General TNW Feedback Thread

General TNW Feedback Thread

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Silent The Gray.3091

Silent The Gray.3091

I’ll start out by saying that there are some huge improvements in this release and the storyline is starting to come together a bit which is very cool.

The tower climb seems grind as, but I guess we will never get away from a bit of grind. Although I do appreciate the diving achievements, that adds a nice new flavor to things.

I also respect the fact that you made the meta-achievement achievable by itself without dailies, but the option is there for people who want to do the daily achievement method, that is perfect. What does everyone else think?

General TNW Feedback Thread

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Tried it once, no-one on the map, all this annoying slowdown, conditions. Logged off and went back to wvw.

General TNW Feedback Thread

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Arkimedes.8730


The tower is super fun. This is my favorite pve update since last winter’s day.

General TNW Feedback Thread

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Aerlen.5326


Okay, positive feedback – the Nightmare Chambers. I really like these because parts of your PS can get pulled into them (no spoilers) and it hits you right in the feels. These actually seem decently scripted, easy to solo or fun to do as a group, with NPCs who will rez you, fair treasure, a decent challenge and enjoyable to do. Nice job here, Anet. I love these, I want to do every variation of these rooms. I wish all my toons were the right level for it (also thank you for a certain fight wink ).

The meta being achievable both with dailies or without? Def liking this too even though I don’t want the Gas Mask. Great call and hoping to see that implemented in more LS updates.

And now, the bad. What in the kitten were you thinking with the spawn rate of enemies and obstacles in the tower? It’s like we were given these great mini instances and the most frustrating, awful content to slog through to get to them. I understand what the intent was – that large groups of players or small groups of very well geared players all work together to clear enemies, get to clean air, and finish events… but Anet, you know this isn’t how the GW2 community likes to operate. Not without it being a guild run or champ loot dangling over their heads anyhow.

So you have a dungeon packed full of enemies with a fast respawn who condition stack, toxin that can spawn enemies out of thin air, and players who want to clear content ASAP and move on. Not a great design choice. I found myself alone an awful lot or dead and abandoned because if you stop to rez someone, you may have five enemies on top of you in short order. Perhaps even more frustrating was the lack of any chance to “catch my breath” or to try to look around and figure out how to get to the Nightmare Chambers. Stop and you get dogpiled or a mine spawns on or near you. Lose the zerg or group? You’re pretty much done unless you are exceptionally lucky. While I love group content and appreciate a challenge, this is just frustrating. The whole tower is an exercise in frustration if you don’t catch a group or if they aren’t going where you are.

And Miss Scarlet. Oh how I wanted to like her but the end of the final instance is a let down as is her entire role in this. Please retire her for a while. This is overkill.

~Tarnished Coast Pride~

Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.

General TNW Feedback Thread

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Silent The Gray.3091

Silent The Gray.3091

@Aerlen I agree that the spawn rates in the tower could definitely use some tweaking, it’s pretty tough to do this meta without a zerg or a large group. I also agree that it would be nice to have the ability to “explore” the tower a bit without being penalized around every corner.