The Devil in Me
Did they strip you naked as well? All the Big Norns and Charrs I ran with got requests to go naked. No one even bought them dinner, poor things.
I ended up just going naked in the Clocktower before anybody could say something to me, haha.
An Asuran said something along those lines, and I just replied to him, “And I am tripping over all the ants.”
Bad excuses. I have never had problem in this game with other player blocking my sight. And they say the big size is also a problem in jumping puzzles, but I have finished all jumping puzzles I’ve found with no trouble.
I told someone if my size bothers you, ZOOM OUT.
“Doing The Dailies " Weeknights at 8PM EST.
:D I have the biggest Norn, I colored my armor pink as well to make it stand out even more. It’s not my problem their characters are so small right?
And no one tells a Norn to undress but herself!
The thread title made me think of this song again :P
Maybe I should use it as my Norns’ theme from now on…
Becomes the Bear
Can you see your jumping puzzle NOW?!
I figured it was karma for asura being able to see the other jumping puzzles easier.
<Bloodgale Vanguard>