 classes in the game, you won’t be able to use them optimally.
15vs15 would be possible, but still a bit the same problem as with 10vs10
20vs20 minimum to have to get decent class compositions
25vs25 ideal
30vs30 getting a bit to much, need a bigger ‘arena’ for that and fights would last to long + most guilds can’t yield 30 players at the same time
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
GvG needs an Arena…..nothing more , nothing less…….Every time we have kiddos on both sides. Immature ppl who dont respect others….
Watching the VcY vs Bull GvG video I must say that, although annoying, I dont think that those pugs changed the outcome of the fights, VcY moved better, used better tactics and overall deserved this win despite interferences. Props to them.
(edited by Kraken.7514)
Amazing figths last nigth in VS border around hills and lake. Congrats to SFR guilds, we have a awesome start, lots of fun. Thanks to BuLL + Dex + GoD for the help XD and RG + SiN + ECL for the funniest nigth in GW2.
Good luck all this week. GO DESO GO!! XD
As for IRON, 2 months later:
“Hey, our GvG team is ready now!”And that would be a problem, because…?
Because right now all it looks like is making excuses not to GvG after their last loss to WL.
There’s a logical flaw here. “We’ll GvG as soon as team is ready” equals to “We are not ready yet” equals to “we’ll underperform if we’d GvG now”. And you seem to be saying that there’s some other reason that above is covered with. What it could even be?
GH for instance took almost a week off of active WvW roaming not a while ago because after number of the fights back then we thought that we do not perform at the level we’d like to and there are activities outside WvW raid roaming and some analysis was required that would help address this issue. And we are not a huge guild that is basically a server’s WvW backbone unlike IRON so it didn’t took a lot of time.
I didn’t see IRON claiming superiority in GvG therefore I don’t see any problem here.
That is correct, Iron never claimed any kind of superiority in GvG or anywhere else for that matter.
What happened is this.
Red Guard does 2 things mainly , GvG events and busting larger forces with their regular team of 30-35.
On one day , last week, the latter didnt work out as regularly as they would like, for whatever reason, lag being among them as they have stated.
This was received as an insult so now they feel their superiority needs to be re asserted
and we re down to the old "come at me , lets go now , you and me , mano a mano ".
Personally i just dont care.
Now dont get me wrong , Red Guard’s promotion of GvG is a worthy cause , it promotes a balanced game mode in what is otherwise an unbalanced game(outside of tpvp).
But their rhetoric of honour , respect etch is nothing more than a facade, maintained to facilitate said promotion. If their true face showed more often as it has recently , general interest in GvG would be less.
Well I wanted to make a new thread for the simple reason that this one is 14 pages long and thought it’d be easier to navigate through the new one. Oh well, if people want to keep posting in here better have a mod close the new one
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
But it’s 10 pages of pure gold (the rest of the pages are boring congratulations) :p
Pure Gold is what VS is doing on Saturday after reset.
They even put swords at Wurm before they rush Bay, so bad….
You guys are digging deeper everyday.
lol a little bitter no?
(edited by SAC.7862)
Pure Gold is what VS is doing on Saturday after reset. even put swords at Wurm before they rush Bay, so bad….
You guys are digging deeper everyday.
They use arrow cart spec. That’s why they lose every open field fight.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Pure Gold is what VS is doing on Saturday after reset. even put swords at Wurm before they rush Bay, so bad….
You guys are digging deeper everyday.
Using that is normal from their side. All servers got people that cheat, but some have more than the others.
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
lol a little bitter no?
True, edited for the sake of love and peace
Pure Gold is what VS is doing on Saturday after reset. even put swords at Wurm before they rush Bay, so bad….
You guys are digging deeper everyday.Using that is normal from their side. All servers got people that cheat, but some have more than the others.
Yes, of course banana, VS is rotten to the core, every player on that server is a bad apple.
Now it’s been said for the week, and I’ll post the usual answer that goes along with it “report to Anet, nobody cares here, and trying to discredit a whole server because of one stupid player is sad & desperate”.
Can we move on to something else ?