~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
SFR couldn’t win without PRX back then, and couldn’t win without bandwagon guilds now. Your server is the type to collapse if you don’t have a chance of winning.
RUIN is insignificant history – Deso climbed back to T1 without them and have stayed here consistently.
you wanna talk about bandwagoning after votf,gh,afterlife and the others joined your server? don’t feel atleast bit stupid?
your server will be remembered as THE server who got most silver and bronze medals,as long as VZ is in T1 you will never ever win,you do understand that?
you can take some comfort in SFR being bellow you atm ,but our 8 gold medals is something you can only dream about. even if we drop to T8 lol (which will never happen no matter how much you wish for it)
LOL Mortix funny this coming from you that with his guild others guild from Aurora Glade jumped on the bandwagon in the first round to SFR. Don’t make us Lol to hard or we wont be able to play this week at all.
what what what….
Moderator here from Vizunah? Keep deleting all my posts.. lol
Moderator here from Vizunah? Keep deleting all my posts.. lol
Same people from Anet decided free transfer to SFR.
Funny how Deso is suddenly complaining about VS , but they were acting like kings of WvW last week.
You miss a strong SFR now, don’t you?
Your sig states that you are ‘forum warrior academy’, joke or not, your post is clear trollbait, nowhere is or has ‘deso’ (strawmanning an entire server into a singular poster, gb2troll school) posted “acting like kings”. Infact many posts saying how a strong SFR was vital to T1 EU, just read back, some will be from me.
Just debunking your post, nothing personal.
Though he might be stretching it a bit , maybe some SFR feel resentful at Deso for their general attitude in the past 5 weeks. 5 weeks you try to prove that you are a prideful server that can stand on its own and fight no matter what, pulling out extra hours in the night and morning, even as much as gunning down at SFR as much as possible ( the red SFR borderlands screenshots ). Which was fine and everything, props for the commitment.
Then SFR decides to drop the glove and say bye to T1, Deso is trying even harder? I’m very sure you can pull a lot more then 12k behind a non-combat SFR.
On another note – I would be curios to see statistics from Anet regarding number of players on each server who clocked more then 50 hours in WWW. That would show true WWW population and would end this "our server has more PVE people / no ours have / we have less etc. "
(edited by Shay.7534)
Funny how Deso is suddenly complaining about VS , but they were acting like kings of WvW last week.
You miss a strong SFR now, don’t you?
Your sig states that you are ‘forum warrior academy’, joke or not, your post is clear trollbait, nowhere is or has ‘deso’ (strawmanning an entire server into a singular poster, gb2troll school) posted “acting like kings”. Infact many posts saying how a strong SFR was vital to T1 EU, just read back, some will be from me.
Just debunking your post, nothing personal.
I’m pretty sure I can find at least 3 screenshots of SFR border painted red from last week with the assorted gloating and doomsaying from Deso members.
Was simply wondering why I do not see those screenshots now anymore , when SFR is going through tough times.
Should be a bit easier with less competition, no?
SFR couldn’t win without PRX back then, and couldn’t win without bandwagon guilds now. Your server is the type to collapse if you don’t have a chance of winning.
RUIN is insignificant history – Deso climbed back to T1 without them and have stayed here consistently.
you wanna talk about bandwagoning after votf,gh,afterlife and the others joined your server? don’t feel atleast bit stupid?
your server will be remembered as THE server who got most silver and bronze medals,as long as VZ is in T1 you will never ever win,you do understand that?
you can take some comfort in SFR being bellow you atm ,but our 8 gold medals is something you can only dream about. even if we drop to T8 lol (which will never happen no matter how much you wish for it)
LOL Mortix funny this coming from you that with his guild others guild from Aurora Glade jumped on the bandwagon in the first round to SFR. Don’t make us Lol
to hard or we wont be able to play this week at all.
we “bandwagoned” to a T4 server in october.
and to me it looks like you aren’t playing this week anyway,go troll someone else.
Now that Vizunah 24/7 queue for every map coverage is back.
There is no currently no queue… & the are queues only during primetime…
are u guys normal humans or robots?
u have everything on a map including quaggans and ur still running 20+ supply camps to kill the odd sentry that someone took..
unemployed Robots.
fixed it for you.
Lies ! I work at an assembly line from 11am to 1am, so I can play when it counts.
Please, be respectful.
Are you Viz really having fun in WvW? Instead of sending a 30 man zerg on a 5 man group you guys don’t think like.. “lets just send 5 too, they want to have fun too”
No. Fun is not part of our programming. We must have superior zerging.
Look what came out of the woodwork.
Well I was trying to have some fun helping to attack a keep, and I noticed an a-cart in the corner and I was saying to ppl around me:
“AOE in that gab, ac there.”
Then a GP commander whisper me : Shut the kitten up.
lol! Not so nice of him
Well later IRON came back from work I suppose and we were having a nice solid group of 50-60 ppl.. But then skills start to lag again, and I had to press alt+f4 again.
Please fix it within 7 months Thanks.
Look what came out of the woodwork.
No offense but ppl in that viz group should /uninstall.
Playing a Game [TaG]
that eb fun today omg It seems I kitten Vz a lot taking their t3 sm with only siege no golems and brute force were so epic. Nice mesmer steal on sm though. Was so much fun taking back all our part and fliping sm. Props to my guys on Sfr and the desolation atacking other side. And Vz why you run from me now it is not fair. I am not Wemil. I am only cmd Aliendreamer
Look what came out of the woodwork.
LOL best video ever. Appropiate depiction of what’s going on.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Wow AFTL is getting such notoriety that Viz resort to calling in the blob from garrison to kill 7-8 of us we feel honored it requires such numbers to halt our advances lol
Who says we bandwagoned for an easier life in tier 1?. Hardly easy doing this night in night out compared to tier 3 but hey we still keep turning up anyway, gotta get our hands bloody despite the odds even if it’s our own blood
(edited by Axle.5182)
Had a great night with VoTF tonight after a shaky start, was great fun. Some very enjoyable fights.
It looks like T2 should also be good fun and I suspect Desolation will ping-pong between T1 and T2, so some further good times ahead.
People need to complain less; be happy!
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
if i had post a screenshot every time that deso or SFR bandwagon me, alone, i should have made a 100+ pages thread on that forum. Plz stop thinking that it’s all for you. we are just a WXP+Bag carrier for the others. Everybody zerg, it’s boring as hell, but it’s the simple result that a single target worth the same amount of WXP/loot, if he is killed by one or 100 … thanks AN for that awesome idea.
if i had post a screenshot every time that deso or SFR bandwagon me, alone, i should have made a 100+ pages thread on that forum. Plz stop thinking that it’s all for you. we are just a WXP+Bag carrier for the others. Everybody zerg, it’s boring as hell, but it’s the simple result that a single target worth the same amount of WXP/loot, if he is killed by one or 100 … thanks AN for that awesome idea.
May i refer you to the video, many thanks
Look what came out of the woodwork.
What I couldn’t understand was why they were building siege to take down the gate after they had took down the wall earlier?
It was a great night… I lost count how many times we hit both deso and viz that night with inferior numbers and we were all plastered drunk.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Look what came out of the woodwork.
What a night.
So much fun. I almost forgot about that “Jihad Jade Sea” portal bomb (Reference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6fD_pitmWM 4:15 mins in)
Funny how Deso is suddenly complaining about VS , but they were acting like kings of WvW last week.
You miss a strong SFR now, don’t you?
Your sig states that you are ‘forum warrior academy’, joke or not, your post is clear trollbait, nowhere is or has ‘deso’ (strawmanning an entire server into a singular poster, gb2troll school) posted “acting like kings”. Infact many posts saying how a strong SFR was vital to T1 EU, just read back, some will be from me.
Just debunking your post, nothing personal.
6:00 AM
You bored that thread to page 2.
25+ & goloms ……………….RLY??
god kitten you must feel so smug with the epicness
This tier is so dead that is not even funny. Between guilds leaving Deso/SFR left and right and Vizunah literally running away as soon as the opposite side have a good amount of players, there is nothing to do.
25+ & goloms ……………….RLY??
god kitten you must feel so smug with the epicness
Do you see many guys bragging here?
It’s not exactly our fault two servers decided to stop playing, and there are only doors and no players.
At least I assume it’s the case considering the +555
Can’t do anything about it in the UK officially back to work/school was yesterday no more holidays for us whilst the french are on holiday.
Im not aware of guilds leaving Deso recently, think most are burned out from extended hours and out of hours raids trying to better use what little coverage we have.
Ironic how now that the servers are empty I’ve had two of my most fun skirmishes ever. Well played to that ZD thief whose name I can’t remember, we can definitely pat our backs now
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
25+ & goloms ……………….RLY??
god kitten you must feel so smug with the epicness
Do you see many guys bragging here?
It’s not exactly our fault two servers decided to stop playing, and there are only doors and no players.
At least I assume it’s the case considering the +555
Can’t do anything about it in the UK officially back to work/school was yesterday no more holidays for us whilst the french are on holiday.
Im not aware of guilds leaving Deso recently, think most are burned out from extended hours and out of hours raids trying to better use what little coverage we have.
Well, I don’t think 1/3 of France being on holidays can explain _that_score (as seen before) alone, even combined with another holiday.
But I can understand burnout. It would be too bad to see Desolation leave T1 this week though.
Im not aware of guilds leaving Deso recently, think most are burned out from extended hours and out of hours raids trying to better use what little coverage we have.
Time to have a think about what guilds you have left then.. :P
Im not aware of guilds leaving Deso recently, think most are burned out from extended hours and out of hours raids trying to better use what little coverage we have.
Time to have a think about what guilds you have left then.. :P
Come on then Shifty enlighten me?
25+ & goloms ……………….RLY??
god kitten you must feel so smug with the epicness
Do you see many guys bragging here?
It’s not exactly our fault two servers decided to stop playing, and there are only doors and no players.
At least I assume it’s the case considering the +555
u really cant blame SFR or Deso, fact is nobody wants to play with you guys, and am pretty sure u know why.
u have just one strategy and its not fun, i don’t know how u guys even find it fun. we have no problem with u dominating, but despite having 100k lead over us, u guys still don’t come out to fight,
we decided to deliberately tank this game and go to tier 2, and i hope we actually lose 200 points in tier 2, so we dont have to come back to tier 1 anytime soon.
we have fought u 15 times now, and its the same story every single time.
am sure u guys wont get bored even if u hit doors for the next 3 years, cos thats somehow “fun” for u.
Im also happy to go down a Tier or 2 or 3 I don’t care, I just want the fun fights back and not get rushed over while skills are not working.
Dont mind Deso dropping down either tbh.
Zergs and skill lag do not equal fun – people will only put up with it for so long then either quit or move servers. Some guilds on both Deso and SFR have moved already and I can understand why.
Two weeks ago the games were balanced.
SFR couldn’t bring their pure wvw guilds into action, because the influx of pugs and bandwagonners, but this was expected assoon as you reached T1, that it had to happen with a free transfer on the other hand was an overkill.
Deso has their things sorted with pugs and ran quite good – but had to put in alot of effort.
Vizunah, well with their less numbers but still guilds that came out to fight could compete with SFR and Deso pretty well on openfields.
Now the week after…
SFR started to crumble under the maxinflux of pugs – this was sad but like said earlier – expected.
Deso is still doing what they did the week before and did pretty well (altough some bragging on forums came along with that sadly, but yes we have forumwarriors aswell!)
Vizunah or well Troma… does a HUGE call to arms since he saw SFR couldn’t compete anymore.
This destroyed the balance we had in T1.. with the wave of french rejoining the game again. the other two server couldn’t do kittenzle except try to defend what they had.
but even than we’d lose it in morning anyways (except SFR hills we held that pretty long).
Now vizunah get’s their “Spirit” back and that means the zombies awaken again aswell.
This comes down to the fact that I blame Troma (eventhough I respect him for what he does for Vizunah) personally for destroying the balance that came to T1.
Go ahead tell me i’m wrong, flame me for speaking what I think messed up the balance
in T1 (again). But I’ll stick with what I said.
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
Skill lag destroyed the balance in T1 nothing else.
we decided to deliberately tank this game and go to tier 2, and i hope we actually lose 200 points in tier 2, so we dont have to come back to tier 1 anytime soon.
The way the ranking system works, every time there’s a change in T1 it becomes harder and harder for another server to enter it afterward. That is because the total amount of points of the servers in T1 always increases after a switch while remaining the same if no server changes (zero sum game). It’s the opposite problem for the last tier, whose total number of points is always decreasing making it harder and harder to climb out of it.
If we drop in T2 it will take a significant amount of time to climb back in T1, and it might even prove to be impossible unless one of the 3 T1 servers chooses to deliberately throw the match like we’re doing now.
we decided to deliberately tank this game and go to tier 2, and i hope we actually lose 200 points in tier 2, so we dont have to come back to tier 1 anytime soon.
If we drop in T2 it will take a significant amount of time to climb back in T1, and it might even prove to be impossible unless one of the 3 T1 servers chooses to deliberately throw the match like we’re doing now.
If we were to drop to T2 and happen to stay there a while, that would in no way be a bad thing, it all depends on how we spend that time.
And for some reason, people have this notion we are intentionally dropping to T2, this is not the case and hasn’t even been brought up. Salluks is misinformed on that count. All that has happened is some guilds have taken a week off to rest and do other things instead of focusing purely on WvW. They will be back next week or maybe sooner and the fight will be back on.
(edited by Lelith.2916)
It will be a shame when one of the servers drop. We’ll lose the most active thread on this entire forum.
I’ll go ahead and say in advance that I had a blast reading it every day (and posting a few times).
To Viz: I’m not here to make excuses about free transfers. We wanted to kick you out of T1. We failed. GG.
To Deso: You guys are survivors. You’ll do fine.
To the trolls and forum warriors: Shine on! You’re the light that kept us going.
Two weeks ago the games were balanced.
I’m sorry to tell you that the warcall was made after we saw SFR starting to lose ground last week. The warcall is the result of their fall, not the opposite.
As for this week, you guys are on a break, SFR is on a break, and holidays started in France.
I’m pretty confident we’ll see all of you back on the field and stronger than before. We all look forward to this.
Cheers from Vizu
It’s obvious International servers find it difficult keeping loyalty and consistency of coverage whilst everyone one of us has so much freedom and choices to move servers back and forth compared to regional servers the EU has 2 international servers in tier 1 whilst the french only have 1 they will always find it easier to maintain coverage in this situation as theres only 1 choice for french speaking players who want to play with other french without a language barrier in tier 1.
This would explain why Viz is filled to the rafters with Pugs because they are the single most option for bandwagon players from the french community and Servers like Sfr and Deso’s populations are mixed and in constant flux and hard to maintain in the long term, guilds and players come and go week in week out for many reasons like language barrier,more attractive servers or tier 1 is unbearable due to balance or lag etc we just have too many choices available and the slightest upset sends people packing to the next best thing.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Why does SFR have to bring their whole border to come fight us.
The rebirth begins
I don’t usually play prime-time so I am not really bothered about the pug/free transfer situation on SFR but I hear all the complaints all the time. My biggest complaint is the skill lag. It has become a joke because it is beginning to affect players who are not even part of the zerg/blob fights. On more than one occasion I have lost an easily winnable 1v1 fight because I was unable to activate a skill or change weapons. We can tell when the viz blob arrives on the map by the sudden skill lag we all get.
Only Anet can deal with this problem and they need to start taking WvW more seriously because it is the jewel in the crown of GW2… I am seeing less and less of hardcore pve players and more and more of those who are remaining entering WvW.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Why does SFR have to bring their whole border to come fight us.
GF IRON and Deso on visunah bl.A very entertaining evening at least for siN
I will completely ignore this troll since he clearly has no clue about what is going on and is not worth my time.
We had a Few fights with siN but after the few the whole blob decided to come and ruin the fun
The rebirth begins
Vizu homemap crashed 10 min ago, while we were getting bay
Vizunah Square
this forum thread will die when everyone agrees that Vizunah is the best at winning t1 than any other server
stirring the pot
Two weeks ago the games were balanced.
I’m sorry to tell you that the warcall was made after we saw SFR starting to lose ground last week. The warcall is the result of their fall, not the opposite.
As for this week, you guys are on a break, SFR is on a break, and holidays started in France.
I’m pretty confident we’ll see all of you back on the field and stronger than before. We all look forward to this.
Cheers from Vizu
This i knew and made it actually more stupid :P
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
The sad thing about EU ladder is that no other server except SFR has actually tried and made an active goal to beat VS. Unfortunately stuff happened to SFR ( we all know what) and this effectively killed all competition in the top EU tiers. Its sad really that VS is allowed to win in this dominant way.
Viz is aaaalmost there! (look attachment)
I made this little post on our priv forums but don’t mind sharing for further discussion
Sooo, let’s add even more fun to this and make it so that viz won’t be able to get any karma, any wexp or anything at all in WvW
How do you guys think, what would happen if they had everything on every border for a whole week, even every sentry lol? They would die starving in their T3 towers sitting by ac’s, ballistas and trebs, don’t you think? A whole week without seeing any single deso guy (ofc some cooperation from Sfr would be needed)
Week off from WvW would be pain for some of you but.. It’s nice weather here starting, winter going away finally so time to go back to some outdoor activities also
What do you think? Could this ever happen?
Cause the only way, that I see, to change current state of EU T1 would be to get 2 strong servers make Viz kick the bucket or leave them alone like said above hoping they will go extinct Some may say “there was sfr, should have worked with them” or like that, well maybe we should have helped a bit, but deso decision was to keep it 1v1v1… And it all ended like it was before.
Let the zombi apocalypse begin:
http://tinyurl.com/cfx9fcg :P
It’s not any hate or like that towards Viz, it’s just the neverending story of outnumbering and nightcapping pla pla pla – in general killing healthy competition. Also winning or loosing doesn’t give any real rewards besides maybe satisfaction and growing your kitten, so you can treat this as a “theoretical discussion”.
No trolling and constructive replies pls if you have any thoughts Thanks!
I believe you’d have trouble doing this, because there is always someone wanting to murder a dolyak.
I hate to say this but i now believe we have 1v1v1 for a reason to facilitate the 3rd party choosing temp sides if need be and preventing any one server from completely dominating.