[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Rate the Norn Name Above You
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Katja and Kátrin Greywind (mesmer and guardian)
7/10 and 8/10 Respectively.
Katja seems vaguely Middle Eastern personally.
The latter seems more indicative of a Norn to me.
The surname seems very fitting with the naming conventions and is kind of reminiscent of a blizzard.
Regdor Trakbro – Norn warrior.(Regdor being a name my father would use in his roleplaying days and Trakbro a name my cousin would use in his.)
The epitome of the Norse Barbarian archetype, quick to anger and applies the Brute Force method to everything but fiercely loyal to those close to him. He is a follower of wolf and new recruit to the Vigil. He leads a small clan known as the Suneaters(Sun)[Based off Norse mythology] in the Far Shiverpeaks. And, is always accompanied by his closest friend, Artavis Doeringer, a Norn Ranger.(Piloted by a childhood friend of mine.)
(edited by Suneater.8236)
I called my Norn “Mephala Drogon” seems like a fancy name at the creation page
5/10 – Does sound very heavily linked with Elder Scolls.
My main went through a sex change yesterday, so ‘Einarr the Terrible’ is now a woman. Was thinking on either ‘Helena Wintersbane’ or ‘Helena Einarsdottir’.
5/10 – Does sound very heavily linked with Elder Scolls.
My main went through a sex change yesterday, so ‘Einarr the Terrible’ is now a woman. Was thinking on either ‘Helena Wintersbane’ or ‘Helena Einarsdottir’.
7/10 for your first name and I would go with Einarsdottir.
My norn is, Volk Slaughterfist. Norn guard in t3 with deep glacial sky and celestial dye using Coldsnap and Ambrosia with my 2nd set being fractal gs to match the deep glacial sky
I love your first name, but in my opinion it could have used a better surname. It sounds a bit like two cool words put together, while your first name is very Nordic. Fun fact: in Dutch Volk means ‘the people’.
Ulrik Nilfgaard (yes, I stole that last name from The Witcher-universe)
Ulrik Nilfgaard (yes, I stole that last name from The Witcher-universe)
8/10 Since ive played both witchers, and love the game. Ulrik is a great name as well, though not 100% on the surname.
Took me hours to think of something that wasnt too cliche and overused….after reading the countless pages in this thread.
My norn’s name is Ulthane Iyrnfyst. (pronounced ool-thane) —-could use some ideas for surname though, cant find one that clicks in my head. lol
(edited by Sandman.7019)
Ha, I like Iyrnfyst. Sounds like Ulthane has descended from a long line of pit fighters. Make note people, the letter Y is Norn!
My Norn is Gigantor The Huge and he’s a fierce Warrior.
My Norn is Gigantor The Huge and he’s a fierce Warrior.
7/10. It’s a great name for a Warrior, but it’s only so so for a Norn. Maybe the first name could be more Norse-ish?
My Norn is named Regin Felagun (Reginleif is the name of a Valkyrie). She is a Mesmer :P
My Norn is Gigantor The Huge and he’s a fierce Warrior.
7/10. It’s a great name for a Warrior, but it’s only so so for a Norn. Maybe the first name could be more Norse-ish?
My Norn is named Regin Felagun (Reginleif is the name of a Valkyrie). She is a Mesmer :P
It’s a good name for a Nord – but I’m not sure it’s a good name for a female. It sounds very masculine and more suited to a warrior or a guardian. Bonus points for knowing your Norse mythology, though, so a solid 6/10.
Magnus the Boulder. Named not only because of his size and strength, but also due to his skills as a geomancer.
Reposting cuz no one rated my name sniffle
@The Mastrodon
8/10 for Magnus the Boulder. It’s appropriately Nornish sounding, appropriate for his profession (which I’m guessing is ele), however it’s not as original as I would consider a 10/10 Norn name.
My female Norn ranger:
I had the intention of naming her “Svala” however it was already taken, so I added a Russian diminutive suffix. Don’t like how I had to do that though, ’cause it sounds less Norse-inspired then.
In-game I don’t like using multi-worded names ’cause I find them annoying to type. However if I were to give the Norn ranger a full name it would be:
Svala Valkyrsund
Svala = Old Norse roots for “swallow,” like the bird
Valkyr- = valkyrie (perhaps she shrieks like a valkyrie when she attacks, IUNNO xD)
-sund = Nordic surname affix meaning “sound”
7/10 – looks good
9/10 – sounds nordic enought to me.
Ablon Vitantur
My view upon your name, Ablon Vitantur:
I have mixed feelings about the first name Ablon, it does not sound very Norn-ish, which I consider old Norse-like names or any Scandinavian names. It sounds more old English than Norn to me, and it would fit humans better. The last name is nice, and I like how you did not go with the typical “—-dottir”, so it was refreshing that you chose that name.
My Female Norn Ranger:
Birla Valgaard
I was not original during character creation:
Mesmer = Norn Shadow
Guardian = Norn Battle Guard
Kinda like a generic NPC lol.
Yrsa Blakkrbjorn.
In Nordic it means Black She-bear.
Yrsa Blakkrbjorn.
In Nordic it means Black She-bear.
She-bear Blackbear? Yeah, I approve.
My ranger is Yrsi Ulfsdóttir (who follows neither, but rather Leopard) with her pets Snær and Liótr.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
My Female Norn Ranger:
Birla Valgaard
Since you got skipped…
Bear the Slain-guardian (Dead/Fallen-protector)? Unusual name for a ranger, but I like it. Bet there’s a story behind it.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
I named my Norn Warrior, Alexandra Hawke. She’s the smallest build available as I try to RP that she’s only half-norn, half-human. I figured the name of “Hawke” would fit the Norn race while being ambiguous enough to still relate to her human side.
Who knows…
I named my Norn Warrior, Alexandra Hawke. She’s the smallest build available as I try to RP that she’s only half-norn, half-human. I figured the name of “Hawke” would fit the Norn race while being ambiguous enough to still relate to her human side.
Who knows…
Hawks are like THE animals used for hunting purposes. The other would be blood-hounds for foxhunting etc.
So having that hunting animal / spirit in ones name definitely fits the Norn and their culture.
At the same time, I would say that “Alexandra” is a quite flamboyant name for a Norn, however, since you are going for a half-human RP-approach, considering an RP-perspective, you did well. Apart from the very fitting “down-sizing” of your model, the name definitely implies some form of “higher” education and culture.
For a warrior though… I am not sure… I would have totally agreed on a medium armour-class, or some form of scholar.
(Since Alexandra seems associated to “finer arts” and Hawke to traits like agility and speed)
TL;DR I think the name is quite fitting and works well for your RP-intentions. However, since you rolled a warrior, I feel it is somewhat off.
My Norn-Warrior is male. His size is like the T-3 armoursmith in Hoelbrak.
this guy
Just like him. So he is not a giant max-muscle-max-height monster-Norn.
I wanted a warrior-esque name and chose Hadrubal
(edited by Hedonismbot.3697)
I named my Norn Warrior, Alexandra Hawke. She’s the smallest build available as I try to RP that she’s only half-norn, half-human. I figured the name of “Hawke” would fit the Norn race while being ambiguous enough to still relate to her human side.
Who knows…
Hawks are like THE animals used for hunting purposes. The other would be blood-hounds for foxhunting etc.
So having that hunting animal / spirit in ones name definitely fits the Norn and their culture.At the same time, I would say that “Alexandra” is a quite flamboyant name for a Norn, however, since you are going for a half-human RP-approach, considering an RP-perspective, you did well. Apart from the very fitting “down-sizing” of your model, the name definitely implies some form of “higher” education and culture.
For a warrior though… I am not sure… I would have totally agreed on a medium armour-class, or some form of scholar.
(Since Alexandra seems associated to “finer arts” and Hawke to traits like agility and speed)TL;DR I think the name is quite fitting and works well for your RP-intentions. However, since you rolled a warrior, I feel it is somewhat off.
My Norn-Warrior is male. His size is like the T-3 armoursmith in Hoelbrak.
this guy
Just like him. So he is not a giant max-muscle-max-height monster-Norn.I wanted a warrior-esque name and chose Hadrubal
Is Hadrubal a play on Hasdrubal then? It’s cool doubt you’ll run into many varients of this name.
My name is Ragnar The Ulfr.
Ragnar comes from my middle name and Ulfris wolf which I liked the idea of the elite skill of turning into a werewolf hah. Which I never do.
My name is Ragnar The Ulfr.
Ragnar comes from my middle name and Ulfris wolf which I liked the idea of the elite skill of turning into a werewolf hah. Which I never do.
Ragnar is good, sounds very fitting with the Norse Mythology background of the Norns.
Doubly cool that it is your middle name
I like Ulfris too, sounds very Viking.
Mine is Arnhildr Grimdotter.
Researched Norse naming methods etc, and I liked both the sound of Arnhildr, and the meaning (though the meaning currently escapes me xD)
My name is Ragnar The Ulfr.
Ragnar comes from my middle name and Ulfris wolf which I liked the idea of the elite skill of turning into a werewolf hah. Which I never do.
Ragnar is good, sounds very fitting with the Norse Mythology background of the Norns.
Doubly cool that it is your middle nameI like Ulfris too, sounds very Viking.
Mine is Arnhildr Grimdotter.
Researched Norse naming methods etc, and I liked both the sound of Arnhildr, and the meaning (though the meaning currently escapes me xD)
Hildr is loosely translated to do with battle if I remember right. Thought it was chief but that’s valdr.
Arnhildr Grimdotter – 6.5/10 – First name needs more vowels but I like how it sounds. Surname suggests a condition necro, but doesn’t sound very Norn-esque imo. I think it’s the “dotter” part.
Mine is Chugg Elderbruun (chose the blacked out at moot storyline too).
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
(he was born the smallest norn alive. he was picked on and laughed at. He changed his name to match his proportion. He didn’t have a good enough education so he scribbled what he heard and the Lehpercon was born.) (someone said that he must be half female norn half human male. That would be good to add to the story but how the heck can norns and humans cross breed???) (Thats a could question. Let me make a topic on that :P) (anyways he is a warrior with red hair and a short beard. His best freind is a human female named me lucky charms )
Though the name doesn’t sound Norn-like, I love the explanation and background story for it.
My Norn guardian is called: Brynjolf Snowshield.
I’ll give it an 8/10
My Norn guardian’s name is Sif Ulkisdottir
(he was born the smallest norn alive. he was picked on and laughed at. He changed his name to match his proportion. He didn’t have a good enough education so he scribbled what he heard and the Lehpercon was born.) (someone said that he must be half female norn half human male. That would be good to add to the story but how the heck can norns and humans cross breed???) (Thats a could question. Let me make a topic on that :P) (anyways he is a warrior with red hair and a short beard. His best freind is a human female named me lucky charms
To help with you RP, ill chime in that a-net has stated no diffrent playable species can cross breed. Now if you choose to ignore that for your own RP experience, more power to you. im just here to provide the lore info
I’ll give it an 8/10
My Norn guardian’s name is Sif Ulkisdottir
Oooh I like that name! It sounds very nornish, defenetly a strong 9/10!
I actually got 2 norns and here’s their names:
- Hilda Ulvsdottir
- Ulva Moontooth
Both names are inspired by wolves cause its my absolut favorite animal!
8/10 (for Hilda)
7/10 (for Ulva, mostly because Moontooth sounds a little Charr-ish to me)
But I quite like them, Norn-ish and wolf-ish at the same time. Very fitting, I feel.
Fulvianna Vallakind (F)- Guardian, all resplendent in gold and white, etc.
First name was (loosely) inspired by the word “effulgent” (Radiant, shining, etc.), ending in a vowel to make it sound a little more feminine.
Last name from Valhalla (you know, Norse afterlife/paradise/Eden) and -kind (child).
Alea Leichedottir (F)- Necromancer, dark and creepy, etc.
Alea was mostly just a name I’ve used before, seemed to fit.
Leichedottir was derived from a combination of the German word for corpse and the old Nordic “dottir” (daughter). So Alea Corpse-daughter. A little morbid maybe, but…
Fulvianna Vallakind 9/10
Alea Leichedottir 8/10
I don’t have any lore behind my name, just thought it will suit well my young norn female warrior.
Yarith The Mighty
My ranger (female) is called Vesinae.
And my necromancer (also female) Shaela Raven.
I would say 8/10 for all of them maybe an 8.5 I think what brings you down is Shaela Raven (in my opinion, of course) needs like some kind of kicker. Ravensdottir or Ravenkin or something to show her lineage. And Vesinae sounds Latin
My Norn’s name is Helena Solskinhar (surname is Norwegian for sunshine hair). She’s a blonde guardian!
Helena Solskinhar 8/10
I really like the surname it reminds me of skyrim in a way and that is what i think is norn-ish:) although the name is more for a human but its not that big of a deal.
Krosis Mistwalker
A Dark themed Guardian with an awesome hammer
I Made this character Star wars themed because i like the story so
Lore: A guardian Norn that was chosen by the Spirits of the wild to confront evil and balance the mists. His father was a Commander of the pact and a famous WvW Commander wielding the mystical genesis but he was killed by a huge zerg in Vabbi Borderlands in the mists. But Krosis inherited from his father and earned Genesis but his journey and adventure led him to the Dark Side( Tyrian version), its an organisation led by secret powerful Dark lords far away situated from the Tyria continent. So he joined them and became the Chosen Darth Krosis with his new Darkened hammer Entropy. He now plans on getting rid of Tyria’s villians so he can gain the glory and reputation and influence Tyria by forming an organisation secretly financed by The Dark Side and get as many recruits and allies as possible and even new Darth Lords. With that gain Queen Jennah’s throne so he can unite all races and heroes to kill the Elder Dragons and purify Orr and so he can that steal the dragons’s power for the service of the Dark Side and together study Orr’s secrets and ancient tales and find out more about the Gods and famous Legendary Greatswords.
That’s it, pretty cool lore huh
anyway he has a a Dark beard and a very tall and bold physique
7/10 Star wars in not very Norn It could be if Luke Went single handedly hunted down every member of the empire with his bare hands and a Scuba tank to go from Ship to Ship
Magnus Olofsson Norn Warrior
10/10 Magnus son of Olof you have a 100% Norn name, can’t discount anything.
I have 2 Norns
Bardy Belzebuson Ranger
Valkiria Ravenkin Mesmer
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Well basically …..
I’m Ninetynine Str
0/10 – with, or without getting the reference.
And to be fair game, mine was posted earlier on this page…
My ranger is Yrsi Ulfsdóttir (who follows neither, but rather Leopard) with her pets Snær and Liótr.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
10/10 – very nornish name
My norn necromancer is called Ventru Canda Bhanu – Ventru is my nickname I use in many games/websites and Canda Bhanu is taken from the Vampire Bloodlines world and it is a bloodline name. BTW Ventru is a variation of a major bloodline of vampires called Ventrue.
6/10 I will say it’s definitely a really unique name but it seems very long and it isn’t really a typical norn name.
Mine is a female guardian called Jorunna Wolfkin
7/10 has a nice lore sound to it
Korra Nesme
5/10 Korra is nice but Nesme needs something.
My thief Fri Nemirdottir.
8/10, but Fri sounds a bit short.
My new elementalist(just hit 80) is named Pinja Bjornsdottir.
Bjornsdottir roughly translates as “daughter of bear”.
I also chuckle, whenever I cut down a Pine tree with her
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
Male: Krimfeld Ogal
Female: Fera Miladorn
i maintain the awesomeness that started this thread but created a female norn ranger so now i have
Ulfrith Ragnarsson
Astridr Bramsdottir
Ulfrith Ragnarsson sounds pretty good, I like it, but I don’t really like the sound of Astridr Bramsdottir, not my cup of tea
So 8/10 for the first, 5/10 for the second
Grovan Thunderfury is my name and here is a description!
White-skinned, has a somewhat serious face, red long hair and medium-beard (I don’t know if that is a word) and also colors his armor with red and midnight-olive so it looks like near-black with a bit of color to it and is a Guardian at 42 right now
Hmmh, I have to say that the name Grovan Thunderfury kinda sounds like the name of a Charr. Not a bad name, but doesn’t give me personally a feeling of a Norn.
Karh Dreyrugr [meaning: blood stained]
Katla Angarsdottír
Dúna Ulfrvíf [meaning: wolf woman]
9/10 for awesomely norn-ish names, but my god typing that out in a /invite must be awful lol.
My newest norn is Shaman Jahnna; necromaner under Raven’s wing, and is 100% immune to sass.
8/10 for a solid name, Setun, here are mine:
Freyr Frostmane – Elementalist
Brokk Valdisson – Engineer
Agni Stormhammer – Guardian
Loki Ravenclaw – Mesmer
Runi Boneseer – Necromancer
Erik Longfang – Ranger
Tyr Shadowbane – Thief
Einnarr Stenson – Warrior
Perhaps the only RP-oriented guild on the server
Main Character: Farathnor (sylvari ranger) 1 of 22
8/10 for a solid name, Setun, here are mine:
Freyr Frostmane – Elementalist
Brokk Valdisson – Engineer
Agni Stormhammer – Guardian
Loki Ravenclaw – Mesmer
Runi Boneseer – Necromancer
Erik Longfang – Ranger
Tyr Shadowbane – Thief
Einnarr Stenson – Warrior
They’re nice names but some of them are directly from Norse mythology. 7/10
My Norn:
Vala Ravenhair
That is a great name, has a nice ring to it. I´d give it 7/10.
I have a norn elementalist, Baine Arcanesteel.
You see, he is an ele, but I think of him more like a battlemage. He uses magic and elements to aid him in hand-to-hand combat
I like Baine, but Arcanesteel is kind of a mouthful. Overall I’d give it a 7/10, an extra point included for the cool playstyle you have in mind. Who didn’t think “Thor” when they saw the thunder hammer?
I’m going with Arngrim the Slayer, male Norn Ranger with the smallest body type and stubble, going for almost a Conan-like look. My background is that he sort of a wanderer who hunts monsters and lives on the fringes of Norn society as an outcast. Kind of a Witcher/Van Helsing type.
Edit: Does Arngrim Loneheart sound better?
(edited by Neverminder.3296)