Make animal form able to attack while moving!
I can attack with snow leopard while moving. I NEVER use skill 2 though, its horrible.
Lots use snow leopard for stealth/running skills 4 and 5 to escape. I do too but I also sometimes stay and fight a little longer using 4-3-1-1-1-1-1, Snow leopard does some decent dmg even in full celestial. If I manage to down them I will stealth with skill 5 and drop snow leopard and spike them.
Do bear/raven/wolf forms lock you into place while attacking?
I did some testing and yes the other 3 forms lock you down on auto-attack. Sucks. Also many of the other skills lock you down aswell while using. Snow leopard only has 1 of 5 skills that lockdown but its effect is kinda weak (well weakness lol) so I never use it.
Agree…. That makes Animal fors so hard and clunky to use.