Week 7 - RS/ER/JS [Royal Rumble]
this thread will probably stay empty some ER too busy beging RS for help
the fun part is those thinking we got several accounts , priceless
good luck and have fun this week, even if some of us need vengeance, we’ll fight you both and i hope we’ll have some good fights this time…..
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea
we dont need to ask rs for help – matchup works fine
we even can go afk cause js kills there rank by themself – nothing to lose for rs or er
and trust me – noone rly care for js
we dont need to ask rs for help – matchup works fine
we even can go afk cause js kills there rank by themself – nothing to lose for rs or er
and trust me – noone rly care for js
ok so the german part of the board is probably haunted
have fun
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea
Waiting for EOTM, then WvW will finally be abandoned.
All people that like fights will directly go there in the future, only the one that like PvD for the glory of their server will stay in WvW.
So Vizu, Jade, BB will likely stay, maybe some others but most servers WvW will be empty soon. Golden times ahead for you 24/7 PvD is coming soon
. Oh wait if noone captures them back you are stuck
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Dayra stop that bullkitten…….you become boring with your predictions……
JS even if you did wrong at the End of our first matchup, RS will fight both Server as we always did.
Nice clashes till now, midweek we will struggle and JS will go for the win.
Even if i dont like your playstyle grats for your performance Season 1.
Have fun all.
Greets Myrmi
ResQ, a noob guil, who don’t know how to kill if they’re not 6.
Make duel in obsidium sanctum, and they come to kill you, and if one guys is alone, he run away and go call in noob friends.
I understand why you play with 10people, killing good players must be so hard for you.
A mesmer who kill you when you were alone
Because my deutsch is really bad… i post here…
On JS, we have 10 players of New Caledonia. And 5-10 players from Quebec. And that’s all…
There isnt american guild on JS. And players of Vizunah are on Vizunah, not on JS. Please… stop lies.
I know, it’s easier to say “our enemies are worthless, they are unemployed playing that night with American players who come to help,” but this is false.
Without commando operations, Elona has equal players in night than JS. And Elona has really more players than JS on day. Maybe we play at night, on JS, but we didnt play in day: we have a work.
But i love the focus on EBG: RS and ER, you are so cute with all this love
(edited by Falkynn.3789)
this thread will probably stay empty
some ER too busy beging RS for help
the fun part is those thinking we got several accounts , priceless
good luck and have fun this week, even if some of us need vengeance, we’ll fight you both and i hope we’ll have some good fights this time…..
We dont need to beg cuz they will never help us.They want revenge from the last match up we won pretty close.
JS should stop focus on just one.The chance to be equal on the #2 place with sfr gets smaller with each hour.
this thread will probably stay empty
some ER too busy beging RS for help
the fun part is those thinking we got several accounts , priceless
good luck and have fun this week, even if some of us need vengeance, we’ll fight you both and i hope we’ll have some good fights this time…..
We dont need to beg cuz they will never help us.They want revenge from the last match up we won pretty close.
JS should stop focus on just one.The chance to be equal on the #2 place with sfr gets smaller with each hour.
They help you yet, on EBG On other maps, there is good fights, it’s fun!!!
Enjoy: http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/3538/ledm.jpg
RiverSide, no nightcap?
And at least, ER never used fly hack or dezoom…
As expected, the two German servers are allies. It becomes recurring. But it’s the game (unlike fly hack or dezoom).
(edited by Falkynn.3789)
Omfg look this time. Its 7:30 Hour. And you say nothing nightcamping? Its morning Raid.
6:00 Hour is the good moring zerg by RS. Its 1 jump Zerg 90-100 ppl. Thats a problem?
Omfg look this time. Its 7:30 Hour. And you say nothing nightcamping? Its morning Raid.
6:00 Hour is the good moring zerg by RS. Its 1 jump Zerg 90-100 ppl. Thats a problem?
Morning raid? There was 100 RS all the night…
And you endorsed the fly hack and dezoom, so…
ok than was Nightzerg. Its Weekend. Pls dont QQ it. Look on Monday. And pls post him to the support for Flyhack. I hate Cheater, but i dont can bann him.
On Riverside Map i have nothing commander and so on. Its Night Zerg with 90+ ppl. Its norma on Weekend.
Katashi look Time! Its 8:12 Hour. What think you about it? Its normal.
Thats 1 commander with 90+ ppl. He make every day on 6:00 hour.
(edited by Mefk.9167)
Oh, you complain of the nightcap but you do all that, that’s all.
At least, ER doesn’t cheat…
I show u Zoomunlocker, not blob !
There is no alliance between ER & RS. you read the german forum, does it look like one?
There is just one simple thing happening now:
RS see a change of winning and Elona is no longer a problem for RS, so they turn their attention to Jade. And Elona is kitten ed (censored version of not amused) by your focus, so Elona had to change it’s match objective from defending the position in the inner-german ranking to let Jade pay for it’s focus/revenge strategy. Better of course would be to push Jade to place 3, then Elona, RS and Kodash finished the league with equal points. (RS 1st, Elona 2nd, Jade 3rd is now Elona’s match target)
It was your decision, I warned you what will happen, now you have fight against it.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Elona kitten by our focus? Elona focused us on the last match… and continue in this match… But no complain about Elona. Great opponent.
You should have learned it during the last year: ANet’s tripple-side idea of matches (2 & 3 focus 1st) never worked. It’s always 3rd focus 2nd (to reach 2nd) and 1st press on 2nd (to increase distance). So the doppel-focus from SFR and Elona on Jade last weak was just natural (from our side at least). This weak of course is different: Jade made it a personal revenge (a 80-75% focus from the beginning on the now last in the match). Now we will find out if revenge is a good strategy to win a match or if it will make you enemies, that are able to hinder you. (Jade still has a stronger focus on Elona, than Elona has on Jade, but I hope this will change soon, now that RS starts to fight for an increase in distance to the 2nd.)
(edited by Dayra.7405)
JS focused ER, maybe. But ER and RS focus JS since the beginning
Falkynn please stop crying like a baby its awful.
Last time i checked the stats RS was focusing ER with 51% and JS 49%.
There ist just focus on EB, but there is always focus on the weaker side.
You did it to us at week 1 together with ER and now you get spanked there;-)
I suggest you to calm down, we are just at weekend so strong,midweek you will make your points and finish first.
So pls stop this QQ my eyes are bleeding…….
Greets Myrmi
(edited by Myrmidone.4362)
RS focus JS since the beginning
Be careful, such an inability to face reality may be caused by: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KUEQ4nWv7Y
and you better do not spend all your vacation days in front of a computer leading 24h WvW-raids like last friday, it may seriously harm your health.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Face to reality? When ER blob and RS blob avoid each other, on ER map?
It’s the game. I know it. But just admit it
P.S.: I admit that I prefer this kind of hard match as easy to win (and inevitably boring)
(edited by Falkynn.3789)
After all this QQing about doubleteaming, maybe Riverside should focus JS. I mean it’s Christmas time and we should fullfill the wishes^^
There isnt american guild on JS.
However, I spent efforts and threads on june in the recruitment section to suggest them to come on JS because our server is huge and they could get a marvelous place, but they never did
I feel so sad …
(don’t try to double focus Falkynn on the forum, he will outnumber you all o.o )
“I found myself noob until I met someone who moves his character with his mice.”
(edited by Wididyth.3847)
this thread will probably stay empty
What did you say already?
@Kingface: Is your thread closed again or do you look how is the match you play on friday currently going?
PS: Did it ever happen before that a match-thread was opened by someone not in the match?
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I’m looking at every interesting MU.
Falkynn tries rly hard to make both other server angry
(edited by Romek.4201)
PS: Did it ever happen before that a match-thread was opened by someone not in the match?
An interesting question, I also thought of it on friday evening when he created this thread. It firstly sounded a bit weird but then, it doesn’t seem to be so important.
“I found myself noob until I met someone who moves his character with his mice.”
If anyone has any accusations of Second Law double teaming, can they report them to me directly. I’m going to need a good laugh this week.
I dont know what you see there on the screen but its a legit way to shoot with an arrowcart in window mode to get more vision.
Weekend is over and people have to work go to school etc. so JS will make it pretty easy with nightcapping.
Pretty boring match like always.And this doubleteam kitten is pretty stupid no one doubleteams anyone.
Zombie Sea took over, lol.
Match-design were 48h fighting are negated by 4h PvD is non-sense.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
look at this matchup – soooo pathetic
jadesea is a rly bad server – they fail on normal times all day and just PVD at night
seriously arenanet – how can you make this possible for so long time?^^
no german server will ever have a chance vs this nightcapping and for the longer time this will kill the german wvw population how you can see on most german servers since last year.
so anoying
and @jadesea guyz
dont be proud about
we all know you guyz fail hard in wvw and in this matchup what we have right now it is simple exploiting a broken game mechanic what you do
you dont deserve this win
They deserve the win, as the whole league is only glorification of PvD.
The only question is: Why do we participate in this non-sense et al?
@Romek: where were you on sunday? JS cap first during all the evening and make a come back of 2K during this time.
I was on RS map and you can ask to your fellow partners if we are so bad…
Some are asking to Falkynn to stop crying, but who’s crying like a baby?
This is an MMO… life continue when you’re not playing, that’s a part of the game.
If you cannot accept it, it’s just a failure…
jadesea is a rly bad server – they fail on normal times all day and just PVD at night
seriously arenanet – how can you make this possible for so long time?^^
That remembers me what was said for VS some months ago.
There is hope.
JS is nothing compared to VS – they fight 24h and dont farm pve all day cause there nightcappers will do the work for them
we’ve done so much heavy fights on RS bl yesterday evening
thank you all for the good party, the 2nd Garrison party was a blast
and thank you CS, you got balls for sure :p
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea
Well it seems like the " wait for them to go to bed because they have to wake up early to go to work / school " WvW Meta ones again worked just perfectly :-)
BB managed to get close to Kodasch during the night too , cheers 2 PvD :P
No wonder the Player Numbers and the excitement 4 WvW decline from week 2 week.
The only thing to say here , with a Weekend only Season , JS, BB and many other Servers wouldn`t have been were they are now.
The Weekend has been n1 , Thanks to all Coms + Enemys 4 the Fights.
(edited by Dropper.9176)
“Nightcapping” is bad ! (because the other gamers sleep)
“Daycapping” is bad ! (because the other gamers work)
GW2 is a 24/7 compétition since the first day, u deal with it.
We dealed with it for a year, now it’s time to stop playing it.
But play at day and be the king of day, if you want, play at night and be king of the night, if you want, or play at evening and be king of prime if you want,
but that should be 3 different matches that do not influence each other:
Cannot distribute cards during game !
Maybe Anet change rules, later.
so we need to change the system because (atm and since the beginning of the match) you’re losing
the week just started, hf
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea
there is no competition with this
and sure we will deal with this – there is no point to fight or play a game where the bads get the reward at the end for going the path of least resistance
no – because its just faildesign
next season need a german only league
Elona choose to mainly focus JS. I can undestrand this situation, because JS full focus EB this week-end (vengeance etc …). But today Elona maintain its focus on JS despite the fact that JS change its main focus for Riverside. It’s surprising for me to see that Elona is resigned to have the last place of this mu !
Didn’t you catched the german mood about this league in general and about this match in special?
Placement doesn’t matter at all in a PvD-league. But trying to disable place 2 to one of the 2 worst PvD-servers may give some compensation.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I told from the beginning how matchup will end, now he have monday and?
You see there were no need for Falkynns tears;-)
WvW is a 24/7 game mode so everybody has do deal with it, we would do the same if we could, no doubt about that.
The only difference atm is that we make mostly of our points with PvP, you are on the Map when we crash your objectives as seen today at your Bay.
Thats way more difficult than during your nightshift where you do mostly PvD.
You changed a 10k lead from us to a 5k lead of yours during that time.
This is what people are annoyed of and so you have to be a little more gentle with some guys.
As i said above thats WvW and I deal with it, but you shoul be a little more realistic and honor your opponents for the Fights they gave you.
To be honest i doubt you like that PvD-thing, or i am wrong?
At the end its all about the Fights;-)
Respect is rarely seen this days from all sides.
Greets Myrmi
you know, i got respect for both your servers, i will not blame a server for 2-3 board warriors/whinners
but those who think we’re a Pvd server weren’t on RS bl yesterday i believe (i won’t speak about others bl cause i’m not on it but we were scoring good all the prime time
i know it’s hard to loose point in the nights , but it’s like that for months now, ER was doing well at it in the past too in their glory days when they were on top Eu
i care for points because we’ve done so much to be here, but everyday we’re looking for fights because that’s what keep us on GW
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea
Without commando operations, Elona has equal players in night than JS.
And the outmanned buff is a lie?
And Elona has really more players than JS on day.
Looking at http://imageshack.us/a/img202/948/dn83.jpg I know why you think we are many by night and more than you by day. It’s because the French name labels are twice as long as English or German ones… :o