I also want to say that I really enjoyed the conclusion of this story arc! The overall presentation was really excellent. The instance mission was accessible and not trying to faceplant characters so people could just enjoy the story being told. It’s very heartening to hear that the puzzles were also deliberately kept accessible rather than being overly difficult or esoteric. I also liked how each puzzle had a default combat option for anyone who just wanted to bash things. And the ending cinematic, as others have pointed out, was absolutely terrific. I hope this will be a model for future presentations of storylines in GW2. Very well done!
It was great to see the changes to Kessex in the aftermath. I liked how some of the zone hearts had been changed to reflect the event (even if the centaurs don’t seem to care and are back to their annoying selves lol) I imagine you folks must have more plans for these kind of zone altering events and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future!
I have to also mention that I really liked the NPC conversations in the camp after the mission. Just like others have said, I stuck around there for 20-30 minutes just to make sure I heard everyone’s dialog
It was a really wonderful way to get to see more of the characters and their interactions
All the dialog was great but I have to say the quaggen romance was both hilarious and weirdly creepy. And Braham on the rebound and going after Marjory? Now -that- should be a great storyline to see continued. (Esp. since Rox seems less than friendly toward her.) And Kasmeer’s choice of clothing – well, enough said lol. Seeing that kind of interaction of the NPCs and that kind of development really adds to overall feel of the setting IMO. Now I want to see those two quaggen end up happy in LA somewhere and how Marjory will react to Braham showing a continued interest in her.
All of those conversations and scenes in the post-release camp were done entirely by our writing team this time around. A couple of us on the content design side were able to sit down with them and actually teach them how to do basic spawning and scripting, and with that base of knowledge they were able to populate the camp with all those interesting characters, which I think of as a huge win for the studio. It’s not that we’ve not had the capability in the past, it’s just that those kind of things usually end up low on the list of priorities for those of us who do the bulk of the content authoring, because although it’s really not hard to do, it’s also usually not that intense in terms of setup and scripting. When you are faced with the decision to fix a half dozen Pri.1 and Pri2 bugs or implement an NPC with conversation, the former will always take priority. So I would like to think that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that the bar will continue to be raised on content like this.
That is really cool. I’ve always felt that the NPCs in the open world are really vital to giving the setting a living feeling and now that you’ve given the tools to the writers to populate the world with more active NPC conversations and actions, I really think this could add a wonderful depth to Tyria that we haven’t seen before.
I guess it says something about the environment of ArenaNet where content designers would sit down to teach writers how to do this kind of thing. I can just imagine the ideas that having these tools must be inspiring in the writing team’s heads
Once again, great job folks!
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