in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Kelly.5293


I tend to get upset and comment about when things are broken or being nerfed in PvE bc’s of wvw so to balance it out i wanted to just say “Thank You” because it was well over due!
so THANK YOU !!!

Thank you for this Living Story. It seemed a little slow getting off the ground during Halloween but I am really enjoying it so far. Thank you for the hard work, new mini, new back and head items, new weapon skins X2, new enemies, new friends (okay well they aren’t new but it’s nice to see them again), new concepts, new skill (doesn’t seem very helpful though), new content, new event chains, new strange place, new great cut scenes with awesome artwork (Thank you art team!!!), new diving goggles, new achievements, new yet strange thing for home instance, new condition, lots of new and less recycled and lots of thanks!

I think this and the queens gauntlet have been my favs so far.

Thanks again !