Who would you like to face next week?
You should face your own server, Junkpile. I`m confident it would make you eat your own words and cry for a change, national server or not.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
EBay and CD… I want to see how far our rating can drop in a single week… right…
A TC/BG/SOR matchup would be pretty interesting.
Ebay would welcome a T1 server.
I’d like to see the next one:
Vizunah vs Elona vs Baruch
Let’s see who would win the t1 europe matchups…
here are the current probabilities of getting each opponent, based on the rating outcomes from the current scores.
I’m not posting the probabilities for getting specific pairs of opponents because for most purposes it’s just not that useful.
Snowreap, thank you for posting these probabilities every week. I appreciate having the data to look at.
For all that is good in this world please give us JQ. We have been dying for that match up for months.
1 JQ/TC/FA (Because it just wouldn’t be right without our love FA)
2 JQ/TC/DB (DB I miss you!)
3 FA/TC/DB (For the good old days)
4 BG/TC/JQ (This would be so much fun)
5 SoS/Ehmry/Maguuma (I’m sorry but I’ve grown immensely fond of SoS. They’re like if TC and FA had a love child. And little Ehmry seems to be talking a lot of smack. I would love to see SoS put them in their place.)
I’d like to see the next one:
Vizunah vs Elona vs Baruch
Let’s see who would win the t1 europe matchups…
Could be an interesting match, but we played already 13 times vs Vizu whereas several others never did. I would prefer that all EU top 10 servers get the opportunity to enjoy a match vs Vizu, before we get them again.
Therefore I would like:
- Elona – Baruch – Jade
- Vizu – Piken – Riverside
- SFR – Deso – Augury Rock
- Kodash – Abaddons – Miller’s
as the top 4 EU matches.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
No we don’t want Riverside, they’re the worst server out there(in all aspects of play). Give us Viz and Deso, the only 2 servers in the top 10 we haven’t faced yet and they would also both actually fight rather than hide in keeps. Wouldn’t mind another crack at Elona too, it’s been a while since we last had a match.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
No we don’t want Riverside, they’re the worst server out there(in all aspects of play). Give us Viz and Deso, the only 2 servers in the top 10 we haven’t faced yet and they would also both actually fight rather than hide in keeps. Wouldn’t mind another crack at Elona too, it’s been a while since we last had a match.
Poor Deso.. let them drop tiers guys!!! But can have some nice fights against them… Vizu.. like ever… they won’t fight unless they outman you .
I’d like to see Piken again too
Yeah would be nice but after 2 months against you and AR, we like having a change of foes.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
I’ll add my weekly wishlist for next week’s match-up for SoS:
1. FA
2. probably Mag
Of course we’ll probably get SoR/BG.
Give us Aurora Glade and Piken!
The matchup I want to see is TC/SOR/BG, as any matchup without SoR has too much PvD in oceanic and EU. The last time we fought TC a lot of us had a ball, let’s see if this pans out.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
here are the current probabilities of getting each opponent, based on the rating outcomes from the current scores.
I’m not posting the probabilities for getting specific pairs of opponents because for most purposes it’s just not that useful.
Ty very much kind sir! o7
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual
Riverside & Abaddon’s Mou……LOL
From Borlis.
Serious matchup: Kaineng and Darkhaven
For fun: Northern Shiverpeaks and Gate of Madness
From SBI. As long as its not BP and AR I’ll be happy. Two weeks of the same is enough, even though it is a good close match.
Although I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of each other because of the way the ratings are settling. I’m getting worried about the ratings gap. I don’t want to be stuck playing only BP, AR and servers with lower rating. There is a serious 200 pt. gap above SBI and BP and almost that below.
updated probabilities using this morning’s scores. probably not very different from the values posted Wednesday, although these were from bigger runs (1 billion trials) so the result should have a bit more accuracy.
updated probabilities using this morning’s scores. probably not very different from the values posted Wednesday, although these were from bigger runs (1 billion trials) so the result should have a bit more accuracy.
Thanks for these predictions. I hope your calculations are horribly off as the most likely match-up partners for Desolation are Visunah Square (VS) and Elona Reach (ER). Probabilities are 19% and 18% for them, which means of course that most likely we will face somebody else (phew!). VS is EU rank 1 and ER is rank 2. Desolation is rank 6, but I think our true rank should be slightly lower than that, perhaps 7 or 8. We have lost all our matches in past weeks, yet our score is up this week.
If we once again get matched up against EU #1 and #2, yet another boring week of pointless match up. And I am afraid we will start losing players. New players who come from pve, won’t come back ever again. Today when I was commanding one player privately asked me “Why enemy is so strong?”. I found it was his 1st day in WvWvW. We were outmanned the whole time and both enemy servers double teaming us with much larger force. Of course when you have just 6, even an enemy force of 15 is gonna appear strong, not to mention that 20-30 man VS blob.
What are the hopes of rebuilding our WvWvW community when new players are faced with this? Week after week? Month after month? Developers please answer!
Arenanet: Stop this madness NOW! Normal glicko or random glicko are both a failure as they react very slowly to population changes, which happen all the time (even entire alliances of guilds moving from one to server), and they don’t take any account the WvWvW coverage issues. No matter how many weeks or months you keep doing this, you will just see more EU guilds migrating to NA servers and constant blow out matches where the winner is winning by 100k or even 400k points.
Combining four of the weakest servers (Whiteside Ridge + Vabbi + Fissure of Woe + Blacktide) would give them better population. And implementing Winner goes Up and Loser goes Down (WULD) would give fair match ups at least every 2nd week. If Americans oppose this so much, let’s just try it in EU. Now many people are forced to either:
- be on the losing side and being facerolled for 6+ months (e.g. Desolation hasn’t won a single match up this year)
- change server (we lost lots of guilds, only individual players have returned usually because they really value how good players we still got)
I am not saying that my suggestion would fix all the problems as the coverage thing and outmanned buff really need to be reworked.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Combining three of the weakest servers (Vabbi + Fissure of Woe + Blacktide) would give them better population. And implementing Winner goes Up and Loser goes Down (WULD) would give fair match ups at least every 2nd week. If Americans oppose this so much, let’s just try it in EU. Now many people are forced to either:
- be on the losing side and being facerolled for 6+ months (e.g. Desolation hasn’t won a single match up this year)
- change server (we lost lots of guilds, only individual players have returned usually because they really value how good players we still got)
Hate to point this out, But if you combined the 3 lowest servers, and only those 3 you would end up with 1 server without a matchup every week. NA would have 20 servers and EU would have 25 servers.
PB Officer
Combining three of the weakest servers (Vabbi + Fissure of Woe + Blacktide) would give them better population. And implementing Winner goes Up and Loser goes Down (WULD) would give fair match ups at least every 2nd week. If Americans oppose this so much, let’s just try it in EU. Now many people are forced to either:
- be on the losing side and being facerolled for 6+ months (e.g. Desolation hasn’t won a single match up this year)
- change server (we lost lots of guilds, only individual players have returned usually because they really value how good players we still got)Hate to point this out, But if you combined the 3 lowest servers, and only those 3 you would end up with 1 server without a matchup every week. NA would have 20 servers and EU would have 25 servers.
You are right, so they actually need to merge 3 servers into existing servers e.g. by combining 4 weakest servers. I corrected my article above.
I am suggesting this change only for EU. And this would leave EU with as many servers (24) and tiers (8) as NA has.
I think DB/TC and one of the old Tier 1s (SoR/JQ/BG) would be a fun matchup.
Also would enjoy TC/DB/FA since we moved too late in the cycle to enjoy that mixup to the fullest!
Dragonbrand (Ex-JQ)
Tarnished Coaster here,
I want to see us pair up as: JQ/BG/TC
or, if that doesn’t happen: DB/FA/TC
Gandara vs sfr vs fsp would be good match
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Gandara vs sfr vs fsp would be good match
Can you elaborate on that?
EU rank 4 vs EU rank 12 and EU rank 15.
Quoting ABBA:
The winner takes it all
The loser has to fall
It’s simple and it’s plain
Why should I complain?
FCvDRvSF. I need some revenge against those guys
i want piken, i got vizuna zombies. gg me
FCvDRvSF. I need some revenge against those guys
Based on this week’s scores, which are split almost identically between the 3 for GoM/DR/FC and HoD/SF/ET, it seems like it would be ideal for a GoM/HoD and a DR/SF match up next, with FC or ET as the third. It seems FC and ET do better apart like this. But given that FC still ranks above ET, I’d rather see ET face DR and SF than GoM and HoD and see FC face HoD and GoM. It doesn’t look like ET has faced DR yet.
FCvDRvSF. I need some revenge against those guys
Based on this week’s scores, which are split almost identically between the 3 for GoM/DR/FC and HoD/SF/ET, it seems like it would be ideal for a GoM/HoD and a DR/SF match up next, with FC or ET as the third. It seems FC and ET do better apart like this. But given that FC still ranks above ET, I’d rather see ET face DR and SF than GoM and HoD and see FC face HoD and GoM. It doesn’t look like ET has faced DR yet.
Yeah I wouldn’t mind facing both HoD and GoM. I’d quite like getting to face our old friends in SF and Dr. If only we could get a smaller version of Kaineng down here. We will make them all pay!!! Or not.
edit: I would not like to be stuck with ET.
1. Far Shiverpeaks
2. either UW or Dz – both provided good fights last time
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Baguuma and FA. I love killing them.
And TC too. It’s been a while since we faced them. And JQ for lootz!
For Ebay I’d like:
1. Crystal Desert
2. Yaks Bend
Think it could be an extremely close score if CD was thrown in the mix.
“Stick them with the pointy end.”
JQ/TC/DB. I really want to see who deserve that 3rd seat in tier 1.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
SOR/BG/JQ anyone else just doesnt have the coverage
JQ/TC/DB. I really want to see who deserve that 3rd seat in tier 1.
TC and DB will be destroyed….. did you guys not learn what it means to fight a tier 1 server? That was SOR going kiddie gloves on TC because it was a joke of a match… im sure JQ will fight at full strength….
TC is a very strong tier 2 server, no where even close to a tier 1 server.
TC likes to think of itself as a “tier 1.5” server when in reality its “tier 1.8”.
For SoS I would like very much:
1. FA
2. EBay
(and I would like to see TC go against JQ – TC are getting a bit ahead of themselves I feel…)
TC and DB will be destroyed….. did you guys not learn what it means to fight a tier 1 server? That was SOR going kiddie gloves on TC because it was a joke of a match… im sure JQ will fight at full strength….
can i have DR and IoJ again? actually having alot of fun this matchup!
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
TC and DB will be destroyed….. did you guys not learn what it means to fight a tier 1 server? That was SOR going kiddie gloves on TC because it was a joke of a match… im sure JQ will fight at full strength….
PPT wise, I would probably agree. TC and DB would have to team up for a fierce 3 solid days of double team to keep the score mostly even.
Fight wise, TC could really bring it in the open field if they want to. We especially had fun with the CERN superzerg…
JQ/TC/DB. I really want to see who deserve that 3rd seat in tier 1.
TC and DB will be destroyed….. did you guys not learn what it means to fight a tier 1 server? That was SOR going kiddie gloves on TC because it was a joke of a match… im sure JQ will fight at full strength….
TC is a very strong tier 2 server, no where even close to a tier 1 server.
TC likes to think of itself as a “tier 1.5” server when in reality its “tier 1.8”.
TC beats T2 servers harder than it loses to T1 servers. In this case I think “tier 1.5” is a decent assessment. Its just the gap between T1 and T2 is sooo astronomically huge and TC is right in the middle of it.
Still dissapointed by the boring matchups for weeks on end now. I think JQvDBvTC might be at least a little fun. JQ would obviously destroy us but the fights would be a lot better than the last few weeks in T2 and I think we could at least put up a half decent fight during NA.
TC beats T2 servers harder than it loses to T1 servers.
Three weeks ago you played against SoR once and came second by 120000 points and I don’t reckon they were out there in full force. As far as i can see it is the only time you played against a current “T1” server.
While I feel for you guys, I think you are a bit stuck at the moment. Just don’t talk yourselves up too much – other servers have done that in the past and it ended badly.
TC beats T2 servers harder than it loses to T1 servers.
Three weeks ago you played against SoR once and came second by 120000 points and I don’t reckon they were out there in full force. As far as i can see it is the only time you played against a current “T1” server.
While I feel for you guys, I think you are a bit stuck at the moment. Just don’t talk yourselves up too much – other servers have done that in the past and it ended badly.
Correct TW went to JQ for the week or it would have been worse for TC and if This guy thinks that they will beat DB by 120000 then he must be stupid
DB since Headstart
Well, JQvDBvTC would be fun, but who’s the unlucky mofo that gets to fight SoR and BG?
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
Well, JQvDBvTC would be fun, but who’s the unlucky mofo that gets to fight SoR and BG?
Happy for it not to be SoS (although knowing our luck it probably would be).
I would bring a tray of vegemite sandwiches (hmmm… must be lunchtime)
Well, JQvDBvTC would be fun, but who’s the unlucky mofo that gets to fight SoR and BG?
Knowing RNG, probably ET
DB since Headstart
For Ebay I’d like:
1. Crystal Desert
2. Yaks BendThink it could be an extremely close score if CD was thrown in the mix.
I’m from CD and would love to see this match up
Why don’t we just decide instead of leaving it to rng =[
Guardian of Crystal Desert
AG vs GH vs RoF
Desolation & Seafarer’s Rest would be a nice fight I think, haven’t faced either in forever.
Desolation & Seafarer’s Rest would be a nice fight I think, haven’t faced either in forever.
You want rank 4 and 6 as rank 12? Whow you are ambitious.
You want rank 4 and 6 as rank 12? Whow you are ambitious
Fighting for points is overrated
Plus a few our our guilds joined from and left for Deso & SFR, would be nice to cross swords with them again.
But then again half the server would hate me for suggesting it as we would probably have 3 T3 keeps on our BL to try and cap back every day lol