on Piken Square and Gandara.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
It was funny to drain all those supply at QL tonight
Thanks for the amazing past 5 hours in EB.
We got hit hard from both FSP and Necrolation (how many necro’s do you even have in EB?! that isn’t just fear any more… more like pure hell ). Any way it fun trying to hold out against 2 massive zergs at the same time most of the time and i’m sorry about your loss of Klovan.
Dune Doomforge
15/16 XxX thank you all for all the fight/kill/death of this evening was funny.
how is the nightcapping going gandara and fsp?
im done forever with fsp btw, alot of guys are constantly bugging in to our towers in EB.
(edited by Mr Kitten.7359)
If deso has good night coverage I guess both other servers hired in some extra guilds…This is just now.
Zoey Deschanell
[PT] – Desolation
Loving how our EB side is being heavily capped by both Gand and FS. No team-work you guys protest? What about FS waving Gand on as we tried to take Briar back in Des BL?
Praise the Sun!
The ppt’s from all servers have been fluctuating now for 7 hours between around 170 and 270, nothing special about the ppt’s you post there.
It’s not like deso will tick below 200 for long, after 5am you’ll be turning all borders into paper.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Just stop with the nonsense “double teaming” alrdy. Our towers are paper alrdy so they use it to their advantage for easy PPT. Nothing else. Is it really so hard to understand or are you just picking a fight?
Loving how our EB side is being heavily capped by both Gand and FS. No team-work you guys protest? What about FS waving Gand on as we tried to take Briar back in Des BL?
Oh my god, from a deso player, please stop crying about double teaming. It’s a three way free for all, double teaming is inevitable, especially when you are the strongest server in the match. Take it as a compliment that they feel the need to tag team us like that, personally I think it gives us the greatest challenge because at least this week we will have to fight if we want to win. Not like other weeks where the match is decided Saturday morning.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
If deso has good night coverage I guess both other servers hired in some extra guilds…This is just now.
lol, using a screen from Fsb as an example of coverage, the only border where we did not have the outmanned buff
You don’t always need to agree with me. Feel free to be wrong if you want to!
I’m really happy with the match-up. Gandara have many good roamers and seem to run with a lot of thieves :P Before you think I’m complaining I actually like fighting them (So I can crit for 9k with Churning Earth).
Cant say much for FSP since I’m mostly on your home border but you’re fun too!
Shout out to the [TSCC] thief who seems to have a grudge against me and a few others… I seem to make a lot of people dislike me in-game :P
Well I see not much has changed since I last checked!
As rangerjrd says be glad that we’ve got a fight on our hands compared to the past couple of weeks, relish the challenge either way if we win or lose the matchup.
It’ll all be irrelevant soon as it’s almost over, we’ll soon earn whatever reward we’ve been arguing and fighting over. (I haven’t even done my AP’s..)
In the past we also had well organized wvw Guilds like Coin and FG, aswell as smaller but well known Guilds like AFTL who could always put up a good fight, these days we have CS, EXG, GoD, INVI, TEQ and TLA but these days we often have to tag up, so we may get mixed rep for obvious reasons. Bragging about loot bags seems so March 2013, it’s about WXP Chests!
Gold League or Silver League there will be Guilds, Groups and Individuals putting in hard work for their community.
There is nothing like DVG these days which was mentioned; they covered for most of our coverage when we were in the higher tiers which was alot of work itself, so these guys who do their bit for day and night deserve a break now and again, to enjoy the game or other stuff.
We also have to cover for the lack of wvw knowledge that our pugs have; one day they’ll learn or reroll tetris.
EB looked like a mess when I got on this evening, but double teaming is to be expected and with offensive Siege as it is it’s pretty much hard to defend without numbers, organization and proper scouting.
I saw those Golems walk towards our keep, good thing I wasn’t too fussed cause that wasn’t the most coordinated Golem rush I’ve ever seen, but those Omega’s seem to be trendy.
Later today we’ll likely get hit hard by the patch, I don’ know if it’ll hit you two as hard but we just have to deal with it the best we can, we’ve seen it all before so it means more work for our morning/night crew and more chance for you Gandara.
So yeah with this matchup being so close: less forum wars and accusation throwing at Desolation as usual , go get that ppt, let’s see more epic in-game fights and, may the best server win this week and that Silver Dolyak.
I said I wouldn’t set foot here again
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
i love this matchup but can gandara plz stop hacking with some stuff like litterly putting down lords outside towers and keeps, i mean if we work together as FS and Gandara against desolation i want it honest.
i love this matchup but can gandara plz stop hacking with some stuff like litterly putting down lords outside towers and keeps, i mean if we work together as FS and Gandara against desolation i want it honest
Hehe .. come on Poppy – ’twasn’t Gandara who portaled our Sunny Lord out of the keep, it was FSP!
Just funning Guys – was the weirdest thing ever .. Lord was outside at the Cata spot at Sunny for some reason. Our guys were encouraging both Gandara and FSP to down him (which both sides did with great relish before setting up either a Treb [FSP] or Catas [Gandara]) then some eejit would come along and res the Lord after we wiped whichever group was setting up siege.
Nothing we said in mapchat or /say would dissuade the pickups from ressing him .. even when we pointed out that he would re-locate back into the keep as soon as the event rolled over.
As to Alliances .. meh .. I can see how some people may be fooled into thinking there is one owing to the remarkable timing of attacks [they seemed to be taking turns] until their timing broke down and the Gandara group came to Sunny at the same time the FSP group got there.
Us Desonians stood on the wall with Popcorn and cheered both sides on. I lost my bet – Gandara beat off FSP.
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
I’m new to this, but loving this match up.
During prime time, when all teams are full, Gandara beats up on Deso, taking the lead by several thousand points. Once Gandara goes to bed, Deso returns the favour, and by late morning they lead by several thousand points. Repeat. Back and forth… the stronger versus the better organized. Great stuff.
Deso seems to be, slowly but consistently, crawling up relatively to Gandara, though. If nothing changes, it may mean Deso win by a small margin in the end. Of course, Gandara coverage seems to be really good at the time end-of-matchup counting takes place, which makes any predictions a bit harder.
And of course, the Fractal LS may change everything overnight, depending on where the PvE population will go.
In general, it is a really interesting week.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
It’ll be interesting to see how both we (Gandara) and Desolation do against Riverside, Kodash etc during the season break (although I doubt anyone will play as hard as they have during the season, so it won’t be a true test).
The morning coverage from Deso is definitely good enough to keep them in low Gold at least, and if we can keep up with them, we might well belong there too.
Though of course, unranked weeks are likely going to be used to firstly recuperate, and secondly, stay in a league where you don’t have to fight bloody Vizunah.
Nothing we said in mapchat or /say would dissuade the pickups from ressing him .. even when we pointed out that he would re-locate back into the keep as soon as the event rolled over.
was wondering if he would respawn at some point inside or not. Thanks for clearing that up. It was funny seeing him outside of Sunny like he got bored and went out for a walk. Got some free loot at least lol.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
I’m laughing at this matchup.
In the first week Desolation had the choice between handing Abaddon’s Mouth or Gandara the 2nd place.
And they sided with Gandara.
Now that decision has come back to bite them in the kitten .
I hope they lose their first place to Gandara. That would satisfy my Schadenfreude.
I just wanted to pop in to thank Gandara and FSP for the matchup, regardless of how this matchup turns out. It’s getting real close, and it is always a pleasure to face Gandara, since it seems we are toe-to-toe in almost all of our encounters. I’m just outright kittened I don’t have the time to actually log-in to play, not atleast before Thursday-evening, which I hope will be one hectic evening/night!
I’m laughing at this matchup.
In the first week Desolation had the choice between handing Abaddon’s Mouth or Gandara the 2nd place.
And they sided with Gandara.
Now that decision has come back to bite them in the kitten .
I hope they lose their first place to Gandara. That would satisfy my Schadenfreude.
Glad we made you happy
Asura – Desolation
Can’t really admit that we (Deso) have been arrogant. Besides few forum warriors we have quite frankly admitted that we usually under perform during prime time and have had to rely on our coverage.
While all this tanking and stuff have been discussed so many times, I will drop the facts once more:
1) It was decided in one of our server alliance meetings, that we will aim for silver. This was about 5 weeks before the leagues. Everyone did not agree.
2) This decision was based on our belief that we lack the coverage to compete in gold (now I can admit we were wrong). Nobody, I repeat NOBODY expected us to win silver. We just sincerely believed it was best for everyone on Deso to find good fights and equal servers in Silver.
3) As we lost most of our www-focused guilds nobody took any actual measures to pursue that goal. We tanked naturally. Can you really believe that any server can be so united that they can coordinate a five week tank?
3) When that decision was made, we lost DVG, FG, TEQ (they returned), War, Coin and a few others. Especially DVG at that time had about 40 % of our active commanders and most of our night force.
4) We knew we had a strong pve-population, but nobody expected that we will have three hour queues on a single border in the beginning of the leagues. And nobody liked it. Now we are trying to train our new www’ers and rebuild.
5) Most importantly, we have some individuals who have the time and passion to fight for Deso. They are responsible for most of our success. <3
If we were in gold league we just couldn’t win. We are just the best with gandara of silver league, we have nothing to worry about and nothing to excuse with no one, we have coverage, but we have also some stron guild out there and the fights with gandara (+fsp ’cause the triple team on us on spawn when they have nothing is just a team up with gandara) is just good for the life of WvW.
We don’t want easy win and I thank you gandara for this, but i don’t want also don’t play WvW because of too much queue or just give up because of too much skill lag for blobbing or too much coverage for our server.
I’m fine with silver league. Keep fight Desolation!! You deserve this win.
I’m laughing at this matchup.
In the first week Desolation had the choice between handing Abaddon’s Mouth or Gandara the 2nd place.
And they sided with Gandara.
Now that decision has come back to bite them in the kitten .
I hope they lose their first place to Gandara. That would satisfy my Schadenfreude.
All make bad decision, Blobbadon was a bad alternative to Gandara, trust me, we can’t face the skill lag, but we can face the good team Gandara have, we totally can.
(edited by Kerishan.8460)
Well, you got significant lead now with your nightcap and secured your win. Maybe it wouldn’t be so drastic if FS bothered to recap (just recaping not defending) their garrison and hills/bay from time to time, but that’s them. It’s kinda relaxing now that we won’t have to look at scoreboard and point tick. I’ll take comfort in extra strong steamroll in primetime, no capping , just killing.
You giving up already? Maan, i was just about to start enjoying this matchup. We came back from your 6k lead twice already so cmon now mate.
Well, you got significant lead now with your nightcap and secured your win. Maybe it wouldn’t be so drastic if FS bothered to recap (just recaping not defending) their garrison and hills/bay from time to time, but that’s them. It’s kinda relaxing now that we won’t have to look at scoreboard and point tick. I’ll take comfort in extra strong steamroll in primetime, no capping , just killing.
Yeah, your allies really failed you on that one there.
For the record your night-cap was just as strong at 5am gmt as ours was ( at that time I logged. so I don’t know what followed.)
You just folded in the morning after a couple of failed attempts on bay and garrision.
(edited by Madra Rua.1273)
Folded? It’s called ‘going to work’ where I live
On the double teaming issue:
Borderlands are business as usual. We cap FSP stuff, FSP zers in Gandara Borderland and cap stuff. No sign of any server deal whatsoever.
Eternal Battlegrounds is a different story as the map is full with queue almost 24/7.
We need to push Desolation towers. FSP knows that and when They see orange swords outside Kovlan they push WC as they have the highest % of success there. It’s not rocket science.
Once most desolation towers are paper and everything else is fortified LOGIC tells any given commander with a IQ >20 would keep pressuring those towers.
As a Gandaran i’m glad we’re giving Desolation some challenge.
Matchup is not over.
(edited by Black Guinevere.4859)
+1 krosis ….
Love from the yaks I’m drained I’m out from this league time to smash my head into a zerg doesn’t help that every TS we make public gets DDOS or internet provider screwing us over ….
Who Eva said gandara is organised lol keep your dream alive we get along and the community is nice nothing more.
Half of last night we where playing without ts because of the issues and wasnt going to well I hope you win Deso you deserve 1st can’t touch your day time, it’s time to relax I’ll be happy with my silver stomp I deserve MY STOMP
About the alliance lol what alliance FSP have my respect not my peace in BL they will get hit by my yaks just as much as Deso
Thanks all the guild bring the fight from Deso and friends from FSP kind regards Icey <3 YaK
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com
(edited by icey.7368)
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
Why people resort to DDOS attacks is beyond me … sorry to hear you’re suffering such effects. If I wanted all the drama, alarm clock ops and petty espionage I’d go back to playing Eve Online.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Deso people are funny, I like playing against them! BTW, I like it how you call us “Gandalf”, lol.:P
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
True, it would be a much closer match if it has AG or AM instead of us, next week it will be that way.
But the main reason why Deso pulls ahead is because Gandara also doesnt have as much coverage as Deso. It’s not because we can’t cap things back that you had 100-150ppt for a many hours this morning and afternoon
Luna Solares – Mesmer
I like this week a lot – gandara makes us work very hard for our points, and far shiverpeaks doesn’t make it any easier. I’m relieved to see our dayteams getting ahead finally a bit, because it didn’t look like we’d be able to pull it off early this morning. Still not there yet, we have no reason to get kitteny, and we haven’t won until we’ve won.
PvE patch today. Will see which server will get kicked harder
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
FSP too weak eh. Thank your oceanic Pain Train karma train who’s strong opponent is a Veteran guard. PT zerg is so bad, any equal number of pugs can wipe them. Sadly FSP or even mighty Gandara don’t have coverage at 7 am. Last night, late, we repelled 3 consecutive attacks on FSP garri simply by wiping you, including omega rush and 2 way attacks. But we lost it eventually as people went to sleep at 3 AM. So my friend, enjoy while it lasts. Get your silver dolyak, and then, really hope you guys get rolfstomped by Vizunah and Baruch once the leagues are over.
Far Shiverpeaks
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
FSP too weak eh. Thank your oceanic Pain Train karma train who’s strong opponent is a Veteran guard. PT zerg is so bad, any equal number of pugs can wipe them. Sadly FSP or even mighty Gandara don’t have coverage at 7 am. Last night, late, we repelled 3 consecutive attacks on FSP garri simply by wiping you, including omega rush and 2 way attacks. But we lost it eventually as people went to sleep at 3 AM. So my friend, enjoy while it lasts. Get your silver dolyak, and then, really hope you guys get rolfstomped by Vizunah and Baruch once the leagues are over.
Want tissues?, before you go and call other guilds bad you might want to look at your own Guild you guys posed no challenge to us at all. But i would like to thank Yakslappers which is probably the strongest guild i have faced during this match up.
As a Gandaran i’m glad we’re giving Desolation some challenge.
Matchup is not over.
Sorry to tell you this, but in 26 minutes, deso will start losing. New LS will make more or less all our PvE heroes go away instantly, especially since they are going to change fractals so it is more “casual” friendly.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
FSP too weak eh. Thank your oceanic Pain Train karma train who’s strong opponent is a Veteran guard. PT zerg is so bad, any equal number of pugs can wipe them. Sadly FSP or even mighty Gandara don’t have coverage at 7 am. Last night, late, we repelled 3 consecutive attacks on FSP garri simply by wiping you, including omega rush and 2 way attacks. But we lost it eventually as people went to sleep at 3 AM. So my friend, enjoy while it lasts. Get your silver dolyak, and then, really hope you guys get rolfstomped by Vizunah and Baruch once the leagues are over.
Want tissues?, before you go and call other guilds bad you might want to look at your own Guild you guys posed no challenge to us at all. But i would like to thank Yakslappers which is probably the strongest guild i have faced during this match up.
Run as a guild rather than blobbing up with pugs I assume ? We run with 20-25 people, when we form up a blob with another guild, i see you scatter. There’s a reason Gandara is stronger than us. Don’t call a server weak. Want better challenge? Go back to fighting Piken and SFR.
Far Shiverpeaks
(edited by demetrodon.1457)
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
FSP too weak eh. Thank your oceanic Pain Train karma train who’s strong opponent is a Veteran guard. PT zerg is so bad, any equal number of pugs can wipe them. Sadly FSP or even mighty Gandara don’t have coverage at 7 am. Last night, late, we repelled 3 consecutive attacks on FSP garri simply by wiping you, including omega rush and 2 way attacks. But we lost it eventually as people went to sleep at 3 AM. So my friend, enjoy while it lasts. Get your silver dolyak, and then, really hope you guys get rolfstomped by Vizunah and Baruch once the leagues are over.
Want tissues?, before you go and call other guilds bad you might want to look at your own Guild you guys posed no challenge to us at all. But i would like to thank Yakslappers which is probably the strongest guild i have faced during this match up.
Tbh there is not that much fun fighting the deso zergs, most FSP guilds run alone with groups up to 25 players. When facing a Deso zerg of 50 people fights tend to get boring….
FSP Server.
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
FSP too weak eh. Thank your oceanic Pain Train karma train who’s strong opponent is a Veteran guard. PT zerg is so bad, any equal number of pugs can wipe them. Sadly FSP or even mighty Gandara don’t have coverage at 7 am. Last night, late, we repelled 3 consecutive attacks on FSP garri simply by wiping you, including omega rush and 2 way attacks. But we lost it eventually as people went to sleep at 3 AM. So my friend, enjoy while it lasts. Get your silver dolyak, and then, really hope you guys get rolfstomped by Vizunah and Baruch once the leagues are over.
Our mighty 7 PT guys in FSP BL at that time! e-gads.
The reason why desolation is pulling ahead now is FSP is way too weak, they provide free ppt. With AG and AM, they could cap their stuffs back and not let desolation keep free pts for several hours.
FSP too weak eh. Thank your oceanic Pain Train karma train who’s strong opponent is a Veteran guard. PT zerg is so bad, any equal number of pugs can wipe them. Sadly FSP or even mighty Gandara don’t have coverage at 7 am. Last night, late, we repelled 3 consecutive attacks on FSP garri simply by wiping you, including omega rush and 2 way attacks. But we lost it eventually as people went to sleep at 3 AM. So my friend, enjoy while it lasts. Get your silver dolyak, and then, really hope you guys get rolfstomped by Vizunah and Baruch once the leagues are over.
Our mighty 7 PT guys in FSP BL at that time! e-gads.
Of course, it’s a karma train. What not people you had with you. EXG, VILE and many more pugs..
Far Shiverpeaks
Not much else you can expect than a karma train from a PvE server,
no easyfarm = no numbers for deso
So many well-informed ppl here. I’m starting to doubt I play on Deso. Did they lied to me?!
Truth is (sadly) that ppl see what they see thats for sure, but they’re lying on the forums or exaggeratin. Thus forum warriors are born
I’m still very excited on this MU, both FSP and Gandara got some awesome roaming guys, can’t wait to go back to the BL’s !
Well excuse us for not being that much fun, we’ll try to give you a challenge most of the time, even if we have to blob up we’ll do so.
With pugs as you imagine it’s not easy, once you split them up they’re mostly like lost sheep.
Most of us play for the community and the PPT , but our Guilds and Roamers will put up as good as a fight as anyone, sorry if we don’t have as many organized wvw Guilds as you want.
I also look forward to facing Vizunah whenever , it’s been a while since we’ve fought our old friends, we’ll get steamrolled for sure but we won’t complain like some of what we see against us these days.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Score up and down like a yo-yo and still a lot to play for. Best matchup PPT wise in a very long time, So thanks Gandalf and FSP
As for the rest, meh, you win some, you lose some, you win epic fights and you die miserably. You beat us Monday morning / day but did we give up? Still plenty of good fights to be had in a near 24/7 action matchup, enjoy it whilst you can
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
hi, this is my first comment here ; usually i don’t write in forums cause my eng is not good(then sorry for language fails) and cause i don’t like these stupid questions …. I would to say just an opinion : i see in wvwvw that there are too many servers who want that desolation have to lose this season cause they don’t like it and ,to do that , they are making server’s alliances (fsp+gandara vs desolation at the moment)….but guys ,why are you hating a server??!!you can hate a player or a guild but not a server……Dear FSP’s players , i think that gandara can win this week without your help then play for your fun and for your points and not for the gandara’s points cause you are losing to do that!….it’s no good for you to play for them cause you are wasting your points!….obviously it’s just a personal opinion you can do what do you want sorry again for my horrible eng and see you all in the battleground
Theres no alliance between anyone in this match up, its just troll talk
Asura – Desolation
Has the patch hit yet? Hoping it has and the tick is a result of numbers each server has online in WvW now haha
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
yep downloading patch now
Asura – Desolation
looks like a few deso pve-ers got hooked on wvw.
ty for the leagues anet