Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
Good joke,not!!
I know you guys are getting smashed to pieces,good luck with that.
OMG what now? I think I’m gonna go to church and pray, coz VS an SFR invade my home borderland. It’s like World War all over again.
tPvP in this game due to conquest mode is about running around and capping points, if there is a 5v5 fight someone probably made a mistake. People in RG played it in the beta and we did a lot of smallscale 6 and 12 man roaming and 6v6 events in WAR, but as of now we aren’t really active in any mode of sPvP. We just don’t find the format appealing atm due to conquest mode. And yeah if you are more active in something you are probably going to be better at it. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.
Agreed. interesting that all those that loved 6v6. 12v12 etc avoided it in this game
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
Calm down ECL, hostility between good guilds like VoTF and RG are bound to spill onto the forums. Both know they can wipe the other given the slightest advantage, be it numbers or terrain. However you ECL guys talk big on the forum but show nothing in game. I’m sure if you really did want even number fights you would just offer a GvG.
In the end as long as it isn’t taken too far the drama is good for GW2, WvW and all guilds involved. So keep up the good work (trolling) and try not to make total kitten of yourselves eh
I never heard about ur guys ( votf ) before we transferd to sfr ! i don´t care a tiny bit if u wipe us or not but if u cant see that 20 vs 40 guildies is a onesided fight i just cant take u serious.
U say VoTF is alone on map ????
look minimap at screenshot – after this unbalanced fight VoTF use the “laughemotes” all the time
and u are talking about respect ???
Sorry mate but I turned off emotes in 2002 and havent heard them or used them since.
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
@Dyno,We were fighting at your border,basically doing your job,with 25 SFR against 60+VZ minimum.
What your response proves, is that Deso has no business in T1,please make room for a server with guilds that actually show up on a holiday long weekend,preferably at those times VZ shows up and do their Le Blob Du PvD.
Or we could all do what you done and just change servers, its not as though you helped SFR get to T1. Another bandwagon rolled in
Asura – Desolation
@Dyno,pm`ed you,and that`ll be the last of it.
Can I urge all serious Guild from all servers to stop this blob madness. It degrades the game into a messy lagfest and is not fun for anyone. This week we are actively avoiding running as a massive zone blob. True, we get crushed night after night, but we refuse to participate in this blobbing. Can’t do much about pugs, but I urge guilds to stop running together.
Have some respect for your own guild, some dignity that you/we can accomplish something on our own.
Obviously, there are situations, like taking a keep or SM.
We have, on several, occasions, capped a keep or t2/3 tower with 10-15 because the enemy blob refused to split up. Simply by attacking 2 or 3 locations at once.
Viz, SFR and Deso guilds, sort your kitten out.
EDIT: Before the flaming starts I would like to clarify that RiOT has indeed at times been part of creating the problem. The thing is, it has escalated to a ridicilous degree. We usually run as our guild and a couple of PuGs of a few friends, but have been known to blob. That, however, does not mean we can’t be part of the solution.
(edited by Mizu.9387)
Viz are doing their last stand thing or they got a bunch of people from Jade sea =) They have a nice tick atm,
Sanctum Of Rall
And nice zoomhacks to destroy any defensive siege
Some people, not the whole server
I read some comments about small scale pvp or group vs group and then comes up the tpvp or spvp. M8s……tpvp has nothing to do with small scale pvp or group pvp skills. When the object is not a 5v5 win match….then is called capture the point. In tpvp you dont see a group to try and kill the other , but a group to score more points from the others and to achieve that , you have to stay into a circle for longer than your opponents or until your m8s come. Sorry totaly different from my way of doing arranged group (death) fights in every mmorpg that i have been playing for more than 10 years. Lineage 2 9v9 , Aion (Dredgion) 6v6 etc…..Winner was last man standing . Dont get me wrong…… Ofc tpvp needs skill too , but its a totaly different thing than an organized group pvp match.
How do you capture a point without killing the players on it? If you dont even know that team fights are a big thing about spvp it already shows you know nothing about the game format.
Death matching is a LOT easier than fighting in a game that has an objective that needs to be accomplished. By your anology games like LoL are just about ganking and farming lanes and the players at the top dont require skill. Except…. those are the games with the best pvpers in the world and those are the pvp games which matter. Never have a death match game mode ever mattered in competitive gaming except in shooter games. Its because it is easy and lacks depth. Fact. Even the devs know this which is why, even in GW1 where there was a 4v4 death match format, it was never considered the competitive format, GvG was, because it had game objectives.
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]
(edited by Jackie.1829)
Can I urge all serious Guild from all servers to stop this blob madness.
Can’t do much about pugs, but I urge guilds to stop running together.
Can I urge all serious guilds from all servers to stop pretending that you’re all that matters and ordinary players aren’t?
These people aren’t part of some hardcore guild, they’ll probably play less in a week than you do in an evening. They paid for their game, they want to experience this content, they want to feel like they’re making some kind of a difference.
Poor Mr Pug is thinking he wants to play this game, but when he runs around on his own he gets smacked around by wandering thieves. But look, there goes a big group of my world’s companions! I’ll stick with them because safety in numbers, I’ll help them achieve objectives and we’ll all be happy because we’re all from the same world, right? Little does poor Mr Pug know that these people despise his existence because they don’t recognise his guild tag, if he has one at all. Poor Mr Pug thinks it’s called World vs World, that’s it’s the name “Seafarer’s Rest” that matters; how wrong he is, eh?
I’ve got infinitely more respect for poor Mr Pug than any of these server hopping guilds because he’s the one who wants to make a difference for SFR and he’ll be the one there picking up the pieces once they kitten off to the next flavour of the month server. Or, better yet, once Guild vs Guild gets introduced. Oh, how pleasant it will be for WvWers once the GvGers are gone, as people will be playing for the name of their server, not for the name of their guild. We’ll be rid of all the “it doesn’t count if 25 [1337PR0NINJAZ] got smashed by 50 Deso because they’re all pugs” whinging, and threads like this will be an awful lot smaller. You were top 34 in the world at Obscure Game 9 back in 1984, whoop-de-kittening-do. How many points has that earned for SFR this week?
For all the kitten given to IRON on here, it seems like they’re the only ones who understand World vs World. They’re the ones who actively encourage ordinary players to get involved, the ones who make them feel like they’re part of the game, the ones who use them to the best potential. I absolutely kitten myself laughing the other day when they split all of us useless little pugs into two groups and kept smashing groups of VS and SFR from two sides. I really, really hope it upset you all that these people walking over you had guild tags that you didn’t recognise.
So please – either follow their example and learn what the W’s in WvWvW mean, or you can stick to that empty little corner of borderlands and stay out of the way of poor Mr Pug who’s actually playing for Seafarer’s Rest.
Unless Mr. PUG afk’s with his mates at spawn in prime-time because the T1 server he just transferred for free ( lol, Arena net ) ticks for jack kitten keeping 3 guilds from joining WvW.
Just because ’ they paid for the game’ …
thanks Anet for free transfers!
now all bandwagoners from all EU ladder come to us!
Viz, SFR and Deso guilds, sort your kitten out.
Good luck forcing people not to blob in a game where WXP mechanics only reward blobs and nothing else.
Sfr is in trouble now lol. Insane amount of pve’rs/baddies xfred those last days.
Fake commanders giving fake infos/rage quiting while losing a T3 Garri. Big ego war between trash commanders in the afternoon.
Guys i’ve met 5 ppl building ram on quaggain island yesterday. Really.
NOE left, one of the coolest EB commander too.
If Rg/Sin/Rnv/Xx dont score at prime+night this server would be T4 atm.
Cuz well this is what we worth.
Hope viz and deso can push strong this week and farm those trash kitten so they ll be back @ grinding that mario bross thing (wich is cool lol)
(edited by playandchill.3908)
So many bads I’ve seen today – been awful.
If you ahve transferred for free to SFR recently thinking you’re getting an easy ride to tot he top of the boards please kitten off back to where you came from.
Oh man THIS is exactly what happened to Piken when the end of free xfers was announced.From a perfectly organized hard woerking server to worse than kitten in only a few days.People are raging all over the place.Guilds can’t get their people in and score points,ridiculously neverending 2,3 hours long queves and the baaaaaaaaaaaaaad bad quality of the players that seem to have come straight from queensdale event farming.
Even when some guilds do manage to get an acceptable number on a map they are either too bored after 2 hours waiting in queve/they time is up or they are unable to do anything becasue they don’t have anyone to cooperate with.
Scouts §?Yeah as you can imagine aparently you don’t need them in pve so what are those. GoGO SFR hell yeah .
Thanx ANET for allowing me to experience this kitten not once but twice and all for free .Keep up the good work.Love how WvW is also unplayable cuz of ridiculous lag and zero free content but hey thx for all the brand new pve areas content that you introduce every month.Designing one map or get some decent servers must be way harder than that.Seems legit.
Disclaimer.This is april’s fools joke guys so don’t infract me it is all a good joke let’s have a good laugh now. Keep the good work.
Guess the joke is on us though.Nice prank Anet hats off.
ps: love the boxadventure(made the queves 30 min shorter today),wish you made an option to make all wvw like that.Could fix lag?Still would be awesome.
(edited by graverr.6473)
A lot of what you say is true, and with Deso being a big PvE server I feel like keeping PuG’s involved can only be a benefit.
However, like what Mizu says above… The huge huge huge zerg vs zerg fights just aren’t fun. The game unfortunately caters too much to “blobbing” together at the moment.
It is not any individual guild’s fault, it is a by-product of how the game is. I agree that the larger guilds should try and minimise the instances of one whole map grouping up together in one big zerg.
Shunning and yelling at PuGs to not follow certain groups is a way to do it… but you can afford to do that on a server with a ridiculous amount of WvW guilds. A luxury we do not have on Desolation.
Snappless / Osii
The blobs won’t cease no one will be prepared to revert back to individual raids not whilst blobbing means winning it’s a by product of tier 1 that is now spilling down to lower tiers.
When piken hit tier 2 it discovered blobs for the first time with SFR and JS without taking into consideration it’s coverage it’s individual guild raids refused to adopt merging raids and so couldn’t compete on a similar level.
Many of the guilds from piken now in tier 1 servers where some of those guilds proud to stand solo but tier 1 has changed them they have forsaken their values and merged with the mentality of the tier 1 blob. Im sure many despise what has come of us but Pandora’s box is open and we will find it very difficult to close it now as we have all in tier 1 set the standard of play.
(edited by Axle.5182)
On a better note lot’s of fun on Deso bl against a SFR/VIZ sandwich in Garrison
SFR hammering the West side and Viz hammering the East with trebs and golems all night Deso’s VOTF,AFTL,DEX bouncing between sides like kitten ping pong balls both servers taking it in turns to storm us through the breaches and every time us holding off by the skin of our noses. Eventually we succeeded in silencing both sides trebs by re-capturing cliff and LV and managed to get the walls and gates back up.
Pretty tense evening in my opinion it was stressful but at the same time rewarding, what happens now without our coverage?… we can only guess
(edited by Axle.5182)
Did anything happen to SFR tonight? Did you even have queues on all BL’s at 21 (gmt)?
yes, we had queues everywhere. But no1 can afford to have paper stuff before prime-time, specially without good guild coverage (had pugs mostly + queues) to repel enemies, was a total disaster
Did anything happen to SFR tonight? Did you even have queues on all BL’s at 21 (gmt)?
One thousand and thirty two headless bambies straight from the tier 8 and another 300 AFKers in the base because of the ques. That happened.
Guess we’ll see 60+ viz at 5am with alarm clocks and omegas at the ready to take on those doors.
BOOM goes the dynamite
Always funny to see tier 1 servers complaining about VS numbers and then see them making recruitment topics all over the place.
The blobs won’t cease no one will be prepared to revert back to individual raids not whilst blobbing means winning it’s a by product of tier 1 that is now spilling down to lower tiers.
When piken hit tier 2 it discovered blobs for the first time with SFR and JS without taking into consideration it’s coverage it’s individual guild raids refused to adopt merging raids and so couldn’t compete on a similar level.
Many of the guilds from piken now in tier 1 servers where some of those guilds proud to stand solo but tier 1 has changed them they have forsaken their values and merged with the mentality of the tier 1 blob. Im sure many despise what has come of us but Pandora’s box is open and we will find it very difficult to close it now as we have all in tier 1 set the standard of play.
Not true. Having more people doesnt mean better score. Its not so hard to defend with a proper siege and 20-30 ppl less than the others. The problem is that wvw guilds can’t enter or only 50% of them can play because of the queue.
Always funny to see tier 1 servers complaining about VS numbers and then see them making recruitment topics all over the place.
You mean, so they can counter them?
Very funny, yes
Did anything happen to SFR tonight? Did you even have queues on all BL’s at 21 (gmt)?
nope. Got straight in to BL with no queue at all about 21:30, and onwards to gone 11:30.
could not believe the amount of VS in there though. they seamed endless and running multiple zergballs.
I read some comments about small scale pvp or group vs group and then comes up the tpvp or spvp. M8s……tpvp has nothing to do with small scale pvp or group pvp skills. When the object is not a 5v5 win match….then is called capture the point. In tpvp you dont see a group to try and kill the other , but a group to score more points from the others and to achieve that , you have to stay into a circle for longer than your opponents or until your m8s come. Sorry totaly different from my way of doing arranged group (death) fights in every mmorpg that i have been playing for more than 10 years. Lineage 2 9v9 , Aion (Dredgion) 6v6 etc…..Winner was last man standing . Dont get me wrong…… Ofc tpvp needs skill too , but its a totaly different thing than an organized group pvp match.
which Lineage 2 server?:P my L2 guild (uprising) won the battle tourni NC soft did.
Guilds queued, PuGies in! SFR zone had 1 supply camp and zone was queued I am not kidding. Ppl asked who was in the zone? The answer: noone! Only 7 ppl from Vcy managed to get in after queuing for 2 hours. No recognizable names in the zone.
What can I say, if this goes on, I guess SFR could be the next Blacktide, thank you very much ANET for making a T1 server which already had 30-60min queues in primetime free to transfer to. Did they seriously think ppl would transfer here for PvE or what? Now they are killing what was a great server, because the ppl who were here before can’t even get to play WvW.
The lag was insane inside and outside Stonemist tonight even while some of us were fighting overgrown grub outside Vizunah’s keep, shame I forgot to take a screenshot for proof of that. We got SM in the end after you Vizunah had it most of the day but the lag was so ridiculous that we could not even move I hope anet can sort their servers out soon.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Guilds queued, PuGies in! SFR zone had 1 supply camp and zone was queued I am not kidding. Ppl asked who was in the zone? The answer: noone!
Only 7 ppl from Vcy managed to get in after queuing for 2 hours. No recognizable names in the zone.
What can I say, if this goes on, I guess SFR could be the next Blacktide, thank you very much ANET for making a T1 server which already had 30-60min queues in primetime free to transfer to. Did they seriously think ppl would transfer here for PvE or what? Now they are killing what was a great server, because the ppl who were here before can’t even get to play WvW.
A member of the biggest serverhopping guild crying about serverhoppers? Seems legit
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter
Hey guys! RiOTs new video!
Guilds queued, PuGies in! SFR zone had 1 supply camp and zone was queued I am not kidding. Ppl asked who was in the zone? The answer: noone!
Only 7 ppl from Vcy managed to get in after queuing for 2 hours. No recognizable names in the zone.
What can I say, if this goes on, I guess SFR could be the next Blacktide, thank you very much ANET for making a T1 server which already had 30-60min queues in primetime free to transfer to. Did they seriously think ppl would transfer here for PvE or what? Now they are killing what was a great server, because the ppl who were here before can’t even get to play WvW.
A member of the biggest serverhopping guild crying about serverhoppers? Seems legit
There is a slight difference between moving server as a guild or even various guilds at the same time to make a server Nº1 and to move as 1 or 2 ppl, not care about the community you just hopped into, not even go into public ts and in general just leech from the fruit others grew for you.
One thing is community construction and the other is being a parasite.
Guilds queued, PuGies in! SFR zone had 1 supply camp and zone was queued I am not kidding. Ppl asked who was in the zone? The answer: noone!
Only 7 ppl from Vcy managed to get in after queuing for 2 hours. No recognizable names in the zone.
What can I say, if this goes on, I guess SFR could be the next Blacktide, thank you very much ANET for making a T1 server which already had 30-60min queues in primetime free to transfer to. Did they seriously think ppl would transfer here for PvE or what? Now they are killing what was a great server, because the ppl who were here before can’t even get to play WvW.
A member of the biggest serverhopping guild crying about serverhoppers? Seems legit
I couldn’t have said it better myself
Guilds queued, PuGies in! SFR zone had 1 supply camp and zone was queued I am not kidding. Ppl asked who was in the zone? The answer: noone!
Only 7 ppl from Vcy managed to get in after queuing for 2 hours. No recognizable names in the zone.
What can I say, if this goes on, I guess SFR could be the next Blacktide, thank you very much ANET for making a T1 server which already had 30-60min queues in primetime free to transfer to. Did they seriously think ppl would transfer here for PvE or what? Now they are killing what was a great server, because the ppl who were here before can’t even get to play WvW.
So you’re basically blaming every people taking the opportunity to transfer to a T1 server while your guild did the same few months ago ?
I hope you’re not a Red Guard official spokesperson, otherwise not only you’re utterly embarrassing yourself, but you’re also making your whole guild looks like rabid wind vanes.
I blame ANet for giving people the chance to transfer to the #1 EU wvw server for free.
How many you think would come if they had to pay 1000 (~22g) or 1800 gems (~50g)? (Yes, all RG members paid 1000 gems and no SFR was not T1 back then)
You compare a guild that comes with an organised raid of proper size each day (yes, sometimes we slack a day off, we still have ppl leading in bls) until late night (beyond times when the 150+ guilds have not even a fg left in wvw), respected commanders leading pugs in zones when there’s no official guild raid going (also in off-peak hours)
with the solo bandwagoners that come to SFR to not integrate, communicate or put in effort driven by only two aspects, a) be on the current #1 server b) it’s free?
You’re trying hard to make up a point when there’s none.
I’m sure the SFR community gladly welcomes (any sized) guilds trying to fit into the roster, communicating, integrating and putting in some effort. Not everyone is hardcore or can bring the same level of dedication, but to hell with the dead wood that got flooded on our coast by ANet.
Nice Gameplay [GH] on DesoBL right now! You’re hard guys^^greets
Even tho I am not in Deso server, I admire Golden Horde, not just their gameplay, but also showing respect to others players.
Much respect.
great guild – much respect and no blob
Can I urge all serious Guild from all servers to stop this blob madness.
Thank you for your kind words. The secret of us not blobbing is simple, it is in guild/raid numbers. For past few weeks it is rare when we are running with more than 4 groups during EU prime. So even if we get some pickup as we roll, it doesn’t usually get too big because the battles we throw ourselves in are tough and nobody likes wiping too much, if at all.
I don’t think you can blame bigger guilds for blobbing up. Ideally, you would have your forces separated in several 3-5 group squads, but that’d require precise internal and external coordination, so you gather up in time to help other squad or counter opponent’s blob, and a number of commanders people are equally willing to follow.
Personally, I don’t dislike blob wars all that much. Of course there are extreme cases where even your auto attack and enemy cc on you are starting to lag, but that’s rare. Other than that, huge battles are perfect opportunity to refine your skill in what I believe is 90% of survivability in raid fights – positioning. Movement works, dodge works for the most part. Skills work with some delays. The only problem is inaccurate display of CDs by UI.
It’s like swimming exercises where you use either only your hands or only your legs. In the end, if you learn to survive and operate effectively in these circumstances, it will help you immensely in smaller scale battles because your build skills won’t be everything that you rely on in terms of survivability.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
Part of the blobbing issue is that you can get WAY too fast from one side of the map to the other. The giant megablob with constant speed buffs can teleport/run to many objectives with relative big speed and roflstomp small and split up groups.
for a server that claims its got no off-peak population, deso is fielding quite a few players this morning!
I blame ANet for giving people the chance to transfer to the #1 EU wvw server for free.
How many you think would come if they had to pay 1000 (~22g) or 1800 gems (~50g)? (Yes, all RG members paid 1000 gems and no SFR was not T1 back then)
You compare a guild that comes with an organised raid of proper size each day (yes, sometimes we slack a day off, we still have ppl leading in bls) until late night (beyond times when the 150+ guilds have not even a fg left in wvw), respected commanders leading pugs in zones when there’s no official guild raid going (also in off-peak hours)
with the solo bandwagoners that come to SFR to not integrate, communicate or put in effort driven by only two aspects, a) be on the current #1 server b) it’s free?You’re trying hard to make up a point when there’s none.
I’m sure the SFR community gladly welcomes (any sized) guilds trying to fit into the roster, communicating, integrating and putting in some effort. Not everyone is hardcore or can bring the same level of dedication, but to hell with the dead wood that got flooded on our coast by ANet.
This. Don’t worry RG, most of us are not displeased with you joining us. We welcome any committed WvW group, not PvE bandwagoners like Anet brought this time.
How do you capture a point without killing the players on it? If you dont even know that team fights are a big thing about spvp it already shows you know nothing about the game format.
Death matching is a LOT easier than fighting in a game that has an objective that needs to be accomplished. By your anology games like LoL are just about ganking and farming lanes and the players at the top dont require skill. Except…. those are the games with the best pvpers in the world and those are the pvp games which matter. Never have a death match game mode ever mattered in competitive gaming except in shooter games. Its because it is easy and lacks depth. Fact. Even the devs know this which is why, even in GW1 where there was a 4v4 death match format, it was never considered the competitive format, GvG was, because it had game objectives.
I think you understood me wrong……I have done some games in spvp but i didnt enjoy it. What i said is that Spvp is NOT a 5v5 match in terms of team fighting skills. When you play for capture the point you have to think for so many things -as you said- like 1v1 moments, or 2v1 ,or just to tank until your m8s come and so many more. I never said that its easy to do or it doesnt take skill……I said its not 5v5, that simple. LoL isnt 5v5 also…you need farming, strategy ,good individuals ,right classes and good team work. You cant say that iam better @ small scale pvp(like 5v5) because you will win in spvp. You can say that , if you arrange a 5v5 in WvW and you win by last man standing. Whenever i speak about group fighting is when two groups fight each other and last man standing. Its like we are saying: this guild is better @ fighting because it captures more forts etc in WvW……Sieging is an other thing than fighting in open field. Same goes for tpvp……Its not about which grou kitten tronger in terms of fighting , but in capture the point while fighting ofc. Many great mmorpg games have death matches like L2, Aion ,WoW etc .
which Lineage 2 server?:P my L2 guild (uprising) won the battle tourni NC soft did.
My L2 ally Covenant came Second @ the same tournament behind uprising by losing at the last 1v1 by a magic crit if i remember correctly(we won the 9v9 thou):)
My Aion team was Prets:D
(edited by Luffy.9365)
My cat can cough up a bigger furball than your’s . So…
I was part in Battle tournament Grok(if you are refering to me) and i was asked about…..L2
I was referring to both of you and to the fact that this thread has been derailed from a perfectly fine flame-fest to a kitten contest between various individuals and their e-achievements.
I have never said any of my previous gaming achievments , but i was asked by someone ,that i have may played against before 7 or so years. So i replied him……i dont see any contest or e-kitten achievment or i said something to brag about. Anyway :/
p.s 54 pages of hiding behind walls, blob , zerg , gvg , drop tier , bandwagon etc is enough:P
(edited by Luffy.9365)
Can I urge all serious Guild from all servers to stop this blob madness.
Can’t do much about pugs, but I urge guilds to stop running together.
Can I urge all serious guilds from all servers to stop pretending that you’re all that matters and ordinary players aren’t?
These people aren’t part of some hardcore guild, they’ll probably play less in a week than you do in an evening. They paid for their game, they want to experience this content, they want to feel like they’re making some kind of a difference.
Poor Mr Pug is thinking he wants to play this game, but when he runs around on his own he gets smacked around by wandering thieves. But look, there goes a big group of my world’s companions! I’ll stick with them because safety in numbers, I’ll help them achieve objectives and we’ll all be happy because we’re all from the same world, right? Little does poor Mr Pug know that these people despise his existence because they don’t recognise his guild tag, if he has one at all. Poor Mr Pug thinks it’s called World vs World, that’s it’s the name “Seafarer’s Rest” that matters; how wrong he is, eh?
I’ve got infinitely more respect for poor Mr Pug than any of these server hopping guilds because he’s the one who wants to make a difference for SFR and he’ll be the one there picking up the pieces once they kitten off to the next flavour of the month server. Or, better yet, once Guild vs Guild gets introduced. Oh, how pleasant it will be for WvWers once the GvGers are gone, as people will be playing for the name of their server, not for the name of their guild. We’ll be rid of all the “it doesn’t count if 25 [1337PR0NINJAZ] got smashed by 50 Deso because they’re all pugs” whinging, and threads like this will be an awful lot smaller. You were top 34 in the world at Obscure Game 9 back in 1984, whoop-de-kittening-do. How many points has that earned for SFR this week?
For all the kitten given to IRON on here, it seems like they’re the only ones who understand World vs World. They’re the ones who actively encourage ordinary players to get involved, the ones who make them feel like they’re part of the game, the ones who use them to the best potential. I absolutely kitten myself laughing the other day when they split all of us useless little pugs into two groups and kept smashing groups of VS and SFR from two sides. I really, really hope it upset you all that these people walking over you had guild tags that you didn’t recognise.
So please – either follow their example and learn what the W’s in WvWvW mean, or you can stick to that empty little corner of borderlands and stay out of the way of poor Mr Pug who’s actually playing for Seafarer’s Rest.
Only reason why a server would need all it’s people in one place would be to take a fully defended keep. All other objectives can be taken with less people. Yes, due to the size of the maps, blobbing can be efficient. But look at IRON raid on reset vs zone with RG/sIN/RNV. Once they successfully took Hills and started attacking north towers, their base tower and keep started to get attacked behind them, and they couldn’t achieve more in the zone when they kept moving as one. Yes, it was a very stacked zone from SFR and they wouldn’t have gotten much more anyway probably but tbh IRON zone is usually considered the strongest Desolation zone also. If they split a little they could MAYBE have had like +15 more ticks thanks to an extra tower/supply camp. There are plenty of other things that can be achieved with smaller squads in wvw. 6man’s taking/defending supply camps, 20-25 squads taking/defending towers. And really it’s not that hard for these people to gather to defend and attack keeps, once an opportunity presents itself.
Also I have nothing against PuGs fighting for their server, in fact they are needed. However, when the zone is full of them and it’s QUEUED and ticking at +5 while 50 people from organised guild raids are sitting in Lion’s Arch waiting to get there, maybe the best thing they could do for their server would be to make space in the zone, and enjoy other aspects of the game in the meanwhile.
And yes, casual friendly guilds who do their best to help the community probably make the most difference in the long run, but that doesn’t mean the game can’t be played effectively by more hardcore/elitist and smaller scale guilds.
As for server hopping, I think Empyre said it all. We were very happy with paid server transfers despite being a guild that actively uses them. ANET making SFR free to transfer to as #1 ranked EU server with up to 1h long queues already in primetime. Did they seriously think people would transfer here to do PvE? I heard SFR Jormag give better loot oh yeah……
This world vs world suck atm ! How can you enjoy to zerg like that, everyone ?
Blob, queue, crash, lag, freeze, all around the map, we can’t use skill/siege weapon even if we are not on fight. Really guys, who like this ?
Stop this asap please!
Let’s just wait until Deso drop tier. They seem to enjoy blobbing from their last TS meeting, let’s them have some fun farming their 30 first ranks to get +1 supply.
how do you know what was said in Deso TS meeting? do you have spies listening to everything whats being said in deso ts? if so thats pretty sad really. SFR people have no respect or manners. Been on SFR for 2 days now i really hate this name callings in the wvw chat. Deso has better and respectful people and overall a nice and friendly community. like i said before im not going to stay on sfr for long. i wanted to use the free transfer this week as a opportunity to lvl my alt and do other stuff on sfr before going back to my home, desolation.
I hope Desolation stays in tier 1 for the sake of tier 1.
It’s so said having “players” like you.
You can’t level in Deso?
Doing some staff, attending the SFR Academy classes?
And you call others spies…
for a server that claims its got no off-peak population, deso is fielding quite a few players this morning!
We sometimes get freaky days were we have a few morning players.
Asura – Desolation