Racial helmet armor
The Norn deer horned helmet for lvl 80 is one of the best designed helms in any MMO. Actually I love of the Norn cultural helms for heavies. IMHO is the mediums that could use some work… the ninja mask is not very Nornish lol
i find this the case aswell on some armours, thats why i just get the look i like and transmute the stats to them, like right now and for some time in the future ill probably still keep the Dolyak helm look, i prefer it to the other two
Helmets are for cowards anyway & block the flow of fresh mead. In all seriousness I’m not really a fan of any of the helmets, my mug is too handsome to cover up.
I love the T2 helmet (the one with the wings). The chestpiece of that set us silly — even fantastical armor should protect the chest rather than the belly, butthe design of the rest of it is amazing. Especially the helmet.
Compare the sets to some of the dungeon armors. AC and CM heavies are somr of the blandest designs out there and the higher tier ones are so over the top as to be ridiculous.
I play a Norn female. The tier 1 and tier 2 armors are ridiculous looking. The tier 1 especially is a big joke. It makes you look like a drunk, or a hobo. Tier 2 is mainly just oversized in all the wrong places. I’m sure it looks okay on a male, but on a female it’s terrible. The tier 3 helmet is ridiculous looking. Oddly, on a male it seems kind of okay. For me, I’d rather wear the Vigil helm on the tier 3 armor (which would be perfect looking if not for the fact I chose Order of Whispers before I knew about it, so now I’d have to delete my character to get it), or the Orrian helm. The tier 1 helmet makes me laugh out loud whenever I see it. It’s so laughably oversized and chunky. I honestly think they intentionally made the other two worse looking than they had to, in order to make tier 3 the only option.
I think that a good idea for anet it’s to have some statistics about level 80 armor usage: I’m sure that 50% of the current armors set it’s not used and maybe can be redone better.
For example: it’s hard to see an orrian armor :P
Not even joking; the Norn Stag armour is the best armour I’ve seen in any MMORPG ever. Once I get it, I’m going to be like Robert Baratheon at the Trident. So, so sweet.
The norn’s cultural armor are amazing. Especially tier 3.
I’ve actually kept my light t1 armor all the way til 79. and its in the bank in case I cant find anything else I like as much… but ya, complain all u want about your stag helm. its better than the dainty chain with a shiny jewel on my max height overweight necro… my helms have been hidden since my first one….
i love the stag shoulder on male but sadly my female chars can’t have it i was looking to have a set
The antlers on the male heavy T3 are too small. It makes your head look tiny. The concept art looks waaaaaaaay better.
Do you even lift, bro?
i love the stag shoulder on male but sadly my female chars can’t have it i was looking to have a set
I wear vigil shoulders instead of the stag ones and look great with T3. You should try it, maybe it suits you as well.
Also i replaced T3 gloves and boots with T1 since I like them better… less power rangerish
I like the T2 and the T3 cultural heavy helmets a lot. I don’t really see the problem?
Yeah not a big fan of the helmets either, especially not the heavy ones.
They all look so… hollywood viking. Sure northmen had horned helmets… but never in battle, they were ceremonial pieces. The one with the wings is ok, it has a Thor feel over it, but it still looks very out of place in combat. Couldnt they add smaller wings on it that maybe followed the head so it isnt a death trap to anyone who wears it?
Heck the whispers heavy helm looks more nornish than the norn helms.
To me norn armors should look like a mix between norse, saami and native american due to the mixed lore. Why dont we have wolfhead helmets similar to the one from HotW? Would be great for all armor types, just a bit different design. It would fit the shamanistic inspiration taken from native american and saami culture aswell as the berserker/ulfhednar inspiration from the norse.
Personally I think there are way too many horns and such.
I have a norn male warrior and full t3 armor and the thing that bugs me the most is the chest, the “metal” part on the chest looks like: http://www.drvenarija-pospaic.hr/Portals/0/kosaracko-pletacki/kosare/pasja_kosara1_1.jpg