Female Norn Tats and Hair
Sounds interesting…. unfortunately I don’t have an empty character slot to check it out. Have a screenshot?
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
Well since I do have an extra slot, I’ll check out this new tat. But is it okay if I saw a screenshot of it first?
I checked. 3 “full” pages of Norn tattoos, that’s what I remember from launch, so either they’ve replaced 1 tattoo or it’s simply just been there all along
I decided to check myself after I saw the profile of Kirra Timberhon on the GW2 fb page and her unique tattoos. It looks very nice, and may even justify a makeup kit for me to get this. I do have to wonder if another was taken out though.
Edit: if you create a norn female it is the very last option for tats
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
Ye, it did look unfamiliar…but I could’ve sworn the tat count is the same as at launch
i know that the sylvari chargen has two more faces on it, which you won’t see if you don’t actually scroll past. there’s the normal block for selecting faces, with the bottom right empty, as though there are no more selections … but then you right-arrow, and boom, two more faces! so i don’t know how they choose to organize, but i do not believe they remove anything. i am fairly certain every single tat that was available at launch is still available; plus one.