The Nightmare Within: The Rundown

The Nightmare Within: The Rundown

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: crawlerxp.1536


Hey everybody,

So I’ve been noticing a lot of people with questions about the tower mechanics and some of the achievements in whatnot—you know, asking around in map chat for this or that. Detailed guides for achievements are up in the usual places, but I decided to churn out a video for people looking for the quick, “Okay, so wtf is it?”

To be honest, I wasn’t sure whether to put this here or in the user-generated content section. But since it pertains specifically to the latest living story, and since this is the place people with the questions I’m addressing will go for answers, I decided this was probably the better bet.

So check it out if you’ve got a minute, if you have some questions, or if you just want a few laughs watching me fall off a cliff and slice and dice my way through a chamber and the final boss at 400% clip speed. And hey, maybe you’ll learn something too. Who knows?

